by Dick Bennett OMNI
for a
Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology
OMNI Center for Peace, Justice, and Ecology invites you to
attend our annual Remembrance of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki: Sunday, August 6.
OMNI remembers the death of 230,000 innocents of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, renounces war and threats of war, joins the Global Zero hopes of
all humanity for the abolition of nuclear weapons, and celebrates the United
Nations Treaty Initiative to ban nuclear weapons.
Music, poetry and speakers will reflect on the meaning of the
day. And a possible live-stream video
with Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui is being confirmed.
This is always a deeply meaningful occasion for people who
long for peace. Please join us Sunday
August 6, 6:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 901 W. Cleveland.
Contents: Hiroshima-Nagasaki Remembrance August 6 and 9,
Abolition Movement, United Nations Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons Newsletter 2017.
Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and an
Inside Look at the Pentagon
New Books
Darkness: Photographs of Hiroshima Before and After the Bomb
Caren Stelson, Sachiko,
a Nagasaki survivor’s story
Susan Southard, Nagasaki:
Life After Nuclear War
Memoir by Paul H.
Johnstone, Commentary by Diana Johnstone.
From MAD to Madness: Inside
Pentagon Nuclear War Planning
Resistance Today
We are not alone, but these anti-nuclear weapons
organizations need your physical and financial support. Some of you might want to support all of
them, and that will be your major project for peace. Others can choose one or two. But doing nothing to help them supports the exterminators.
The first organizations advocate banning the nuclear bombs,
because, given the planetary destructiveness of the largest bombs, nothing less
will protect the human project.
international abolition movement
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Zero, Republic
of Marshall Islands’ Suits against Nuclear Nations
Nonviolent Resistance from Luck, WI, Tucson, AZ,
Bangor, WA, and, Washington, DC (and Cambridge, MA, Atlanta, GA), Pasadena, CA. See OMNI’s Nonviolence
#11, DECEMBER 28, 2016.
Peace Action, seeking ban on
nuclear weapons, meanwhile also urging a Middle East WMD free of nuclear
weapons, cancelling funding of the US $1 trillion modernization (nuclear
weapons forever) program, and more, as do all of the following
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action v.
Trident Nuclear Submarines, Bangor, WA, daily protesting the largest
concentration of nuclear bombs. Leonard
WAND, Erica Fine, Susan Cundiff, supporting
Senator Franken’s Resolution
to Scale Back Nucs, etc. Jean Gordon,
Chapter in Little rock, AR, LTE for Hiroshima-Nagasaki Event.
Nukewatch, Project of the Progressive Foundation, Luck, WI, publisher of Nukewatch Quarterly, John LaForge
Nukewatch, Project of the Progressive Foundation, Luck, WI, publisher of Nukewatch Quarterly, John LaForge
NAPF, Nuclear Age Peace
Foundation, David Krieger
Nuclear Resister, Tucson,
AZ, Jack and Felice Cohen-Joppa
for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, John Tierney, focused on
restraining national proliferation of the weapons and on reducing the number of
WEAPON: Eric Schlosser, Command and Control, Book
on TITAN II Accident at Damascus, AR. The Titan II carried a
W-53 thermonuclear warhead, with more than 560 times the explosive yield of the
bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.
RESISTANCE: Dan Zak’s Almighty. An 80-year-old nun, a Vietnam veteran, and a housepainter,
members of the religious group Ploughshares, broke into the Y-12 complex at Oak
Ridge. “Zak gracefully synthesizes the
stories of the politicians and bureaucrats controlling stockpiles of weapons
and those of the [Ploughshares] activists working to disarm them.” –Publisher’s Weekly
Google Search 7-20-17 of Mother
Jones Magazine Exposing the US Nuclear Weapons Program
See OMNI’s Nonviolence Newsletters. Here’s #11, the latest; #12 is in
#11, DECEMBER 28, 2016, Many of you believe in nonviolence and are
seeking ways to promote it. Consider
become editor of the nonviolence newsletters, or of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki
newsletter, or any newsletter of interest to you.
NAGASAKI, For the Future
Hiroshima: the first city destroyed by a nuclear
August 6, 1945, the Japanese city of Hiroshima was destroyed by a nuclear
weapon, an atomic bomb dropped by the United States. Three days later, a
second atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki; five days after that,
Japan unconditionally surrendered to the United States, bringing an end to
World War II.
atomic bombs killed several hundred thousand people, many instantly in the
nuclear fire, many later with burns, injuries and radiation sickness, and
still many others, over the years, with cancers and birth defects. These
deaths continue to this day. Like most of the cities bombed in World War II,
the majority of the inhabitants were women, children and the elderly.
the war began, bombing cities was considered an act of total barbarism; there
were no “conventional bombs” and it certainly was not considered
“conventional” to target civilian populations for mass destruction. But this
ideal was shattered early in the war, and eventually all sides engaged in
mass bombing raids against cities and civilians.
the Nazis conducted their massive bombing raids against London, the British
retaliated by developing incendiary bombs, fire-bombs designed to burn down
cities. British and American bombers dropped these bombs on 5 German cities,
killing hundreds of thousands of German civilians in Hamburg, Dresden,
Kassel, Darmstadt, and Stuttgart. In March, 1945, the U.S. fire-bombed the
city of Tokyo, killing at least 100,000 people.
the time the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, 50 million people had already
died in World War II. The bombing/murder of civilian populations had occurred
so many times that it was no longer even regarded as unusual. I believe this
is perhaps the greatest tragedy of the war, and it set the stage for the Cold
War and the nuclear arms race that followed.
you view these images of Hiroshima, remember that there is a good chance that
a nuclear weapon may now be targeted on your own city and home. And consider
that modern nuclear weapons are generally 8 to 50 times more powerful than
the first atomic bombs that destroyed the Japanese cities.
