My blog: War
Department/Peace Department
My Newsletters:
Related topics: Anti-War, CIA, Fear, Cold War,
Corporate-Pentagon-White House-Congress-Corporate Media Complex, Homeland
Security, Imperialism, Militarism, Pentagon/War Dept., Political Prisoners, Secrecy,
War on Terror, War: newsletters on Air War, Causes, Prevention, Consequences, Control
of Media, Costs, Crimes, Recruiting, Profiteering, Public Support, System,
Myths, Human Needs, Victims, and related Newsletters
“I wonder how the foreign
policies of the United States would look if we wiped out the national
boundaries of the world, at least in our minds, and thought of all children
everywhere as our own.” Howard Zinn
The US NSS and its permanent war (Cold War,
Drug War, War on Terror, Empire, Space War, War on China, Cyberwar) reach into countless US institutions, pervade the
lives of the populace, and intrude into national sovereignty and individual
lives around the world. Naturally the
NSS is the subject of many of the newsletters in OMNI’s web site, such as: Afghanistan , Air War, CIA, Civilian
Victims, Fear, Homeland Security, Imperialism, Militarism, Nuclear Weapons,
Patriot Act, Pentagon, Secrecy, Surveillance, Torture, War Crimes (and all of the ways to stop or
reduce these harms). Thus this
newsletter on US NSS should be thought of as a door that opens into a thousand
My Blog focuses on US
empire, militarism, US National Security State, Pentagon War Department, and
peacemaking and peacemakers: War Department/Peace Department. I am also have been filming “OMNI
Book Sampler” on peacemaking and peacemakers twice a month on Community TV’s
Short Takes, ,shown also on my Blog.
And my Blog has my US DAYS OF INFAMY Timeline and will
have soon my DAYS OF BENEFICENCE Timeline..
Contents of US NSS Newsletter #1
March 22, 2013
Gagnon, New
Missile “Defense” in Maine
Melley, Secrecy
and NSS
Mueller, From
Threats to Fear to Political Control
Engelhardt on
Fear USA
Dick: Hearts and Minds
Graham on Military Urbanism
Dick: Hearts and Minds
Graham on Military Urbanism
Terror Fears
President/Pentagon and Middle East Despots
Post-Legal USA
Assassination of JFK Jr
Contents #2
National Security
Agency (NSA) Domestic Spying
Obama and
Militarization of Police
Top Secret USA (2)
Giroux: US Warfare State , Culture of War
Blum: Exporting “Democracy”
Dick: Cyber Threat, Fear, Empire, War
Google Search US
Cyber War
Barry: Drones
Further Militarize the Border
Kuzmarov: US Police Training for Repression and Empire
McCoy: Policing US Empire
Dick: US NSS Newsletters
Timeline of NSA Domestic
All of the evidence found in this timeline can also be found in
the Summary of Evidence we submitted to the
court in Jewel
v. NSA. It is intended to recall all the credible
accounts and information of the NSA's domestic spying
program found in the media, congressional testimony, books, and court
actions. For a short description of the people involved in the spying you can look
at our Profiles page, which includes many of the key characters from
the NSA Domestic Spying program.. MORE
Mon May 27, 2013 7:56 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Michelle J. Kinnucan"
mjkinnuc, Veterans for Peace
Obama Expands Militarization of Police
"Among items transfered to local law enforcement agencies have
been assault rifles and grenade launchers, even Blackhawk
helicopters and .50 caliber machine guns; In fiscal year 2011
alone, the Pentagon transferred almost $500 million worth of
materials to domestic law enforcement - near double the previous
year's total"
Watch the video or read the transcript here
&id=767&Itemid=74&jumival=10231> .
"Among items transfered to local law enforcement agencies have
been assault rifles and grenade launchers, even Blackhawk
helicopters and .50 caliber machine guns; In fiscal year 2011
alone, the Pentagon transferred almost $500 million worth of
materials to domestic law enforcement - near double the previous
year's total"
Watch the video or read the transcript here
&id=767&Itemid=74&jumival=10231> .
GOOGLE TOP SECRET USA Search Results, JUNE 9, 2013,
Top 10 Declassified Secrets - Listverse
29, 2008 – [WARNING: this list contains images
that may offend] This is a list ofsecret projects that have since
been found to be true in light of released ...
USA Top Secret - Das Pentagon (German) - YouTube
Dec 5, 2012 -
Uploaded by LessonsGerman
dieser Teil nicht gerade renoviert worden und deshalb kam bis auf paar
Handwerker und die frisch ...
