Compiled by Dick Bennett
Building a Culture of
Peace and Justice.
US Imperialism Newsletters
#1 July 3, 2007
#2 Sept. 20, 2007
#3 April 7, 2008
#4 Nov. 30, 2008
#5 September 13,
#6 October 16, 2011
#7 January 16, 2012
#8 June 3, 2012
#9 Oct. 20, 2012
#10 April 5, 2013
“A people who mean to be
their own Governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” James Madison
Knowledge and Action Against
US Wars
An underlying theme of this newsletter and of all of the
newsletters pertaining to war is the necessity of the US peace movement in all its local
organization to be informed, to try to see through lies and secrecy, to think,
and to act both locally and globally. “.
. .the dominant interpretation of the past often enjoys its status not because
of its superior historical accuracy but because of its proponents’ social
power.” Karl Jacoby, Shadows at Dawn: An Apache Massacre and the
Violence of History (p. 276).
Often the argument is made that peacemaking must begin with
individual search for inner equanimity, steadiness, and strength, and nobody
can deny that foundation for peace, but our leaders’ reckless lawlessness,
making the world hostile and unstable and killing millions of people,
destabilizes each and every one of us locally and individually, and must be
stopped. “Of all the enemies to public
liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and
develops the germ of every other. War is
the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. . . .” James Madison, “Political
Observations,” April 20, 1795. In order to act, we are not compelled to
wait until we have fully matured, and anyway a lifetime is seldom enough time
to enable that ideal condition. –Dick
My blog: It's the War
See: Afghan/US War, Costs of War,
Consequences of War, US Imperialism, US Imperialism Continental Westward
Expansion, US Imperial Pacific E. Asia Expansion, US Leaders Imperial
Lawlessness, Iraq/US War, McCarthyism, Ongoing, US Military Industrial Complex,
Militarism, Pentagon, Pentagon: Suicides, Pentagon: Whistleblowing, Torture,
War Crimes, and more.
Instead of Defense
Department: War Department
Instead of War on
Terror: War to Control Resources
Instead of Taliban:
Afghan/Pakistan Pashtun Resistance to Occupation
A wide-ranging source of information is the Defense News
Early Bird Brief: :
Nos. 7 & 8 below.
is the link to all of OMNI’s newsletters Laying the foundation for peace, justice,
and ecology in knowledge.
Many books have been written prophesying the end of
US Empire with titles like: Suicide of a Superpower; The Empire Has No
Clothes; Taming American Power; Nemesis: the Last Days of the
American Republic; Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire;
and Selling Out A Superpower.
initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime, it
is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that
it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." -- Robert H.
Jackson, Chief U.S. Prosecutor, Nuremberg
Military Tribunal
Verse for those who see no
If we see right, we see our Woes,
If we see right, we see our Woes,
Then what avails it to have
From Ignorance our Comfort
The only wretched are the
wise. Matthew Prior
Nos. 7 & 8
Contents #9
PNAC Continues
US Militarism Abroad
New Book: Taming American Power
TomDispatch, Vine: Empire of Bases,
Lily Pad Strategy
Intervention Law and Libya
Zibechi, Urban Poor
Empire and Medical Care
New Weapon for Large Cargo and Constant Surveillance
US Militarism at Home
The Poor and Military Recruiting
Scales: Army Good, Too Many Wars
Moyers, Look Back to 1980s
Contents #10
Herman: the Troops, the Criminals,
Lawlessness, Propaganda System, Bush and Obama
Kutler: McGovern’ Critique of US
Foreign Policy
2 on Romney and Obama
US Intervention in Mali 2012
Militarizing Arctic North: Sweden
and Finland
Empire and Social Sciences
Early Years, 2 Books
McCoy and Scarano, Colonial
LaFebre, Late 19th
Alternative History: Zinn and
Dick: The Story of the US
at Chrystal Bridges
Contents #11
Petition for Peace
Reich, Sexual Assault in the Air Force
General Smedley Butler
Blum, America’s
Deadliest Export
Boggs, The
Crimes of Empire
Dirty Wars
Hedges on Manning
Hedges, Murdering Leaders
Sirota, Blowback, Backlash, Retaliation
Assange, Electronic Control
I just signed the petition "The US President
and US Congress: End wars and the attack on our civil liberties here in the US "
It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:
Thanks! Dick
It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:
Thanks! Dick
In a letter to the ADG ( “Debt Paid with Blood.”
