15, 2014. Compiled by Dick Bennett for a
Culture of Peace and Justice. (#1
July 9, 2013; #2 Nov. 1, 2013)
My blog:
War Department/Peace Department
War Department/Peace Department
newsletters on National Security State (NSS), Pentagon, Secrecy, Surveillance,
and many more.
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Contents #1 (in reverse
chron. order, bold type added by
(Some entries offer contexts.)
July 13: Ellsberg, Why Snowden Had to Flee US
July 8/15: Schell, Hero Snowden vs. End of Privacy
July 5:
Weisbrot, Helping Snowden
July 5: Pilger,
Morales’ Plane Forced Down
June 26: Blum, Dark History of US NSS, vs. Phillip Agee
June 24: Lindorff, Hong Kong ,
China , Russia vs Hacker USA
June 20: Pew Poll, US Public Majority Supports
June 19: Greenwald, FISA Fails Oversight
June 13:
Greenwald, Snowden, Who Is He?
Contents #2
letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Amy Goodman,
Democracy Now: Snowden on Mass Surveillance
Snowden on
Civil Rights
Ray McGovern:
Snowden Wins Integrity Award
Risen and
Poitras, NSA Gathers Social Connections
Rendall and
McCloskey, Mainstream Media Misrepresents Muslims
Ridgeway and
Casella, Torture
Oliver Stone,
Obama and Snowden
Mainstream Media Labels Snowden a “Narcissist”
PETITIONS from Roots Action
The Leaked Documents
Copy of
Snowden’s Leaked Docs (from Marc)
Macaskill and
Dance, What the Docs Mean
The Leaker Snowden
Weisbrot, “An
American Hero”
Snowden and Greenwald
Smale, No
Treason in Trying to Stop Eavesdropping
Avaaz, Asylum
for Snowden
Savage, Snowden
Honored by Freedom of the Press Foundation
Snowden’s “Freedom” in Russia
Snowden Joins
Board of Press Group Founded by Ellsberg
Sirota, Snowden’s
“Freedom” in the US : Assassination?
Radyuhin, Snowden
Asks Russians for Protection
![]() |
Hi Dick,
I thought you may like to have this on hand, all the Snowden leaked docs in one place.
I thought you may like to have this on hand, all the Snowden leaked docs in one place.
The NSA Files: Decoded - What the
Surveillance Revelations Mean for You by Ewen Macaskill and Gabriel Dance, Guardian UK , RSN, NOV. 2, 2013.
Macaskill and Dance write: "When Edward Snowden met journalists in his cramped room inHong Kong 's Mira hotel in June, his mission
was ambitious. Amid the clutter of laundry, meal trays and his four laptops, he
wanted to start a debate about mass surveillance." READ MORE
Macaskill and Dance write: "When Edward Snowden met journalists in his cramped room in
Not Only Privacy But Democracy That Snowden Has Tried to Help Us Save. Mark Weisbrot.
Posted: 01/10/2014 12:03 pm
[I read this in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (1-11-14, 6B) under the
title, “An American Hero.” --Dick]
Read more

Edward Snowden is a courageous American
hero and will be remembered as one, long after the "war on terror" is
replaced by some other pretext for violating Americans' constitutional rights
and the rest of the world's national sovereignty and privacy, and sometimes
security. He won his first major legal victory on December 16 when a Federal District Court
ruled that the NSA's collection of Americans' phone records that Snowden first
exposed was probably unconstitutional.
It's unfortunate that
even most of the critical reporting on our national surveillance state still
frames the abuses that Snowden revealed as a result of over-zealous efforts to
protect Americans from terrorism. Even ignoring the industrial espionage and phone-tapping of foreign
leaders like German
Chancellor Angela Merkel or Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff that obviously
had nothing to do with terrorism; the surveillance state at home is much more
than a violation of our privacy.
Don't get me wrong: That's bad enough. Most people don't want to
share the intimate details of their personal lives with government snoops. But
the Obama administration has managed to convince some of the more naïve among
us that the NSA's big data sweeps just sit in some huge storage facility that
are sifted with algorithms to identify or investigate targets that may have
something to do with terrorism.
