NEWSLETTER #5, December 31, 2012, Compiled by
Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace.
(Newsletter #1 January 14, 2011; #2 April 5, 2011; #3 June 30, 2011; #4
Dec. 6, 2011).
See on human costs of
wars: Consequences of Wars
My blog: War
Department/Peace Department
My Newsletters:
Visit OMNI’s Library.
Contents #5
Pentagon Budget
Greenwald: Costs of
War Project
Bilmes and Bacevich, Costs of War
Willson, All War Local
New Vets Seek Disability
Development Network
Martin, Peace Action, Move the Money
Here is the link to all OMNI
newsletters: See Newsletters on Consequences of US Wars,
Occu'pie' the Military Budget! Flyers for Tax Day”
War Resisters League via
to jbennet April 6,
Still Time to Order for Tax Day!
Where Your Income Tax Money
Really Goes
Our 'Pie Chart' flyer for
fiscal year 2013, 'Wall St=War St. ',
is available for sale or download on our website. This year we look at the top
military contractors and big corporations that are making a killing off of killing.
Buy bulk color copies or download here. There's still time to order 'Pie
Charts' for Tax Day (April 17). For rush orders email
Hand out the 'Pie Chart' at your local Occupy, vigils and
events before and on Tax Day. It's a great conversation starter. Most people in the US do not realize that
approximately half of the income tax money pays for war. Check it out on
our website.
The 99% needs our tax money to work for us, not to enrich
the war profiteers!
Brave New Foundation: Job Announcement: War Costs
Campaign Director [Los Angeles ],
From JustForeignPolicy May 14, 2012.
How will this spending help secure the Nation?
Over the past three years you helped us create and
distribute the Rethink Afghanistan series.
The success of this project is outlined here: Rethink Afghanistan: Study
of Effectiveness and Messaging Success.
We need your support now for a new project to fight the
pervasive, corroding effects of ongoing militarism and endless warfare. Our new
campaign is called War Costs. We will highlight the
Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex that wastes your tax dollars,
encourages more violence and lines the pockets of a defense industry that has
shamelessly profited from a decade of war all while asking for more money.
Please consider donating $25 to help us fight the profiteers
and warmongers.
Your support will allow War Costs to mount a day-in-day-out
assault on a Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex that insists we maintain
5,000 nuclear weapons that cost $54 billion a year total. Our investigative films are currently in
production. We plan to release the first of these in early next year; that film
will examine how the government’s war on transparency and the whistleblowers
that reveal waste and abuse in the system leads to a curbing of free press and
First Amendment rights.
Donate $25 to help us produce more videos and push this
content to the mainstream media. Your donations will also allow us to continue
our investigations and to create more content holding the Pentagon accountable.
With your help and support, let’s show the profiteers and
warmongers we have the power. As always, we cannot win this fight without you!
Thank you,
Robert Greenwald
“The Costs of War
Project: Linda Bilmes and Andrew
Veterans for Peace (Winter 2012).
following reports are transcriptions
video talks by Professor Linda Bilmes
Professor Andrew Bacevich as part of
Eisenhower Research Group’s Costs of
Project based at Brown
University ’s
Institute for International Studies
The videos are available
at (Professor
Bacevich; the transcriptions
reproduced here with the permission of
Bilmes and Professor Bacevich.
Bilmes’s full research paper is
The Editor.
you look at the costs of the Iraq
and Afghanistan
conflicts, the numbers
by the government are about
trillion, but this is just the tip of the
because this is just money that has
been spent. There are other costs
yet to come, one of the most significant of
is for providing medical care for the
Americans who have been deployed
Iraq and Afghanistan . There have been
million Americans who have fought in
wars, 1.2 million have come home
are now veterans. Of these returned
veterans more than 600,000 have been
in veteran hospitals and facilities for
wide variety of ailments, ranging from
health disorders, musculoskeletal
skin disorders, hearing loss, and
injuries that were either sustained or
during their service. These are
that we are just beginning to pay right
but they are costs that will be growing
the next 20, 30, 40 years, and they
will add another $600 billion to $1 trillion
cost just for caring for our veterans over
above what we’ve already spent.
is important to look at the full cost of
because if you use poor accounting,
is what the government uses, you
get a real sense of what things cost.