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Sachiko: A Nagasaki
Bomb Survivor’s Story.
Sachiko: A Nagasaki
Bomb Survivor’s Story by Caren Stelson. Lerner/Carolrhoda, $19.99 Oct. 2016.
Q & A with Caren Stelson By Claire Kirch. Publisher’s
Weekly Sep 29, 2016

In the preface to her
book, Sachiko: A Nagasaki Bomb Survivor’s Story, Minneapolis writer Caren Stelson relates an
event in a Minneapolis park on August 26, 2005 that changed her life. It was a
commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II and the atomic
bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A Japanese woman who
had survived the bombing of Nagasaki spoke that day, and five years later,
Stelson tracked Sachiko Yasui down to ask her if Stelson could share her story
with young readers. Sachiko has
just been longlisted for the 2016 National Book Award in Young People’s
What inspired you to
write Sachiko?
The first time I met
Sachiko Yasui, I was inspired by her strength, courage, resilience, and hope
for peace. How does a six-year-old child survive nuclear war? How does a child
heal from such an apocalyptic experience and find a pathway peace as an adult?
I wanted to understand Sachiko’s life’s journey. In times such as ours, I
believe Sachiko’s story is important for all of us to contemplate.
The U.S. bombed
Nagasaki in 1945. Why is Sachiko’s story still relevant to young people so many
years later?
Although the atomic
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki took place over 70 years ago, the world
continues to live with the unthinkable possibility of another nuclear war.
Sachiko’s story is a reminder of what ordinary civilians had to endure long
after August 9, 1945. Yet Sachiko’s story also offers young people hope that
they too have the resilience and courage to overcome whatever losses and
hardships they may face in their own lives.
EXCERPT: Sifting Through the Wreckage
of Nagasaki. The Daily Beast. Aug. 6,
In the hours after the atomic bombing of Nagasaki on
August 9, 1945, survivors tried to come to grips with the devastation created
by the blast.
08.06.16 12:01 AM ET

Susan Southard’s award-winning book, Nagasaki: Life After Nuclear War, was just released in
paperback for the 71st anniversary of the atomic
bombings of Japan. Below
is a short excerpt from Chapter 3-Embers, which takes place in the pre-dawn
hours of August 10, 1945, some 16 hours after the
atomic bombing of Nagasaki.
Three young people are mentioned here. Taniguchi Sumiteru,
16, was just over a mile from the bomb, delivering mail on his bicycle through the hills of northern Nagasaki when the blast
force of the bomb threw him off his bicycle. His entire back was burned
off, and he lay on a hillside for three days before being found.
Thirteen-year-old Yoshida Katsuji had been only a half-mile away and was facing
the bomb; he was thrown back 130 feet across a field, a road, and an irrigation
channel, then plunged to the ground, landing on his back in a rice paddy
flooded with shallow water. Yoshida’s body and face were brutally scorched.
Nagano Estsuko, 15 (no relation to Governor Nagano in this excerpt), had been
further away from the blast, over the mountains that enclosed Nagasaki on three
sides. She had raced toward the
annihilated city and
by sheer coincidence she had run into her father as they both tried to get to
their home near the center of the blast.
Nagasaki mayor Okada Jukichi had spent the night of August 9
atop a hill on the eastern border of the Urakami Valley, waiting in a panic for
the fires below to diminish. At 3 a.m. on August 10, he made his way down the
hill. In darkness lit only by scattered embers, he stumbled through debris and
bodies to the place where his house had stood the day before, just a few
hundred feet from the hypocenter. The soles of Okada’s shoes burned as he
frantically combed through the hot ashes for his wife and children. Finding no
trace of them, he hurried to the air raid shelter beneath his house to discover
at least ten dead bodies, including those of his entire family. Simultaneously
crazed and clearheaded, he proceeded to the next neighborhood over, where he
identified the deceased family members of his deputy mayor.
Okada was one of the earliest witnesses to the
still-smoldering hypocenter area, which had been totally unreachable the day
before. Covered in soot, he ran across the low southeastern mountains bordering
the Urakami Valley to the air raid shelter of the Nagasaki Prefecture Air
Defense Headquarters near Suwa Shrine. The mayor reported what he had seen to
Governor Nagano, estimating the death toll at fifty thousand people—far higher
than Governor Nagano could have imagined. Stunned, the governor decided to
request regular updates from police chiefs in each region of the city and to
dispatch reports to Japan’s home minister in Tokyo every half hour with updated
damages and fatality estimates from what he still called the new-type bomb.
While Okada was searching for his family in the middle of
the night, a three-man documentary crew—veteran war photographer Yamahata
Yōsuke, writer Higashi Jun, and painter Yamada Eiji—arrived at Michino-o
Station, in the rural outskirts of Nagasaki two miles north of the hypocenter.
The team, sent by Japan’s News and Information Bureau—the government’s military
propaganda organization—had been given orders to record Nagasaki’s damages for
use in anti-U.S. propaganda campaigns. Due to Nagasaki’s damaged tracks,
Michino-o Station was as far south as the train could go.
