Tuesday, March 25, 2014


  Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology.  (#1 April 2, 2012; #2 Jan. 18, 2013).

This is a little book on resisting  US wars and imperialism and the language used to rationalize them; a collection of some of the best writing on how to end the US War system.

My blog:
War Department/Peace Department

See:  Authorization for Use of Armed Force, Chemical War, “Collateral Damage” (Language of War), Consequences of War, Costs of War, Genocide, Imperialism, Individual Wars, Lawlessness, Militarism, Military-Industrial Complex, Nuclear Weapons and War, Pentagon (the War Department), Profits of War, PTSD, Secrecy, Suicide, Support the Troops? Torture, War as a Racket, War Crimes, War Department, War on Terror, War System, Wastes of War, and many more topics. 


Anti-cant:   The word Cant possesses many meanings, including insincere or hypocritical statements, esp. pious platitudes.  Merely verbal opposition to war and praise of world peace are very often cant.    So be cautious about saying you hate war and are for peace, if you are not prepared to act against war, because people will measure you by the discrepancy between your words and your deeds.     

Nos. 1-2 at end.

Introduction, Dick:  Think Global, Act Local , Act Global   [read Pierce on AUMF in Lawlessness newsletter #2]
Pope Francis
David Swanson, War No More
Brayton Shanley: The Many Sides of Peace, Living the Agape Community Way
Lendman:   Francis Boyle, Protesting Power, a Lawyer Defends Dissenters (Iran, Afghan)
Kathy Kelly, Our Vocation to Abolish War
Winslow Myers, Living Beyond Wars
Ann Wright: vs.  Iraq War, Government Insider Dissenters, Refusers
Refusing Military Service: 2 Books
Kohn: History of Draft Violators
Kovac: WWII, COs, Public Service Camps
History:  Who Goes to US Wars?
Keith, WWI, Southern US Poor Man’s War
Satire on Vietnam War
Lewin, Report from Iron Mountain

