PTSD NEWSLETTER #4, November 10, 2014.
Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace and Justice. (#1 Jan. 12, 2012; #2, Sept. 10, 2012; #3 March 11, 2013).
Here is the link to all OMNI newsletters: For a knowledge-based peace, justice, and
ecology movement and an informed citizenry as the foundation for change.
See Blog, “IT’S THE
“Estimated percentage change since 2007 in the number of U.S.
veterans committing suicide each day:
+22. Portion of all active-duty U.S.
service people who committed suicide in 2011 who had never been deployed:
½.” “Harper’s Index,” Harper’s Magazine (May 2013).
Contents PTSD
Newsletter #4
IVAW, Another Shooting at Ft. Hood ,
PTSD Cited
Heather Courtney Film:
Soldiers from Youth to PTSD
John Parrish, M.D., Vietnam War Doctor’s PTSD
Richard Drake, Sgt. Short PTSD?
Koon, Jacob George’s Struggle and Suicide
Richard Baker:
Soldier Facing 9th Deployment Kills Himself
Combat Journalists Too Experience PTSD
Dr. Shay, Diagnosing and Treating PTSD with Literature
From WWI Shell Shock to PTSD
Joseph Robertson, “Germans in the Woods,” WWII Battle of the
Contact Your Representatives
Nos. 1-3
Contribute to Our Movement
Dear Dick,
Last night, President Obama stated that he is
"heartbroken" about the shooting on Fort Hood Army base in
we first went to
was already being treated for common symptoms of PTSD - anxiety, depression,
and insomnia - and was being evaluated for PTSD. Even after his death, the
leadership at
collected testimony from 31 soldiers during our time at
long as soldiers continue to be punished for seeking care, tragedies will
continue to occur.
We must demand the right to heal. Please join us by making a financial contribution today.
Matt, Maggie, and Julia
IVAW Staff
P.S. Our
work at
Iraq Veterans Against the War is a
501(c)(3) charity,
and welcomes your tax deductible contributions |
From: Heather Courtney <>
Date: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 5:35 PM
Subject: Emmy-winning film on the costs of war
contacted your Veterans For Peace chapter last year about my Emmy-winning documentary, WHERE SOLDIERS COME FROM. The film
focuses on the four-year journey of childhood friends, from teenagers stuck in
their small town, to National Guard soldiers looking for roadside bombs in
Afghanistan, to 23-year-old veterans dealing with the silent war wounds of PTSD
and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
As an organization
that helps the families of soldiers and veterans, I thought you might be
interested in using the film as a community-based tool. Some Veterans For
Peace chapters and other veterans and military family groups have organized
community screenings of WHERE SOLDIERS COME FROM to build understanding of what
soldiers, veterans and their families are going through, in a workshop setting
to open up a dialogue between veterans and their families and loved ones, and
as a fundraiser for their organization.
You can watch a
trailer at It is a
different war film in that it follows the full experience – over the course of
the film, we see the young men before they become soldiers, during their
deployment, and after they come home and work to reintegrate back into civilian
society. It would be a great film to organize a Memorial Day or
Armed Forces Day event around.
Community and
veteran groups can purchase Where Soldiers Come From to for screenings from our
educational distributor New Day Films. Feel free to share this information with
others. If you have questions or want to discuss a possible event in detail,
please email me at, or call
me at 512-565-1628.
Also, we are very flexible on price so lets us know what works for you.
Thank you for the important work your organization does, and
I look forward to hearing from you.
Personal History
John A. Parrish, M.D.
Thomas Dunne Books