However, there is a
mountain of evidence that this massive data-gathering is in fact beingused against citizens who are involved in constitutionally
protected activity, such as political organizing and public education. The
American Civil Liberties Union has a nice compilationof U.S. law
enforcement agencies "spying on American citizens and infiltrating or
otherwise obstructing political activist groups" in 36 states in recent
years. From spying on anti-war groups like Pittsburgh 's
Thomas Merton Center ,
to infiltrating groups across the country who were planning to protest at the
2004 Republican convention, our government has plenty of additional resources
to use the NSA's data for discouraging and disrupting opposition political
In 2011, the Boston police, the federally-funded Boston Regional
Intelligence Center ,
and the FBI were very busy tracking activists who were part of the Occupy
movement, Code Pink, and Veterans for Peace. As a result they seem to have ignored the intelligence that was literally handed to them
about the terrorists who bombed the Boston
marathon in April. This tells you a lot about the priorities of our morally
corrupt national surveillance state.
"These programs were never about
terrorism," wrote Snowden in a letter to Brazilians on December 17.
"[T]hey're about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic
manipulation. They're about power."
Back when Martin
Luther King Jr. was inspiring millions in the struggle for civil and voting
rights for African Americans, and for economic justice, the FBI was busy
tapping his phone and harassing him. At one point they tried seriously to blackmail King into committing
suicide, as the New York Times noted
this week. Today they would have a constant flow of real-time information not
only on his every move and phone call, but on every activist in that movement
across the country. That is the difference that technology makes, if we let
them get away with it.
The surveillance state is also making the U.S. into a banana republic, as the
burgeoning military-intelligence
apparatus becomes more powerful relative to our elected officials,
including the president. It was the wounded military-intelligence community's
priorities that got the Obama administration to threaten China ,
Russia , and Latin America , and violate all sorts of international
laws in a futile attempt to force their co-operation in capturing Snowden. And
it is their power that is currently blocking reforms to rein in the NSA's
It's not just your
privacy that is under attack because of the abuses that Snowden exposed -- it's
the foundations of a democratic society.
This was distributed
by McClatchy-Tribune News Service on January 8, 2014 and published on January
9th by The Fresno Bee and other newspapers.

Mark Weisbrot
Mark Weisbrot is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy
Research in Washington , D.C. He received his Ph.D. in economics from
the University of
Michigan . He is
co-author, with Dean Baker, of Social Security: The Phony Crisis (University of Chicago Press , 2000), and has written numerous
research papers on economic policy.
He writes a column on economic and policy issues that
is distributed to over 550 newspapers by McClatchy-Tribune
Information Services. His opinion pieces
have appeared in the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe,
and most major U.S.
newspapers. He appears regularly on national and local television and radio
programs. He is also president of Just Foreign Policy. Show full bio
Snowden and Greenwald: The Men Who Leaked the Secrets, Janet Reitman, Rolling Stone
Reitman writes: "In June...Edward Snowden, the mysterious source, would hand over many thousands of top-secret documents: a mother lode laying bare the architecture of the national-security state."
Reitman writes: "In June...Edward Snowden, the mysterious source, would hand over many thousands of top-secret documents: a mother lode laying bare the architecture of the national-security state."
Snowden Appeals to US for Clemency on Leaks
Alison Smale, The New York Times 02 November 13 Reader Supported News
Alison Smale, The New York Times 02 November 13 Reader Supported News
Smale reports: "Edward J. Snowden, the fugitive American
security contractor granted temporary asylum by Russia ,
has appealed to Washington to stop treating
him like a traitor for revealing that the United States has been
eavesdropping on its allies, a German politician who met with Mr. Snowden said on Friday."

Edward Snowden. (illustration: Jason Seiler/TIME)
Thanks for taking action to
find whistleblower Edward Snowden a safe home!
Share the email below and post this link to your facebook wall:
Thanks for all that you do,
The Avaaz team
Dear friends,
The world's greatest whistleblower is stuck in the Russian winter, facing solitary confinement, ridicule, and life in prison if US agents grab him. But this week, we could help get him to safety.