4-5-13). Olen Hill wrote: “All of these freedoms we have were bought
with the blood of veterans. Soldiers on
the ground, pilots in the air, sailors on the sea.” If Hill is correct, the troops were
shamefully betrayed, for none of the wars the U.S. fought since 1945 were
necessary, legal, or moral. Vietnam ? Korea ? Nicaragua ? Grenada ? Panama ? Afghanistan ? Iraq ? If you think they were, you live in a cocoon
of nationalistic myth.
Hill’s statement is false on two other levels. Our freedoms such as they are (we are all
under surveillance by the NSA, CIA, FBI)
are the result of the long struggle in the courts and councils that is US
history. And most of the troops went to
war because they were drafted (Vietnam ),
were from military families (millions of them after sixty years of wars), or
were poor.
us examine all claims like Hill’s, because US imperial aggressions will never
cease until we cease supporting the troops on the basis of Pentagon and flag
patriotism lies and myths. Let us think
critically, be skeptical about wars and their mass killing, and turn our thoughts
and money to making the world a caring, nurturing place for all.
make the US
the land of the free and the brave where freedom is based not on violence but on
the Bill of Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Earth
Charter, and bravery means dissenting against the warrior leaders who lead us
into war after war after war and all the anti-human (anti-species) consequences
of war.
writes, “Keep Our Military Strong.”
Rather, let us find our empathy and compassion for all—in our churches,
schools, and homes--and keep the US strong.
Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog: Due to the recent military scandals
involving sexual harassment, Robert Reich asks “Why has it been so difficult
for the Air Force or the Defense Department to remedy this problem?”
General Smedley Butler’s WAR IS A RACKET
Mike Kuhlenbeck, “Maj.
General Smedley D. Butler’s War Is a Racket Speech Turns 80.” Z
Magazine (May 2013).
War Is A Racket, by Major General Smedley
Butler, 1935 - Rat haus
Smedley Darlington
Smedley Butler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In his 1935 book War is a Racket, he described the
workings of the ...... General Smedley Darlington
War Is a Racket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Author(s), Smedley Butler ... After his retirement
from the Marine Corps, Gen. ... InWar Is A Racket, Butler points to a
variety of examples, mostly from World War I, ...
Major General Smedley
Butler: WAR is a racket - Information ...
War Is A Racket. A speech delivered
in 1933, by Major General Smedley
Butler, USMC. Smedley Butler. WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the ...
War is a Racket: The Profit Motive Behind Warfare: Smedley Butler ...
Rating: 4.5 - 87
reviews - $2.70 - In stock
"War is a Racket" is marine general, Smedley Butler's classic treatise on
why wars are conducted, who profits from them, and who pays the price. Few
people are ...
War is a Racket by Smedley Butler - YouTube
Mar 11, 2009 - Uploaded by numoleen
War Is A Racket : Major General Smedley
Butler : Free
Download ...
Aug 20, 2009 – War Is A Racket (1935). Author: Major General Smedley
ButlerKeywords: anti-war. Publisher: Round table press, inc. Year:
1935. Language: ...
General Smedley
Butler: 'War Is A Racket' - The Wisdom Fund
Sep 11, 2001 – Excerpt from a speech
delivered in 1933 by General SmedleyDarlington Butler, USMC. General Butler was the recipient of
two Congressional ...
Major General Smedley
Butler on
Smedley Butler on Interventionism. --
Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley
Butler, USMC. War is just a racket. A racket is best ...
"War is A Racket" by Marine Major General Smedley
Butler Two ...
Sep 21, 2010 – One of our greatest US
Marines, Major General Smedley
Butler in his 1935 speech 'War is a Racket', described the
workings of the ...
For over 65 years, the United States war machine has been
on auto pilot. Since World War II, the world has believed that US foreign policy means well, and that America 's
motives in spreading democracy are honorable, even noble. In this
startling and provocative book from William Blum, one of the United States '
leading non-mainstream chroniclers of American foreign policy and author of the
popular online newsletter, Anti-Empire Reports, demonstrates that
nothing could be further from the truth. America's Deadliest Export is the in-depth exposé of the many
contradictions surrounding the nature of US foreign policy.