After their 11-hour journey, the men stepped off into the
cool night air and began walking toward the city to report to the military
police headquarters in southern Nagasaki. Their path took them along hillsides
near where Taniguchi lay. From the top of a small mountain at Nagasaki’s
northern edge, the vast atomic plain lay before them, dotted by small fires
still burning in the ruins. Layers of smoke wafted overhead.
Life After Nuclear War by
Susan Southard. Penguin, 2015. “We
made our first steps into this macabre domain,” Higashi later wrote, “as though
embarking on a journey into a different world.” With only the light of the
crescent moon and the scattered fires to help them see, the men reached the
main prefectural road running north-south through the Urakami Valley, barely
detectable beneath layers of ashen rubble. The air was hot. They stumbled over
bodies and passed people lying on the ground begging for water. A mother, dazed
and confused, held her dead child in her arms and whimpered for help. The men
offered the victims kind and encouraging words, but there was little else they
could do. Higashi, however, was aghast when he stepped on something “soft and
spongy” and discovered that he was standing on the corpse of a horse, and he
was terrified when a person suddenly surfaced from a hole in the ground and
grabbed his leg, begging for help.
The men walked for two hours, past the areas where Yoshida
lay on the ground and Nagano and her father huddled in a crowded air raid
shelter. They finally reached the military police headquarters, damaged but
still standing. After reporting in, the team walked to the hills to wait for
the morning light.
Life After Nuclear War by
Susan Southard, published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a
division of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © 2015 by Susan Southard.
Susan Southard holds an MFA in
creative writing from Antioch University, Los Angeles, and was a nonfiction
fellow at the Norman Mailer Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Nagasaki:
Life After Nuclear War is
the recipient of the 2016 Lukas Book Prize, sponsored by the Columbia School of
Journalism and Harvard University’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism, and was
named a best book of the year by The Washington Post, The
Economist, the American Library Association, and Kirkus
From MAD to Madness:
Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning
Memoir by Paul H. Johnstone, Commentary by Diana Johnstone. Foreword by
Paul Craig Roberts.
Memoir by Paul H. Johnstone, Commentary by Diana Johnstone. Foreword by
Paul Craig Roberts.
senior analyst in the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group (WSEG) in
the Pentagon. He was assistant director of three crucial
studies on outcomes of nuclear war and the director of a fourth, on
the impact on civilians. He also initiated a series of
“critical incident” studies recounting
decision-making problems, which led to the McNamara study of the errors
of Vietnam war policy known as The Pentagon Papers and was one of its
decision-making problems, which led to the McNamara study of the errors
of Vietnam war policy known as The Pentagon Papers and was one of its
This deathbed memoir by Dr. Paul H. Johnstone, former senior analyst
in the Strategic Weapons Evaluation Group (WSEG) in the Pentagon
and a co-author of The Pentagon Papers, provides an authoritative
analysis of the implications of nuclear war that remain insurmountable
today. Indeed, such research has been kept largely secret, with the
intention “not to alarm the public” about what was being cooked up.
This is the story of how U.S. strategic planners in the 1950s and 1960s
worked their way to the conclusion that nuclear war was unthinkable. It
drives home these key understandings:
• That whichever way you look at it -- and this book shows the many
ways analysts tried to skirt the problem -- nuclear war means mutual
• That Pentagon planners could accept the possibility of totally
destroying another nation, while taking massive destructive losses
ourselves, and still conclude that “we would prevail”.
• That the supposedly “scientific answers” provided to a wide range of
unanswerable questions are of highly dubious standing.
• That official spheres neglect anything near a comparable effort to
understand the “enemy” point of view, rather than to annihilate him, or
to use such understanding to make peace.
Dr. Johnstone’s memoirs of twenty years in the Pentagon tell that
story succinctly, coolly and objectively. He largely lets the facts speak
for themselves, while commenting on the influence of the Cold War
spirit of the times and its influence on decision-makers.
Johnstone writes: “Theorizing about nuclear war was a sort of virtuoso
exercise in creating an imaginary world wherein all statements must
be consistent with each other, but nothing need be consistent with
reality because there was no reality to be checked against.”
While remaining highly secret – so much so that Dr. Johnstone himself
was denied access to what he had written – these studies had a major
impact on official policy. They contributed to a shift from the notion
that the United States could inflict “massive retaliation” on its Soviet
enemy to recognition that a nuclear exchange would bring about
Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD).
The alarming truth today is that these lessons seem to have been
forgotten in Washington, just as United States policy has become as
hostile to Russia as it was toward the Soviet Union during the Cold
War. U.S. foreign policy is pursuing hostile encirclement of two major
nuclear powers, Russia and China. Without public debate, apparently
without much of any public interest, the United States is preparing to
allocate a trillion dollars over the next thirty years to modernize its
entire nuclear arsenal. It is as if all that was once understood about the
danger of nuclear war has been forgotten.
This deathbed memoir by Dr. Paul H. Johnstone, former senior analyst
in the Strategic Weapons Evaluation Group (WSEG) in the Pentagon
and a co-author of The Pentagon Papers, provides an authoritative
analysis of the implications of nuclear war that remain insurmountable
today. Indeed, such research has been kept largely secret, with the
intention “not to alarm the public” about what was being cooked up.