USA Top Secret: Area 51 - YouTube
Jan 21, 2013 -
Uploaded by lightspirit12
bestritt die amerikanische Regierung ihre Existenz. Heute wissen wir, es gibt
sie, die Area 51 ...
Top Secret America |
Jul 19, 2010
Post reporters Dana Priest and William M. Arkin's investigation of the
government's response to ...
News for Top Secret USA
RT - 3 days ago
The US National Security Agency is
currently collecting the telephone records of millions of unwitting individuals
via a secret court order issued...
RT - 4 days ago
Images for Top Secret USA
Pentagon finishing top-secret space
mission of mysterious X-37B - RT
5, 2012 – The US Air Force has announced that its top-secret X-37B spaceplane is
expected to land back on Earth this month after over a year in orbit.
Super Top Secret: Home
Complete List - Top 10 Weird Government Secrets - TIME,29569,2008962,00.html
not just military secrets that governments keep close.
And some information, like the recently revealed allegation that Winston
Churchill ordered a cover-up of ...
Did Bing Maps Capture the Top Secret U.S. Drone Base in Saudi ...
8, 2013 – This past week, reports have come out
about a top secret US drone base inside Saudi Arabia .
The base was built two years ago, had been ...
Security clearance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Controlled Unclassified; 3.1.2 Confidential; 3.1.3 Secret; 3.1.4 Top Secret; 3.1.5 Compartmented.
3.2 Jobs that require .... Top Secret clearances, in general,
afford one access to data that affects national security, .... USA Today. Retrieved ...
Air Force launches top-secret mini-space
shuttle - USA Today
11, 2012 – A top-secret mini-space shuttle has
blasted off from Cape Canaveral . The Air Force
launched the unmanned spacecraft Tuesday aboard an ...
related to Top Secret USA
The Warfare State
and the Hardening of Everyday Life
9/11, the war on terror and the campaign for homeland security have
increasingly mimicked the tactics of the enemies they sought to crush. Violence
and punishment as both a media spectacle and a bone-crushing reality have
become prominent and influential forces shaping U.S. society. As the boundaries
between “the realms of war and civil life have collapsed,” social relations and
the public services needed to make them viable have been increasingly
privatized and militarized. The logic of profitability works its magic in
channeling the public funding of warfare and organized violence into
universities, market-based service providers, Hollywood
cinema, cable television, and deregulated contractors. The metaphysics of war
and associated forms of violence now creep into every aspect of U.S.
As the preferred “instrument of
statecraft,” war and its intensifying production of violence crosses borders,
time, space, and places.2 The result is that the United States
“has become a ‘culture of war’…engulfed in fear
and violence [and trapped by a military metaphysics in which] homeland security
matters far more than social security.”3 Seemingly without any measure of
self-restraint, state-sponsored violence now flows and regroups effortlessly,
contaminating both foreign and domestic policies. The criticism of the military-industrial
complex, along with its lobbyists and merchants of death, that was raised by
President Eisenhower seems to have been relegated to the trash can of history.
Instead of being disparaged as a death machine engaged in the organized
production of violence, the military-industrial complex is defended as a
valuable jobs program and a measure of national pride and provides a powerful
fulcrum for the permanent warfare state.
It gets worse. One consequence of the
permanent warfare state is evident in the recent public revelations concerning
war crimes committed by U.S.
government forces. These include the indiscriminate killings of Afghan
civilians by U.S. drone aircraft; the barbaric murder of Afghan children and
peasant farmers by U.S. infantrymen infamously labeled as “the Kill Team”;4disclosures concerning four
U.S. marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters; and the uncovering of
photographs showing “more than a dozen soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division’s
Fourth Brigade Combat Team, along with some Afghan security forces, posing with
the severed hands and legs of Taliban attackers in Zabul Province in 2010.”5 And, shocking even for those
acquainted with standard military combat, there is the case of Army Staff
Sergeant Robert Bales, who “walked off a small combat outpost in Kandahar province and
slaughtered 17 villagers, most of them women and children, and later walked
back to his base and turned himself in.”6 Mind-numbing violence, war crimes, and
indiscriminate military attacks on civilians on the part of the U.S. government are far from new and date back
to infamous acts such as the air attacks on civilians in Dresden
along with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the
Second World War.7
| more |
For over
65 years, the United States
war machine has been on auto pilot. Since World War II, the world has
believed that US foreign
policy means well, and that America 's
motives in spreading democracy are honorable, even noble. In this
startling and provocative book from William Blum, one of the United States ' leading
non-mainstream chroniclers of American foreign policy and author of the popular
online newsletter, Anti-Empire Reports, demonstrates that nothing could
be further from the truth. America's
Deadliest Export is the
in-depth exposé of the many contradictions surrounding the nature of US
foreign policy.