"A fireball of terse
information—one of our best muckrakers." - Oliver Stone
"Coruscating, eye-opening and
essential. This is a must-read for anyone rightfully concerned at the destructive influence of the world's only superpower." - Cynthia
McKinney, Presidential Candidate for the Green Party of the United States
Blum’s America’s Deadliest
Export is another in his
blockbuster series that has applied the reality and morality principles to work
on U.S.
foreign policy. This book has vignettes and longish essays on matters running
from Conspiracies, Ideology and the Media to Cuba ,
and Wikileaks. It is brimming with wit and with both laughable and frightening
quotations. It is admittedly written for 'the choir,' but even the
choir needs encouragement as well as facts and analyses that will keep its
members from succumbing to a potent propaganda system. And we may hope that choir
will grow with books like this that both amuse and
enlighten." - Edward S. Herman, co-author of The Politics of Genocide
book deals with unpleasant subjects yet it is a pleasure to read. Blum
continues to provide us with convincing critiques of U.S. global policy in a freshly
informed and engaging way." - Michael Parenti, author of The Face of Imperialism
good cheer and humor Blum guides us toward understanding that our government
does not mean well. Once we've grasped that, we're far more capable of effectively
doing good ourselves." - David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
About the
William Blum is one of the United States ' leading
non-mainstream experts on American foreign policy. He left the State Department
in 1967, abandoning his aspiration of becoming a Foreign Service Officer
because of his opposition to what the US
was doing in Vietnam .
He then became a founder and editor of the Washington
Free Press, the first "alternative" newspaper in the capital.
Blum has been a freelance journalist in the US ,
Europe, and South America . His stay in Chile
in 1972-3, writing about the Allende government's "socialist
experiment," and then its tragic overthrow in a CIA-designed coup,
instilled in him a personal involvement and an even more heightened interest in
what his government was doing in various corners of the world. He is the author
of Killing Hope: US Military
and CIA Interventions Since World War II, and the controversial bestseller Rogue State: A Guide to the World's
Only Superpower. He currently sends out a monthly Internet newsletter, the Anti-Empire Report.
Table of
Introduction: US
Foreign Policy * 1. Terrorism * 2. Iraq * 3. George W. Bush * 4. Afghanistan
* 5. Iran
* 6. Wikileaks * 7. World War II * 8. Conspiracies * 9. Yugoslavia * 10. Libya * 11. Latin
America * 12. Cuba
* 13. Ideology * 14. The Cold War and anti-communism * 15. 1960s * 16. Israel ,
Anti-Semitism * 17. Social issues * 18. “There is no alternative!” Really?
There bloody well better be or we’re all doomed. * 19. The Militarization of
American society * 20. Media * 21. Barack Obama * 21. Patriotism * 22. Sports *
23. Dissent and resistance in America
* 24. Bill Clinton * 25. Hillary Clinton * 26. Condoleezza Rice * 27. Religion
* 28. Human rights/Torture * 29. National
Security State
* 30. Humor
(James Petras,
Bartle Professor Emeritus,)
(Michael Parenti,
author of Against Empir)
(George Katsiaficas)
The Crimes of Empire: Rogue Superpower and World Domination by Carl
Boggs. Pluto, 2010.
Imperial Nations advance their own
interests by exploiting other societies. To those on the receiving end this is
obvious, while inside the empire, a powerful ideological system of
justification tends to hide all but the worst excess.
Carl Boggs argues that that theUS began life
two centuries ago as a nascent colonialist regime plundering and conquering the
Native Tribes. The Indian wars were followed by perpetual militarism and
warfare fuelled by a deep sense of national exceptionalism. The Crimes Of
Empire examines several trends in this process, and illustrates the new depths
plumbed since 9/11.
Violation of international agreements, treaties and laws and the use of prohibited weapons, support for death squads and torture are just some of the practices that Boggs highlights as he shows how technical superiority and media control prolong the American nightmare.
Carl Boggs argues that that the
Violation of international agreements, treaties and laws and the use of prohibited weapons, support for death squads and torture are just some of the practices that Boggs highlights as he shows how technical superiority and media control prolong the American nightmare.
About The Author
Boggs is professor of social sciences at National
University in Los Angeles . He has written numerous books,
including Imperial
Delusions: American Militarism and Endless War (2005) and, with Tom Pollard, The Hollywood War Machine: Militarism
and American Popular Culture (2006).
He has received the Charles McCoy Career Achievement Award from the American
Political Science Association.
Click to browse contents
Jeremy Scahill
"Scahill is a one-man truth squad." Bill Moyers
JEREMY SCAHILL is National Security
Correspondent for The Nation magazine and is a Puffin Foundation
Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute.
Scahill is author of
the New York Times bestseller Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army (Nation Books, 2007). Nation
Books will release Scahill's second book, Dirty Wars: The World Is a
Battlefield, on April 23, 2013.