Edward Snowden exposed the mind-boggling and illegal level of surveillance theUS government is conducting on,
well, all of us. His welcome in Russia
runs out soon, and he's got nowhere to go. But Brazilian President Dilma is
angry at US surveillance
and experts say she might brave massive US pressure to consider asylum for
This is about much more than one man. If Snowden's act of truth-telling leads to crippling punishment, it sends the wrong signal to abusive governments and whistleblowers everywhere. If 1 million of us take action now, we can send President Dilma the largest citizen-supported asylum bid in history -- click below to safeguard Snowden and defend democracy everywhere:
Time is running out on Snowden’s one-year visa. Sharks are circling to drag him back to theUS
where he is unlikely to face a fair trial, but Brazil ’s
president Dilma hates mega spy program PRISM, has cancelled a state visit to
the US
over the issue, and is working to safeguard her people from spying. If she’s to
support Snowden, Dilma needs to know she can withstand tough US pressure.
Opponents of giving Snowden asylum say he broke the law and put global security at risk. Some even call him a traitor, and say letting him get away with it could open the floodgates for others. But while Snowden did break the law — he did so to reveal a massive system of illegal global spying on an industrial scale. Snowden's heroic action can make the world a better and safer place for everyone.
And Snowden isn’t just any whistleblower; his revelations have already changed the world for the better.Germany
and Brazil
have moved to reform privacy protections for citizens. The issue has been
addressed openly in the United Nations, and a US court has ruled some forms of
NSA spying are illegal. This week US President Obama is going to
change the spy practices of the NSA, in reaction to Snowden’s leaks!
President Dilma needs our support to stand up toUS pressure. Let’s show her that the world’s people will stand
with Brazil if Brazil stands
for bravery. Join the world’s biggest asylum request ever, for Snowden:
With more than 30 million members around the world -- including 6 million in Brazil -- together we have already been key to protecting our internet from government gag laws. Now we can support the man who has sacrificed so much to protect us from a massive international spy scandal.
With hope and determination,
Joseph, Christoph, Michael, Sayeeda, Ricken and the whole Avaaz Team
Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower ( NYTimes)
Brazil urged to give Snowden asylum (Express)
Brazil's Rousseff calls off state visit to U.S. over spying (Reuters)
Edward Snowden and the NSA files – timeline (The Guardian)
U.S. Spying Prompts UN Panel to Review Surveillance (Bloomberg)
Brazil confirms satellite deal after US spying outcry (The New Age)
Nine reasons you should care about NSA’s PRISM surveillance (PC Authority),nine-reasons-you-should-care-about-nsa8217s-prism-surve...
Share the email below and post this link to your facebook wall:
Thanks for all that you do,
The Avaaz team
Dear friends,
The world's greatest whistleblower is stuck in the Russian winter, facing solitary confinement, ridicule, and life in prison if US agents grab him. But this week, we could help get him to safety.
Edward Snowden exposed the mind-boggling and illegal level of surveillance the
This is about much more than one man. If Snowden's act of truth-telling leads to crippling punishment, it sends the wrong signal to abusive governments and whistleblowers everywhere. If 1 million of us take action now, we can send President Dilma the largest citizen-supported asylum bid in history -- click below to safeguard Snowden and defend democracy everywhere:
Time is running out on Snowden’s one-year visa. Sharks are circling to drag him back to the
Opponents of giving Snowden asylum say he broke the law and put global security at risk. Some even call him a traitor, and say letting him get away with it could open the floodgates for others. But while Snowden did break the law — he did so to reveal a massive system of illegal global spying on an industrial scale. Snowden's heroic action can make the world a better and safer place for everyone.
And Snowden isn’t just any whistleblower; his revelations have already changed the world for the better.
President Dilma needs our support to stand up to
With more than 30 million members around the world -- including 6 million in Brazil -- together we have already been key to protecting our internet from government gag laws. Now we can support the man who has sacrificed so much to protect us from a massive international spy scandal.
With hope and determination,
Joseph, Christoph, Michael, Sayeeda, Ricken and the whole Avaaz Team
Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower ( NYTimes)
Brazil urged to give Snowden asylum (Express)
Brazil's Rousseff calls off state visit to U.S. over spying (Reuters)
Edward Snowden and the NSA files – timeline (The Guardian)
U.S. Spying Prompts UN Panel to Review Surveillance (Bloomberg)
Brazil confirms satellite deal after US spying outcry (The New Age)
Nine reasons you should care about NSA’s PRISM surveillance (PC Authority),nine-reasons-you-should-care-about-nsa8217s-prism-surve...
