JANUARY 11, 2017
Edited by Dick Bennett
for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology
the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice, and Ecology.
The values of Vegetarianism
are immeasurably large. As my exercise
teacher says, stretch as far as you can:
Come to the Potluck out of curiosity, to taste new recipes, to discuss
nutrition, for compassion for animals, for the soil, atmosphere, and species,
for the climate. For whatever
reason, come share vegetarian food and your views with us in a congenial
setting. We have ourselves and a world
to change.
Ruth Francis has donated
one of her vegan cookbooks as door prize. Ellen J. Jones. Eat
Vegan on $4 Day. 2011. (Dick: I made a tasty black bean soup from it
At OMNI, 3274 Lee Avenue,
just south of Liquor World. More
information: 935-4422; 442-4600. January
11, 6pm.
FEBRUARY 8 POTLUCK, note from Donna:
Wilson (From Beaver Lake Water District) wrote a Cajun cookbook with her sister
from old family recipes with a VEGAN version as well. I want to make the gumbo and cornbread and
bring it to the FEB 8th potluck and have a BOOKSIGNING and talk with
Restaurant Tips (send
what you have discovered for future newsletters):
On Dec. 28 I lunched at Fresco in
Fayetteville, Center St. It offered 3
vegetarian entrees: portobello ravioli (my companion thought it excellent),
eggplant parmesan, veggie lasagna (my choice and it was delicious with equally
good salad) ($12 to $14), and 3 sandwiches/wraps: veggie burger, veggie mixed
grill, cheese and soup (($7 to $8).
Try the Veg Fajita at La Huerta
College, a large plate of freshly stir-fried veggies accompanied by a plate of
beans, rice, and guacamole--two meals for one price!.
Golden Corral: eat
all you want of fresh and freshly cooked veggies, and all you want of
desserts! $10 I recall.
CONTENTS: OMNI Vegetarian/Vegan Action Newsletter #34,
January 11, 2017
VegNews (February
2017), items cited to indicate range
Health, Nutrition
New film: What the Health!
From the makers of Cowspiracy
US Dept. of Health and Human Services, US Food and Drug Admin.
Government Accountability Project (GAP)
Empathy, Compassion,
Protection of Animals
PETA, “Why Animal Rights?”
Practical Guide to Animal Rights
Google Search
Animal Times (#3 2016)
Climate Catastrophe,
Capitalism, Fossil Fuels
Vegetarian Action on Climate
Categorical Responses to Climate Catastrophe
Steve Coll, ExxonMobil
Vegetarian Action #33
2017) a few examples of contents:
Ad p. 3, Vegan, cruelty free, non-toxic skin
Ad p. 4, Lightlife, Plant Protein.” “Meat” made from plants.
Ad p. 7, “Leaping Bunny Program,” “connecting compassionate
consumers with cruelty-free companies,”
Ad p. 9, Veestro, plant-based meals delivered,
“Veganism Saved My Life” by Emily Kivel, who spoke with
five pople who learned the relationship of food choices and illness.
“Salad Days” by Julie Morris. I’m going to try some of these recipes they
sound so delicious.
“Veg Picks” by VegNews
staff: ten new vegan products recommended by staff members, pp. 56-57.
“Phoenix Rising” by Margaux Lushing. A food and health tour around Phoenix, AZ,
and environs.
Books on food and health pp. 73-4.
“Veganuary,” a program of comopassion for cruelty-free
living—advice, recipes, restaurants—“supported by vegan orgnizations such as
Mercy for Animals and Farm Animal Rights Movement.
Nutrition, Health
Film Makers Announce NEW film: What the
by Jackie Day on
January 23, 2016 in vegan
Kip Anderson and Keegan Kuhn, the talented and passionate
men behind the groundbreaking documentary Cowspiracy
have just announced their next film: What
the Health! They’ve been working on it for the past year, and have finally
announced the project on indiegogo and surpassed their initial funding goals in
less than 24 hours! THAT’s how much folks want informative films such as this
to be made.
The film makers describe it as: “a combination of Cowspiracy and Forks Over Knives on steroids.”
It’s a “ground breaking feature length documentary that
follows the exciting journey of an intrepid filmmaker, Kip Andersen, as he
uncovers the impacts of highly processed industrial animal foods on our
personal health and greater community,
and explores why leading health organizations continue to promote the industry
despite countless medical studies and research showing deleterious effects of
these products.”
U.S. Department of Health and Human
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
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Page Last Updated: 11/30/2016
Government Accountability Project, Food Integrity Campaign
Learn more about whistleblowers' disclosures, and sign the Food Integrity Campaign's petition
urging top pork producer Hormel Foods to slow down ... GAP Whistleblower
Delivers 60,000+ Petition Signatures to Capitol Hill in Support of ...