On the outside, John Parrish is a highly successful
doctor, having risen to the top of his field as department head at Harvard Medical
School and Massachusetts General Hospital .
Inside, however, he was so tortured by the memories of his tour of duty as a
marine battlefield doctor in Vietnam
that he was unable to live a normal life. In Autopsy
of War, the author delivers an unflinching narrative chronicling his four-decade battle with the unseen
enemy in his own mind as he struggled with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Parrish examines his
Southern Baptist childhood and the profound influence of his father, a fire
and brimstone preacher turned Navy chaplain, while offering a candid assessment of the “God and Country” ethos
that leads young men to rush wide-eyed into war. He describes the unimaginable carnage and acts of
cruelty he witnessed in Vietnam ,
experiences that shattered his world view leaving him to retreat from his
family upon his return stateside. Living virtually homeless at times, he
visited veteran shelters and relived the horrors of war in a series of
harrowing flashbacks as he dealt with suicidal thoughts. The author writes
honestly and probingly of his episodes of infidelity and battles with sex
addiction. Readers follow his steady journey toward recovery and his
professional contributions in the field of medicine and technology, as well as
a joint program with the Boston Red Sox and Massachusetts General Hospital to aid
returning veterans. Perhaps most poignantly, Parrish speaks of his quest to
discover the identity of one particular soldier in Vietnam he could not save—and whose
memory has haunted him ever since.
Autopsy of War is a soul searching memoir that is both an intensely
personal narrative and a universally relevant trip through the world of war and
Sign up to receive information about new
books, author events, and special offers.
The Dog Killer: Is our war in the Middle East having a ripple effect in
Northwest Arkansas?
Richard S. Drake/August 29, 2014
When she heard the news of his arrest, she was thunderstruck. As she told a
reporter from KFSM, “They said ‘animal cruelty’ and I said ‘what, you've got to
be crazy.’” She added that he had animals in his own home.
John Christopher Short of Fayetteville was arrested this week on suspicion of
aggravated animal cruelty. It seems that a dog which had belonged to his
girlfriend died some months ago under conditions which can only be described as
The dog Esther’s rear left leg was fractured, an injury so severe that its left
leg had to be amputated. Even that was not enough to save her life, though.
Soon after, his girlfriend took in a new puppy, Hector, to replace - what a
stupid word to use - Esther, her dead dog.
According to the police report, the woman came home from work one day only to
find her new puppy dead. Short is said to have told her that “It is not
He added that he thought the puppy was dead.
Hector was indeed dead, the victim of multiple skull fractures.
I don’t know John Christopher Short, and I don’t know anything about him, save
for what I have heard on the news.
But this is what I do know about John Christopher Short, and I will tell you in
the reverse order that KFSM told the story.
In 2005, Sergeant Short was in Afghanistan, when his Humvee was hit by an IED.
Besides having his own leg amputated, according to his aunt, in addition to
undergoing several surgeries on his elbow, he suffered a traumatic brain
Returning stateside, Short has been no stranger to legal troubles.
In the past two years, two women have filed protection orders against him.
In February of this year he entered a plea of guilty to assault and domestic
In 2012, he shot and killed a man while struggling over a gun at his home. No
charges were ever filed in that case.
So, just who is John Christopher Short? A violent man, evidently, but at least
one relative loves him and has nothing but kind words for him. Is it possible
she sees only the man who left for war, but not the man who returned?
Was he always the man he is today?
Or is John Christopher Short just another cast-off from a terrible war, a man
whose victims in peace time are like the fast-moving ripples in a pond?
The martyr of Danville
Jacob George,
'moral injury' and one soldier's losing struggle against the encroaching
darkness of war [while living in Fayetteville]
From Larry W 10-24-14
“Suicide by Appointment.”
In These Times (April
2013). “The Current practice is to treat
the injury, not prevent it. Preventing
PTSD would be simple: Don’t send people to war.
Treating the injury is more difficult, and currently, the VA’s efforts
are a failure.” [Did he intend to
over-generalize; did he mean to say the VA’s efforts to treat suicide have
failed? Baker apparently has written a
novel, entitled Incoming, about
soldier suicide, but I was unable to find it in Google. --Dick]
Facing 9th Deployment, Soldier Commits Suicide - Vanguard News ...
Aug 16, 2011
– 13 Responses to “Facing 9th Deployment, Soldier Commits Suicide”. bjt Says: 16 August,
2011 at 3:37 pm. Why do these white Humans keep ...
A series of articles and
multimedia about veterans of the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan
who have committed killings, or been charged with them, after coming home.
War Leaves Wounds Behind the Camera, Too
A Review of Time Stands Still, in Hartford

