Wednesday, July 31, 2024

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #188, July 31, 2024.


OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #188, July 31, 2024.  Compiled by Dick Bennett.

RIGHT TURN USA: Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025

Project 2025 Continues The Historic… Fascist Project

By Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda ReportThe right wing counter-revolution has been going on for more than 50 years. The Powell Memo was a 1971 directive from soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, instructing the US Chamber of Commerce how to defeat the “attack on the American free enterprise system". The Contract with America  1994 outlined Newt Gingrich’s plan for Republican Party control of congress. -more-

Southern Poverty Law Center:  Year in Hate and Extremism Report

The extreme right prepares for the end of democracy. 

In past decades SPLC has done an amazing job of compiling massive amounts of information on hate groups and their activities. This report is the background to the scary "Project 2025" summary  by the Heritage Foundation released in June.

Be sure you are informed about what's happening in our world Omni folks. Democracy is clearly in danger.
Postcards for Democracy

If you requested cards and don't have them yet, they're in the Omni office ready for you. There's plenty of time to prepare them for mailing in October, but you don't need to wait. Give Gladys a call (479-283-2167) to pick them up, get them delivered to your door, or mailed if you're at a distance.

Email to request your own batch of Postcards for Swing States. Whatever happens in this crazy election, we NEED everybody to get out and VOTE!


The Best Counter To Project 2025 Is A Progressive Project 2025
There are some models to look to for what to do from Roots Action’s Progressive Hub Team:
Cori Bush, Activist-Politician, Still Inspires Working People Like Me

And what might happen in AR see Ray Niblock’s new novel on the right-wing takeover of Arkansas. The Last Independence Day . ( Also don’t miss Benjamin Hett’s book, The Death of Democracy on how Hitler did it 1930-33.)

1 comment:

Hogeye said...

It's hard for me to get excited about Project 2025. It looks to me like just another partisan position paper. Not even Trump endorses it. It seems more of a rallying point for the Dem faction.

I need to check out those new novels. I like alternative histories.