Tuesday, April 26, 2011

INDEX TO MAY 25, 2011

From 12-29-10 to 4-26-11.   Latest update: 4-26-11.    Total posts: 783.

This Blog focuses on the US Imperial-Military-Security-Corporate-Pentagon-Congress-White House-Corporate Media Complex

The Pentagon budget this year alone is $600 billion.  The five wars take over $100 billion.  Nuclear weapons billions more.  The VA billions to care for the tens of thousands wounded in past wars.   And the national debt keeps rising.   No wonder towns and states are running low on money!  But the greater wonder is the tiny voice of opposition.  Not a single organization or magazine devoted to exposing the harms of the US Warfare State.  

NYT editorial April 19, 2011:
For too long America’s military spending decisions have been insulated from serious scrutiny or discipline. The result is that more than 50 cents of every dollar of discretionary federal spending now goes to the Pentagon. There is no way to bring the deficit under control without making substantial and rational cuts in that budget.


Afghanistan, Fayetteville Soldier Killed 1-17-11, 3-22
Afghanistan, Film (Rethink)3-23-11, 
Afghanistan, Leave 3-17-11, 4-27, conversion 5-24
Afghanistan, Myths etc.12-30-10, 1-23-11
Afghanistan, Peace Organization 3-18-11
Afghanistan, Sheehan 1-23-11
Afghanistan, War Crimes 5-21-11
Assassination, Drones, Special Ops  12-29-10
Air War, Drones  12-29-10
Alternative Media 3-23-11,
Anti-War 3-20-11, 3-20,
Arms Control Association 4-24-2011,
Bill of Rights 2-19-11
bin Laden killed 5-3-11, 5-4
Blum, William, Empire 1-14-11
Boyle, Francis 4-17-2011
Bush Admin. (prosecute for war crimes) 4-19-2011, 4-25
Capitalism USA (Wall St., see corporations) 4-5-11
Carter, Jimmy 5-6-11
Causes of Wars 3-26-11, 5-8,  Militarists 4-13-11, Absolutists 4-25,
Citizens United v. FEC 2-1-11
Climate see Warming
Conflict Resolution 4-19-2011
COs, “Soldiers of Conscience” 3-15-11
Consequences of Wars 4-9-11,
Consequences: Dissent 4-7-11
Consequences: Rape 4-15-11
Control of Information  12-30-10, 4-20
Corporations 1-6-11, 1-30-11, 2-1-11, 4-20,
Corporations Personhood 3-2-11
Costs of Wars 1-14-11, 4-7, O’s Wars 4-15,
Counter-Recruiting 3-5-11
Cuba 2-5-11
Democracy US: Britain or Rome? 2-16-11
Drones 12-29-10
Education 1-23-11
Egypt, Revolt 1-30-11, 2-10
Eisenhower 4-29-11,
Elections USA 2-1-11
Empire 1-14-11( William Blum), 2-26
Environment and War 1-19-11, 1-20, 3-22
Exceptionalism USA 2-8-11, 4-3
FBI 2-2-11
Fear 1-16-11
Films: Why We Fight 1-31, Uncovered 3-15, Soldiers of Conscience 3-15, Imperialism 2-10,
Fulbright, J William 5-9-11
Gaza Freedom Flotilla 3-5-11
Geneva Conventions 2-19-11
Genocide 4-10-11
Guantanamo 3-5-11, and Obama 3-27
Haiti, Aristide 1-28-11
Hertsgaard, Hot 2-5-11
Historians Against War 3-19-11
Holocaust WWII 4-16-11
Humanism 2-13-11
Imperialism 12-19-10, 3-6 (and nonviolence)
Imperialism, Bases 2-10-11
Imperialism, Films and Books 2-10-11, 2-16 (democracy)
Imperialism, Latin Am.  4-3-11, 4-23 (Guzman film),
Indignation 3-2-11
Information Control 1-26-11, 2-1,
International Criminal Court 3-6-11
Iraqi Resistance Film 3-18-11
Iraq War Film (Sale) 3-23-11
Iraq War (see Imperialism) 3-2-11, 3-13, 3-15 (“Uncovered”), Blood On Our Hands: 3-19 (book), 3-19 (essays)
Israel and Palestine, 1-5-11 (Hobson), 2-22, 3-5
