NEWSLETTER #10, June 3, 2013. Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of
Peace. (#1 June 21, 2011; #2 October 29, 2011; #3 March 15, 2012; #4 May 17,
2012; #5 June 23, 2012; #6 August 1, 2012; #7 Oct. 5, 2012; #8 Feb. 13, 2013;
#9 March 17, 2013).
My Blog: War Department/Peace Department
My Newsletters:
See OMNI newsletters and related materials: Bases,
Climate Change, Conversion from
Militarized Economy, Imperialism,
Military Industrial Complex, Pacific East Asia, Torture, individual U.S.
Interventions, Invasions, and Occupations, War Crimes, Waste,
Whistleblowers, more (Blum, Killing
Hope and Rogue State, HAW, Peace
Action, VFP, WAND and the hundreds of peace and justice and ecology groups).
“When the plans for a new
office building for the military, which came to be known as The Pentagon, were
brought before the Senate on august 14, 1941, Senator Arthur Vandenberg of
Michigan was puzzled. ‘Unless the war is
to be permanent, why must we have permanent accommodations for war facilities
of such size?’ he asked. ‘Or is the war
to be permanent?” Blum, America’s
Deadliest Export (2013, 3).
With an annual budget of over
$600 billion supporting one illegal, unnecessary war after another amounting to
permanent war (the War Department),
the expansion of empire of over a thousand bases throughout the world, secrecy,
surveillance, and repression increasing at
home (Homeland Security a domestic Pentagon), our representatives, the
Congress, not only giving the military all they request but more (the military-industrial
complex in every congressional district), and all of this massive terrorism
motivating violent opposition throughout the world, a peanuts resistance which
our double-speaking warrior leaders designate as “terrorism,” we the people can
be thankful for the many independent, sustained organizations resisting these violent powers. In my Peace
Movement Directory (2001), I described over a thousand peace and justice
organizations in North America . This newsletter specifying “Pentagon” and our
several closely related newsletters are meant to sustain this movement. Consider these newsletters and Blog a collecting station to encourage the
building of an even more concerted scrutiny of the Pentagon. I have also started a Hagel Watch; send items
for that too. (Always include complete
source, and I will cite you with thanks.)
Let’s see what ordinary citizens can put together. --Dick
6, NO. 7 AT END
Contents #8
Wand Supports
Hagel to Head Pentagon 2013
Supports Hagel
Dick : Chappelle, Critical Thinking and Geneva Conventions at West Point ?
Military Sexual
Trauma the Real Sex Scandal
Lepore, How
Much Enough?
Sacred Cow
Dick: The
Clueless, Why US Needs are Neglected
Military Spending
Creates Fewer Jobs
from HAW
Network: Cut Military Spending
Investigating Pentagon Spending
BP Pentagon
Pentagon Rx
Spending Soars
Contents #9
This newsletter has always functioned as a heuristic, but in this number that approach is made explicit for a steadier and deeper focus on the Pentagon..
This newsletter has always functioned as a heuristic, but in this number that approach is made explicit for a steadier and deeper focus on the Pentagon..
POGO: Project on
Government Oversight
Google “Pentagon Watch”
VFP: Appeal to Sec’t. Hagel
Peace Action: Move the Money
Peace Action: Move the Money
Contents #10 June 3, 2013
Bruce Gagnon: MilitarismUSA
Bruce Gagnon: Militarism
Jeremy Scahill,
Dirty Wars (via VFP)
Dick: New US Cyber Command
Pentagon Cyber
Planning (google)
Center for
Defense Information Watching the Pentagon (google)
Street: Military Keynesianism, Sequestration
Doesn’t Affect Military-Corporate Complex (with note by Dick)
Posts Via
Veterans for Peace
Daniel Shea on Wray Harris and Forthcoming Film
David Culver on the Costs of Wars, Bilmes and Stiglitz

The Militarization of North American Life

My talk on June 1 at the
Moana Nui 2013 Teach-In held in Berkeley ,
California . Bruce
The Militarization of
North American Life
I live in
In fact today weapons are the number one industrial export product of the
The manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing
suspects offered the public a window into the stunning militarization of our
nation. During that incident the entire domestic surveillance/military response
system was field-tested and culminated in the dramatic closing down of an
entire urban center.
We have become an occupied nation. For the past 30 years, police departments
throughout the US
have benefited from the government’s largesse in the form of military weaponry
and training.
Obama has announced that 30,000 drones will be flying around the US in the coming years.
