Wednesday, March 19, 2025



OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #221, MARCH 19, 2025.  Compiled by Dick Bennett

Bayard Rustin, Opponent of War.
Origins of US Wars.  Everyone a Historian.
The Mother of US Wars: Westward Conquest.

March 17 was the birthday of Bayard Rustin, civil rights organizer (1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom), pacifist, socialist, and gay advocate.   UAF’s Black Studies Program is partly supported by an endowment from OMNI.

THE ORIGINS OF US WARS?   Become a scholar historian. 
Despite being the most wealthy and heavily armed empire in the history of the world, the agencies and think tanks whose task it is to justify that empire have produced no more numerous publications than have its opponents, and generally have exhibited less quality, for one main reason: The defenders of the warmakers usually do not dig deeply enough into the etiology of US wars.  Regarding each US war, ask yourself: Who and What started it, and you will discover, in varying degrees, doubts about the veracity of the warmakers and about the accuracy of the narrative they promulgate.  When and why did WWII start in the Pacific?  Well, start with Pearl Harbor with the official story if you wish, but then move backwards in time.  Peel off the layers of causation.   When and why did the Ukraine War begin?  Ok, start with Russia’s “invasion” of the two provinces called the Donbass, but then dig back to 2014 and before for the full truth.    For accurate, fact-based, scholarly answers, see my anthologies and weeklies on war after war.   Our leaders will continue to start wars until the public gets informed, refuses to be complicit, and stops them. 

Consider our Biggest War, the US Genocidal War Against Native Americans (by late 19th century 12 million reduced to fewer than one).   Empire and Popular Arts: A Note on Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s “Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States.”   Monthly Review’s review of Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz’s Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States: A Graphic Interpretation, written by Dylan Davis and Paul Buhle, with illustrations from the book by illustrator Paul Peart-Smith.  more…     Source

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