Tuesday, May 2, 2023



Joseph Gerson.  Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS).
Brett Wilkins.   UN. . . Path to Reverse 'Dangerous' Nuclear Trends.”
Scott Ritter Tells about Daniel Ellsberg, is publishing a book on Disarmament in Russia, and plans a documentary.

Joseph Gerson.  Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security.

jGerson80@gmail.com, www.cpdcs.org.  Phone: 617-216-0576.  Some organizations ask for donations even for $1000 or over without offering details of their activities, especially of their successes..  But the Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security led by Joseph Gerson provides two pages, single-spaced, to list CPDCS’ actions to end and prevent war.  


Brett Wilkins.   UN Disarmament Official Lays Out Path to Reverse 'Dangerous' Nuclear Trends.”  Common Dreams (3-9-23).

"Though we are living in a moment of increased confrontation and militarization, one fundamental truth remains unchanged: The only way to eliminate nuclear risk is to eliminate nuclear weapons." 


Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika

What Would Daniel Ellsberg Do?  April 28, 2023


       To read the entire letter and see the illustration go to https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/what-would-daniel-ellsberg-do?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=6892&post_id=117978940&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email


. . .I often think about Daniel Ellsberg as he strode up the steps to the US District Court in San Francisco, on trial for espionage charges that could have put him away for life. Aren’t you afraid to go to prison, a reporter asked him. His response sticks with me to this day: “Wouldn’t you go to prison to end this war?” he said, without hesitation.
The courage and conviction of that response still brings tears to my eyes.
“What would Daniel Ellsberg do” has become a mantra in my life, as I confront the various challenges life puts in front of me. . . .
And it guides me today as I prepare to embark on a new mission, one built around the desire to make arms control and nuclear disarmament between the US and Russia a priority for the US government, again in hopes of forestalling the possibility of a nuclear war. This mission is derived from my book about the implementation of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, and my role as a weapons inspector tasked with carrying out compliance verification inspections in support of this task. This book, Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, was recently published in Russia, and I have been invited to Russia to help promote the Russian language edition.

But this journey is far more than a simple book tour. It is an act of citizen diplomacy which, once again, will put me in opposition to the policies of my government and the Russophobia of many of my fellow Americans.

My book,” I explain in a statement I made to the Russian media on the eve of my departure for Russia, “is about a time when our two nations took seriously the important task of nuclear disarmament. Today this mission has been halted in large part by the irrational fear of Russia on the part of the American people. My goal in bringing this book to Russia is to rekindle the spirit of friendship and cooperation that existed three decades ago and, in doing so, help break down the wall of misunderstanding and ignorance my fellow citizens have constructed that keeps our two nations apart.

This book tour starts in Novosibirsk and will span several thousand kilometers and eleven Russian cities. This is a journey in the tradition of Van Cliburn, seeking to restore friendship between the US and Russia one handshake at a time.

Our goal is to capture this experience so that it can be brought back to my country as a documentary film which will be shown to the American people so that they, too, will have a chance to share the message that I am certain this tour will produce—of a shared humanity among our two nations that transcends prejudice and fear, and which can return us to the path of peaceful coexistence we once walked together, side by side, as friends. . . .


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