"A fireball of terse
information—one of our best muckrakers." - Oliver Stone
"Coruscating, eye-opening and
essential. This is a must-read for anyone rightfully concerned at the destructive influence of the world's only superpower." - Cynthia
McKinney, Presidential Candidate for the Green Party of the United States
Blum’s America’s Deadliest
Export is another in his
blockbuster series that has applied the reality and morality principles to work
on U.S.
foreign policy. This book has vignettes and longish essays on matters running
from Conspiracies, Ideology and the Media to Cuba ,
and Wikileaks. It is brimming with wit and with both laughable and frightening
quotations. It is admittedly written for 'the choir,' but even the
choir needs encouragement as well as facts and analyses that will keep its
members from succumbing to a potent propaganda system. And we may hope that
choir will grow with books like this that both amuse and
enlighten." - Edward S. Herman, co-author of The Politics of Genocide
book deals with unpleasant subjects yet it is a pleasure to read. Blum
continues to provide us with convincing critiques of U.S. global policy in a freshly
informed and engaging way." - Michael Parenti, author of The Face of Imperialism
good cheer and humor Blum guides us toward understanding that our government
does not mean well. Once we've grasped that, we're far more capable of
effectively doing good ourselves." - David Swanson, author of War is a Lie
About the
William Blum is one of the United States ' leading
non-mainstream experts on American foreign policy. He left the State Department
in 1967, abandoning his aspiration of becoming a Foreign Service Officer
because of his opposition to what the US
was doing in Vietnam .
He then became a founder and editor of the Washington
Free Press, the first "alternative" newspaper in the capital.
Blum has been a freelance journalist in the US ,
Europe, and South America . His stay in Chile
in 1972-3, writing about the Allende government's "socialist
experiment," and then its tragic overthrow in a CIA-designed coup,
instilled in him a personal involvement and an even more heightened interest in
what his government was doing in various corners of the world. He is the author
of Killing Hope: US Military
and CIA Interventions Since World War II, and the controversial bestseller Rogue State: A Guide to the World's
Only Superpower. He currently sends out a monthly Internet newsletter, the Anti-Empire Report.
Table of
Introduction: US
Foreign Policy * 1. Terrorism * 2. Iraq * 3. George W. Bush * 4. Afghanistan
* 5. Iran
* 6. Wikileaks * 7. World War II * 8. Conspiracies * 9. Yugoslavia * 10. Libya * 11. Latin
America * 12. Cuba
* 13. Ideology * 14. The Cold War and anti-communism * 15. 1960s * 16. Israel ,
Anti-Semitism * 17. Social issues * 18. “There is no alternative!” Really?
There bloody well better be or we’re all doomed. * 19. The Militarization of
American society * 20. Media * 21. Barack Obama * 21. Patriotism * 22. Sports *
23. Dissent and resistance in America
* 24. Bill Clinton * 25. Hillary Clinton * 26. Condoleezza Rice * 27. Religion
* 28. Human rights/Torture * 29. National
Security State
* 30. Humor
Here is the link to all OMNI newsletters:
By Dick Bennett
It’s a familiar headline: “Cyber-teams to Attack Foes, Pentagon
Says. General: Good Offense Best Way to Guard U.S. ”
by Richard Lardner (AP). ADG (March 18, 2013) 4B. Remember “First-Strike”? “Preemptive Attack”? The mottoes of bullies; the signs of
Here’s the first paragraph—but any
passage, like so many from the Pentagon or White House on foreign policy, is difficult
not to interrupt, so deceptive it is:
“The Defense Department is establishing a series of cyber-teams tasked
with carrying out offensive operations to combat the threat of an electronic
assault on the United States that could cause major damage and disruption to
the country’s vital infrastructure, a senior military official said.”
The “Defense” Department? The General Keith Alexander doubletalks
himself into what we all should know by now:
It’s the old, and at least factually and linguistically honest War
Department. The entire report shows how
utterly offensive is a “good offense” of “offensive operations”! Against what? Against “major damage and disruption to the
country’s vital infrastructure”
Specifically (par. 2)? To
“combat the threat of electronic assault.”