About Food Integrity Campaign ... About;
Overview · History ...
Ag Gag: Safeguarding Industry Secrets by
Punishing the ...
Contribute to GAP and read GAP’s
magazine Whistleblower. The Fall 2016 number has these articles
and more: “Staying Ahead in the Fight for
Better Food.” “The Oil-dispersant
Fiasco” about BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster poisoning food from the Gulf, the
effects of which will “haunt us for generations to come.”
Why Animal Rights?

In his book Animal Liberation,
Peter Singer states that the basic principle of equality does not require equal
or identical treatment; it requires equal consideration.
This is an important distinction when talking about animal rights. People often
ask if animals should have rights, and quite simply, the answer is “Yes!”
Animals surely deserve to live their lives free from suffering and
exploitation. Jeremy Bentham, the founder of the reforming utilitarian school
of moral philosophy, stated that when deciding on a being’s rights, “The
question is not ‘Can they reason?’ nor ‘Can they talk?’ but ‘Can they suffer?’”
In that passage, Bentham points to the capacity for suffering as the vital characteristic
that gives a being the right to equal consideration. The capacity for suffering
is not just another characteristic like the capacity for language or higher
mathematics. All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the
same degree that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration,
loneliness, and motherly love. Whenever we consider doing something that would
interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account.
Supporters of animal rights believe that animals have an
inherent worth—a value completely separate from their usefulness to humans. We
believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from
pain and suffering. Animal rights is not just a philosophy—it is a social movement
that challenges society’s traditional view that all nonhuman animals exist
solely for human use. As PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk has said, “When it comes
to pain, love, joy, loneliness, and fear, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.
Each one values his or her life and fights the knife.” Watch a video with Ingrid Newkirk from the 2015 Animal Rights National
Conference here.
Only prejudice allows us to deny others the rights that we expect
to have for ourselves. Whether it’s based on race, gender, sexual orientation,
or species, prejudice is morally unacceptable. If you wouldn’t eat a dog, why
eat a pig? Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain, but it is
prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion
and the other as dinner.
The PETA Practical
Guide to Animal Rights

Take vital steps to cut thoughtless cruelty to animals out of
your life and to educate others around you. Check out the most comprehensive
book on animal rights available today! In The PETA Practical Guide to
Animal Rights, PETA president Ingrid E. Newkirk provides hundreds of tips,
stories, and resources. It’s PETA’s must-have guide to animal rights. Also available for the Kindle!
People often ask
if animals should
have rights, and quite simply, the answer is ... As PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk has said, “When
it comes to pain, love, joy, ...
PETA's animal rights campaigns include ending fur and leather use meat
and dairy consumption fishing hunting trapping factory farming circuses bull
fighting ...
I Am An Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA .... They'll do something-and they'll tell
other people about
it, so that those people can do something, too.
Jump to On pets - The bottom line is that people don't have the right to manipulate or to ...too much, but I love
walking and cuddling somebody else's dog.
Jump to Ingrid Newkirk - People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals is an American animalrights .... But she made a convincing case that Washington
needed a vehicle for animalsbecause the current organizations were too ...
Jump to Introduction
to animal protection - Until she was 22, Newkirk had given no thought toanimals rights or ... and Newkirk decided to take them to an animal shelter. ...
Some of thosepeople would
take pleasure in making them suffer. Then Ms. Newkirk made her request
to Arafat: "If you have the opportunity, will you please add to ... But
if animals are people too, then people are animals too.
I was inspired to form People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals after ... by
using infrasound-powerful, deep rumbles at frequencies too low for us to
pick up-and ...
May 30, 2013 - PETA (People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals) was formed in 1980 by Ingrid Newkirk and Alex
Pacheco. While hardly the first ... I'm not too sure myself
about milk changing humans at the genetic level. It seems more of an ...
Mar 13, 2012 - One employee explained
to me that animals don't need to be suffering ... allows Newkirk and her staff to
mislead people into
believing that the killing ... left me not only deeply unsettled, but, I must
admit, a little bit shaken, too.
PETA Magazine, Animal Times ( #3 2016):
Ingrid Newkirk,
Founder, President
Opening message on the
drug Premarin.
Essay, “Animals Are
People, Too.”
Article, “If the Meat Industry Had Its Way, You’d Never Know
This.” On cruelty kept secret
at Sanderson Farms hatchery in N. C.
at Sanderson Farms hatchery in N. C.
Article, “Let’s End the War on Animals.” About brutal treatment of animals for
military trauma training.
Article on sheep wounded during shearing, “What Are You Really
Paying For When You Buy Italian
“Kids Are Wild About ‘Share the World.’” The empathy building program from TeachKind,
humane-education division.
humane-education division. offers a variety of animal rights items, such as
a T-Shirt with message: “When it
comes to feelings like hunger, pain, and joy, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.”
comes to feelings like hunger, pain, and joy, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.”