example, if I sell you a car for $20,000
and when you look at the fine print it costs
you might have second thoughts
buying that car. That’s essentially
we’ve done with the Iraq and
conflicts. Congress has voted on
quotation of how much it would cost,
the real cost is much larger. Particularly
the case of the care for our veterans we
set aside money to care for them so
have incurred a long-term obligation to
provide medical care and disability benefits
our wounded veterans without setting
provision for how we’re going to
for it. What we need is an accounting
that is based on accrual accounting
makes transparent the true costs of war.
only with a fully transparent accounting
and budgetary systems that those in
can really make decisions because as
now they don’t actually have the data to
how much we’re actually paying
any military activity. There are two
that have to be made in regard
to every conflict: one is whether to get involved
it; the second is how to pay for it
you do. In the case of Iraq
and Afghanistan ,
we have for the first time in United
history since the revolutionary war
virtually all of the money that
had been used to pay for these conflicts.
has added at least $1.5 trillion to our
this point, I think the questions that
should be asking are whether if not for
decision to invade Iraq ,
would we still
mired in Afghanistan ?,
would oil prices
what they are?, would the national debt
be as high as it is?, and would the financial
be as severe as it was? I think arguably
answers to all four of these questions
no. The Iraq
war has been tragic in
respects but from a purely economic
it has been tragic in that we have
money that we could have invested
education, in our infrastructure, paying
our debt, and other activities rather than
on activities that have very low benefit economically
and which have added
great deal to our national debt.
J. Bilmes is the Daniel Patrick
Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Harvard University ’s
Kennedy School .
is the author with Professor Joseph Stiglitz
the book The Three Trillion Dollar
The True Cost of the Iraq
is an immense and urgent requirement
learn from the experience of the
decade, to learn why the global war on
has been such a costly disappointment,
learn why the Iraq
war produced
so radically different from what was
to learn why the Afghanistan
now the longest war in our history. It
crucially important to tally up the costs
war to properly assess the wisdom or
of the policies that landed us in
war in the first place. At a bare minimum
already spent $1 trillion, and there
reasonable projections that we will end
spending $2 trillion, $3 trillion, perhaps
as much as $6 trillion. This at a time when
American economy is not performing
and when the debt is going through the
to be lost of course is the question
the human costs paid by non-Americans,
simply by our allies but the people of
of Pakistan , of Yemen ,
and many
places across the Islamic world. We
that there have been something on
order of two to two-and-a-half million
who are living in exile; a large
of other Iraqis who have been displaced
their homes. Were something
this to happen in the United
States , we
view it as an catastrophe of historic
The population displaced by
global war on terror is, for example,
larger than the population displaced by
create distortions, in our politics,
our economy. War concentrates power;
war delivers profit to certain people and
imposes sacrifices on others. I think those
have happened in the global
on terror launched after 9/11. To some
they have been hidden or concealed;
been hidden in part by our
to actually pay for many of
costs, at least the economic costs of
war. The willingness to simply go ever
in debt, to shove off the economic
onto future generations, that’s one
the things that actually blind us to the
impact of the wars we’ve been conducting.
I would like to see the equivalent of
9/11 Commission be undertaken and focus
on what we might call the long war: The
Commission to Study the Long War.
hearings; testimony by officials, participants
soldiers and civilians, by people
lost loved ones on 9/11, by historians
journalists. There should be a comprehensive
to understand what’s
happened since the United States went to
war against so-called terrorism.
I think
Costs of War Project could make an
contribution to the larger effort to
the truth.
Bacevich is a graduate of West
a retired US Army Colonel, a Professor
History and International Relations
Boston University , and author most
recently of Washington Rules: America’s Path
to Permanent War.
All War IS Local By S. Brian Willson
September 12, 2012 [Dick:
I read this in VFP, The War Crimes
Times (Winter 2013)].
“A nation that continues year
after year to spend more money on military defense [sic] than on programs of
social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr., “A Time To Break Silence,” April 4,
1967, Riverside Church , New York City
On a recent visit to my neighborhood library
in SE Portland , Oregon , I was asked outside the entrance if
I would sign a petition to place a public school bond measure on the fall
ballot. Though I support full funding of public schools, I balked. Knowing that
Portland libraries are also planning to place a taxing district on the same
ballot, I felt fury building up inside of me at how obscene, lawless military
spending is sucking our nation’s resources dry. I told the person asking for my
signature that I would only sign such petition when and if the Portland School
Board, Portland City Commissioners and Mayor, and all other City and County
entities become part of an active anti-war movement to stop the looting of our
Commons by the Military-Industrial-Banking-Congressional-Presidential Complex.
