OMNI Nuclear Free Future Month
NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2013. Compiled by Dick
Bennett for Peace, Justice, and the Environment.
See: Nuclear Abolition Day Newsletter June 2
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Nuclear-Free Future Month
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UN vs. Nuclear Weapons
To Action
It has been 68 years since the United States dropped atomic bombs on the cities
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , killing much of their populations
in an instant. Tens of thousands more died from injuries or radiation
sickness in the months that followed. The rest were condemned to live
their lives in fear of radiation-induced cancers, and their descendants to this
day face increased risk of health effects caused by genetic damage.
The U.S.
dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on
August 6, 1945, and the second on Nagasaki
on August 9, 1945. For decades, these dates have been adopted as times to
pause to remember the victims, and also to remember that the threat posed by
nuclear weapons remains with us. They also are a time to reflect on the
broader dangers created by the global spread of nuclear technology as a means
to generate nuclear power. Despite the inherent risks of nuclear power
generation, demonstrated decisively by the 2011 catastrophe at Fukushima , the immense global nuclear
industry continues to push for new nuclear deals, always claiming that the next
generation of nuclear power plants will be safe and affordable, despite a
record of broken promises stretching back to the dawn of the atomic age.
All stages of the nuclear chain, from
mining to power production to testing and storage of waste, expose surrounding
populations to extremely long-lived mutagenic radionuclides that can lead to
birth defects, cancers and other devastating diseases. As recognized in
the Moorea Declaration, adopted by the Abolition 2000 Conference held in
Moorea, Te Ao Maohi, (French Occupied Polynesia) in 1997, “colonised and
indigenous peoples have, in the large part borne the brunt of … nuclear
devastation – from the mining of uranium and the testing of nuclear weapons on
indigenous peoples land, to the dumping, storage and transport of plutonium and
nuclear wastes, and the theft of land for nuclear infrastructure.”
Building out from the
Hiroshima-Nagasaki anniversaries, since 2006, United for Peace and Justice has
declared August “Nuclear Free Future Month,” providing an opportunity for
groups opposed to nuclear weapons and power to spread their message and to
stimulate recognition of the relationship between nuclear technologies
and the broader crises engendered by the deepening polarization of wealth and
political power and by economic growth and technology choices that are
ecologically unsustainable. The regime of “security” backed by the
constant threat of nuclear annihilation underscores an urgent need for the
redefinition of human security. Generating the immense amounts of energy
necessary to fuel a society addicted to growth with technologies that risk
lethal contamination of the homes and cities they power, and of the natural
world around them, manifests the unsustainable character of a society that
places endless material accumulation above all.
Nuclear power and nuclear weapons are
extreme examples of technologies chosen not to serve the common good, but
rather to serve the power strategies of immense, unaccountable organizations
that have come to dominate the global economy and society. A common
characteristic of these strategies is that a fraction of the population grabs
most of the benefits while everyone bears the risks. It’s time to end the
nuclear cycle for good, and to make the transition to technologies that work
within the rhythms and limits of the biosphere and within institutions designed
for democracy not for the power of the few.
Our main vehicle for coordinating
activities and disseminating information will be the United for Peace and
Justice Nuclear Free Future web pages at, where you
will find a variety of action ideas and educational resources. We encourage you
to post your group’s planned activities to the calendar you will find there.
Please share your plans for Hiroshima-Nagasaki memorials this August, but
please think outside the traditional bounds and plan and share additional
educational events and actions throughout the month. Please help us spread the
Early in his first term,
President Obama announced his commitment to “seek the peace and security of a
world without nuclear weapons.” Four years later, there has been little
progress towards that goal. The new START treaty with Russia , touted
by the Obama administration as its greatest achievement in arms reduction, in
fact did little to change nuclear deployments. Obama only obtained Senate
consent to the treaty by agreeing to modernize the nuclear arsenal and the
weapons facilities that sustain it, a plan that will add billions of dollars to
nuclear weapons budgets every year for the foreseeable future. This
promise to the nuclear establishment is one of the few Obama seems determined
to keep: while funds for basic services, civilian infrastructure, and the
environment are savaged by the budget sequester, the President’s budget request
increases nuclear weapons spending to shelter the arms makers from the
sequester’s effects. Even after the treaty limits are met, both the U.S. and Russia still will have thousands of
nuclear weapons deliverable by aircraft and missiles based on land and sea,
enough to destroy human civilization in a day. China ,
France , India , Israel ,
Pakistan , and the United Kingdom
all possess nuclear arsenals large enough to destroy a country and to inflict
significant damage on the biosphere. It is these actually existing
nuclear arsenals that pose the greatest threat to humanity, yet the governments
that possess them devote far more attention to eliminating nuclear
weapons that don’t exist—those that might be obtained by “proliferators” or
Today, nuclear-armed states are
involved in conflicts around the globe, confronting one another directly or
indirectly from the war in Syria
to resource-driven territorial disputes in Northeast Asia .
