Saturday, April 16, 2011


DICK’S BLOG INDEX latest update:    4-16
This Blog focuses on the US Imperial-Militarist-Security-Corporate-Pentagon-Congress-White House-Corporate Media Complex
DICK’S BLOG ENTRIES IN CATEGORIES 12-29-10 to 4-16-11 (posts prior to 12-29 not indexed)
Afghanistan, Fayetteville Soldier Killed 1-17-11, 3-22
Afghanistan, Film (Rethink)3-23-11, 
Afghanistan, Leave 3-17-11
Afghanistan, Myths etc.12-30-10, 1-23-11
Afghanistan, Peace Organization 3-18-11
Afghanistan, Sheehan 1-23-11
Assassination, Drones, Special Ops  12-29-10
Air War, Drones  12-29-10
Alternative Media 3-23-11,
Anti-War 3-20-11, 3-20,
Bill of Rights 2-19-11
Blum, William, Empire 1-14-11
Capitalism USA (
Wall St.
, see corporations) 4-5-11
Causes of Wars 3-26-11, Militarists 4-13-11
Citizens United v. FEC 2-1-11
COs, “Soldiers of Conscience” 3-15-11
Consequences of Wars 4-9-11,
Consequences: Dissent 4-7-11
Consequences: Rape 4-15-11
Control of Information  12-30-10
Counter-Recruiting 3-5-11
Corporations 1-6-11, 1-30-11, 2-1-11
Corporations Personhood 3-2-11
Costs of Wars 1-14-11, 4-7, O’s Wars 4-15,
Cuba 2-5-11
Democracy US: Britain or Rome? 2-16-11
Drones 12-29-10
Education 1-23-11
Egypt, Revolt 1-30-11, 2-10
Elections USA 2-1-11
Empire 1-14-11( William Blum), 2-26
Environment and War 1-19-11, 1-20, 3-22
Exceptionalism USA 2-8-11, 4-3
FBI 2-2-11
Fear 1-16-11
Films: Why We Fight 1-31, Uncovered 3-15, Soldiers of Conscience 3-15, Imperialism 2-10,
Gaza Freedom Flotilla 3-5-11
Geneva Conventions 2-19-11
Genocide 4-10-11
Guantanamo 3-5-11, and Obama 3-27
Haiti, Aristide 1-28-11
Hertsgaard, Hot 2-5-11
Historians Against War 3-19-11
Holocaust WWII 4-16-11
Humanism 2-13-11
Imperialism 12-19-10, 3-6 (and nonviolence)
Imperialism, Bases 2-10-11
Imperialism, Films and Books 2-10-11, 2-16 (democracy)
Imperialism, Latin Am.  4-3-11
Indignation 3-2-11
Information Control 1-26-11, 2-1,
International Criminal Court 3-6-11
Iraqi Resistance Film 3-18-11
Iraq War Film (Sale) 3-23-11
Iraq War (see Imperialism) 3-2-11, 3-13, 3-15 (“Uncovered”), Blood On Our Hands: 3-19 (book), 3-19 (essays)
Israel and Palestine, 1-5-11 (Hobson), 2-22, 3-5
Killing in US Wars 12-29-10,1-9-11; 1-15-11
Killing Civilians; 2-1, 2-17
King, Martin Luther Jr. 1-15-11, 1-19-11
Korten, David, Corporate Rule 1-6-11
Kucinich: Libya 4-3-11, Dept. of Peace 4-10
Lynd/Nuremberg  3-20-11,
Manning, Bradley (see WikiLeaks) 3-6-11, 3-17,
Marshall Plan 2-9-11
Media and US Wars 1-11-11, 3-23
Middle East Revolts 4-3-11
Militarism 3-19-11
Military Spending/Budget (see Costs)  3-9-11, 3-13, 4-10
Military and Fuel 2-25-11
Military-Industrial Complex (Corporations, Congress, White House) 3-1-11
Military Industrial Complex: Why We Fight Film 1-31-11
Military Statistics Global 4-16-11
Myths Justifying US Wars 1-9-11
National Days 3-11-11, 3-12, 4-3
National Security Myth 1-20-11
Nonviolent Resistance 1-10-11, 2-18 (Sharp), 3-6, 3-10, 3-17, 3-20,
Nuclear Weapons Film 4-14-11
Nuclear Weapons Protest 3-17-11
Nuclear Weapons Newsletter #8 4-11-11
Nuremberg/Lynd 3-20-11
Obama: State of the Union 2011, 1-26-11; 1-31
OMNI History 4-14-11
OMNI vs. Violence, for Culture of Peace 1-4-11
Overpopulation 4-7-11
Pacifism 2-12-11, 4-16,
Pakistan, US Bombing, 1-2-11
Palestinian Peace Hero, 1-1-11
Patriotism 4-11-11
Peace Corps, Marshall Plan 2-9-11
Peace Hero 1-1-11
Pentagon/Environment 3-22-11
President’s Day 2-17-11
Profiteers 3-23-11,
Public Health and Wars 4-13-11
Public Support for Wars, Germany, US 1-4-11
Ronald Reagan’s Centenary, 1-1-11
Sanders, The Green Zone 1-20-11
Sharp, Gene 2-18-11
Sheehan 1-23-11, 3-20, 4-8
Silence Public and Official  12-29-10, 4-15
Soldier Deaths US 3-22-11,
Sunshine Week (3-13-11) (FOI, WikiLeaks), 3-15-11
Surveillance/Militarism 1-22-11
Swanson, David, War Is a Lie, 12-31-10
Twain’s War Prayer 3-4-11
Terrorism (State) 3-22-11
United Nations 3-9-11
UN Peacekeepers 3-13-11
USIP 3-13-11, 4-15
US National Security State, 1-2-11
Video Underground 2011 1-25-11, 3-22,
Warming, 350PPM 1-18-11, 2-5, 2-17, 3-3,
War Department 3-23-11,
Wars, Causes, Prevention 2-1-11, 2-26, 3-8
Wars, Teaching Against 3-5-11
Wars Unnecessary 3-1-11
Wars and Warming, 2-17-11, 2-22
Why We Fight Film (Military-Industrial) 1-31-11
WikiLeaks Newsletter #4, 1-1-11; #5, 1-21; #6, 2-4; Sunshine 3-13, 3-15; Manning: 3-6, 3-17;      #7 4-10
Women v. Wars, 2-4-11
Women, Sexual Violence 3-6-11
Women International Day 3-4-11
World War II 4-16-11

Two major categories, to be compiled
US NATIONAL SECURITY STATE: Intervention and Invasion Abroad, Police Repression at Home

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Dick's Wars and Warming KPSQ Radio Editorials (#1-48)

Dick's Wars and Warming KPSQ Radio Editorials (#1-48)