Killing in US Wars 12-29-10,1-9-11; 1-15-11
Killing Civilians; 2-1, 2-17
King, Martin Luther Jr. 1-15-11, 1-19-11
Korten, David, Corporate Rule 1-6-11
Kucinich, Dennis 4-19-2011
Kucinich: Libya 4-3-11,, 5-25,  Dept. of Peace 4-10
Libya 5-2-11, Kucinich 5-25
Luxemberg, Rosa 4-25-11
Lynd/Nuremberg  3-20-11,
Manning, Bradley (see WikiLeaks) 3-6-11, 3-17,
Marshall Plan 2-9-11
May Day 2011, 4-29-11
Media/Nuclear Power 4-17-2011
Media and US Wars 1-11-11, 3-23
Middle East Revolts 4-3-11
Militarism 3-19-11
Military Spending/Budget (see Costs)  3-9-11, 3-13, 4-10, 4-26
Military and Fuel 2-25-11
Military-Industrial Complex (Corporations, Congress, White House) 3-1-11, 4-29, 5-20
Military Industrial Complex: Why We Fight Film 1-31-11
Military Statistics Global 4-16-11
Mother's Day for Peace 5-1-11
Myths Justifying US Wars 1-9-11
National Days 3-11-11, 3-12, 4-3
Nationalism 4-26-11
National Security Myth 1-20-11
National Security State, 1-2-11
Nonviolent Resistance 1-10-11, 2-18 (Sharp), 3-6, 3-10, 3-17, 3-20,
Nuclear Power/Media 4-17-2011,
Nuclear Weapons Film 4-14-11
Nuclear Weapons Protest 3-17-11
Nuclear Weapons Radiation 4-24-11
Nuclear Weapons Newsletter #8 4-11-11
Nuremberg/Lynd 3-20-11
Obama: State of the Union 2011, 1-26-11; 1-31
OMNI History 4-14-11
OMNI vs. Violence, for Culture of Peace 1-4-11
Overpopulation 4-7-11
Pacifism 2-12-11, 4-16,
Pakistan, US Bombing, 1-2-11
Palestinian Peace Hero, 1-1-11
Patriotism 4-11-11
Peace Corps, Marshall Plan 2-9-11
Peace Hero 1-1-11
Peace Movement Day (Armed Forces Day) 5-19-11
Pentagon/Environment 3-22-11
President’s Day 2-17-11
Profiteers 3-23-11,
Public Health and Wars 4-13-11
Public Support for Wars, Germany, US 1-4-11
Radiation Nuclear Weapons 4-24-2011
Rankin, Jeannette 5-18-11
Religion 4-26-11
Ronald Reagan’s Centenary, 1-1-11
Sanders, The Green Zone 1-20-11
Sharp, Gene 2-18-11
Sheehan 1-23-11, 3-20, 4-8, 4-17,
Silence Public and Official  12-29-10, 4-15
Soldier Deaths US 3-22-11,
Sunshine Week (3-13-11) (FOI, WikiLeaks), 3-15-11
Surveillance/Militarism 1-22-11
Syria 5-22-11
Swanson, David, War Is a Lie, 12-31-10, 5-2-11,
Twain’s War Prayer 3-4-11
Terrorism 5-3-11, 5-4
Terrorism (State) 3-22-11
Torture 5-9-11
United Nations 3-9-11
UN Charter 4-24-11,
UN Peacekeepers 3-13-11
USIP 3-13-11, 4-15
Video Underground 2011 1-25-11, 3-22,
Voices Against the War 5-2-11,
Warming, Adaptation 5-6-11
Warming, 350PPM 1-18-11, 2-5, 2-17, 3-3, 5-11
War Crimes/Bush 4-19-11, torture 5-9, Afghanistan 5-21
War Department 3-23-11,
War Monuments 5-16-11
Wars, Causes, Prevention 2-1-11, 2-26, 3-8
Wars, Teaching Against 3-5-11
Wars Unnecessary 3-1-11
Wars and Warming, 2-17-11, 2-22
Why We Fight Film (Military-Industrial) 1-31-11
WikiLeaks Newsletter #4, 1-1-11; #5, 1-21; #6, 2-4; Sunshine 3-13, 3-15; Manning: 3-6, 3-17;  #7 4-10; #8 4-22
WILPF Women’s Intl. League for Peace and Freedom 4-23-11
Women v. Wars, 2-4-11
Women, Sexual Violence 3-6-11
Women International Day 3-4-11
Women: UN SC Res 1325
World Press Freedom Day 4-24-11,
World War II 4-16-11

Two major categories, to be compiled
US NATIONAL SECURITY STATE: Intervention and Invasion Abroad, Police Repression at Home

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Dick's Wars and Warming KPSQ Radio Editorials (#1-48)

Dick's Wars and Warming KPSQ Radio Editorials (#1-48)