Those who hold power on all sides see such conflict as inevitable, as something
that at best can be “managed” in the ways they always have: in elite
negotiating forums that exclude the vast majority of humanity from decisions
that affect us all, and by endless preparation for war. Endless
preparation for war, what we now call “deterrence,” always has failed,
spiraling into rounds of great power wars each of which proved more savage and
destructive than the last. In a world bristling with atomic weaponry, human
civilization likely will not survive another.
This one-sided focus on nuclear weapons
proliferation rather than disarmament has led to deepening discontent outside
the nuclear-armed states. Frustrated by the lack of progress in
traditional negotiating forums such as the Conference on Disarmament and
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conferences, coalitions of countries
have joined in new initiatives. The 2012 session of the United Nations General
Assembly adopted resolutions to hold a High-level Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament,
and to establish an Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) “to develop proposals to
take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations for the achievement
and maintenance of a world without nuclear weapons.” In March of this year the
government of Norway
hosted a conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, attended by
representatives of 127 states, the United Nations, the International Committee
of the Red Cross, and other elements of civil society. A second such conference
will be hosted by Mexico in Mexico City in early
These new initiatives give cause for
hope, but the nuclear-armed states—where half the people in the world live and
where the most powerful military-industrial complexes exert enormous
influence– have resisted them. The U.S. ,
together with Russia , the United Kingdom , France
and China – all of the
nuclear armed permanent members of the United Nations Security Council –
boycotted the Oslo
conference on Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons. The U.S. the U.K. and France explicitly rejected
the establishment of the Open Ended Working Group and any outcome it may
produce. The continuing refusal of the original nuclear weapons states to
comply with their disarmament obligation under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty (NPT), together with what is viewed by many as the use of
nonproliferation as a stalking horse for old-fashioned geopolitical agendas,
has eroded not only the NPT but increasingly the entire structure of the
post-World War II international legal order. The response from national elites
who see themselves as potential targets for regime change by nuclear armed
states may be, as in the case of North Korea , to attempt to build a
nuclear arsenal of their own. The nuclear-armed states have done their
best to weaken the reciprocal nature of the NPT nuclear disarmament and nuclear
nonproliferation obligations. The most likely result is neither
nonproliferation nor disarmament, but global nuclear lawlessness. All of this
reinforces the need for reinvigorated disarmament movements in the nuclear
weapons states and in the United
States , which stands at the apex of the
global war system, most of all.
There also is cause for hope in the
struggle to end the dangerous practice of generating electricity with nuclear
energy. The immense and continuing disaster at Fukushima seriously damaged the prospects for
the global nuclear industry. Almost all of Japan ’s nuclear power reactors
remain shut down. A number of countries either have announced plans to
phase out nuclear power or have canceled nuclear power projects. There is
renewed opposition in countries long committed to nuclear energy, including
France and the U.S.
Here too, however, the enormous institutions of the nuclear establishment are
using their economic power and political influence to fight back.
For example, a Canadian corporation,
Energy Fuels Inc., has recently purchased several U.S.-based uranium mining
companies and is reopening mining shafts 17 miles south of the Grand Canyon
National Park on land which is sacred to the Havasupai Indians who have been in
the region for 800 years, and is upstream and upwind of their homes. The
implication for the health of the local population is significant.
The inextricable connection between
nuclear weapons and nuclear power always has run both ways. The capacity
to sustain a nuclear fuel cycle and to operate reactors provides much of the
technological base for the production of nuclear weapons. But the
potential to acquire nuclear weapons also provides a political base for
an expensive and dangerous technology that otherwise would be hard pressed to
compete with other ways to generate electricity. The common technology and
materials base provides a rationale for governments to shroud the development
of nuclear technology in secrecy, concealing both the risks and the full costs.
“Civilian” applications of nuclear technology then provide a glamorous,
high-tech gloss over the underlying deadliness of the entire enterprise: “Atoms
for Peace,” and promises of electricity “too cheap to meter.”
This drama is playing out again in
countries with elites striving to join the top tier of a stratified global
economy, where large scale, centralized electricity generation is a first
priority to power privileged new enclaves of production and consumption. This
time around, however, there is a globalized nuclear industry, centered in the
original nuclear weapons states and in Japan , eager to push the process
forward, even in countries where elites may have no interest in acquiring nuclear
weapons. With reactor sales scarce in countries with publics long familiar with
the ecological and economic effects of nuclear power, the home countries of the
nuclear industry are striking deals for nuclear cooperation and sales with
elites of rising economies from India
to Turkey to Vietnam .
Here at home, the Department of Energy recently announced that it is partnering
with Babcock and Wilcox, also a major military nuclear contractor, in
developing a new generation of small modular reactors, continuing the tight
relationship between the civilian and military nuclear enterprises.