DIRECT costs are FELT only by a small percentage of the public
The US
wars in Iraq , Afghanistan , Pakistan ,
Yemen , Somalia , etc.,
are, in reality, only viscerally experienced by a small percentage of the US
American people. No direct taxes on the people have been assessed to fund the
wars. They are funded instead by debt. And the absence of general conscription
(a military draft) relieves the vast majority of the population from the
emotional burden of worrying whether a family member will be forced into
military service.
A de facto economic draft exists whereby those
unable to find adequate employment in our economically depressed society are
offered a subsidized job track in the military, and trained as combatants or
placed in any number of supportive roles in imperial adventures around the
But most members of US society have
gone about their lives business as usual, experiencing little anxiety or
hardship, indeed, hardly “feeling” the wars.
INDIRECT costs severely affect the 99 percent
However, even though the direct,
experiential costs of US wars have been largely absent in popular discussion
and politically unaccounted for, the resulting residual costs are enormous. The
national resource base has been so severely drained by war costs that we are in
domestic “austerity” budgeting. An audit of the Federal Reserve has revealed
$16 trillion in secret loans to bail out US American and foreign banks and
businesses during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. That is
equivalent to our National Debt. That amounts to more than $50,000 for every
man, woman and child, enough to revive a healthy main street. Meanwhile four
million homeowners lost their homes to foreclosures due to massive collusion
between Wall Street and banks in granting fraudulent mortgages. Every
foreclosed homeowner could have been publicly refinanced instead.
As of September 11, 2012, the National
Priorities Project (NPP)
estimates the actual cost of US wars since September 2001 in Iraq and
Afghanistan at nearly $1,372 Trillion dollars [also see: Cost of].
Other studies estimate total war costs will
reach $4.4 Trillion ["Cost
of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting," by Daniel Trotta, Reuters, Jun 29, 2012] or even $6
Trillion ["American Freefall" by Paul Craig Roberts, CounterPunch, July 09,
These are non-human costs. The human costs in Iraq
and Afghanistan lives, not
to mention public and private military forces and mercenaries from the US , is immense.
The website Unknown News estimates
total Iraqis killed (murdered) since the US invasion in 2003 at about 895,000,
with another 1,646,000 injured (maimed). The comparable figures for Afghanistan are
17,400 killed (murdered) and 41,625 injured (maimed). US public and private
military and mercenaries, plus “Coalition” troops and journalists killed in Iraq is
slightly over 5,800, with nearly 45,000 injured. The comparable figures for Afghanistan are
2,230 killed, and 8,164 injured. Thus, total war
casualties are nearly 2,670,000 – over 920,000 killed; nearly
1,750,000 injured.
In the last ten years nearly 2.5 million US soldiers have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan . They come from every
town, city and rural area in the country, but reports suggest a
disproportionate number of the dead and wounded come from small town USA . Up to 50
percent of those deployed to Afghanistan
and Iraq
have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain
injury (TBI), or have been victims of military sexual trauma (MST). Treatment
costs for returning veterans are immense. Over one million have applied for
compensation for injuries.
Suicide among soldiers and veterans is
staggering. In 2012 alone, as of early June, 154 active duty soldiers committed
suicide, more than were killed in combat during that same period. [“Suicides
Outpacing War Deaths for Troops,”NYT, June 8, 2012].
The suicide rate is 38 per 100,000 Iraq
and Afghanistan
veterans, compared to 11.5 for the general public.
Eighteen veterans of all wars commit suicide on average every day [“18
veterans commit suicide each day,” Rick Maze, Army Times,
Thursday, April 22, 2010].
War IS a local issue
War drains domestic financial and mental
capacity to address critical needs for health care, education, social security,
etc., in every community. The outrageous
amount of money being siphoned into the military industrial complex, with wars
feeding obscene profits to its architects, seriously threatens assurance of
resources for a healthy society. US citizens should be assured of a
social safety net for all. Instead, US Americans are guaranteed adebt in
perpetuity. Meanwhile, the rich get richer; the poor get
Despite the lack of national discourse on
military spending, war is always on our minds. It is promoted in holiday
festivities such as Memorial Day, Armistice Day (now called Veteran’s Day),
Independence Day and Patriots Day. There are fund drives for soldiers,
homecomings, recruitment ads, military band concerts, war video games in every
town and city, army-sponsored race cars, war movies and television shows, and
war toys. Numerous colleges and universities receive millions in funding from
the Department of War (euphemistically called “Defense”) for academic research.