Lanny Nagler
Boston, Tim Altmeyer and Erika Rolfsrud in “Time Stands Still,” by Donald
Margulies, directed by Rob Ruggiero at Theaterworks.
By SYLVIANE GOLD Published: August 23, 2013
Playwrights who know it all can
often provide first-rate entertainment. But the very best plays usually come
from writers who don’t necessarily have all the answers, who don’t insist on
telling us what to think about the developments onstage and who don’t offer
neat solutions to their characters’ problems.
Lanny Nagler
Boston, with Liz Holtan and Mr. Altmeyer.
Donald Margulies, who won thePulitzer Prize
in 2000 for “Dinner With Friends,” has
been writing that kind of play ever since “Sight Unseen” in 1992. And “Time
Stands Still,” the 2010 Tony nominee currently in an outstanding production at TheaterWorks in
Hartford, is his finest work to date. Like the earlier plays, it asks us to
ponder the intricacies of love and friendship and the emotional perils of
professional success. But this one, expertly directed by TheaterWorks’s
producing artistic director, Rob Ruggiero, goes beyond the personal to explore the moral ambiguities of journalism,
a subject that both producers and consumers of the news media tend to avoid.
Mr. Margulies isn’t worried here about journalists’ ethics; his
concern is the very underpinnings of the enterprise. “I live off the suffering
of strangers,” says Sarah, the conflict photographer at the heart of the play.
“I built a career on the sorrows of people I don’t
know.” Is she, as she sometimes feels, “a ghoul with a camera”? Or is she a
crucial witness to truths that would pass unnoticed without her, as she
believes in her less anguished moments? In the no-nonsense performance of Erika
Rolfsrud, Sarah is clearly driven by both high ideals and an addiction to
When the play begins, she has come a little too close to the
latter. With one arm in a sling, one leg in a cast and a face pitted with
shrapnel scars (the work of the makeup artist Joe Rossi), Sarah has returned
home from a German hospital after falling prey to a roadside bomb in Iraq.
Carrying her gear and watching her every painful move is James, the war
correspondent who has been her companion for some eight years. Their Brooklyn
loft has been designed by Luke Hegel-Cantarella with a keen appreciation for
their shabby-chic taste and their extensive travels. And Harry Nadal’s costumes
make it apparent that they prefer to dress for war zones.
The play’s title accurately describes what happens when a camera
shutter clicks, but “time stands still” is also a lie. Time moves right along,
and as John Lasiter’s sterling lighting takes the loft through the days and
nights of Sarah’s recuperation, and her many mood swings, we learn that James,
in the sympathetic performance of Tim Altmeyer, has war wounds of his own — and
that the two of them appear to have very different definitions of healing.
We also meet their dear friend Richard, a photo editor who arrives
with his latest flame, the much younger — “embryonic,” snarls Sarah — Mandy.
His serious themes notwithstanding, Mr. Margulies is an astute social satirist,
and Mandy is a delicious comic creation. The personification of perkiness,
she’s a party planner who lets slip that an event set among the Egyptian
sarcophagi at the Metropolitan Museum was “really intense” — this to people who
chase gunfire for a living.
Liz Holtan gives Mandy an airheaded sweetness that is the stock in
trade of many a pretty young blond actress. But Ms. Holtan also knows how to
listen onstage. We see her Mandy taking in the barbs launched in her direction,
both spoken and unspoken, and weighing their worth. For all her callowness,
she’s no bimbo, and her sense of right and wrong is at least as well developed
as Sarah’s. It’s a wonderful role, and Ms. Holtan makes it entirely her own.
As Richard, Matthew Boston has the rueful air of a man who knows
he should know better, but who simply cannot resist the illusion that time will
indeed stand still for him and Mandy. In his own way, he’s flirting with danger
as recklessly as Sarah and James do when they head off to Sudan or Sierra Leone
or Kurdistan. But the question of how best to stay safe has different answers
for different people, and Mr. Margulies lets us decide whether, in the end, the
one with the plane ticket or the one with the bicycle helmet has the better shot.
In the street-level lobby above the auditorium, TheaterWorks has
installed a display of wrenching news photographs, including classic images by
the famed combat photographers Robert Capa and Eddie
Adams, that illustrate the issues raised by the play. They look very
different on one’s way out than they do on the way in, before Mr. Margulies has
moved us to think hard about the people who take them.
“Time Stands Still,” by Donald
Margulies, is at TheaterWorks, 233 Pearl Street, Hartford, through Sept. 15;
(860) 527-7838 or
Dr. Jonathan Shay on Returning Veterans and Combat Trauma
Published: January 13, 2008
Dr. Jonathan Shay is a psychiatrist who specializes in
treating the psychic wounds of war. He is also the author of two books, "Achilles in Vietnam : Combat Trauma and the
Undoing of Character" and "Odysseus in
America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming," which
examine the experiences of combat veterans through the lens of classical texts.

Jason Threlfall
Dr. Jonathan Shay
Over 20 years ago, Dr. Shay, then a medical researcher
studying the biochemistry of brain-cell death, suffered a stroke. During his
recovery, he moved from research into clinical work, taking a temporary job
substituting for a vacationing psychiatrist at a Department of Veteran Affairs
clinic in Boston .
When that doctor died, Dr. Shay stayed on, challenged and inspired by the
terrible psychological injuries of the combat veterans.
During his stroke recovery, Dr. Shay also began, as he put
it, to fill in the gaps in his education by reading the classics: "The
Iliad," "The Odyssey," and "The Aeneid." And it was
clear to him that his patients at the V.A. clinic were echoing many of the
sentiments expressed by the warriors in those ancient texts: betrayal by those
in power, guilt for surviving, deep alienation on their return from war.
“I realized that I was hearing the story of Achilles over
and over again,” said Dr. Shay.
For this series, Deborah Sontag spoke with Dr. Shay, who
recently won one of the MacArthur Foundation’s coveted “genius awards,’’ about
his unique perspective on the psychological impact of war.