Threatening what? The “electric grid
and other essential systems.”
How “defend”? The Pentagon is already on the case with its
U.S Cyber Command (backed up by Commands covering the entire globe, each with
its acronym—Cencom, Afcom). What is
Cybcom doing (this report recounts a hearing before the fearful, cheerleading
Senate Armed Services Committee in a country drastically reducing early
child-care education and other vital services but expanding Cybcom and the
other coms)? Cybcom is forming 13 cyber-teams “for the mission of guarding
the nation in cyberspace.”
Guarding? The General means
attacking, “attack foes.” “He described
them as ‘defend-the-nation- teams but stressed their role would be
offensive. In comments to reporters
after the hearing, Alexander likened the teams’ duties to knocking an incoming
missile out of the sky before it hits a target”; i.e., like Star Wars,
including missile defense for ‘first strike.”
He also said the teams would work outside the United States , but he did not say
where.” But that’s only the
beginning. “Alexander also said another
27 Cyber-teams are being established to support the military’s war-fighting
commands while others will protect the ** computer systems and data.” Let us see now. That makes 40 cyber-teams plus Pentagon.
What will this cost? The
Senators apparently asked no question about the cost of super-cyber
security. What will each team
cost? That depends upon the number in
the team, ranks, travel, equipment. Can
it be done for $100,000 minimum, times 40 or $4,000,000? Or have I wildly underestimated? What do you think? And keep in mind that another article
reported that the goal of Cybcom is 100 teams.
And what’s omitted from the AP
report? He does not mention the Pentagon
“teams” surely already and for decades protecting its computers and data, so
Cybcom is another layer of security, like the Top Top Secret agencies
established after 9/11. And is then
Cybcom like nuclear bomb overkill? If
Cybcom is needed in addition to all the already existing cyber security, another strong doubt arises when we recall
nuclear retaliatory doctrine. To the
consideration--“While foreign leaders are deterred from launching cyber attacks
on the United States
because they know such a strike could be traced to its source and would
generate a robust response.”-- General Alexander revealed that Cybcom’s concern
is not low-level harassment “by other states,” but “tools developed by other
nations [winding] up in the hands of extremist groups or even individuals who
could do significant harm,” similar to the danger of suitcase-size nuclear
weapons. That is, we’re back to another
phase of the War on Terror, of permanent war, in which the enemy is potentially
everybody, and no amount of US bases around the world—in every city over
10,000? 1000?—will be enough, and the only people happy is the
Corporate-Military-Congressional Complex.
What’s left to ask? I
have been discussing only the first 7 paragraphs, which inspire these and more
as yet unstated questions, so legally questionable is this enterprise. For example, the AP report did not confront
the legality of the preemptive attacks on “foes.” Because of the constant violation of
international laws by the US (over 40 illegal interventions and invasions since
1945, now drones attacking in several countries without invitation) have the
Pentagon and the mainstream news media become so sure of public acceptance of
aggression that attacks on other countries that have not attacked you, which
are expressly forbidden by the United Nations Charter and Nuremberg Principles,
do not matter to them?
GOOGLE SEARCH Pentagon forming cyber teams to prevent attacks AND TO ATTACK
Mar 12, 2013 – Keith Alexander, the top
officer at U.S. Cyber Command, warned ...The financial industry typically is
more secure than companies that ... risks posed bycyber thefts and intrusions
and the economic costs to U.S.
Pentagon Plans to Deploy More Than 100 Cyber Teams by Late ...
Mar 19, 2013 – Cyber Command forces dedicated to
protecting critical infrastructure ...Within three years, the Pentagon's Cyber
Command will deploy more than 100 teams... And each service is
working through the financial constraints of ...
Pentagon creating teams to
launch cyberattacks as threat grows ...
Mar 12, 2013 – Head of military's Cyber Command outlines major effort to
build offensive and defensive capabilities. ... Being a teen parent will cost you ... ThePentagon's Cyber
Command will create 13 offensive teams by the fall of 2015 ... were the work of Iran in retaliation for U.S. financial sanctions imposed to
deter Iran ...
Pentagon Plans Elite Cyber Teams
Mar 13, 2013 – ... to build 13 teams at the Pentagon's Cyber
Command to go on the offensive. ... threat of cyber attack against U.S.
infrastructure and financial institutions, Gen. ... and pilots to retain top cyber talent and to recoup
training costs.