And money for the military and wars totally
dominates the entire national budget which in turn deleteriously impacts every
political jurisdiction and local economy in the country. Ironically, our
extravagant military budget is rarely questioned but cuts for domestic programs
are constantly discussed.
The argument that military spending creates
jobs is a red herring. A report conducted by the Political Economy Research
Institute reveals that every billion dollars of government spending on the
military creates 12,000 jobs. But a choice to create tax cuts for the poor
would stimulate personal consumption and create 15,000 jobs. The same billion
dollars would create 18,000 jobs in assuring health care, 25,000 jobs in
education, 27,700 in mass transit.
In effect, grotesque war spending means less
money for:
1. elementary &
secondary education;
2. grants in aid to
states and localities;
3. home energy
assistance for low Income households;
5. community block
6. special education and
assistance for the disadvantaged;
7. school improvement;
8. loss of funds for
vocational and adult education;
9. supplemental
nutrition WIC program;
10. children and family
11. Head Start;
12. rental assistance
13. children served by
childcare assistance;
14. etc.
The National
Priorities Project estimates
of actual cost of recent US
wars at over $1,372 Trillion dollars can be broken down for each community.
For Portland ,
Oregon (
the cost is nearly $1,794,000,000 (Billion). The 2012 US Census estimates Portland ’s population at
600,000. Thus the cost of the wars for each man, woman, and child in Portland is about $3,000,
with costs continuing to escalate. If the estimated, projected higher national
costs reach $4.4 Trillion, or $6 Trillion are calculated, costs to Portland could reach $5,700,000,000
($9,500 for each Portlander), or perhaps nearly $7,800,000,000 ($13,000 for
each Portlander).
Fifty million US Americans now live in
poverty with one on every seven requiring food stamps to survive each month.
Over 125,000 of Portlanders, or over 20% of the city’s population, are on food
stamps. Over 15,000 people in Portland
experience homelessness during the year.
The National Debt now stands at nearly $16
Trillion, or $50,000 for every man, woman and child. Each of us is in perpetual
And the disparity between Haves and
Have-Nots is felt globally as Occupy has protested austerity measures being
felt by much of the world. A study by the Green Party of England discloses that
the same global capitalist economic policies that are polluting the planet
while depleting its finite resources, have allowed a mere 400 billionaires to
acquire assets equal to the combined wealth of 45% of the world’s population.
Immoral and illegal wars created by a corrupt political economy
In addition to direct and indirect costs,
these US-led wars are illegal on their face. They make a mockery of our moral
and legal authority as a nation, and reveal that in fact we are a nation of
(lawless) men, not of law. Over 2,670,000 human beings have been killed or
maimed as the consequences of these recent criminal wars in violation of
international law, staining further our national character.
The illegality and immorality of these wars,
conducted with no accountability or plausible justification, breed a corruption
at the top political levels of society that permeates into every aspect of
society. Our corrupt economic institutions are profiting obscenely from
policies of mass murder.
No war was declared as required by the US
Constitution. The United Nations (UN) Charter to which the US is a
signatory, allows military action in only two instances: (1) if authorized by
the UN Security Council, or (2) if undertaken in self-defense against an
existing or imminent armed attack. Neither of these conditions were met or
sought. Under Article VI, Clause 2, of the US Constitution, the provisions of
the UN Charter are incorporated into the Supreme Law of the Land of the United States , and therefore the US violated
both the UN Charter, and its own Constitution.
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2004
publicly declared that the US
invasion of Iraq
was and remains an illegal act contravening the UN Charter. [“Iraq war
illegal, says Annan,” BBC,
Thursday, 16 September, 2004]. Richard Perle in 2003, when a senior
advisor to the Department of Defense Policy Board, admitted that the Iraq war
was illegal because the U.S. had broken international law, behavior not
consistent with the rules of the UN [“War critics
astonished as US hawk admits invasion was illegal,” Oliver Burkeman and Julian
Borger, The
Guardian, November 20, 2003].
In fact they are Nuremberg-type crimes,
meaning they are the worst of the worst in terms of national and political
I know a bit about this criminal pattern. In
1969 I was commander of a US Air Force combat security unit in Viet Nam where
I witnessed a series of atrocities wiping out entire inhabited and undefended
fishing villages. These were international crimes committed by both US and
South Vietnamese forces under US
command. That war cost US taxpayers nearly $740 Billion in today’s dollars []
as it diabolically claimed more than 5 Million lives, 99 percent of whom were
innocent Southeast Asia peasants.