Thirty-seven states have applied to host one of six military drone test sites
planned across the country. Much debate has begun in local communities
about whether police should be required to have warrants before they can snoop on us with drones. Should
domestic drones be allowed to carry weapons?
More than 500 aerospace companies are eager to develop this new drone market across the
Infrared and radio-band sensors used by the military can peer through clouds and foliage and can even detect and hear people inside their homes. During the last few years of the
There is a $2 billion, 1-million-square-foot facility being built by the National Security Agency outside
Today drones buzzing over
In a way, you could call the military satellites
the “triggers” that make the drones work. These satellites allow the
military to see everything, hear everything, and to target virtually every
place on the planet.
In June 2012 the second flight of the new military space plane (X-37) touched down at Vandenberg AFB after 469 days in orbit. This unmanned super drone is a first-strike attack system, part of the Global Strike doctrine now underway at the Strategic Command. In annual computer war games at the Space Command, set in the year 2016, the Pentagon launches a first-strike attack on
A friend in Maine
has a son who recently spent a year in Afghanistan ; my friend worried
every day. His son was then sent to Germany and he could breathe a sigh
of relief. The son thought about getting out of the military but there
are no jobs. The Army offered him a sizeable reenlistment bonus and he
took it.
the US
today 57% of every federal discretionary tax dollar goes (to the Pentagon) to fund the
cancerous war machine. Our communities have become addicted to military
spending. There is virtually no money for anything else these days as we
witness austerity cuts in social programs like so many other nations around the
Springs , Colorado headquarters of the Air Force
Space Command) has 357,000 people living there, and 47% of the population work
for the military industrial complex.
The aerospace and military production industry in
Alabama is a
major job provider as well. Huntsville , Alabama
now calls itself the “Pentagon of the South”.
In 1950, the U.S. Army moved former Nazi Wernher
von Braun, and his team of 100 German rocket scientists, to Redstone Arsenal in
Huntsville to create the US space
program. Von Braun and his team also took over NASA’s Marshall Space Flight
Center and helped ensure that the “civilian” space program came under military
control. The Nazi rocket team brought “culture” to Huntsville by creating the local symphony and
ballet and lived on a hill overlooking the town.
Was there an ideological contamination that came
with these Nazi scientists? One can easily note the similarity between
the Nazi slogan “Deutschland uber alles” and the Space Command logo that reads
“Master of Space”.
By the way, California is currently the #2 recipient of
Pentagon spending in the nation. The Republicans
and Democrats now work together to ensure an endless flow of war money into
their states. They understand that it’s the only game in town anymore for
creating jobs. Both parties get nicely rewarded with campaign donations
from the weapons industry.
An activist friend in Halifax , Nova Scotia
is now organizing weekly protests outside a shipyard in her community that has
begun building expensive new warships for the Canadian Navy. The funding
for warship building has necessitated cuts in human needs programs.
“Progressive” political parties are going along with this largest military
appropriation in Canada ’s
history because of the jobs issue. (The ships will be used by NATO to control
the melting Arctic Region on behalf of big oil.)
The Pentagon says that our role in the
A couple years ago I heard that the Sears department store had a new kids clothing line so I went to see it in a nearby town. Military uniforms for young boys were on the racks – the message “this is all you can ever be” – it’s youth mind colonization.
The military industrial complex has become the primary resource extraction service for corporate globalization and is preparing the future generations for their dead end street.
In the US , approximately 40% of all
scientists, engineers and technical professionals currently work in the
military sector. This is a colossal waste of talent and intellectual resources
as we face the coming reality of climate change.
Due to the fiscal crisis across the nation
engineering, computer science, mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry
departments in colleges and universities have become increasingly dependent on
Pentagon funding. At the University
of New Mexico in Albuquerque there are “top secret” areas on
campus these days.
The Defense Alliance in St. Paul , Minnesota
seeks to expand the weapons industry’s presence in higher education, and among
its members are military contractors like Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics.
The Navy granted the University of Minnesota ’s
Center for Transportation Studies $150,000 to look into improving tracking,
surveillance and intelligence communications systems.
In 2011 the University of Minnesota
reported the Pentagon was trying to “restrict” the open publishing of research resulting
from a military-funded project. This indicates quite clearly that the
Pentagon is not really trying to further the state of education but instead
views the students and faculty as nothing more than military production workers
doing classified work.
The militarization of everything around us is a spiritual sickness. Lakota holy man Lame Deer talked about the green frog skin – the dollar bill – and how the white man was blinded by his love for the paper money. His spiritual connection to the Mother Earth was broken.