Pentagon forming cyber teams to prevent attacks | TPM Idea Lab
Mar 12, 2013 – The Defense Department is establishing a series of cyber teams charged ... Keith Alexander, the
top officer at U.S. Cyber Command, warned during ... The financial industry typically is
more secure than companies that ... risks posed by cyber thefts and intrusions and the economiccosts to U.S. businesses.
Pentagon creates 13 offensive cyber teams for worldwide attacks ...
Mar 13, 2013 – The head of the United States Cyber Command says the US is developing 40 new teams of cyber-agents that will both
protect America 's
critical ...
Pentagon forming cyber teams to prevent attacks - News, Weather
Tom Barry, Truthout, May 19, 2013: Public attention and Congressional
review, writes Barry, should focus on the increasing
militarization of border control, especially in the management of the
border drone program.
Police Training and Political Violence: From the Philippines
Conquest to the Killing Fields of Afghanistan
and Iraq ”
by Jeremy Kuzmarov. Monthly
Review (2010). [see Kuzmarov’s
2012 book on this subject: Modernizing Repression. –Dick]
the police you see the dirty work of Empire at close quarters. The
wretched prisoners huddling in stinking cages of the lock-ups, the grey cowed
faces of the long-term convicts, the scarred buttocks of the men who had been
flogged with bamboos." -- George Orwell, Shooting An Elephant and Other Essays
. . the dreary wall of the Vietnamese Surete that seemed to smell of urine and
injustice." -- Graham Greene, The Quiet American
the U.S.
expands the war in Afghanistan and
Pakistan, the Obama administration
has placed a premium on police training programs. The stated aim is to
provide security to the population so as to enable local forces to gradually
take over from the military in completing the pacification process. A
similar strategy has been pursued by the United
States in Iraq . In both, American-backed forces
have been implicated in sectarian violence, death squad activity, and torture.
At the same time, the weaponry and equipment that the U.S. provided
has frequently found its way into the hands of insurgents, many of whom have
infiltrated the state security apparatus, contributing to the long drawn-out
nature of both conflicts.
in mainstream media commentary and "think tank" analyses is the fact
that the destructive consequences of American strategy in the Middle-East and
Central Asia today are consistent with practices honed over more than a century
in the poor nations of the periphery. Police training has been central to American attempts to expand its
reach from the conquest of the Philippines
at the dawn of the 20th century through the Cold War era to today.
Presented to the public in both the target country and the United States as humanitarian initiatives
designed to strengthen democratic development and public security, these
programs achieved neither, but were critical to securing the power base of
local elites amenable to U.S.
economic and political interests and contributed to massive human rights
violations. They helped to facilitate the rise of powerful
anti-democratic forces, which operated above the law, contributing to endemic
violence, state terrorism and corruption.1
consistently across time and space, American policy-makers have supported
police suppression of radical and nationalist movements as a cost-effective and
covert means precluding costly military intervention which was more likely to
arouse public opposition. During the mid 1960s, the Director of United
States Agency of International Development (USAID) David Bell commented in
congressional testimony that "the police are a most sensitive point of
contact between the government and people, close to the focal points of unrest,
and more acceptable than the army as keepers of order over long periods of
time. The police are frequently better trained and equipped than the
military to deal with minor forms of violence, conspiracy and subversion."2 Robert W. Komer who served as a
National Security Council advisor to President John F. Kennedy further stressed
that the police were "more valuable than Special Forces in our global
counter-insurgency efforts" and particularly useful in fighting urban
insurrections. "We get more from the police in terms of preventative
medicine than from any single U.S.
program," he said. "They are cost effective, while not going
for fancy military hardware. They provide the first line of defense
against demonstrations, riots and local insurrections. Only when the
situation gets out of hand (as in South Vietnam ) does the military
have to be called in."3 These remarks illuminate the
underlying geo-strategic imperatives shaping the growth of the programs and the
mobilization of police for political and military ends, which accounted for
widespread human rights abuses.
article, drawing on declassified U.S.
government archives, examines some of the landmark instances in the historical
development of American police training programs to highlight the origins of
current policies in the killing fields of Afghanistan
and Iraq .