He is the writer, with
David Riker, and a producer of the documentary feature film, Dirty
Wars, which won the Cinematography Award for U.S. Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival 2013.
IFC Films releases Dirty
Wars in theaters June
7 throughout the United
States .

Scahill’s work has sparked
several Congressional investigations and won some of journalism’s highest honors.
He was twice awarded the prestigious George Polk Award, in 1998 for foreign reporting and in 2008
for his book Blackwater.
In 2013, Scahill was named
one of nine recipients of the Donald Windham-Sandy M. Campbell Literature Prizes at Yale University .
Scahill is a member of
the Writers Guild of
America, East.
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Tmw 15 May 6PM @DoughtyStPublic hear @jeremyscahill talk about his new book
#DirtyWars. With @ReprieveUK. Read More ...
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Tonight 14 May 7PM @themosaicrooms hear @jeremyscahill talk about his new book
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Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill chases down the hidden truth behind ...DirtyWars: "Jaw dropping" "hard hitting" "has the power to pry open govt lock ...
Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill chases down the hidden truth behind ...DirtyWars: "Jaw dropping" "hard hitting" "has the power to pry open govt lock ...
2. Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield ... › ... › International & World Politics › Security
In Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill, author of the New York Times best-seller Blackwater, takes us inside America's new covert wars. The foot soldiers in these battles ...
In Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill, author of the New York Times best-seller Blackwater, takes us inside America's new covert wars. The foot soldiers in these battles ...
Jeremy Scahill on 'Dirty Wars' and Obama's Expanding Drone Attacks › Blogs › Diane Sweet's blog
Apr 28, 2013 – As the Senate holds its first-ever public hearing on drones and targeted killings, we turn the second part of our interview with Jeremy Scahill, ...
Apr 28, 2013 – As the Senate holds its first-ever public hearing on drones and targeted killings, we turn the second part of our interview with Jeremy Scahill, ...
Jeremy Scahill's 'Dirty' Work by
Kelley B. Vlahos --
Apr 30, 2013 – Jeremy Scahill's new book, Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield, is sort of like approaching a dark cavity in an old tree. How many of us would ...
Apr 30, 2013 – Jeremy Scahill's new book, Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield, is sort of like approaching a dark cavity in an old tree. How many of us would ...
Jeremy Scahill: Inside America's Dirty Wars - Truthdig
Apr 25, 2013 – The killing of U.S. born, al-Qaida-affiliated cleric Anwar
al-Awlaki set a dangerous precedent here in America . - 2013/04/25.
Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield - roam agency
In Dirty Wars ( ), investigative
journalist Jeremy Scahill chases down the truth
behind America 's
covert wars. Dirty Wars is one of 16 films ...
The World Is a Battlefield: Jeremy Scahill on "Dirty Wars" and ...
Apr 24, 2013
As the Senate holds its first-ever
public hearing on drones and targeted killings, we turn the second part of our ...
Read an Excerpt from Jeremy Scahill's "Dirty Wars: The World Is a ...
Apr 23, 2013 – Read a chapter from "Dirty Wars," just published this week, titled "If They Kill Innocent Children and Call Them al Qaeda, Then We Are All al ...
Apr 23, 2013 – Read a chapter from "Dirty Wars," just published this week, titled "If They Kill Innocent Children and Call Them al Qaeda, Then We Are All al ...
Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy: Jeremy Scahill's "Dirty Wars" documentary
Apr 28, 2013 – Jeremy Scahill. Rick Rowley. Last night, at the Independent Film Festival Boston, journalist Jeremy Scahill's Dirty Wars documentary had its ...
Apr 28, 2013 – Jeremy Scahill. Rick Rowley. Last night, at the Independent Film Festival Boston, journalist Jeremy Scahill's Dirty Wars documentary had its ...