This is the story of how U.S. strategic planners in the 1950s and 1960s
worked their way to the conclusion that nuclear war was unthinkable. It
drives home these key understandings:
• That whichever way you look at it -- and this book shows the many
ways analysts tried to skirt the problem -- nuclear war means mutual
• That Pentagon planners could accept the possibility of totally
destroying another nation, while taking massive destructive losses
ourselves, and still conclude that “we would prevail”.
• That the supposedly “scientific answers” provided to a wide range of
unanswerable questions are of highly dubious standing.
• That official spheres neglect anything near a comparable effort to
understand the “enemy” point of view, rather than to annihilate him, or
to use such understanding to make peace.
Dr. Johnstone’s memoirs of twenty years in the Pentagon tell that
story succinctly, coolly and objectively. He largely lets the facts speak
for themselves, while commenting on the influence of the Cold War
spirit of the times and its influence on decision-makers.
Johnstone writes: “Theorizing about nuclear war was a sort of virtuoso
exercise in creating an imaginary world wherein all statements must
be consistent with each other, but nothing need be consistent with
reality because there was no reality to be checked against.”
While remaining highly secret – so much so that Dr. Johnstone himself
was denied access to what he had written – these studies had a major
impact on official policy. They contributed to a shift from the notion
that the United States could inflict “massive retaliation” on its Soviet
enemy to recognition that a nuclear exchange would bring about
Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD).
The alarming truth today is that these lessons seem to have been
forgotten in Washington, just as United States policy has become as
hostile to Russia as it was toward the Soviet Union during the Cold
War. U.S. foreign policy is pursuing hostile encirclement of two major
nuclear powers, Russia and China. Without public debate, apparently
without much of any public interest, the United States is preparing to
allocate a trillion dollars over the next thirty years to modernize its
entire nuclear arsenal. It is as if all that was once understood about the
danger of nuclear war has been forgotten.
See below for more history of nuclear weapons.
ICAN: International Campaign to
Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Global Zero, international abolition
Nuclear Zero, Republic of Marshall Islands’
Suits against Nuclear Nations
Ground Zero Center
Nukewatch, Nukewatch
Nuclear Resister
“Draft Convention on the Prohibition
of Nuclear Weapons”
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF)
More: See previous
H/N Abolition Newsletters.
ICAN: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

The International Campaign to Abolish
Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is a coalition of non-governmental
organizations in one hundred countries promoting adherence to and
implementation of the United Nations nuclear weapon ban treaty. This landmark
global agreement was adopted in New York on 7 July 2017.

440 partners in 100countries
On 7 July 2017, the UN adopted a landmark
agreement to ban nuclear weapons. Here we answer some FAQs about how the treaty
will operate
July 7th 2017
On 7 July 2017, the UN adopted a landmark
agreement to ban nuclear weapons. Here we answer some FAQs about how the treaty
will operate
July 7th 2017
After a decade-long effort by ICAN, and 72
years after their invention, today states at the United Nations formally
adopted a treaty to ban nuclear weapons
June 23rd 2017
The Chinese artist sent a message of support
this week to delegates involved in the UN nuclear weapon ban treaty

“If Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr were alive today, they
would be part of ICAN.”
Martin Sheen Actor and activist
There are more than 17000 nuclear weapons in
nine countries. Each one is a catastrophe waiting to happen.
Our Movement. When
we eliminate nuclear weapons, it will be ...
The only way to
eliminate the nuclear threat is to stop the ...
About Global Zero.
Global Zero is the international movement for ...
Who we are. Global
Zero is the international movement for the ...
The Global Zero
Action Plan for the phased, verified elimination of ...
Frequently Asked
Questions about the nuclear threat and the ...
Global Zero is the
international movement for the elimination of all nuclear weapons. Its members
understand that the only way to eliminate the nuclear threat – including
proliferation, nuclear terrorism and humanitarian catastrophe – is to stop the
spread of nuclear weapons, secure all nuclear materials and eliminate all
nuclear weapons: global zero. The movement combines cutting-edge policy
development and direct dialogue with governments with public outreach,
including media, online and grassroots initiatives to make the elimination of
nuclear weapons an urgent global imperative.
Since its launch in
Paris in December 2008, it has grown to include 300 world leaders and half a
million citizens worldwide; hosted four Global Zero Summits and numerous
regional conferences; built an international student movement with more than
175 campus chapters in 29 countries; produced an acclaimed documentary,
Countdown to Zero, with the team behind An
Inconvenient Truth; launched cutting-edge international campaigns in key
countries; and produced compelling, high-production videos to reach millions of
people worldwide with an empowering call to action.
Global Zero’s role as
a global catalyst for bold leadership toward the elimination of all nuclear
weapons has never been more important. That is what the entire international
Global Zero movement is working for – the leaders and experts, artists and
cultural icons, as well as grassroots activists and student leaders who
represent the world’s first post-Cold War generation. It is imperative
that we bring all of our assets to bear and exert the international support and
pressure necessary to bring a world without nuclear weapons within reach.
Global Zero is the
international movement for the elimination of nuclear weapons.
help us eliminate the nuclear threat once and for all? Add your name now.
with Michael
Douglas, Matt Damon, Morgan Freeman, Robert De Niro, Naomi Watts and a host of
amazing artists! mobilize your peers,
lead creative campaigns, and apply real pressure on policymakers to eliminate
all nuclear weapons, everywhere.