Snowden to Join Board of
the Freedom of the Press Foundation
Washington — Edward J. Snowden, the
former National Security Agency contractor whose leaks of secret documents set off a national and global debate
about government spying, is joining the board of a nonprofit organization
co-founded by Daniel Ellsberg, the well-known leaker of the Pentagon Papers
during the Vietnam War.
The announcement by the group, the Freedom of the Press Foundation, is the latest
contribution to a public relations tug of war between Mr. Snowden’s critics,
who portray him as a criminal and a traitor, and his supporters, who say he is
a whistle-blower and source for the news media in the tradition of Mr.
The foundation’s
board already includes
two of the journalists Mr. Snowden gave N.S.A. documents to, Glenn Greenwald
and Laura Poitras. But the organization — which consulted with lawyers about
whether adding Mr. Snowden to its board could jeopardize its nonprofit tax
status — is trying to emphasize parallels between Mr. Snowden and Mr. Ellsberg.
Independent Investigative Journalism
Since 1995
Snowden’s ‘Freedom’
By Ray McGovern,
November 3, 2013
common angle from the mainstream U.S.
media is that NSA leaker Edward Snowden will regret his asylum in Russia (rather than life in prison in the U.S. ).
A quote from ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern was used in support of that theme, but
he has asked the New York Times to
clarify it.
Ray McGovern (addressing the New York Times editors)
was quoted in Steven Lee Myers’s “In Shadows,
Hints of a Life and Even a Job for Snowden,” published by the New York Times on Oct. 31, as saying
(about former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden), “He’s free,
but not completely free” in asylum in Russia.
unfortunate juxtaposition in the text of Mr. Myers’s piece has led several
acquaintances to misinterpret my words. I trust you will agree that the issue
is of some importance; thus, my request that you publish this clarification.
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden speaking in Moscow on
Oct. 9, 2013, after receiving an award from an organization of former U.S.
intelligence officials. (From a video posted by WikiLeaks)
Myers quotes me correctly. Unfortunately, the immediately preceding
sentences quote a Russian journalist, who “cautioned” that the appearance of a
“happy, open asylum” could be “propaganda,” and that the Russian security
services might be waiting to question Mr. Snowden until he becomes
“increasingly dependent on them.”
is not at all what I meant by “not completely free.” For starters, I guess I’m
not sure how free you can feel being stateless, the State Department having
revoked your passport.
more on this issue emerged on Oct. 9, after Mr. Snowden was presented with this year’s Sam Adams Associates
Award for Integrity in Intelligence. We four Sam Adams Associates –
Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, Coleen Rowley, and I – chatted into the wee hours
with Mr. Snowden and WikiLeaks journalist Ms. Sarah Harrison. (It was Ms.
Harrison who facilitated his departure from Hong Kong
on June 23. She has been at his side ever since to witness that he is not
undergoing at the hands of the Russians what in some Western countries are
called “enhanced interrogation techniques.”)
asked Mr. Snowden whether he was aware that just six days before our Sam Adams
award ceremony, Michael Hayden, former director of both the NSA and the CIA had
said publicly that he had “thought of nominating Mr. Snowden … for a different
list” – an unmistakable hint that Mr. Snowden be put on President Barack
Obama’s infamous “Kill List.” With a wan smile, Mr. Snowden assured me
that Yes; he keeps well up on such things.
did he know that Mike Rogers, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, chimed
right in with immediate support for Hayden’s suggestion, stating, “I can help
you with that?” This time the wan smile gave way to a wince – and another
Yes. (Both Hayden and Rogers
were speaking at an Oct. 3 conference sponsored by the Washington Post, which,
oddly, neglected to report on this macabre/mafia–type pas de deux.)
the back-to-back wan smile and wince, I resisted the urge to ask Mr. Snowden if
he saw reassurance in the official letter of July 23 from U.S. Attorney General
Eric Holder to his Russian counterpart conveying Holder’s promise: “Mr.
Snowden will not be tortured … if he returns to the United States .”
his Oct. 31 article, Mr. Myers includes an instructive remark from Anatoly
Kucherena, a Russian lawyer assisting Mr. Snowden. Mr. Kucherena told
Myers he would not discuss Mr. Snowden’s life in exile “because the level of
threat from the U.S.
government structures is still very high.”
what I meant by “not completely free.”