Over years, as U.S.
imperial attention has shifted from one region to another, police training and
financing has remained an unobserved constant, evolving with new strategies and
weapons innovations but always retaining the same strategic goals and tactical
elements. Staffed by military and police officers who valued order and
discipline over the protection of civil liberties, the programs were designed
to empower pro-U.S. regimes committed to free-market capitalist development and
helped to create elaborate intelligence networks, which facilitated the
suppression of dissident groups in a more surgical way. The United States
in effect helped to modernize intelligence gathering and political policing
operations in its far-flung empire, thus magnifying their impact. They
further helped to militarize the police and fostered, through rigorous
ideological conditioning, the dehumanization of political adversaries.4 The result was a reign of
torture and terror as part of police practice in countries subject to U.S. influence,
the devolution of police forces into brutal oppressors of the indigenous
population, and the growth of corruption levels pushing regimes towards
his trilogy on the American empire, Chalmers Johnson demonstrates how the
United States has historically projected its global power through a variety of
means, including economic blackmail and the manipulation of financial
institutions, covert operations, arms sales, and most importantly, through the
development of a global network of military bases whose scale dwarfs all
previous empires, including Rome.5 This article seeks to add
another important structural dimension of U.S. power, namely the training of
police and paramilitary units under the guise of humanitarian assistance, which
preceded and continued through the era of global military bases.
Up Bands of Political Plotters": Colonial Policing and State Terror in the
Philippines MORE
Policing The New Perspectives in Southeast Asian Studies Alfred W. McCoy, R. Anderson Sutton, Thongchai Winichakul, and Kenneth M. George, Series Editors "In this stunning book, McCoy reveals how empire shapes the intertwined destinies of all involved in its creation. Written with deft strokes, this is an instant classic of historical writing." —Lloyd Gardner, author of The Long Road to Baghdad: A History of U.S. Foreign Policy from the 1970s to the Present 2011 Winner of the George McT. Kahin Prize, the Association for Asian Studies At the dawn of the twentieth century, the U.S. Army swiftly occupied Manila and then plunged into a decade-long pacification campaign with striking parallels to today’s war in Iraq. Armed with cutting-edge technology from But security techniques bred in the tropical hothouse of colonial rule were not contained, McCoy shows, at this remote periphery of American power. Migrating homeward through both personnel and policies, these innovations helped shape a new federal security apparatus during World War I. Once established under the pressures of wartime mobilization, this distinctively American system of public- private surveillance persisted in various forms for the next fifty years, as an omnipresent, sub rosa matrix that honeycombed "This remarkable study provides a meticulous analysis of the novel colonial system developed by the —Noam Chomsky, MIT "With a breathtaking sweep of archival research, McCoy shows how repressive techniques developed in the colonial Philippines migrated back to the United States for use against people of color, aliens, and really any heterodox challenge to American power. This book proves Mark Twain’s adage that you cannot have an empire abroad and a republic at home." —Bruce Cumings, Alfred W. McCoy is J.R.W. Smail Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His books include The Politics of Heroin and A Question of Torture. For more information regarding publicity and reviews contact our publicity manager, phone: (608) 263-0734,
Here are Dick’s.newsletters
related to NSS FROM Dec. 2012 to March
March 19, 2013, Iraq
War #4 (fourth newsletter)
3-17 Pentagon #9
3-16 Critical Thinking #3
3-16 Fear #4
3-15 Fossil Fuels Industry #2
3-15 Civil Liberties #4
3-12 Pentagon Propaganda Machine #1
3-11 PTSD #3
3-11 FOI #2
3-8 UN Women’s Day #5
3-6 Preventing Wars #1
3-5 Syria
3-3 US Chamber of Commerce #1
3-1 Women’s History #1
3-1 Afghan Peace Movement #2
3-1 Nuclear Free Pacific #2
February 2-24 US Capitalism
2-24 Manning #3
2-24 Torture #7
2-22 President’s Day
2-21 Literature of Enemies
2-18 Daisy Bates (racism)
2-16 Drones/Assassinations #9
2-13 Pentagon #8
2-8 Genocide #1
2-8 Peace Leaders #1
2-7 Hope #3
2-7 Black History Month
2-2 UN World Wetlands
Jan. 30, 2013 Wikileaks/Assange #10
1-28 Obama #8
1-22 Drones #8
1-21 MLK #1
1-17 US
Political Prisoners #2
1-17 Nonviolence #7
1-16 Book Samplers (books on peace)
1-16 Guantanamo
1-14 Afghanistan-Pakistan #19
1-12 US
Empire--Continental Westward Conquest #4
1-3 War Resistance, Dissent
Dec. 31 Costs of War #5
31 Gene Sharp #1
30 Islamophobia #1
28 Economic Conversion #1
28 Nonviolence #5
etc. nearing 200 numbers on a wide variety of peace, justice,
and ecology topics.
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