LEARN MORE about the nuclear threat
and the Global Zero solution for the elimination
of all nuclear weapons proposal for
deep cuts to the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

On April 24,
2014, the Republic
of the Marshall Islands (RMI) filed lawsuits against all nine Nuclear Weapon
States in the International Court
of Justice and, separately, against the United States in U.S. Federal District
The Non-Proliferation Treaty has been in force for over 44
years. The Nuclear Weapon States
continue to rely heavily on nuclear weapons and are engaging in modernization
programs to keep their nuclear weapons active for decades to come.
time has come for the Nuclear Weapon States to be held accountable for their
Learn More and Act
For more information on the Nuclear Zero
Lawsuits and to sign the petition, go to
I feel boundless admiration also for the persevering peacemakers who sustain
the nonviolent Ground
Zero Center in Washington State.
They offer an illuminating guide to our
efforts to connect our Remembrance with the international movement to abolish
nuclear weapons. Get acquainted with
them. The following letter contains some
ideas we might use at our Remembrance and following. Dick

Ground Zero Center for
Nonviolent Action
Here's to Sanity and
Abolition Efforts in the New Year By
Leonard Elger
New Year's Eve
Greetings Friends of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action,
One year is nearly
over and another about to begin, and this is NOT a plea for donations. This
is a different kind of request. I want you to read on and join us in building
the world we know is possible, yet may seem so far off. Yes, it takes money.
Yet, it takes so much more than that. As we have learned from the wisdom of
Standing Rock, we need to "support, educate, protect, collaborate,
unify, occupy and protest" and much more.
The horrible seeds
of humanity's destruction that were sown so many decades ago have been
nurtured since then by the keepers of
the bomb. Today, the keepers of the bomb continue to design and build a
new generation of these devices of nuclear extinction. The US government is
moving ahead with all speed, slated to spend $1 trillion over 30 years, to rebuild that devil's progeny of the
Cold War, which, along with Russia, is driving
a new arms race that can only drive the Doomsday Clock even closer to Midnight. Is it not ironic
that the two powers that drove the world to the brink during the Cold War are
once again planting the new and improved seeds of humanity's destruction? Is
this not some form of insanity? The most recent comments by President-elect
Trump and President Putin make it crystal clear that those who we elect (and
I use that term with great reservation) have far less wisdom (and perhaps
sanity as well) than they claim.
As President Obama leaves The White
House, he also leaves a legacy we would never have expected following his now
infamous Prague speech. It is tragic that the Nobel Peace Prize winner did
not summon the courage of whatever convictions he retained to stand strong
against the demands of Congress (and the Military-Industrial Complex) and
instead build a bridge to Putin, negotiating a number of steps that would
have ramped back the nuclear danger. Instead, he has facilitated what is
inarguably a new arms race and Cold War that is moving ahead at an alarmingly
increasing pace.
It is unconscionable
that such a small number of nations, led by the US and Russia, have held, and
continue to hold, the rest of the world under the threat of nuclear annihilation.
Our task, then, is clear - to deepen
our resistance to nuclear weapons and seeking their total abolition! A monumental, yet absolutely critical
goal. Nothing less than ZERO will ensure the safety and survival of future
generations. And THAT will require embracing a new paradigm, far different
than that which has driven the nuclear age to this point. It is a paradigm of
mutual security rather one of mutually assured destruction.
At Ground Zero
Center we are already moving into 2017 with plans to reach out, educate and
motivate others to act for change. Read on to find out what's happening in
our (nuclear-armed) corner of the world (also known as "the largest
concentration of deployed nuclear weapons in the U.S."). MORE
Welcome to the new GZ Nonviolence E-News
7:42 PM (13 hours ago)
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The following note is from Susan Cundiff of WAND who reminds us of the
difficulty of placing organizations in neat Reform/Abolition categories.
We are in support of
any resolution that reduces nuclear weapons or nuclear triad expenditure while
simultaneously believing in abolition. This action hi-lights our watchful
eye on the budget trade-offs and the outrageous cost of the “modernization”
plan. We also make the point that nuclear weapons do not add to our security. Place us in the abolition camp always working
for whatever gains in that direction we can score.
Stop the Nuclear Weapons Spending Binge!
4:07 PM (1 hour ago)
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To the Editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette from the
Coordinator of Arkansas WAND urging support for the UN’s vote to adopt an
abolition treaty.
“As we approach the
72ndth anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, an historic announcement from the UN that may have gotten lost
in the din of political news. 122 nations have voted to adopt a treaty to Ban the Bomb with only one no
vote. Beginning September 20 nations will have the opportunity to
ratify the treaty. 90 days after 50 countries sign it will be illegal to have
or to work toward having nuclear weapons.
Some people have
downplayed the accomplishment, saying that countries like North Korea will
never give up their nuclear weapons. But 3,700 scientists, including Nobel
Laureates, signed an open letter endorsing the negotiations.
Lawrence Korb, a
Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress who
was President Reagan’s Under Secretary of Defense, calls it a
welcome step toward abolishing nuclear weapons for good. He argues
that although it will be a long process, it is a legal basis for sanctioning
countries that defy the ban.
Former Secretary of
Defense, William Perry, says “the treaty is an important step toward
delegitimizing nuclear war as an acceptable risk of modern civilization, and it
creates a strong moral imperative: Thou shalt not possess nuclear weapons.”