Abolitionist Frederick Douglas reminded us that power concedes nothing without a demand, it never did and it never will. When it comes to our current dark evil economic system, called militarism, we should be talking about its conversion and the jobs that would result from that transformation.
Good jobs can be created by home weatherization, building rail systems, creating a solar society, and hiring unemployed workers to plant town and city organic gardens. As we transform our industrial base we lessen the impact of the military machine on our lives and help deal with our major environmental crisis.
There is no other way to pay for such a redirection without massive cuts in the war machine budget now.
Join me in saying …… US out of North
America !
Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502 (blog)

If the movie is playing in your city email David Swanson @ if
you are interested in any of the following:
- promoting the film with posters, flyers, and
other materials
- discounts on bulk tickets
- promoting
and being part of talk-back sessions after screenings with Jeremy Scahill,
Rick Rowley, Anthony Arnove, and other speakers
- organizing events at separate venues with the
above or other speakers, and announcing those events at the film
- being in a big theater full of people who cheer
for the same things you cheer for
People who see this
film are going to be outraged by our wars, are going to understand that the
wars make us less safe, and just might be ready to do something about it.
By Dick Bennett
It’s a familiar headline: “Cyber-teams to Attack Foes, Pentagon
Says. General: Good Offense Best Way to Guard U.S. ”
by Richard Lardner (AP). ADG (March 18, 2013) 4B. Remember “First-Strike”? “Preemptive Attack”? The mottoes of bullies; the signs of
Here’s the first paragraph—but any
passage, like so many from the Pentagon or White House on foreign policy, is
difficult not to interrupt, so deceptive it is:
“The Defense Department is establishing a series of cyber-teams tasked
with carrying out offensive operations to combat the threat of an electronic
assault on the United States that could cause major damage and disruption to
the country’s vital infrastructure, a senior military official said.”
The “Defense” Department? The General Keith Alexander doubletalks
himself into what we all should know by now:
It’s the old, and at least factually and linguistically honest War
Department. The entire report shows how
utterly offensive is the “defense” of “offensive operations”! Against what? Against “major damage and disruption to the
country’s vital infrastructure”
Specifically (par. 2)? To
“combat the threat of electronic assault.”
Threatening what? The “electric
grid and other essential systems.”
“defend”? The Pentagon is already on the
case with its U.S Cyber Command (backed up by Commands covering the entire
globe, each with its acronym—Cencom, Afcom).
What is Cybcom doing (this report recounts a hearing before the fearful,
cheerleading Senate Armed Services Committee in a country drastically reducing
early child-care education and other vital services but expanding Cybcom and
the other coms)? Cybcom is forming 13 cyber-teams “for the mission of guarding
the nation in cyberspace.” Guarding? The General means attacking, “attack
foes.” “He described them as
‘defend-the-nation- teams but stressed their role would be offensive. In comments to reporters after the hearing,
Alexander likened the teams’ duties to knocking an incoming missile out of the
sky before it hits a target”; i.e., like Star Wars, including missile defense
for ‘first strike.” He also said the
teams would work outside the United
States , but he did not say where.” But that’s only the beginning. “Alexander also said another 27 Cyber-teams
are being established to support the military’s war-fighting commands while
others will protect the ** computer systems and data.” Let us see now. That makes 40 cyber-teams plus Pentagon.
What will this cost? The Senators apparently asked no question
about the cost of super-cyber security.
What will each team cost? That
depends upon the number in the team, ranks, travel, equipment. Can it be done for $100,000 minimum, times
40 or $4,000,000? Or have I wildly
underestimated? What do you think? And keep in mind that another article
reported that the goal of Cybcom is 100 teams.
And what’s omitted from the AP
report? He does not mention the Pentagon
“teams” surely already and for decades protecting its computers and data, so
Cybcom is another layer of security, like the Top Top Secret agencies
established after 9/11. And is then
Cybcom like nuclear bomb overkill? If
Cybcom is needed in addition to all the already existing cyber security, another strong doubt arises when we recall
nuclear retaliatory doctrine. To the
consideration--“While foreign leaders are deterred from launching cyber attacks
on the United States
because they know such a strike could be traced to its source and would
generate a robust response.”-- General Alexander revealed that Cybcom’s concern
is not low-level harassment “by other states,” but “tools developed by other
nations [winding] up in the hands of extremist groups or even individuals who
could do significant harm,” similar to the danger of suitcase-size nuclear
weapons. That is, we’re back to another
phase of the War on Terror, of permanent war, in which the enemy is potentially
everybody, and no amount of US bases around the world—in every city over
10,000? 1000?—will be enough, and the only people happy is the
Corporate-Military-Congressional Complex.
