CONFERENCE Glasgow, October 31 to November 12, 2021
OMNI COP26 Glasgow Countdown, 10-31 to 11-5
Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace,
Justice, and Ecology
CONTENTS OMNI COP26 Glasgow Countdown 10-31 TO 11-5
Arkansas Democrat Gazette (10-31-21),
articles on leaderless nations
and the science of warmng
John Ross, IPCC Foundations for Advanced Countries’ Carbon
Cuts 11-1
Include World Militaries in Climate Goals
Veterans for Peace
World Beyond War
Code Pink
World Beyond War
Biden, “Time Running Out,” AD-G 11-2
Max Ajl, “Change the System,” 11-2
Bast, Oil Change International, 11-4
Veterans for Peace in Glasgow, Daily Reports and The
People’s Summit for Climate Justice
TEXTS 10-31 to 11-5
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,
Staff from Wire Reports
(10-31-21), 1A (but mainly 9A). “Leaders
Set to Home in on Climate.” Focus on national and in US state leaders,
with 2 paragraphs on the science,”clear, scientists say.” Conclusion on “U.S. Pledge”
unreassuring. No mention of UN. Biden barely mentioned in one par. describing
his feebleness. Kerry comes across as
effete too. Article mostly about talk
and speculation, little to nothing of the “home-in” of the title. No mention of
Seth Borenstein
(AP). “Data Shows Global-Warming Effects.” AD-G
(10-31-21), 9A. Scientists doing their duty, facts
laid out emphatically; e.g., “Carbon dioxide levels have increased 17% from 353
parts per million in September 1992 to 413 in September 2021, according to
“World gathering of peoples for our
Mother Earth and against the climate crisis – conclusions document”
Originally published: The Red Nation by Justine Teba (October 23, 2021 ).
Posted Nov 01, 2021 Climate
Change, Ecology, Environment,
We are children of our
Mother Earth, and as such we must take care of her and protect her, respecting
her rights and fulfilling our duties and obligations to protect Mother Earth as
a living and sacred being.
The climate crisis is
one of the gravest global threats that we face in the defense of life, which
places our own existence and of our Mother Earth’s at risk.
The current
anthropocentric model, which places human beings above nature and other living
beings, has produced the current climate crisis and it is modifying the vital
cycles of Mother Earth, causing the collapse of many ecosystems, the extinction
of species, the change of ways of life of hundreds of millions of people all
over the world, expanding hunger and poverty in the world and an increasing
climate migration.
We express the urgency
of building a new civilizing horizon based on Living Well cosmo-biocentric
vision where human beings live in harmony with all living beings of our Mother
Earth and the need to put forward a new civilizing horizon that defends the
community of life and the coexisting in harmony with nature.
We cannot support an
implementation modality based on the Paris Accords that condemns our Mother
Earth to a sixth massive extinction and the disappearance of a great part of
humanity, in favor of the greed of capitalist developed countries and their
corporations. Thus, we demand that the climate negotiations within the
framework of the coming COP of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change have to be transparent, balanced, with countries protagonist and
with effective participation of civil society, creating the conditions for this
to happen.
Thereby, the Global
Encounter of Peoples for our Mother Earth and against the Climate Crisis,
proposes the following measures and actions to curb the climate disruption and
restoring the balance with our Mother Earth.
Will Glasgow fix broken climate finance
Posted Nov 04, 2021 by Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Originally published: JOMO (November 1,
2021 )
SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR: Current climate mitigation plans will
result in a catastrophic 2.7°C world temperature rise. US$1.6–3.8 trillion is needed annually to avoid global warming exceeding 1.5°C.
Climate Change and the
US Military 11-2-21
Arkansas WAND via
Include World
Militaries in Climate Goals
Our mailing address
Arkansas WAND
2510 Hidden Valley
Rock, Arkansas 72212
4:39 PM (3 hours ago)

Past wars have left lasting damage to the
earth, air and water and ongoing wars are multiplying the damage.
The US, with the most powerful military in the world,
could not stop the ravages of Covid -19 with its sophisticated
weapons. After spending trillions on the war on terror, we find
that instead of making us safer, our
military machine is contributing to another problem that threatens to
end life on earth – the climate crisis.
Diana Souza
President Biden called a meeting of the world’s biggest carbon
polluters on Earth Day and announced a new, more ambitious goal for
America: to reduce carbon pollution from cars 50% by 2030. He also
promised to double financial help for countries struggling with the
effects of climate crisis. But
what was not mentioned and what we haven’t heard from the media is the
amount of pollution the world’s militaries are contributing to climate
Climate Change Conference in Glasgow
The United Nations Conference on
Climate Change (COP26) convening October 31 in Glasgow, Scotland,
will bring nations together to adopt stricter standards for action by
all the countries who agree. Sadly, there is no mention on their
agenda of the part world militaries play in climate change.
US military, with its 800 bases around the world, is the largest
carbon polluter in the world. At U.S. insistence, the nations'
militaries were excluded from their pollution reports to the UN at
Kyoto and later at Paris. The media followed suit, and the
public is unaware of the huge contribution militaries make to carbon
Climate and Militarism Event November 4 in Glasgow to
ask COP26 to include world militaries in UN goals
and environmental activists from some of the 500 groups around the world
will be gathering in Glasgow on November 4 to send a powerful message
to the COP26 participants to demand that nations include their
militaries when reporting carbon emissions.
"We ask
COP26 to set strict greenhouse gas emissions limits that make no exception
for militarism, include transparent reporting requirements and
independent verification, and do not rely on schemes to
"offset" emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions from a
country’s overseas military bases must be fully reported and charged to
that country, not the country where the base is located."
WHEN: 4 November 2021, 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
WHERE: Buchanan Steps, in front of the Royal Concert Hall,