Although the US and
the 8 other nuclear countries did not take part in negotiating the
treaty, the United States should take the lead in ratifying it and
convincing the other nuclear states to follow
Tell Congress
the US can regain its leadership in the world by ratifying this historic
Jean Gordon
Little Rock
Nukewatch Quarterly (Summer 2017)
Opens with another brilliant essay by John LaForge, who knows
nuclear weapons from a peace perspective as well as anybody. “Legal Evolution:
World Welcomes Draft Treaty Ban on Nuclear Weapons.” He’s in
the same class as AFSC’s Joseph Gerson.
(Where have you read in Arkansas about the “Draft Convention on the
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons,” delivered on May 22, 2017, to the UN for
final negotiations? One might well
expect such a treaty, supported by 130 countries—but shamefully not by the
US--, to receive significant front page coverage in our statewide
newspaper. And now from June 15 to July
7 in New York the negotiations are engaged.)
LaForge discusses General
George Butler’s Feb. 2, 1998 call for nuclear weapons abolition (the
weapons are illegal); the new Draft Convention: “comprehensive, compelling, and
even awe-inspiring”; including a summary history of international treaties
rejecting nuclear weapons because catastrophically indiscriminate. Let’s join LaForge in giving a thumbs up to
the Draft Treaty! But a thumbs down to
the media and all the other organizations that should be informing the public
about the second greatest peril threatening the planet. –Dick
(6-21-17 to HN com.) (122 UN
nation members voted for the Draft Treaty, which is now circulating the members
for final approval. 7-20-17)
More contents of Nukewatch Summer 2017:
“Chomsky on North Korea’s Provocations & Ours”
The $200 billion since 1983 corporate gravy train ballistic missile
program finally was a success, maybe.
The Pentagon has long lied it had 10 aircraft carriers, but it has
The development of new nuclear warheads approved by Obama with
$12.2 billion funded by Congress even though the US already has 20 each in the
Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany and
50-90 in Italy and Turkey. This is a
packed complex revelatory article, Chomsky typically digging up the facts for a
truthful record.
Six articles on nuclear waste.
And more.
Subscribe to Nukewatch. –Dick
Our mission is to
educate and advocate for peace and world free of nuclear weapons, and to empower peace leaders. glove ...
Learn about the ideas that led to the ... what continues to
drive us ...
Mail Nuclear Age
Peace Foundation PMB 121, 1187 ...
The Nuclear Age
Peace Foundation offers both paid and ...
Store. © 2017
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
The Nuclear Age
Peace Foundation is an equal ...
David Krieger.
President. David is a founder of the Nuclear Age ...
The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation was founded
in 1982. Its mission is to educate and advocate
for peace and a world free of nuclear weapons and to empower peace leaders.
The Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with consultative
status to the United Nations and is comprised of over 75,000 individuals and
groups worldwide who realize the imperative for peace in the Nuclear Age.

Their 37th
year, Jack and Felice Cohen-Joppa published another no. of NR, providing latest news of resistance to US militarism, US global
violence, and nuclear weapons: release of Chelsea
Manning and Ryan Johnson, Good Friday protest of drone warfare at Hancock Field
near Syracuse, Creech AFB in Nevada, and Des Moines, protest at the Nevada
nuclear test site by the Las Vegas Catholic Worker, protests v. Pres. Trump’s
Tomahawk cruise missiles in Syria, blockade of new Destroyer U.S.S. Thomas
Hudner at Bath Iron Works, over 2 pages on international protests. Jack and Felice deserve our support for their
steadfast, awakening newspaper.

Nuclear Resister (December 9, 2016).
Some of its contents:
Regular information about and support for imprisoned
anti-nuclear and anti-war activists.
Nonviolence Actions Coast to Coast. [See OMNI nonviolence newsletters: #10 ]
Drone War Resistance in Nevada and
California [See OMNI Drone Watch
newsletters: #19, ]
Article on brain-washing
children at Oceana Naval Air Show. All
the tech weapons marvels but never mentioning their purpose.
And much more. The
husband/wife editors, Jack and Felice, are among the heroes of nuclear
resistance and abolition:
A book about a nuclear accident, another about a nuclear
protest, and another magazine reporting on nuclear weapons.
Erik Schlosser, The Titan II Explosion at Damascus, AR: Book Command and Control and Film
Dan Zak, Almighty: Book about Ploughshares v. Y-12 US
Nuclear Weapons Complex
Google Search of Mother
Jones Magazine’s Reporting Nuclear Weapons
AR: Book and Documentary
Eric Schlosser, Command
and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of
A Sneak Peek at Eric Schlosser’s Terrifying New Book
on Nuclear Weapons. MICHAEL MECHANIC. mOTHER
15, 2013. His six-year investigation of America's mishaps and
near-misses will scare the daylights out of you.

The Titan II carried a W-53 thermonuclear
warhead, with more than 560 times the explosive yield of the bomb that
destroyed Hiroshima. Rob Schoenbaum/Zuma
Update (1/16/2014): The Air Force announced yesterday that it had suspended and revoked the security
clearances of 34 missile launch officers at the Malmstrom base in Montana after
it came to light that they were cheating—or complicit in cheating—on monthly
exams to ensure that they were capable of safely babysitting the nuclear warheads
atop their missiles. Eleven launch officers, two of whom where also implicated
in the cheating episode, were targeted in a separate investigation of illegal
drug use. (As Schlosser told me in an interview, “You don’t want people smoking pot and handling nuclear
weapons.”) The new revelations were just the latest fiasco in the Air Force’s
handling of America’s nuclear arsenal, which military officials invariably
insist is safe. Then again, as you’re about to discover, they’ve lied about
that in the past.
