Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chomsky: Post-9/

Noam Chomsky on US Economic Crisis

Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky
Democracy Now! / Video Report
Published: Tuesday 13 September 2011
Chomsky discusses joblessness, excessive military spending and healthcare
Pres­i­dent Obama sent his new jobs pro­posal to Con­gress on Mon­day with a plan to pay for the $447 bil­lion pack­age by rais­ing taxes on the wealthy. Noam Chom­sky says “huge mil­i­tary spend­ing, a very low taxes by the rich [and cor­po­ra­tions] ... those are prob­lems, fun­da­men­tal prob­lems that have to be dealt with if there is going to be any­thing like suc­cess­ful eco­nomic and so­cial de­vel­op­ment in the United States.” As Re­pub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, calls So­cial Se­cu­rity a “ponzi scheme,” and De­moc­rats buy into the nar­ra­tive that the pro­gram is in cri­sis, Chom­sky notes that, “To worry about a pos­si­ble prob­lem 30 years from now, which can in­ci­den­tally be fixed with a lit­tle bit of tam­per­ing here and there, as was done in 1983, to worry about that makes ab­solutely no sense un­less you’re try­ing to de­stroy the pro­gram.”

Noam Chomsky on US Economic Crisis

Amy Goodman and Noam Chomsky
Democracy Now! / Video Report
Published: Tuesday 13 September 2011
Chomsky discusses joblessness, excessive military spending and healthcare

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