McGovern works for Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of
the Saviour in inner-city Washington . Ray
entered the CIA as an analyst on the same day as the late CIA analyst Sam Adams
(a direct descendant of John Adams, by the way), and was instrumental in
founding Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence.
TV Message by
Snowden Says Privacy Still Matters DEC. 25, 2013
In 1971, the Nixon administration
charged Mr. Ellsberg with violating the Espionage Act because he gave the Pentagon
Papers, a classified history of decision-making about the Vietnam War, to The
New York Times and other newspapers. A court eventually threw out the case for
government misconduct. Mr. Snowden has been
charged under that same law.
“He is no more of a traitor than I
am, and I am not a traitor,” Mr. Ellsberg said in an interview. He added that
he was proud that Mr. Snowden would serve alongside him on the group’s board,
calling Mr. Snowden a hero who “has done more for our Constitution in terms of
the Fourth and First Amendment” than anyone else Mr. Ellsberg knows.
The announcement comes days after the
top Republican and Democratic lawmakers
on the House Intelligence Committee sought to paint a far more sinister portrait of Mr.
Snowden, saying he had
aligned himself with America ’s
enemies and jeopardized national security. They cited a classified defense
intelligence report they said concluded that most of the documents he took
concerned military activities rather than civil liberties.
“Make no mistake, Snowden is no
patriot and there is no way to excuse the irreparable harm he caused to America and her
allies, and continues to cause,” said the chairman, Representative Mike Rogers,
Republican of Michigan. He added that Mr. Snowden’s “real acts of betrayal”
were “likely to have lethal consequences for our troops in the field.”
Ben Wizner, an American
Civil Liberties Union
lawyer advising Mr. Snowden, called such criticism “exaggerated national
security fears” that amounted to “an attack on the journalists who have
published the stories based on the documents.” He added. “The government said
much more dire things about what would happen if The New York Times published the Pentagon Papers. None of them
turned out to be true.”
In a statement provided by the foundation, Mr. Snowden said he was
honored to serve the cause of a free press “alongside extraordinary Americans
like Daniel Ellsberg.”
Because Mr. Snowden is living in Russia , where he was granted
temporary asylum, he will participate in board meetings by a remote
link, according to the group’s director, Trevor Timm.
Mr. Timm said that before offering
Mr. Snowden a position, the group consulted with lawyers about whether doing so
could create legal problems. The Internal Revenue Service recently granted the
group nonprofit status under a section of the tax code that allows donors to
deduct contributions from their taxable income, he said.
The lawyers, he said, concluded that
Mr. Snowden’s participation as a board member — an unpaid position — should not
jeopardize that status because the I.R.S. has not penalized other groups with
board members under indictment. Rather, such tax status is generally put at
risk when groups stray from their mission.
Mr. Timm said that the foundation’s
mission was to encourage “news organizations to publish government secrets in
the public interest and for brave whistle-blowers to come forward, even though
it is personally very risky.” He added: “Snowden embodies exactly what we
started this organization for, so I think we’re pretty safe.”
The foundation was started 14 months
ago for the initial purpose of enabling donations to
WikiLeaks after firms
like PayPal, MasterCard, and Visa began refusing to process contributions. It
rapidly expanded into other activities, including raising funds for other
organizations and hiring a stenographer to produce daily transcripts of the
court-martial trial of Chelsea Manning, then known as Pfc. Bradley Manning,
WikiLeaks’ main source.
It raised about $650,000 last year,
Mr. Timm said, of which about $500,000 went to various other organizations,
including about $200,000 to WikiLeaks.
The group is increasingly focused on
helping journalists protect the security of their communications, including by
disseminating and managing a
free software system to
enable would-be sources to send leaked files to journalists in a way it says
can evade surveillance.
“Journalism isn’t possible unless
reporters and their sources can safely communicate, and where laws can’t
protect that, technology can,” Mr. Snowden said in his statement. “This is a
hard problem, but not an unsolvable one, and I look forward to using my
experience to help find a solution.”