What’s left to ask? I have been discussing only the first 7
paragraphs, which inspire these and more as yet unstated questions, so legally
questionable is this enterprise. For
example, the AP report did not confront the legality of the preemptive attacks
on “foes.” Because of the constant
violation of international laws by the US (over 40 illegal interventions and
invasions since 1945, now drones attacking in several countries without
invitation) have the Pentagon and the mainstream news media become so sure of
public acceptance of aggression that attacks on other countries that have not
attacked you, which are expressly forbidden by the United Nations Charter and Nuremberg
Principles, do not matter to them?
Pentagon forming cyber teams to prevent
Mar 12, 2013 – Keith Alexander, the top
officer at U.S. Cyber Command, warned ...The financial industry typically is
more secure than companies that ... risks posed bycyber thefts and intrusions
and the economic costs to U.S. businesses.
Pentagon Plans to
Deploy More Than 100 Cyber Teams by Late ...
Mar 19, 2013 – Cyber Command forces dedicated to
protecting critical infrastructure ...Within three years, the Pentagon's Cyber
Command will deploy more than 100 teams... And each service is
working through the financial constraints of ...
Pentagon creating teams to launch cyberattacks as threat
grows ...
Mar 12, 2013 – Head of military's Cyber Command outlines major effort to
build offensive and defensive capabilities. ... Being a teen parent will cost you ... ThePentagon's Cyber
Command will create 13 offensive teams by the fall of 2015 ... were the work of Iran in retaliation for U.S. financial sanctions imposed to
deter Iran ...
Pentagon Plans
Elite Cyber Teams
Mar 13, 2013 – ... to build 13 teams at the Pentagon's Cyber
Command to go on the offensive. ... threat of cyber attack against U.S.
infrastructure and financial institutions, Gen. ... and pilots to retain top cyber talent and to recoup
training costs.
Pentagon forming cyber teams to prevent
attacks | TPM Idea Lab
Mar 12, 2013 – The Defense Department is establishing a series of cyber teams charged ... Keith Alexander, the
top officer at U.S. Cyber Command, warned during ... The financial industry typically is
more secure than companies that ... risks posed by cyber thefts and intrusions and the economiccosts to U.S. businesses.
Pentagon creates 13
offensive cyber teams for
worldwide attacks ...
Mar 13, 2013 – The head of the United States Cyber Command says the US is developing 40 new teams of cyber-agents that will both
protect America 's
critical ...
Pentagon forming cyber teams to prevent
attacks - News, Weather
Center for Defense
Information -
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[From first page of a google search—Dick]
The Center for Defense
Information was founded in 1972 by retired U.S.
Navy Rear Admiral Gene La Rocque. The CDI is dedicated to: strengthening
national ...
Center for Defense Information (CDI)
The Center for Defense
Information (CDI) is a non-governmental research
organization focusing on defense alternatives and international defense
Learn About the Center for Defense Information | LearnStuff
Sep 12, 2012 – The Center for Defense
Information (CDI) is a military think
tank that promotes the discussion between military leaders and government ...
Center for Defense Information - Center for Public Integrity
project merit.”Former Senate staffer
Winslow Wheeler, an analyst at the Center for Defense
Information, is more blunt: “Earmarks and contributions are both legal ...
Center for Defense Information (CDI)
The CDI was initiated by the
Marxist Institute for Policy Studies and has radicalized for a disarmed America .
It is truly a propagandist for Defense DIS-information.
Center for Defense Information - SourceWatch
Mar 29, 2010 – The Mission Statement
for The Center for Defense Information states that the Center
is a "non-partisan, non-profit organization committed to ...
Center for defense information /CDI/
Center for defense information. President - Bruce G.
Blair, Ph.D. CDI was founded in 1972 by recently-retired, senior U.S.
military officers. CDI became an ...
Center for Defense Information | Facebook
Center for Defense Information. 6 likes · 1 talking
about this.
Center for Defense Information ORGANIZATION -
Center for Defense Information. ORGANIZATION.
Independent nonprofit organization "dedicated to strengthening security
through: international cooperation; ...
The Anti-Defense Lobby Part 1: Center
for Defense Information
Apr 19, 1979 – Of these, one of the
most prominent is the Center for Defense
Information (CDI), self-described in its pro-
motional literature as "a project of The ...