Additionally, torture and inhumane
treatments have been well documented in US-run prisons in Iraq (Abu Ghraib), Afghanistan
(Bagram) and Guantanamo (located in Cuba against
the wishes of that country). This behavior constitutes grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions; the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ); the Nuremberg Principles; and the Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
The seven leaked confidential British
Downing Street Memos, dated from March to July 2002, disclose a US and British
drive to war a full year before the March 2003 invasion. “War was now seen as
inevitable,” while “intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy”
seeking “regime change” without any “basis under international law.” The memos
also declared: “There is no recent evidence of Iraq
complicity with international terrorism…There is no credible evidence to link Iraq with Usama
Bin Laden.” Regarding Iraq ’s
possession of WMD, the “intelligence is poor.” [“The Downing
Street Reader: A cheat sheet on the memos behind the scandal,” The Rolling Stone Blog, June 22, 2005].
The US has been in a virtual permanent
war economy since World War II. Increasingly the political economy requires
permanent enemies, and functions to assure their creation. Thus, the entire US
American system has a vested interest in a permanent state of tension.
The citizens of the US , in their
participation through their Congress, President, and their huge military
industrial complex, spend more money on their military than any other nation –
45% of the entire world’s expenditures, more than the next 14 nations combined.
The dramatically increasing disparity between the Haves and the
Have Nots in the US has become
more grotesque since September 2001. As choices to commit outrageous monies for
military and war spending have skyrocketed, choices to fund a healthy and just
domestic society have disappeared:
1. The disparity between
the Haves and Have-Nots, though historically high in the US with 1% owning
40-50% of the wealth, has once again become dramatic trending toward
neofeudalism [G. William
Domhoff, “Wealth, Income, and Power,” Who Rules America (accessed August 4, 2012)].
2. Four hundred US Americans now have more wealth than 155
million U.S.
citizens combined. [David DeGraw, “The Richest 1% Have Captured America's
Wealth: What's It Going to Take to Get It Back?" Alternet, February 17, 2010]
3. A mere six of the
Walmart heirs themselves have wealth equal to that of the entire bottom 30%. [Joseph Stiglitz, “The 1 Percent's Problem,” Vanity
Fair, May 31, 2012:
“Why won’t America’s 1 percent—such as the six Walmart heirs, whose wealth
equals that of the entire bottom 30 percent—be a bit more . . . selfish?”
Adapted from The Price of Inequality,by Joseph
Stiglitz, to be published in June by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. (U.S. ), and in
July by Allen Lane (U.K.)]
4. The top 20% control
85% of the wealth. [G. William
Domhoff, “Wealth, Income, and Power,” Who Rules America (accessed August 4, 2012)].
5. The top 10% possess
fully half of all income earned in the US , as much as the bottom 90%
combined. [“Why Obama’s
Economic Plan Will Not Work—And a Better Plan,” by Robert Freeman, January 17,
6. Most astonishing, the
top .1% (one-tenth of 1%, or 310,000 persons), have more combined pre-tax
income than the poorest 120 million people. [G. William
Domhoff, “Wealth, Income, and Power,” Who Rules America (accessed August 4, 2012)].
The impact of inequality on individuals and
society is well established. Social epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson concludes
that, “the quality of social relations in societies is related to the scale of
income inequality –how big the gap is between rich and poor. More unequal
societies tend to have higher rates of violent crime and homicide, and that
people living in them feel more hostility, are less likely to be involved in
community life, and are much less likely to trust each other; in short they
have lower levels of social capital… Inequality is deeply corrosive…Greater
inequality is perhaps the most significant obstacle to the development of an
environmentally sustainable level of economic activity.” [Richard Wilkinson (a
social epidemiologist), The Impact of Inequality, The New
Press, 2005, pp. 24-30].
The Nation is Now Paying the Price; Localities Need to Become
Part of Anti-War Movement
The US has doubled its national debt
during these wars, making every US American alive today indebted in perpetuity.
The domestic budget is being severely cut, requiring draconian cutbacks in
education, libraries, medical care such as it is, all social safety net
programs, fire and police departments, all city services, etc. Portland ’s Fiscal Year 2012-13 budget is
nearly $2.85 billion, 3.8% less than the previous year. “Austerity” budgets are
being imposed all over the US
(and the world) largely due to siphoning of national wealth into wars and the
military industrial complex.