Contents Nos. 1-2.
Contact Senators Pryor and Boozman

     Countless people in my town and state (Fayetteville, AR) work for the general good. 
      The mayor, the city council members, and other city officials whom I know spend countless hours studying city problems in search of structures and financing that truly serve to make life better for people, through good schools, fair taxes, protecting the environment.
     Three state legislators I know are also very well-informed and also support affirmative government by creating laws that work for all of us, that help all the people enjoy good medical care, education, transportation, infra-structures, and job opportunities.
      Hundreds of non-governmental organizations reinforce affirmative government, helping and caring for the needs of all.     
     And hundreds of thousands of citizens support these active workers by keeping informed, by volunteering and donations, and sometimes by pressure.
      Our country does not lack capable citizens devoted to the general good.  We know what good government is just by observing our caring public servants who walk the talk of public service. 
      There are other kinds of citizens who, for example, wish to disinvest in public health and education, or who want tax reductions for the people who need it least.  But they are not the betrayers I am writing about here, although it is closely related. 
     I am about the paradox of countless examples of good local governance, of officials wisely elected to work for and who are working for the public good, in contrast to the people who are elected to national office and yet spend their time undermining all the principles and actions we witness every day on the local level.  How could this happen, and how is it possible the people would elect such opposites?
     I am referring to the enormous cost of the wars—virtually permanent war—embraced by our presidents and members of Congress.  A few days ago March 19 marked the beginning of the second invasion of Iraq, a causeless invasion that arose from the ignorance, prejudice, deceit, lack of empathy and compassion—the extraordinary folly--of a few thousand warmongering officials and their deluded followers.   No local government in my state would elect, or at least retain in office, anyone exhibiting such behavior.   Yet election after election, such people are elected to our highest offices.  And consequently our nation and other nations experience dire distress.
     My conclusion is that the best people have given up on our nation’s foreign policy and those who have so warped it for wars, and instead have turned their energy and talent to local policy.   The result has been catastrophic.  For the money and resources our local best seek in order to create the good world they imagine for their town, county, and state, have been squandered in fraudulent and futile wars.  While our best citizens work assiduously locally for adequate water supply and sewage now and in the future for their children and grandchildren’s children, our leaders have wasted their future in wars, and sending those children to kill and die instead of spending their lives for good at home.  
     Thinking global and acting local was not enough, was actually harmful.  From our admirable attention to saving at home—recycling, reusing, restoring—we were diverted to the trillion-dollars scale of waste in wars.  While we worked diligently for schools and trails, our national leaders betrayed our generosity by wasting our treasury and harming other people.  
      And worse, they spent billions of dollars to deceive the public regarding this waste, misrepresenting the wars, abusing our patriotism, valuing war-making immensely more than home- or city- or county- or state-making.   And they have been successful.   They have convinced most of the people that helping locally battered women is good, but opposing an invasion in which our soldiers kill women is bad; that contributing to local ambulance service is good, but denouncing the killing and wounding of civilians by drones without judicial process is bad; that local gardening is good but speaking out against the encircling of China and Russia with our military bases is bad.
     And they have spent other billions of dollars to persuade parents to encourage their children to join the militaries, to willingly submit to Basic Training, where their deepest values (thou shalt not kill) are reversed, for senseless, illegal, cruel wars.  And eventually they will have spent more billions medically treating (or not) the returning wounded veterans, the thousands of amputees, and many more thousands experiencing PTSD.
     So the people, We, the People, turn local, narrow our attention, because what can we do to stop the SuperPower (those few men and very few women) hell-bent on controlling the world?  What can we do to convert our money and resources to where it is needed?
      If we can ask these questions, we have found the turning.
     These questions strike the crux of our situation, and the hope.  Anyone who can ask these questions can realize the inadequacy of the slogan, Think Global, Act Local.   We must Act Local of course.  But if  We, the People, neglect the Global we will end up—where we are today.
     We know what and how to act Globally.  We are already cooperating locally in countless ways for curing cancer or building trails.   Similar organizations exist for curing the pathologies of war proponents or for building the paths to international understanding and diplomacy.   We simply need to grasp the hope we already feel for local life and future, and pursue the goals of world amity as determinedly as we have pursued the improvement of our towns.
     Thousands of groups exist in the US dedicated to a future of peace and justice instead of violence, and many of them connect local with global.   Many of them engage the local not only in local bridge repair but in ending the bombing of bridges.  
     An example is Veterans for Peace.  They expose the full cost of US wars, and they take action founded on that knowledge.   Particularly they seek to identify our leaders who search for more ways to take us to war.  Specifically, they (and numerous other peace organizations) campaign to inform the People of the catastrophic Authorization to Use Military Force granted President Bush by Congress immediately after September 11, 2001, because  “. . . it could become the basis for a perpetual, ever-expanding war that undermined the traditional constraints on government power.  The result is an unintelligible policy without express limits or protective walls.”  
      President Bush used this unconstitutional, ruinous Authorization to illegally invade Iraq and to open the Bill of Rights-shredding Guantanamo torture center.   The Obama administration used it to go to war in Libya and almost to war Syria, and he claims he has the legal power to operate killer drones around the world, including killing US citizens in other countries.  And warmongers in both parties are urging more intense threatening toward China and Russia, despite the encirclement already of both countries by US military bases. 
     But the People are disastrously silent.  Good work done locally, without equal attention to the national government, will eventually lose, indeed has already lost the nation.  Pot holes may be filled, but ten US carrier attack groups roam the oceans.   Animals may be rescued, but US state terrorism is allowed its brutal continuation in Afghanistan and other countries.
     But the People cannot do everything?  We cannot put food on the table, educate our children, participate in county government, and resist the countless harms of US foreign policy too, especially when the government’s National Security Agency is listening to us and has so reversed our democracy?
     But the People must, we must.  We must think and act locally and globally, we must elect better leaders who will enhance life for all, or we will continue to be betrayed into war after war.  
      Pope Francis: Christians should weep at tragedy of war
 014-02-25 Vatican Radio  (from Anne Marie)
(Vatican Radio) War is a scandal to be mourned every day. These were the words of Pope Francis at Mass on Tuesday morning in the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta.
We see war in the newspapers every day, Pope Francis said, and we’re used to reading about it: the number of its victims is just part of our daily accounts. We hold events to commemorate the centenary of the Great War and everyone is scandalised by the many millions of dead. But today it’s the same, Pope Francis exclaimed: instead of one great war, there are small wars everywhere. When we were children in Sunday School and we were told the story of Cain and Abel, we couldn’t accept that someone would kill their own brother. And yet today millions kill their own brothers and we’re used to it: there are entire peoples divided, killing each other over a piece of land, a racial hatred, an ambition.
Think of the children starving in refugee camps, Pope Francis continued: these are the fruits of war. And then think of the great dining rooms, of the parties held by those who control the arms industry, who produce weapons. Compare a sick, starving child in a refugee camp with the big parties, the good life led by the masters of the arms trade. And remember, the Pope added, that the wars, the hatred, the hostility aren’t products we buy at the market: they’re right here, in our hearts. The Apostle James gives us a simple piece of advice: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” But the spirit of war, which draws us away from God, doesn’t just reside in distant parts of the world: the spirit of war comes from our own hearts.
Let us pray for peace, Pope Francis concluded, for that peace which seems to have been reduced to a word and nothing more. Let us follow James’ advice: “Recognise your misery”. Let us recognise, the Pope prayed, that misery which breeds wars within families, within neighbourhoods, everywhere. How many of us weep when we read the newspapers, when we see the dead on television? This is what Christians should do today, in the face of war: we should weep, we should mourn.