[Opening entries from first page of Google Search April 24,
2013. Dick]
Coalmines And Military Keynesians - Paul Krugman - The New York ...
Oct 28, 2011 – Coalmines And Military Keynesians.
Ah, so now we have a new principle of economics: government spending can't
create jobs, but cuts in...
Where Are The Military Keynesians? | TPM Editors
Jan 30, 2013 – Since 2009, he's led
coverage of health care reform, Wall Street reform, taxes, ..... toward St. Paul 's Cathedral for the former
British prime minister's funeral. ....Gabby Giffords (D-AZ),
who survived a gunshot wound to the
head, ...
military keynesianism | azizonomics
Feb 10, 2013 – Posts about military
keynesianism written by Aziz. ... all around us:
dysfunctional corporations that survive despite their gross
inability to serve ... Occupy Wall Street and the 2012 Ron Paul Presidential campaigns
were the first ...
Military Keynesians, Austrian Economics and Paul Krugman
Oct 29, 2011 – Military Keynesians, Austrian Economics and Paul Krugman ... wrote Chairman Buck
McKeon (R-CA) in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last week.
‹ The Official Web Site of Paul L. Street
Apr 5, 2013 – Paul Street's next book is They Rule:
The 1% v. .... thanks to the drone
program's secrecy (which will survive the transfer of its
management from ... The U.S. currently
possesses roughly 7,500 drones in its military inventory, ..... knocked off the
lingering social Keynesian liberalism of the long
New Deal era.
declared: “I become more convinced than
ever that as a nation, we can ill afford to lose our edge … Cut [the military
budget] too deeply and we will burn the very blanket of protection we’ve been
charged to provide our fellow citizens”
Protection? Guatemala , Panama ,
Grenada , Afghanistan , Afghanistan ,
Iraq , Pakistan ,
invasions and occupations, protected us?
Rather, they created countless enemies.
Let’s call the blanket what it is— lawlessness, oppression, and mass
killing. Who asked for that “blanket of
protection” (or that euphemism for aggression)?
We, the People charged the
Pentagon to attack some forty countries and ring the planet with military
Adm. Mullen continued: “Cut too deeply now and we will harm,
perhaps irreparably, the industrial base from which we procure the materials of
war.” The militarized industrial
base? Rather, let us end the
militarized keynesianism, cut and convert the extraordinarily unnecessary and
wasteful empire to human needs, for the good of people both here and abroad,
before our democracy degenerates entirely into tyranny as happened to the Roman empire .
Bring the troops home. Close the
factories of death. Employ our citizens
for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. --Dick
Adm. Mullen:
Daniel Shea, David
Forthcoming Film
Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:35 am (PDT) . Posted by:
politicians, not dead soldiers."
At a demonstration in 2011 young veteran Wray Harris implored us to
stop war (inIraq and Afghanistan ).
So shaken by his fury I caught up to
him and proposed an interview. Nine months later we sat down to talk,
and talk we did into the dead of the night. We drank, we smoked, we
bonded. The result: Authority and Expectations, an intimate portrait
about the Fatal Effects Syndrome of sending our young to kill.
"Dead politicians," he quips, "not dead soldiers."
Authority and Expectations is about the wars the rage in the ones
that make it back, mentally ill, tormented, unemployed, resentful, and
failing to "reintegrate".
Some statistics:
100,000 - 1 million Iraqi civilians were killed between 2003-2013
22 veterans commit suicide every day.
Our financial goal is $5000 = submissions
to film festivals and the cost of adding french subtitles to enable
exposure toFrance and Quebec , cultures that
crave penetrating and
powerful pieces. In the end all support touches Wray, aiding his
"reintegration" and nudging him toward notoriety that stimulates
interest in his speeches that move audiences to stop war. You'll find
Wray smart, well-read, driven, justified and deserving your attention.
Our broader goal is 100,000 viewers = informed people = energized to
prevent war with Iran and (fill in the blank) = fewer murdered by war =
fewer traumatized soldiers with guilt, depression, PTSD, suicidal
thoughts and trouble reintegrating
Wray Harris is my friend, and a friend of Veterans For Peace, we have worked side by side waging peace and trying to raise awareness. I support this fundraising campaign and hope you will to.