On January 23, 1961, a B-52 packing a pair of Mark 39 hydrogen bombs suffered a
refueling snafu and went into an uncontrolled spin over North Carolina. In the
cockpit of the rapidly disintegrating bomber was a lanyard attached to the
bomb-release mechanism. Intense G-forces tugged hard at it and unleashed the
nukes, which, at four megatons, were 250 times more powerful than the weapon
that leveled Hiroshima. One of them “failed safe” and plummeted to the ground
unarmed. The other weapon’s failsafe mechanisms—the devices designed to prevent
an accidental detonation—were subverted one by one, as Eric Schlosser recounts in
his new book, Command and Control:
When the lanyard was pulled, the
locking pins were removed from one of the bombs. The Mark 39 fell from the
plane. The arming wires were yanked out, and the bomb responded as though it
had been deliberately released by the crew above a target. The pulse generator
activated the low-voltage thermal batteries. The drogue parachute opened, and
then the main chute. The barometric switches closed. The timer ran out,
activating the high-voltage thermal batteries. The bomb hit the ground, and the
piezoelectric crystals inside the nose crushed. They sent a firing signal…
Unable to deny that two of its bombs
had fallen from the sky—one in a swampy meadow, the other in a field near Faro,
North Carolina—the Air Force insisted that there had never been any danger of a
nuclear detonation. This was a lie.

Here’s the truth: Just days after
JFK was sworn in as president, one of the most terrifying weapons in our
arsenal was a hair’s breadth from detonating on American soil. It would have pulverized
a portion of North Carolina and, given strong northerly winds, could have
blanketed East Coast cities (including New York, Baltimore, and Washington, DC)
in lethal fallout. The only thing standing between us and an explosion so
catastrophic that it would have radically altered the course of history was a
simple electronic toggle switch in the cockpit, a part that probably cost a
couple of bucks to manufacture and easily could have been undermined by a
short circuit—hardly a far-fetched scenario in an electronics-laden airplane
that’s breaking apart.
The anecdote above is just one
of many “holy shit!” revelations readers will discover in the latest book from
the best-selling author of Fast Food Nation. Easily the most
unsettling work of nonfiction I’ve ever read, Schlosser’s six-year
investigation of America’s “broken arrows” (nuclear weapons mishaps) is by and
large historical—this stuff is top secret, after all—but the book is beyond
relevant. It’s critical reading in a nation with thousands of nukes still
on hair-trigger alert.
In sections, Command and
Control reads like a character-driven thriller as Schlosser draws on
his deep reporting, extensive interviews, and documents obtained via the
Freedom of Information Act to demonstrate how human error, computer glitches,
dilution of authority, poor communications, occasional incompetence, and the
routine hoarding of crucial information have nearly brought about our
worst nightmare on numerous occasions.
While casual readers will learn a
great deal about the history and geopolitics of our nuclear arsenal, Schlosser’s central narrative is built
around a deadly 1980 explosion at a missile silo in Damascus, Arkansas,
where the W-53 thermonuclear warhead, the most powerful weapon ever mounted on
a missile, sat atop a Titan II. He puts us on site as the catastrophe unfolds,
offering an intimate window on the perspectives and personalities of those
involved. It’s a gripping yarn that shows how the military concept of “command
and control”—the process that governs how decisions are made and orders are
executed—functions in practice, and how it can unravel in a crisis.
Command and
Control will leave readers with a deep unease about our ability—let alone, say,
Pakistan’s—to handle nuclear weapons safely.
(a longer version of this entry was sent to the HN
committee and a few others 12-31-16)
AETN/PBS will show the new film Command and Control on Tuesday, Jan. 10, 8pm. The following night AETN will show two
related programs at 8 and 9, NOVA: “The
Nuclear Option,” and “Uranium—Twisting the Dragon’s Tail.”
AETN - “American Experience: Command and Control” Google Search,
Dec. 31, 2016, P. 1 › Engage
› Blog
Oct 4, 2016 - Investigate the high-stakes story of the Damascus, Arkansas,
nuclear accident in 1980 with special screenings of upcoming “American ... ›
Aug 25, 2016 - The Arkansas Educational Television Network is
a state network of PBSmember ... 'American Experience: Command and Control' detailing Damascus, ... 'We believe 'Command and Control' will help all Arkansans to ...
Command and Control premieres on January 10 at 9/8c on PBS. Play ..... and Control just a mile away at South Side Bee
Branch Fine Arts Center with AETN. Command and Control will Premiere at
Tribeca Film Festival on ... - PBS
Jun 26, 2016 - Take a look at the trailer for "Command and Control," a documentary retelling the ... The
movie will be in theatrical release in the fall and an airing on PBS is planned. ... He said the AETN airing is most likely to be in January.
Dan Zak.