War No More: The Case for Abolition Paperback

by David C. N. Swanson (Author) , Kathy Kelly (Foreword)
   This book presents what numerous reviewers have called the best existing argument for the abolition of war, demonstrating that war can be ended, war should be ended, war is not ending on its own, and that we must end war.

GOOGLE SEARCH:  DAVID SWANSON, WAR NO MORE, March 25, 2013, first page

1.                             WAR NO MORE: The Case for Abolition | Let's Try ... - David Swanson

David Swanson
Sep 13, 2013 - ... RSS · Store · WorldBeyondWar.org · War No More. You are hereBlogs / davidswanson's blog / WAR NO MORE: The Case for Abolition ...

2.                             War No More: The Case for Abolition | Let's Try ... - David Swanson

David Swanson
Video: David Swanson in Brunswick, ME, on Ending War ... David Swanson will discuss and sign copies of his new book, War No More: The Case for Abolition.

3.                             War No More: The Case for Abolition: David C. N. Swanson, Kathy ...

War No More: The Case for Abolition [David C. N. Swanson, Kathy Kelly] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This book presents what ...

4.                             David Swanson - Michael Moore

Michael Moore
David Swanson is a longtime peace and justice activist and author of War Is .... This article is excerpted from the new book War No More: The Case for Abolition.

5.                             Lies and War - David Swanson on Reality Asserts Itself (1/3)

The Real News
Dec 16, 2013
David's the author of many books, including War Is a Lie, When the World Outlawed War, War No More ...

6.                             FDL Book Salon Welcomes David Swanson, War No More: The ...

Oct 5, 2013 - David Swanson is driven—some might say obsessed. ... A “good war” must sound to all of us, says David, as no more possible than a ...

7.                             davidswanson's blog | War Is A Crime .org

And they demand an ever larger and more frequently used military, even if world domination can be achieved without it. War, for these war activists, is an end in ...

8.                             FOREWORD by Kathy Kelly to War No More: The Case for Abolition ...

With no medical training, I tried to be unobtrusive, as families raced into the ... David Swanson reminds me to look to humanity's incredible achievements in ...

9.                             War No More: The Case for Abolition by David Swanson.

WAMM Bookclub: War No More: The Case for Abolition by David Swanson. Community events. Date: Repeats every month on the third Saturday until Sat Jan 17 ...