a limit on dangerous items you can carry on airplanes that makes an
exception for nuclear weapons. Here the world is all gathering to
impose limits on greenhouse gas emissions that make an exception for
militaries. Why? What possible excuse is there for that, unless
killing people in the short term is so important to us that we're
willing to kill everyone in the long term. We need to speak up for
life, and soon." David Swanson, Executive Director, World
"War and militarism are amongst
the unnamed enemies of our ecosphere. The last two decades of war have
polluted on an almost unimaginable scale. It is a scandal that military
emissions are being excluded from the discussion. If we want to end
warming we need to end war." Chris Nineham of Stop the
War Coalition
"War is
obsolete. There
is no doubt, the quicker we get rid of it, the quicker we improve the
climate." Tim Pluta, World BEYOND War Chapter Organizer
in Asturias, Spain
World Beyond War estimates
that almost
half of the US wars of this century have been fought for oil. The
Pentagon spends billions of dollars on oil and gas fighting wars to
control oil.
Veterans for Peace Speak Up
for the Environment
Many of our war veterans feel strongly about cutting
the military budget. They wrote a letter to Special Climate Envoy
John Kerry on April 14th, asking Kerry to recognize that militarism
is a key part of the climate crisis. The letter, signed by over 200 environmental,
peace and veterans’ organizations asks Kerry to include military
Greenhouse Gas emissions in all reporting and promote major
reductions in the military and its expenditures, including
eliminating hundreds of overseas bases, rejecting nuclear
modernization and endless war. Their letter closed with this:
How do we
ask millions of people to die as a result of a climate catastrophe
fueled by endless war and militarism?
Veterans for Peace
Military Bases Devastate Pacific Islands
Asia-Pacific. The
U.S. militarization of these regions is causing mass environmental
devastation of sacred ancestral coral reefs and carbon-sequestering
forests, while oppressing and harming Indigenous Pacific Islanders
through military exercises and accidents, military crime, and the
poisoning of drinking water. All of these issues can be traced back to
the bloated pentagon budget. It is more evident than ever that the
military and fossil fuel industry cannot be trusted with billions of
tax-payer dollars each year. We must #CutThePentagon to save the planet! - CODEPINK
Pentagon Offers Panacea
On Earth
Day, the Pentagon, like many denier corporations, made a public gesture
to conservation by offering to put solar panels on its tanks. But war
is not green. War destroys everything in its path – the air, water,
land, wildlife, and forests. A few solar panels will not stop the
warming of the planet.
What About Nuclear Weapons?
step in the production of nuclear weapons adds to pollution - the manufacture,
transportation, testing, storage and, tragically, use. But this
administration is continuing Trump’s plan to upgrade our arsenal,
starting another arms race and adding more pollution. Our neighbors,
the Marshallese families in Northwest Arkansas, could tell us a lot
about the weapons testing that devastated their once idyllic
First NATO Country to Endorse Nuclear Abolition
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear
Weapons (ICAN)’s partner organizations in Norway recently
accomplished something groundbreaking: because of their work, Norway
became the first NATO country to join the Meeting of the States
Parties of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Vienna
taking place next year. This also makes it the first nuclear
weapon-complicit country to join the meeting. ICAN hopes that other
NATO countries will follow suit. Currently, conversations to join the
coalition are occurring in Germany. These are giant steps for the
abolition of nuclear weapons worldwide. To support ICAN’s work, you
can donate here. - Maylee Rollins
Cutting the US military, including
its nuclear arsenal, is a no-brainer. It would help eliminate the
worst effects of climate change and also make the US a true leader
for peace by eliminating the threat of a nuclear disaster. And we
might be able to stop the next pandemic in its tracks!
BUT – CONGRESS Hasn't Gotten the Message!
The Democratically-led Senate was
putting the finishing touches on an astronomical weapons and war
budget. They’re prioritizing the failed F-35 fighter jet,
nuclear weapons, battleships, bombs, and surveillance tech over the
things our communities actually need to meet this crisis. And the
entire Congress is preparing to vote on next year’s whopping $778
BILLION Pentagon budget in the coming weeks.
For a list
of numbers, click here
Online Course: War and the Environment
World BEYOND War is hosting an online course on war and
the environment from Monday, January 17, 2022, to Sunday, February 27,
2022. The course costs $100 and will cover war, imperial militaries,
nuclear weapons, how each of them affects the earth, how they are
hidden and maintained, and what can be done to counteract their
effects. The course does not require participation in Zoom calls,
although three 1-hour calls will be included, so you can work at your
own pace. At a minimum, the course requires about 1-2 hours of work per
week, though this can differ depending on how much you engage with the
material. There is an option to earn a certificate as well, but some
additional work is required. Register for this course here, but
tickets are limited so get them while you can! For more information
about the course, contact World BEYOND War Educator Phill Gittins
– Maylee Rollins
Time running out in climate
effort, Biden warns. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Nov.
02, 2021.
As Chávez said, ‘let’s not change the climate, let’s
change the system!’: a conversation with Max Ajl
Cira Pascual Marquina. (11-2-21).