What others view as a mental disorder — post-traumatic
stress disorder, that is — Dr. Shay prefers to see as a psychological injury of
war. Initially, when a service member returns from war, he or she often retains
the behaviors that they adopted for their own survival while in a combat zone,
he says.
“Most of it really boils down to the valid adaptations in
the mind and body to the real situation of other people trying to kill you,’’
he said.

Dr. Shay has written about the connection between criminal
behavior and combat trauma. He refers to the problem as "staying in combat
mode." In his writing, he points out that the first adventure of Odysseus
after the Trojan War was to sack the city of Ismarus — essentially a pirate raid where the
soldiers applied their hard-earned wartime skills to a civilian environment. If
this kind of behavior is common, should the courts consider combat service when
a veteran has been charged with criminal activity?

Dr. Shay has become an advocate for preventing psychological
war injuries as much as possible through a variety of methods. For example, he
believes that soldiers should be deployed together, rather than trickling in
and out of combat zones individually as was the practice during the Vietnam
War. A sense of community and stability are key, he says, in preventing further

By Jerry Lembcke,,
posted October 22, 2014
The author is a Vietnam veteran who teaches sociology at
the College of the Holy Cross
Germans in the Woods (WWII)
Joseph Robertson was
an infantryman in the U.S. Army during World War II, where he fought in the
Battle of the Bulge. The stark black and white images in this short haunt the
viewer, just as Robertson is haunted by his memories from that battle.
Recent Blogs
US Capitalism and Climate Change 11-4
UN Day 10-24
US Capitalism 10-18
UN Food and Poverty Days
Indigenous People of the Americas Day 10-13
Vegetarian Day 10-1
Contents #1
Book: Philipps,
David. Lethal Warriors
Hidden Battles
Documentary Film
Poster Girl Documentary
IVAW Outreach
Contents of #2
Chloe Fox: Rev. of Castner, The Long Walk
Suicides July 2012
Women Homeless Veterans
Staff Sgt. Robert Bales
Book: Lethal Warriors
Gandolfini’s documentary, Wartorn
Contents #3
Arkansas : Jacob George, Music and Poetry
Arkansas : Wounded Warriors Gather
Obama To Troops: More Support
Zoroya, Guilt and PTSD
McClelland, PTSD Spreading to Families
World War II
Animated Film about WWII Battle
of the Bulge PTSD
Google Search First Page
Korean War Google Search
Vietnam War Google Search
Contact Arkansas
Congressional Delegation
John Boozman
Republican, first term 320 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371 Arkansas offices: FORT SMITH: (479) 573-0189 JONESBORO: (870) 268-6925 LITTLE ROCK: (501) 372-7153 LOWELL: (479) 725-0400 MOUNTAIN HOME: (870) 424-0129 STUTTGART: (870) 672-6941 EL DORADO: (870) 863-4641 Website:
Mark Pryor
his Senate seat Nov. 4]
Democrat, second term 255 Dirksen Office Building Constitution Avenue and First Street NE Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908 Little Rock office: (501) 324-6336 Website:
Tom Cotton
beat Pryor Nov. 4]
4TH DISTRICT Republican, first term 415 Cannon House Office Building Washington 20515 Phone: (202) 225-43772 Arkansas offices: CLARKSVILLE: (479) 754-2120 EL DORADO: (870) 881-0631 HOT SPRINGS: (501) 520-5892 PINE BLUFF: (870) 536-3376 Website: |
Rick Crawford
1ST DISTRICT Republican, second term 1771 Independence Avenues SE Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-4076 Fax: (202) 225-5602 CABOT: (501) 843-3043 MOUNTAIN HOME: (870) 424-2075 Website:
Tim Griffin
his House position Nov. 4]
2ND DISTRICT Republican, second term 1232 Longworth Office Building New Jersey and Independence Avenues SE Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2506 Fax: (202) 225-5903 Arkansas offices: LITTLE ROCK: (501) 324-5491 Website:
Steve Womack
3RD DISTRICT Republican, second term 1119 Longworth Office Building New Jersey and Independence Avenues SE Washington 20515 Phone: (202) 225-4301 Fax: (202) 225-5713 Arkansas offices: ROGERS: (479) 464-0446 HARRISON: (870) 741-7741 FORT SMITH: (479) 424-1146 Website:
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