10.                         David Swanson: Increasingly, people not buying what war activists ...

The Daily Cardinal
3 days ago - David Swanson: Increasingly, people not buying what war activists ...was much more common in the 19th century, these agitators believe war ...

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Promo BaneerMany Sides Of Peace Cover

New book by Brayton Shanley, one of Agape’s co-founders

The Many Sides of Peace comes out of thirty years of living in a Catholic lay community, attempting to understand and practice the compelling ideas of gospel-centered nonviolent love. The book attempts to speak to the signs of these times for those who seek peace and liberation from both war and the looming ecological Armageddon. It is a faith based on the revelation of Jesus and the conviction that a love that is nonviolent will save this environmentally threatened planet and its warlike people from an “at risk” status to a more peaceful and sustainable one. This is a message of hope, a “how to live” spiritual manual for human/earth survival that can help create a bold and beautiful world.
Buy on Amazon button
Available in Paperback and Kindle formats.

“The Many Sides Of Peace” Book Tour

Don’t miss your chance to discuss “The Many Sides of Peace” in person with Brayton Shanley. He is appearing at several locations across the US and Canada in the next few months for readings, discussion and signings.
Thomas Groome
THOMAS GROOME, Professor of Theology and Religious Education, Boston College
“When it comes to nonviolent and sustainable living, the most prophetic people I’ve met in my journey are Brayton and Suzanne Shanley. The Many Sides of Peace is a beautiful book arising from how well they walk the walk and talk the talk. Treat yourself to the discomfort it will cause, even while it gives you hope.

Liz McAlister
LIZ MCALISTER, Cofounder, Jonah House
“Brayton Shanley draws from Scripture, his life experiments with his wife of more than thirty years, and from the wisdom of the prophets of nonviolence to invite us all to explore nonviolent living in an unspeakably violent time… This book could be a handbook for future communities seeking a better and nonviolent way of life.”

David OBrien
DAVID O’BRIEN, Professor Emeritus of History, College of the Holy Cross
“Brayton Shanley is a peacemaker. He now offers us a stunning account of a life lived for peace, guided by nonviolent love. This is a personal report of a remarkable experiment: a lifelong effort to live with full integrity, that is, to live each day by one’s most basic commitments of mind and heart. The story speaks of the inner life, of the intimate relationships of marriage and family, of building community, and of facing the world as it is and accepting responsibility for the human family.”

Charles McCarthy
FR. EMMANUEL CHARLES MCCARTHY, International Retreat Leader and Teacher
The Many Sides of Peace is a nonfiction account of the workings of consciousness and conscience within the Holy Spirit of nonviolent love towards all—agape, ahimsa—and how that process can bring about actual systemic, social, economic, and spiritual change as it clashes with the values and beliefs of the exploitive empire. It is a clearer call to God and God’s ways and means than a church bell on Sunday.”

Kathy Kelly
KATHY KELLY, Co-coordinator, Voices for Creative Nonviolence
“Brayton Shanley aims to give readers a clear, coherent, and practical message about ways to work toward peaceful relations among ourselves and, as much as possible, with all of planetary being…  Why not work, every day, to build rational communities capable of transforming our world? Here is a thoughtful, absorbing book, offering a way forward for peacemakers enamored with agape.”

Michael True
MICHAEL TRUE, Emeritus Professor, Assumption College
The Many Sides of Peace is a thoughtful account of a family and community deeply committed to nonviolence as a way of life and to sustaining themselves on the land. . . . The teachings of the apostles of nonviolence, from Jesus to Gandhi to Martin Luther King Jr., are made concrete by the community’s involvement in nonviolent resistance to war and injustice. The author faces the challenges of the dominant culture, commenting on recent events and miscarriages of justice, and offering an alternative to the violence of the status quo.”