2 of 27,874


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The Banality of ‘Don’t Be Evil’ by Julian Assange
The Banality of ‘Don’t Be Evil’
June 1, 2013
“THE New
Digital Age” is a
startlingly clear and provocative blueprint for technocratic imperialism,
from two of its leading witch doctors, Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, who construct a new idiom for The authors met in occupied The book proselytizes the role of technology in reshaping the world’s people and nations into likenesses of the world’s dominant superpower, whether they want to be reshaped or not. The prose is terse, the argument confident and the wisdom — banal. But this isn’t a book designed to be read. It is a major declaration designed to foster alliances. “The New Digital Age” is, beyond anything else, an attempt by Google to position itself as In the book the authors happily take up the white geek’s burden. A liberal sprinkling of convenient, hypothetical dark-skinned worthies appear: Congolese fisherwomen, graphic designers in Botswana, anticorruption activists in San Salvador and illiterate Masai cattle herders in the Serengeti are all obediently summoned to demonstrate the progressive properties of Google phones jacked into the informational supply chain of the Western empire. The authors offer an expertly banalized version of tomorrow’s world: the gadgetry of decades hence is predicted to be much like what we have right now — only cooler. “Progress” is driven by the inexorable spread of American consumer technology over the surface of the earth. Already, every day, another million or so Google-run mobile devices are activated. Google will interpose itself, and hence the United States government, between the communications of every human being not in The authors are sour about the Egyptian triumph of 2011. They dismiss the Egyptian youth witheringly, claiming that “the mix of activism and arrogance in young people is universal.” Digitally inspired mobs mean revolutions will be “easier to start” but “harder to finish.” Because of the absence of strong leaders, the result, or so Mr. Kissinger tells the authors, will be coalition governments that descend into autocracies. They say there will be “no more springs” (but The authors fantasize about the future of “well resourced” revolutionary groups. A new “crop of consultants” will “use data to build and fine-tune a political figure.” “His” speeches (the future isn’t all that different) and writing will be fed “through complex feature-extraction and trend-analysis software suites” while “mapping his brain function,” and other “sophisticated diagnostics” will be used to “assess the weak parts of his political repertoire.” The book mirrors State Department institutional taboos and obsessions. It avoids meaningful criticism of Google, which started out as an expression of independent Californian graduate student culture — a decent, humane and playful culture — has, as it encountered the big, bad world, thrown its lot in with traditional Washington power elements, from the State Department to the National Security Agency. Despite accounting for an infinitesimal fraction of violent deaths globally, terrorism is a favorite brand in I have a very different perspective. The advance of information technology epitomized by Google heralds the death of privacy for most people and shifts the world toward authoritarianism. This is the principal thesis in my book, “Cypherpunks.” But while Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Cohen tell us that the death of privacy will aid governments in “repressive autocracies” in “targeting their citizens,” they also say governments in “open” democracies will see it as “a gift” enabling them to “better respond to citizen and customer concerns.” In reality, the erosion of individual privacy in the West and the attendant centralization of power make abuses inevitable, moving the “good” societies closer to the “bad” ones. The section on “repressive autocracies” describes, disapprovingly, various repressive surveillance measures: legislation to insert back doors into software to enable spying on citizens, monitoring of social networks and the collection of intelligence on entire populations. All of these are already in widespread use in the THE writing is on the wall, but the authors cannot see it. They borrow from William Dobson the idea that the media, in an autocracy, “allows for an opposition press as long as regime opponents understand where the unspoken limits are.” But these trends are beginning to emerge in the The Department of Justice admitted in March that it was in its third year of a continuing criminal investigation of WikiLeaks. Court testimony states that its targets include “the founders, owners, or managers of WikiLeaks.” One alleged source, Bradley Manning, faces a 12-week trial beginning tomorrow, with 24 prosecution witnesses expected to testify in secret. This book is a balefully seminal work in which neither author has the language to see, much less to express, the titanic centralizing evil they are constructing. “What Lockheed Martin was to the 20th century,” they tell us, “technology and cybersecurity companies will be to the 21st.” Without even understanding how, they have updated and seamlessly implemented George Orwell’s prophecy. If you want a vision of the future, imagine Washington-backed Google Glasses strapped onto vacant human faces — forever. Zealots of the cult of consumer technology will find little to inspire them here, not that they ever seem to need it. But this is essential reading for anyone caught up in the struggle for the future, in view of one simple imperative: Know your enemy. |
Contents of #7
Dick: Ark.
Democrat-Gazette Columnist Dana Kelly
Book: Bacevich, et
al. Short American Century
Bacevich: American Century Ended
Hedges: Suing Barack Obama
Chomsky on Warrior Caste
Parenti book, The Face
of Imperialism
Nuclear Weapons Locations
Film, Amigo by
Cut US
Military Spending
Cold War Continuing
From Iraq
to Australia
Engelhardt, The United States
of Fear
Articles Forwarded by Historians Against War
Contents of #8
Myth of US
Innocence, Classified Reading List
Dick, LTE on
Supporting the Troops
History of US
Orton: US
Engelhardt, The United States of Fear
Golinger, The Empire’s Web
Chomsky, From
Vietnam War to Present
Cindy Sheehan
Rachel Maddow,
Presidential Power
Special Operations
Schwartz, War Without End
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