This call was initiated by the United
for Peace and Justice Nuclear Disarmament/Redefining
Security Working Group. We invite other groups to endorse this Call
and participate in Nuclear Free Future Month. If your organization would like
to be added to the following list of endorsers to help work for a nuclear free
future, please follow this link to fill out the endorsement form. Circulate the Call among progressive
organizations in your community and connect with others who are organizing
against the war machine. Seek peace, be part of the solution. No Nukes! No Wars!
Groups planning
Nuclear-Free Future month through the United for Peace and Justice Nuclear
Disarmament/Redefining Security Working Group include the following. If you’d
like to get involved please send an e-mail message to Jackie Cabasso, working
group convener:wslf (at) .
Please consider joining
these groups by making a donation of $25, $50 or $100 (or
more!) to support the
Nuclear Free Future Month website and related resources. Or volunteer your time
and skills.Donate online or
make your check payable to United for Peace and Justice and mail it to PO Box 607 , Times
Square Station, New York , NY 10017 .
Be sure to note on the memo line: “Nuclear-Free Future Month”.
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Nuclear Free Future Month
Nuclear Free Future
By Carol Urner, DISARM/End Wars Issue
United for Peace and Justice Nuclear
Weapons and Human Security Working Group in which WILPF DISARM- End Wars
actively participates.
August's Nuclear Free Future month opened with WILPF women
across the country recommitting themselves to work for a Nuclear Free Future.
Send your August NFF news
Boston and Cape Cod Branches sponsored community meetings with
Cecile Pineda and Hattie Nestel, discussing Cecile’s powerful new book, Devil’s Tango: How I learned the Fukishima Step by StepDISARM
is helping our members Hattie and Cecile do ten book signings in communities
seeking to shut down nearby nuclear reactors in Massachusetts, New York,
Vermont and New Hampshire.
The wide variety of grassroots and national peace groups
(including Peace Action, AFSC, Western States Legal Foundation and WILPF)
that organize together within the UFPJ Nuclear Weapons and Human Security
Working Group facilitated by Jackie Cabasso, regard August as Nuclear Free
Future month. After
August is often a difficult month for organizing events but can
be a good month for planning future ones. Refer to our DISARM Nuclear Free
Future Resources in the July
eNews for
program and action project resources on Depleted Uranium, Mayors
for Peace Cities, and phasing
out nuclear power.
And watch for our updated web page later this month with a
report on WILPF participation in Hiroshima-Nagasaki observances and a list of
DVDs that could and should be shown in high school and college classrooms
Internal Mini-Grant Program
New material posted at the Cuba and Bolivarian Issue Committee pages.
Several women are touring the

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AUGUST 5, 2013.
Nuclear Free Future
NUCLEAR ... The U.S. dropped the
first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and the ...
Nuclear-Free Future Month « United for Peace & Justice – Bay Area
Aug 7, 2011 - United for Peace and
Justice has declared August Nuclear Free
Future Month – a month of education and action
for a world free of nuclear ...
Nuclear-Free Future Month - Reaching Critical Will
5 days ago - Nuclear-Free Future Month. 01 - 31 August 2013. Nuclear-Free Future Month is geared toward
stimulating action to raise awareness about the ...
August is Nuclear Free Future
Month - Voices For Peace
August is Nuclear-Free Future Month!
- California District CPUSA ...
Aug 5, 2012 - United for Peace and
Justice is marking Aug. 6 and 9, the 67th
anniversaries of the U.S. nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , ...
Candlelight Vigil for a Nuclear Free Future : Indybay
Jul 23, 2013 - For more info about this
event: pup [at] United for Peace and Justice has declared August "Nuclear Free Future
You can ...
Nuclear Free Future
Month==August, 2009 :: Oregon Progressive ...
Apr 6, 2009 - United for Peace and
Justice has declared August "Nuclear-Free Future Month." The specter of
nuclear weapons in the hands of "rogue" states ...
United For Peace and Justice | From the local to the
global ...
Dec 9, 2011 - Last week UFPJ brought
you information about Nuclear Free Future
Month with opportunities to phase out nuclear power and start
negotiations ...
6, 2013, FIRST 3 ENTRIES
UNODA - Nuclear
Weapons Home
Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous
weapons on earth. One can destroy a whole city, potentially killing millions,
and jeopardizing the natural environment ...
UNODA - Secretary-General's five point proposal on nuclear ...
Or they could consider negotiating a nuclear-weapons convention, backed by a
strong system of verification, as has long been proposed at the United Nations.
News for UN Nuclear Weapons
GlobalPost - 21 hours ago
The international community must not
give up on ridding the world ofnuclear weapons, U.N. General Assembly
President Vuk Jeremic said ...
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