Daniel Shea
Veterans For Peace
Free Bradley Manning
We need to decide that we will not go to war, whatever reason is conjured up by the politicians or the media, because war in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war
against children – Howard Zinn
At a demonstration in 2011 young veteran Wray Harris implored us to
stop war (in
him and proposed an interview. Nine months later we sat down to talk,
and talk we did into the dead of the night. We drank, we smoked, we
bonded. The result: Authority and Expectations, an intimate portrait
about the Fatal Effects Syndrome of sending our young to kill.
"Dead politicians," he quips, "not dead soldiers."
Authority and Expectations is about the wars the rage in the ones
that make it back, mentally ill, tormented, unemployed, resentful, and
failing to "reintegrate".
Some statistics:
100,000 - 1 million Iraqi civilians were killed between 2003-2013
22 veterans commit suicide every day.
Our financial goal is $5000 = submissions
to film festivals and the cost of adding french subtitles to enable
exposure to
powerful pieces. In the end all support touches Wray, aiding his
"reintegration" and nudging him toward notoriety that stimulates
interest in his speeches that move audiences to stop war. You'll find
Wray smart, well-read, driven, justified and deserving your attention.
Our broader goal is 100,000 viewers = informed people = energized to
prevent war with Iran and (fill in the blank) = fewer murdered by war =
fewer traumatized soldiers with guilt, depression, PTSD, suicidal
thoughts and trouble reintegrating
Wray Harris is my friend, and a friend of Veterans For Peace, we have worked side by side waging peace and trying to raise awareness. I support this fundraising campaign and hope you will to.
Daniel Shea
Veterans For Peace
Free Bradley Manning
We need to decide that we will not go to war, whatever reason is conjured up by the politicians or the media, because war in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war
against children – Howard Zinn
Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:35 am (PDT) .
Posted by:
> The vast resources wasted and the
incalculable human suffering inflicted by the bloated US military and
intelligence apparatus pose the urgency of building a genuine mass movement
against militarism and war.
> Sequester Cuts
> Bill Van Auken, World Socialist Web Site
> 3 April 2013 | Harvard University’s new report estimating that the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will end up costing as much as $6 trillion is another indication of the terrible price paid by working people the world over for the crimes of imperialism.
> This is the latest in a series of studies done by Harvard’s senior lecturer on public policy, Linda Bilmes, together with economist Joseph Stiglitz. Each successive study has raised the estimate of the wars’ long-term costs, due in large measure to the rising and sustained costs of caring for and compensating hundreds of thousands ofIraq and Afghanistan veterans who have
returned home suffering grievous physical and psychological trauma.
> Full story…
> Related:
> > Sequester Cuts, US Uncut / Timeline Photos
> If budgets reflect a country's values, theUS is based on mindless violence
and cruel punishment of the poor, for the profit of a selfish few.
> Sequester Cuts
> Bill Van Auken, World Socialist Web Site
> 3 April 2013 | Harvard University’s new report estimating that the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will end up costing as much as $6 trillion is another indication of the terrible price paid by working people the world over for the crimes of imperialism.
> This is the latest in a series of studies done by Harvard’s senior lecturer on public policy, Linda Bilmes, together with economist Joseph Stiglitz. Each successive study has raised the estimate of the wars’ long-term costs, due in large measure to the rising and sustained costs of caring for and compensating hundreds of thousands of
> Full story…
> Related:
> > Sequester Cuts, US Uncut / Timeline Photos
> If budgets reflect a country's values, the
Contents #6
TomDispatch, Kramer: Spending Waste and Corruption
TomDispatch, Kramer: Spending Waste and Corruption
Cappaccio, Pentagon Budget
Cappaccio, Pentagon Budget
Update: Budget
Passes House
VFP, Bloated
Wheeler, F-35 Costs Still Rising
Wheeler, F-35 Costs Still Rising
People’s Guide
to Budget
Pentagon Dissent/ Crowd Control
Pentagon Reading Our Email
Pentagon Dissent/ Crowd Control
Pentagon Reading Our Email
Contents #7
War Costs Campaign
Lofgren: Militarized GOP
Ryan Budget (2 reports)
Pentagon Budget and GOP Petition
Budget Debate
War Costs Campaign
Lofgren: Militarized GOP
Ryan Budget (2 reports)
Pentagon Budget and GOP Petition
Budget Debate
Ryan’s Budget
and Pentagon Strategic Thinking
Dick, Defending
the Pentagon Budget by Militarism and Fear-mongering
IG Report on General William Ward
Rape at Lackland AFB
U. S. Empire,Rome ,
Military Bases: Chalmers Johnson, Nemesis,
Dismantling the Empire
IG Report on General William Ward
Rape at Lackland AFB
U. S. Empire,
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