Brayton Shanley-Portrait-Photo by Claudia A. McNeil
Photo by Claudia A. McNeil


Brayton Shanley has an MA in Pastoral Ministry from the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College. He has a broad study and practice of Christian nonviolence and ministry with a specialty in interfaith perspectives on peace. Brayton has practiced peace by taking his faith into the streets with public vigil, protest, arrest and noncooperation with what has become American Empire, its death penalty, its wars, and its life threatening use of fossil fuels. He has been involved in green design and construction of the Agape Community buildings since 1987. He is coeditor of Agape’s journal, Servant Song. His essays on nonviolence, sustainable living, and the contemplative life have been published in numerous peace and contemplative journals.

Francis A. Boyle's Protesting Power - War, Resistance and Law, Reviewed  by Stephen Lendman
Francis A. Boyle is a distinguished University of Illinois law professor, activist, and internationally recognized expert on international law and human rights. From 1988 to 1992, he was a board member of Amnesty International USA. He was a consultant to the American Friends Service Committee. From 1991 to 1993, he was legal advisor to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and currently he's a leading proponent of an effort to impeach George Bush, Dick Cheney and other key administration figures for their crimes of war, against humanity and other grievous violations of domestic and international law. Boyle also lectures widely, writes extensively and authored many books, including his latest one and subject of this review: "Protesting Power - War, Resistance and Law."

Boyle's book is powerful, noble and compelling, and he states its purpose upfront: Today, a "monumental struggle (is being waged) for the heart and soul of (America) and the future of the world...." It matches peacemakers on one side, war makers on the other, and all humanity hanging in the balance. The book provides hope and ammunition. It's an urgent call to action and demonstrates that "civil resistance (is) solidly grounded in international law, human rights (efforts), and the US Constitution." It "can be used to fight back and defeat the legal, constitutional, and humanitarian nihilism of the Bush administration" neocons and their chilling Hobbesian vision - imperial dominance, homeland police state, and permanent "war that won't end in our lifetimes," according to Dick Cheney. 

Boyle has the antidote: "civil resistance, international law, human rights, and the US Constitution - four quintessential principles to counter....militarism run amok." Our choice is "stark and compelling." We must act in our own self-defense "immediately, before humankind exterminates itself in an act of nuclear omnicide." The threat today is dire and real, it demands action, and civil resistance no longer is an option. With survival at stake, it's an obligation.

The Right to Engage in Civil Resistance to Prevent State Crimes

Kathy Kelly, “Our Vocation to Abolish War”
I read the article by this title in The Catholic Worker (Jan.-Feb. 2014).  I could not find it on Google didn’t locate it, but the following titles appeared, and this is a good opportunity to foreground Kelly’s unceasing work for peace and to abolish war.  This article refutes a US soldier in Afghanistan who was quoted as claiming that “girls in Afghanistan now have better access to education than they did before the US troops arrived.  He also mentioned that women have more rights than before.”  Kelly’s experience in Afghanistan (including  assisting over 70 delegations to visit there) has told her a different story.  “The UN says only eighteen percent of young Afghan boys are enrolled in schools, and six percent of girls.”  Some of the article discusses young girls in Afghanistan and NY City, the extraordinary costs of the military occupation, and the prospects to US and world companies for resource exploitation in Afghanistan.  She makes a strong case for leaving Afghanistan militarily and for putting our money and talents into caring for children instead of military domination.  --Dick

1.                             FOREWORD by Kathy Kelly to War No More: The Case for Abolition ...

I lived in Iraq during the 2003 Shock and Awe bombing. On April 1st, about two weeks into the aerial bombardment, a medical doctor who was one of my fellow ...

2.                             Kathy Kelly - Huffington Post

The Huffington Post
Kathy Kelly is a co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence and a ... (see www.vcnv.org) Kelly has been involved in numerous nonviolent campaigns to end war,... Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and ...section about an international skype phone call between U.S. soldiers in.

3.                             War without end - Waging Nonviolence

The U.S. war in Iraq abruptly ended for many thousands killed over the years of military occupation and civil war. But it won't end for the survivors. ... Kathy Kelly; March 19, 2013 ... with the children, and somehow our antics and games seemed at least to distract Umm Miladah from ... A civilized country would heed their call.