This is why every political leader, and all citizens in
every jurisdiction – towns, cities, counties and states, and every functional
entity within cities, counties and states such as schools and libraries, need
to become ardent and loud opponents of the national war and military policy
that is enriching the military industrial complex at everyone’s expense. Local
communities desperately seek new funds through bond issues and new taxes as
programs are being cut. The local people are being asked to pay for the war
boondoggles of the rich – private profit, public decay.
Unless everyone gets behind a national
popular movement to end the wars, and to severely restrict the Pentagon budget,
we as a nation will simply keep eroding into what we call a “Third World”
country where a very tiny minoritycontrol the lives of the vast majority. A
neofeudalism, if you will. Fewer and fewer local residents will be able to
afford increased property taxes imposed by bond issues or other local tax
increases to keep local jurisdictions afloat as the war economy sucks the
nation dry.
War is a local issue! If and when people
understand this we the people possess a political opportunity to reclaim our
people’s republic. Short of that, we collapse while on our knees with hardly a
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written by ,
posted on at 1:23 am, filed under Brian's Blog,Challenging Traditional Patriotism, Pax
Americana, The Most Dangerous of Rogue Nations: The United States.
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Posted September 15, 2012 at 5:32 am Permalink
Thank you for this
excellent article.
I think it is very
relevant to share this link here:
John Keister

Posted November 4, 2012 at 7:26 am Permalink
This is one of the
most impressive reads I have ever come across; your knowledge and understanding
of the facts is exceeded only by your courage.I am a christian lay minister and
who also knows the complicit role that religion has played in the problem and
continues to do so. The next step has to be for men and women like yourself to
form the intentional communities made up of people who know the truth and are
of the same mind. That call is the only thing I’ve found missing on this site.
Please let me know if I have missed it; because I would love to participate.
The dollar cost of war is going up.
AP IMPACT: Almost half of new vets seek disability - Yahoo! News
“Economic Consequences of War
on the US Economy” by Institute for Economics & Peace Feb. 22, 2012
About Peace and Collaborative Development Network
A professional networking site for individuals &
organizations worldwide involved in development, conflict resolution and
related fields.
A fight we can't afford to
Kevin Martin, Peace
Action 12-20-11 to jbennet
Dear James,
First, let me thank you for your actions and financial
support over the past year. With your help, the peace movement succeeded at
last in bringing our troops home from Iraq ,
and opposition to the terrible war in Afghanistan is growing stronger.
And, with your support, Peace Action launched Move the Money, our campaign to
build common cause with labor and other economic justice groups to reorder
federal spending priorities, putting our tax dollars to work for jobs, not war.
Together, we’ve made sure our demands to end runaway
military spending can no longer be brushed aside by Tea Party compliant Hawks
simply uttering the words ‘threat to national security.” While not nearly sufficient, Congress did cut
military spending this year. We must now set our sights on making even more
substantial progress in the year ahead.
I hope you will join me in achieving our goals for 2012 with
a year end gift to Peace Action or a tax-deductible gift to Peace Action
Education Fund.
The government we elect next November will likely set the
economic and political agenda for decades to come. Make no mistake, sooner or later they will
make a decision on how to deal with the economy. Will they decide to end the war in
Afghanistan, cut runaway military spending, and make sure the super-rich pay
their fair share, or will they cut Social Security and Medicare and balance the
budget on the backs of working people?
The gridlock and inaction will not last forever.
Our opponents are relentless and well funded. They’ve been
trying for decades to unravel the social safety net and roll back the
regulations that protect the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we
eat. This challenge, as daunting as it
is, must be met with sufficient grassroots pressure to defeat this agenda and
put our country on a path to a peaceful and just future.
Peace Action’s
campaign to Move the Money will frame our issues on our terms, ensuring our
elected representatives and candidates for office focus on the human and economic costs of the war and the
waste, fraud and abuse in the Pentagon budget. Our Peace Voter activists are already at work
in key states like New Hampshire and North Carolina ,
bird-dogging candidates and posing challenging questions about the corrupting
influence of organized money in politics, an endless war and the $662 billion
Pentagon budget Congress just approved.
This is a fight we cannot afford to lose.
You can support Peace Action’s work for SANE economic
policies using our secure online giving portal.
Thank you again for your attention and work on these
important issues and for your kind consideration of this request.
Humbly for Peace,
Kevin Martin
Executive Director
Peace Action