“This is a strangely captivating book—dark and
utterly frightening…Zak’s narrative is a perfectly measured blend of biography,
suspense, and history. He skillfully uses the small, finite story of the Y-12 protest to explore our
national identity as a people whose culture is now intimately connected with
things nuclear.” –Kai Bird, The New York Times Book Review
“With nuns splashing blood, countries making pledges, diplomats working to reduce the size of world-destroying arsenals, suppliers cheering a new Cold War, Zak demonstrates that we’re all in it together. And he’s honest enough to report as well the hard truth that none of us yet knows how to get out of it alive.” –Richard Rhodes, The Washington Post (author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb)
“Centering on a single episode, a powerful declaration of conscience, a Washington Post reporter tells an intensely unsettling story about living with our nuclear arsenal. In July 2012, cutting through fences topped with razor wire and avoiding guards, guns, sensors, armored cars, and alarms, an 80-year-old nun, a Vietnam veteran, and a housepainter, all deeply religious, all affiliated with the pacifist Plowshares movement, broke into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the “Fort Knox of Uranium.”… it’s the moral convictions demonstrated by Zak’s three holy fools that will remain with readers. A scrupulously reported, gracefully told, exquisitely paced debut.” –Kirkus (starred review)
“Zak takes the reader on a journey into the still-vibrant realm of the US nuclear arms complex. His guides are an aging nun, a house-painter and other everyday Americans who realize the senseless violence at the center of the nation’s national security. A brilliant portrayal of these heroes of our time.” –Kate Brown, author of Plutopia
“With nuns splashing blood, countries making pledges, diplomats working to reduce the size of world-destroying arsenals, suppliers cheering a new Cold War, Zak demonstrates that we’re all in it together. And he’s honest enough to report as well the hard truth that none of us yet knows how to get out of it alive.” –Richard Rhodes, The Washington Post (author of The Making of the Atomic Bomb)
“Centering on a single episode, a powerful declaration of conscience, a Washington Post reporter tells an intensely unsettling story about living with our nuclear arsenal. In July 2012, cutting through fences topped with razor wire and avoiding guards, guns, sensors, armored cars, and alarms, an 80-year-old nun, a Vietnam veteran, and a housepainter, all deeply religious, all affiliated with the pacifist Plowshares movement, broke into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the “Fort Knox of Uranium.”… it’s the moral convictions demonstrated by Zak’s three holy fools that will remain with readers. A scrupulously reported, gracefully told, exquisitely paced debut.” –Kirkus (starred review)
“Zak takes the reader on a journey into the still-vibrant realm of the US nuclear arms complex. His guides are an aging nun, a house-painter and other everyday Americans who realize the senseless violence at the center of the nation’s national security. A brilliant portrayal of these heroes of our time.” –Kate Brown, author of Plutopia
Inside the Most Expensive Nuclear Bomb Ever Made – Mother Jones
Engineers at the United States' nuclear weapons lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have
spent the past few years designing and testing the B61-12, a high-tech ...
Nov 9, 2011 - Also see: An investigation into our expensive, expanding nuclear weapons complex and a look at some of the
wackiest (and worst) ideas for ...
Sep 11, 2016
- This Scary New Film
Shows Why Americans Should Be Very Nervous About Our NuclearArsenal. Atomic weapons are
machines, and all ...
Mar 16, 2017
- Filming a 1955 nuclear
explosion at the Nevada Test Site nuclear weapons.
At a July 2013 forum in Washington, DC, Lt.
General James Kowalski, who commands all of the Air Force's nuclear weapons, said a Russian nuclear attack on ...
Feb 15, 2012 - Nuclear trucking routes in the US Jeff Berlin. “Is that it?” My
wife leans forward in the passenger seat of our sensible hatchback and
points ...
Mar 31, 2016
- Donald Trump refused
to rule out using nuclear
weapons in Europe during
a town hall in Wisconsin on Wednesday. The Republican ...
Obama's Nuclear Hypocrisy: He Promised A World
Without Nukes, What Happened? James Carroll
... The Nuclear Weapons Industry's Money Bombs. — By R.
Nov 9, 2011 - “Today, I state clearly and with conviction America's commitment
to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,” he told ...
Other nations now had in their hands the weapon with which the United States had ... The last application
for a new nuclear plant was withdrawn in 1978. By
the ...
2015 Remembrance Program
Dick: What’s at
Historical Truth As the Foundation for Action
Dick, Discovering the Truth and Not Forgetting
Johan Galtung: Japanese v. Western Colonialism
Joseph Gerson, Myths and Lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Tomgram: Christian Appy and “The ‘Merciful’ Ending to the
‘Good War’”
Mickey Z, Lies About Hiroshima
Google Search 8-3-15:
Hiroshima Nagasaki names of victims
Poems about Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Dick’s 2015 Essay for the Free Weekly
Union of Concerned Scientists, Tell President Obama to Go
to Hiroshima
NAPF: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Contents Hiroshima-Nagasaki Remembrance and Global
Nuclear Zero (Abolition) Newsletter 2016
Nuclear Zero (Abolition) Newsletter 2016
Hiroshima August 6, Nagasaki August 9, 1945
OMNI’S 2016 Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembrance and Nuclear
Abolition Program, August 14, “Morality & War: A New Future For All”
Dick’s Article on the Program
in Free Weekly,
Zero, World Beyond War, Peace and Planet, Win Without War, WAND
Global Zero:;;;
Development Director, Mary Meredith at .
David Swanson, World Beyond War, New UN Initiative: Treaty
Proposed to Ban
Nuclear Weapons; Conference and Action in September
Nuclear Weapons; Conference and Action in September
Stephen Miles, Win
Without War: Write Now
WAND, Contact Your
President Obama Visits Hiroshima: 7 Responses
Greg Mitchell, Hollywood’s Whitewash of the Bombings
Joseph Gerson, H-N Events Around the World; Gerson on the
Meaning of
Hiroshima and Problems of Deterrence
Hiroshima and Problems of Deterrence
Hastie, Condemn Air War Too
President John F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Speech for Peace His
Greatest Speech
Greatest Speech