A version of this article appears in
print on January 15, 2014, on page A16 of the New York edition with the headline: Snowden Joins Board
of Press Group Founded by Daniel Ellsberg. |
Pentagon & NSA Officials:
Assassinate Edward Snowden, By David Sirota, PandoDaily. RSN, 17
January 14

The implications are profound (and
profoundly disturbing), and raise questions about Americans' constitutional
right to due process, the most basic constraints on presidential power, and our
treatment of whistleblowers. Indeed, how can anyone expect those who witness
executive-branch crimes to blow the whistle when the head of the executive
branch asserts the right to instantly execute anyone he pleases at any time?
of this may sound theoretical, academic, or even fantastical, straight out of a
dystopian sci-fi flick. But it isn't. It is very real. After all, only a few
months ago, the chairman of the U.S. House
Intelligence Committee publicly
offered to help extrajudicially assassinate NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. And now, according to
a harrowing new report that just hit the Internet, top NSA and Pentagon
officials are doing much the same, even after court rulings and disclosures have concluded that Snowden is a whistleblower who exposed serious government crimes.
an article headlined "America's Spies Want Edward Snowden
Dead," Buzzfeed's Benny Johnson reports:
'In a world where I would not be restricted from killing an
American, I personally would go and kill him myself,' a current NSA analyst told BuzzFeed. 'A
lot of people share this sentiment.'
'I would love to put a bullet in his head,' one Pentagon official, a former special forces officer, said bluntly…
'His name is cursed every day over here,' a defense contractor told BuzzFeed, speaking from an overseas Intelligence collections base. 'Most everyone I talk to says he needs to be tried and hung, forget the trial and just hang him.'
One Army intelligence officer even offered BuzzFeed a chillingly detailed fantasy.
'I think if we had the chance, we would end it very quickly,' he said. 'Just casually walking on the streets ofMoscow , coming back from buying his groceries.
Going back to his flat and he is casually poked by a passerby. He thinks
nothing of it at the time starts to feel a little woozy and thinks it's a
parasite from the local water. He goes home very innocently and next thing you
know he dies in the shower.'
'I would love to put a bullet in his head,' one Pentagon official, a former special forces officer, said bluntly…
'His name is cursed every day over here,' a defense contractor told BuzzFeed, speaking from an overseas Intelligence collections base. 'Most everyone I talk to says he needs to be tried and hung, forget the trial and just hang him.'
One Army intelligence officer even offered BuzzFeed a chillingly detailed fantasy.
'I think if we had the chance, we would end it very quickly,' he said. 'Just casually walking on the streets of
Buzzfeed characterizes this as government
officials merely "seeth(ing) in very personal terms." However, with a
top legislative branch leader offering to assist in the very extrajudicial
assassination now being promoted by NSA and Pentagon officials, and with the
executive branch categorically asserting the right to order such an
extrajudicial assassination of a U.S. citizen, this is more than mere
"seething." These are outright threats.
Think about it: As President Obama would
no doubt acknowledge, the NSA and Pentagon are not independent agencies. As
president he oversees and runs them. That is, they are overseen and run by the
same Obama administration that has asserted the right to execute American
citizens without indictment, trial or conviction. While these may just be
officials speaking off the cuff, their language ("Most everyone I talk
to"/"A lot of people share this sentiment") makes clear that
their sentiment represents a pervasive culture throughout the government - again,
the same government that not-so-coincidentally asserts the right to kill people
in exactly the way they discuss.
It all leads back to that same harrowing
question: how can Americans who witness executive-branch crimes feel
comfortable or even physically safe blowing the whistle on said crimes?
The answer in the Obama era is: they
Snowden to Ask for Russian Police
Protection After U.S. Death Threats
Vladimir Radyuhin, The Hindu, Reader Supported News, Jan. 26, 2014
Radyuhin reports: "Edward Snowden will ask Russian authorities for extra protection over threats to his life from American military and intelligence officers."
Vladimir Radyuhin, The Hindu, Reader Supported News, Jan. 26, 2014
Radyuhin reports: "Edward Snowden will ask Russian authorities for extra protection over threats to his life from American military and intelligence officers."
GCHQ and European Spy Agencies Worked Together on Mass
Surveillance. Julian Borger,
Guardian UK 02
November 13 Reader Supported News
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