4.                             New Clear Vision | Kathy Kelly

Oct 29, 2013 - In such a turbulent world, we must abolish the organized violence by governments known as war, because its continuation risks our extinction.

5.                             Kathy Kelly - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kathy Kelly (born 1952) is an American peace activist, pacifist and author, one of ....Review of the Afghan war, they hosted two international call-in days using the Skype ...by the Upstate NY Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars. .... prepared than most of my companions for the grueling roar of warplanes, the ...

6.                             Peace Activist Kathy Kelly :: The Marc Steiner Show

Dec 30, 2013 - Kathy Kelly and her companions helped send over 70 delegations to Iraq, ... Kelly has been involved in numerous nonviolent campaigns to end war, some of which have involved lengthy imprisonment. ... Call us at 410.319.8888 or email us to participate live in the show, or share your comments on our site!

7.                             War No More: The Case for Abolition: David C. N. Swanson, Kathy ...

www.amazon.com › ... › Specific Topics  War & Peace
War No More: The Case for Abolition [David C. N. Swanson, Kathy Kelly] on ... as did good Tom Paine: 'We have it in our power to begin the world over again.

8.                             For Whom the Bell Tolls, By Kathy Kelly | PINKtank - CodePink

Jan 20, 2014 - Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go ... King Center announced its “Choose Nonviolence” campaign, a call on people to ... They talked about the futility of war and the predictable cycles of revenge ....Democratic Underground · Diane4Justice · End the Occupation ...

Winslow Myers
Sunday, February 23, 2014
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Winslow Myers
Winslow Myers, the author of Living Beyond War: A Citizen’s Guide,” serves on the Board of Beyond War, a non-profit educational foundation whose mission is to explore, model and promote the means for humanity to live without war. Myers writes for PeaceVoice.


September 29, 2013
September 1, 2013
January 20, 2013
June 22, 2012
March 28, 2012
March 3, 2012
February 23, 2012
January 6, 2012
November 10, 2011
March 2, 2011
·                     1



Ann Wright - Dissent: Voices of Conscience

Jan 13 2008 6:00 pm  Books of Books
During the run-up to war in Iraq, Army Colonel (Ret.) and diplomat Ann Wright resigned her State Department post. She was one among dozens of government insiders and active-duty military personnel who leaked documents, spoke out, resigned, or refused to deploy in protest of government actions they felt were illegal. In Dissent: Voices of Conscience (Koa Books, $17.95), Ann Wright and Susan Dixon tell the stories of these men and women, who risked careers, reputations, and even freedom out of loyalty to the Constitution and the rule of law. "When the actions of government become dangerous to the security of the nation, it takes a special courage for men and women inside the government to speak out. If we care about keeping democracy alive, we must welcome this book. "- Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the U.S.


Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight: Race, Class, and Power in the Rural South during the First World War by Jeanette Keith.


REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace 

by Leonard C. Lewin  (Author) , Victor Navasky (Introduction)
How does a left-wing satire from the 1960s become a "bible" to today's Radical Right? Recently resurfacing into polite society by way of a front-page story in The Wall Street Journal, this book makes a chillingly convincing claim to be a sinister government document on the dangerous effects of "permanent peace" on society and the economy. Brilliantly rendered in the vein of Dr. Strangelove, this report proves frighteningly prescient of our current social and economic dysfunction.

Contents of #1
Willson, Vietnam War Protester
Amy Goodman
Hochschild on WWI
Hedges, Myth of War

Contents of #2
Dick: North American Directory
HAW Annual Conference
Veterans for Peace
Military Families Speak Out
Citizen Soldier: www.citizen-soldier.org
War Resisters League
Howard Zinn for Truth, Justice, Peace
Giffey, Veterans’ Paths to Peace in Many Wars
Catonsville Nine: Vietnam War
Iraq Occupation and Sen. Grassley
Seymour, US Anti-Imperialism
NBC, War as Entertainment

Boozman, John - (R - AR)
Class III
320 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-4843
horizontal line
Pryor, Mark L. - (D - AR)
Class II
255 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-2353
horizontal line