And More. –Dick
Climate Catastrophe, Capitalism, and Fossil Fuels
For a large guide to reading about the struggle of
vegetarians against climate catastrophe, see past numbers of Vegetarian Action. Comparatively, few climate mitigation
movements offer as much practical hope as ending carnivorism.
Vegetarian Action
I. Business As Usual
Individual: I don’t want to be bothered
Corporate, esp. fossil fuels industry, drive for profits reinforces
ignorance and escape
II. Positive Responses to Enlarging Awareness
A. Protect self
Protect self and family
Protect town, city
Protect nation
Protect PLANET
Steve Coll. Private
Empire: ExxonMobil and American
Power. Penguin, 2012.
Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Steve Coll goes deep inside
ExxonMobil Corp, the largest and most powerful private corporation in the
United States.
Awards: Financial Times Business Book of the Year
Award WinnerNational Book Critics Circle Award
Finalist800-CEO-READ Business Book Award WinnerRidenhour Book Prize ShortlistLos Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist
In Private Empire Steve Coll investigates the
largest and most powerful private corporation in the United States, revealing
the true extent of its power. ExxonMobil’s annual revenues are larger than the
economic activity in the great majority of countries. . . .
The first hard-hitting examination of ExxonMobil, Private
Empire is the masterful result of Coll’s indefatigable reporting. He
draws here on more than four hundred interviews; field reporting from the halls
of Congress to the oil-laden swamps of the Niger Delta; more than one thousand
pages of previously classified U.S. documents obtained under the Freedom of
Information Act; heretofore unexamined court records; and many other sources. A
penetrating, newsbreaking study, Private Empire is a defining
portrait of ExxonMobil and the place of Big Oil in American politics and
foreign policy.
I read the review in The
Daily Beast (
) to compare with the preceding
publisher’s blurb, and they seemed in agreement. Here’s the final paragraph:
It is frightening how little Americans can do
about the impact of oil. As poor societies get richer, China and India’s
appetite for cars and industrial growth will explode. And in this way, Private
Empire is a deeply unsettling book. As much as Coll seeks to bring to
light all that ExxonMobil needs to answer for—and this is a considerably
necessary service—the far more unsatisfying takeaway is that we shouldn’t kid
ourselves. “We have a global energy economy that’s going to make oil essential
at least for the next 20 years,” Coll says. And as Lee Raymond once remarked,
“We see governments come and go.” We need oil to function, at least for now.
ExxonMobil is here to stay.
(#4 Feb. 12, 2014; #5 March 12, 2014; #6 April 9, 2014; #7
May 14, 2014; #8, June 11, 2014; #9 July 9, 2014; #10, August 11, 2014; #11
September 10, 2014; #12 October 8, 2014; #13, November 12, 2014; #14, December
10, 2014; #15, January 14, 2015; #16, Feb. 11, 2015; #17, March 11, 2015; #18,
April 8, 2015; #19, June 10, 2015; #20, August 12, 2015; #21, September 9,
2015; #22, Oct. 14, 2015; #23, Nov. ; # 24, Dec. 9, 2015;
#25, Jan. 13, 2016; #26, Feb. 10, 2016; #27, April 13, 2016; #28, May 11, 2016;
#29 June 8, 2016; #30 Sept. 14, 2016, #31 Oct. 9, 2016; #32 , Nov. 9, 2016;
#33, Dec. 14, 2016). 1576 total OMNI Newsletter posts as of Apr 12, 2016. Thank you Marc.
Contents: Vegetarian
Action #33, December 14, 2016
Vegetarian and Vegan Magazines and Books
and Vegan APPS, Podcasts, Magazines, Books
Health, Nutrition
Fran Alexander
Rob Wallace.
Big Farms Make Big Flu
Transform Factory Farms and Human-Type Waste
Respect for Animals, Empathy, Compassion & Protection of
Farm Sanctuary
Mike Masterson Ridicules PETA’s Memorials
Writings by Bernard Rollin on Animal Ethics
Steve Best, Animal Rights and Liberation
Grace for “All Creatures”? NADG
Climate Catastrophe: Mitigation, Adaptation
Google Search
Climate Catastrophe: Population Growth, Consumption
How the Food System Drives Climate Change
Population Connection, another Organization
Deserving Support
AR Obesity Declines, Slightly
Union of Concerned
Scientists, What’s Driving Deforestation?
David Smith, Chinese Pulp
Mill Coming to AR
Water Pollution
A New Front in the War over Hog Waste in
the Buffalo River Watershed, Ark Times
Farm Runoff Is Polluting Lake Erie, But CAFO Sewers Are Not the Answer, In These Times
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