An anti-imperialist approach to global
warming in the context of COP26.
Our expectations for
the UN climate talks 11-4-21
Elizabeth Bast, Oil Change
International <>
1:39 PM (1 hour ago)

Dear Dick,
This year’s UN climate talks, COP26, kicked off in Glasgow this week, and the need for urgent action couldn’t
be more obvious. MORE google OCI or
write to
Elizabeth Bast
Executive Director
Oil Change International
Oil Change
International campaigns to
expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate the coming transition
towards clean energy. We are dedicated to identifying and overcoming
barriers to that transition.
Want to support our work further? Click here to donate.
Veterans for Peace Weekly E-News
VFP Updates from COP26
VFP UK member David Collins is currently on the ground in Glasgow,
Scotland providing daily reports from the UN Climate Change Conference
"My day was spent in more preparations for the
arrival of three more people from The `Movement for the Abolition of
War’. We are combining our efforts for when we start serious lobbing of
the 1,000’s of delegates arriving at the COP26 venue. Meanwhile I
have been preparing to speak at an anti-war rally tomorrow
afternoon which includes several other speakers – the venue is the centre
of Glasgow at the Buchanan Steps in front of the Royal Concert Hall"
Click here to follow along!
Veterans For Peace is going
to COP26!
As part of the COP26 Coalition, Veterans For Peace is
presenting U.S. Militarism, Space Tech, and the #ClimateCrisis on
November 7th.
Adrienne Kinne,VFP Board President and VFP UK member David
Collins, along with peace activist Lisa Savage and journalist Koohan
Paik-Mander, will present a workshop, “U.S. Militarism, Space Tech,
and the Climate Crisis – The Role of Demilitarization in Climate Justice”
at the People’s Summit for Climate
Please register to attend
online here.
From the COP26:
From the 7-10th November 2021, as world leaders meet to discuss our
future, the COP26 Coalition will host The People’s Summit for Climate
“Climate Crisis
& Militarism Project Hard at Work.” VFP E-News (Fall 2021).
Disruption and U.S. Militarism” slideshow by Cindy Piester.
12 Days to Change Our
Climate Destiny - COP 26 in Glasgow

The OMNI Center via 11-5-21
12:04 PM (2 hours ago)

to me

Even during covid, we're weaving a connected and
cohesive community out of rugged individualist Arkansans. It's
important because we're facing a pandemic, political fracturing,
climate change and who knows what else! Let's figure out how best
to have each other's backs right now.
COP 26 in Glasgow –
12 Days to change our climate destiny
The stakes are high and getting higher. Can
we do this? Here is David Attenborough, speaking at COP 26:
Just look what
the climate movement has done
Ellie May - 11-5-21
10:06 AM (9 minutes ago)

Wow, Dick.
I almost can’t believe
it. Yesterday, at the UN climate talks in Scotland, 20 countries and
institutions finally promised to stop funding coal, oil and gas projects with
our money. This is the first international commitment of its kind, and
could shift $15 billion away from fossil fuels. [1]Around the world, we have
organised, campaigned, and stood up for climate justice. We let our governments
know: we won’t stand by while they keep funding destructive fossil fuels with
public money. But while every
penny taken from fossil fuels is a victory, this news won’t stop big polluters
from destroying our homes with their dirty business. The pledges don’t
stop private banks from funding fossil fuels. They don't stop our governments
from funding coal, oil and gas projects at home. The fossil fuel
industry’s ties to governments and banks run deep. The only way we’re going to make sure these institutions keep their
promises and move to a clean, sustainable future is by keeping up the pressure,
together. MORE Will
you share this news with your friends and family and invite them to be part of
the climate movement?
“Nobody made a greater
mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do little.” —Edmund Burke
How many variations on this theme can you create in five minutes? Nobody made a greater mistake than he who
took a vacation instead of looking steadfastly at the climate emergency. ,. . .
Earlier OMNI COP26 Glasgow Countdown, 10-22/31-21
END OMNI Glasgow
Countdown, 10-31 to 11-5
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