Books and Essays, October 24, 2019
Compiled by Dick
Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology
Misc. Recent Responses to the Climate Emergency
Recent Books on the Green New Deal
Naomi Klein, On
Fire. 2019.
Jeremy Rifkin, The
Green New Deal. 2019.
From the New Deal to the Green New Deal
Jeremy Brecher, Jobs in the GND
Public Citizen’s Support for the GND
Google Search
Misc. Recent Responses to the Climate
Climate change, if not addressed, will make
vast portions of the globe practically uninhabitable, cost hundreds of millions
of lives, and drive global economic
collapse. Public Citizen.
Naomi Klein.
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal.
#1 international
and New York Times bestselling author Naomi Klein, author
of The Shock Doctrine and This Changes Everything,
makes the case for a Green New Deal—explaining how bold climate action can be a
blueprint for a just and thriving society.
For more than twenty years, Naomi Klein has been the foremost chronicler of the economic war waged on both people and planet—and an unapologetic champion of a sweeping environmental agenda with justice at its center. In lucid, elegant dispatches from the frontlines of contemporary natural disaster, she pens surging, indispensable essays for a wide public: prescient advisories and dire warnings of what future awaits us if we refuse to act, as well as hopeful glimpses of a far better future. On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal gathers for the first time more than a decade of her impassioned writing, and pairs it with new material on the staggeringly high stakes of our immediate political and economic choices.
These long-form essays show Klein at her most prophetic and philosophical, investigating the climate crisis not only as a profound political challenge but as a spiritual and imaginative one, as well. Delving into topics ranging from the clash between ecological time and our culture of “perpetual now,” to the soaring history of humans changing and evolving rapidly in the face of grave threats, to rising white supremacy and fortressed borders as a form of “climate barbarism,” this is a rousing call to action for a planet on the brink.
With reports spanning from the ghostly Great Barrier Reef, to the annual smoke-choked skies of the Pacific Northwest, to post-hurricane Puerto Rico, to a Vatican attempting an unprecedented “ecological conversion,” Klein makes the case that we will rise to the existential challenge of climate change only if we are willing to transform the systems that produced this crisis.
An expansive, far-ranging exploration that sees the battle for a greener world as indistinguishable from the fight for our lives, On Fire captures the burning urgency of the climate crisis, as well as the fiery energy of a rising political movement demanding a catalytic Green New Deal.
For more than twenty years, Naomi Klein has been the foremost chronicler of the economic war waged on both people and planet—and an unapologetic champion of a sweeping environmental agenda with justice at its center. In lucid, elegant dispatches from the frontlines of contemporary natural disaster, she pens surging, indispensable essays for a wide public: prescient advisories and dire warnings of what future awaits us if we refuse to act, as well as hopeful glimpses of a far better future. On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal gathers for the first time more than a decade of her impassioned writing, and pairs it with new material on the staggeringly high stakes of our immediate political and economic choices.
These long-form essays show Klein at her most prophetic and philosophical, investigating the climate crisis not only as a profound political challenge but as a spiritual and imaginative one, as well. Delving into topics ranging from the clash between ecological time and our culture of “perpetual now,” to the soaring history of humans changing and evolving rapidly in the face of grave threats, to rising white supremacy and fortressed borders as a form of “climate barbarism,” this is a rousing call to action for a planet on the brink.
With reports spanning from the ghostly Great Barrier Reef, to the annual smoke-choked skies of the Pacific Northwest, to post-hurricane Puerto Rico, to a Vatican attempting an unprecedented “ecological conversion,” Klein makes the case that we will rise to the existential challenge of climate change only if we are willing to transform the systems that produced this crisis.
An expansive, far-ranging exploration that sees the battle for a greener world as indistinguishable from the fight for our lives, On Fire captures the burning urgency of the climate crisis, as well as the fiery energy of a rising political movement demanding a catalytic Green New Deal.
About The Author
Product Details
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Jeremy Rifkin. Why the Fossil Fuel Civilization Will Collapse by 2028, and
the Bold Economic Plan to Save Life on Earth
St. Martin's Press/Macmillan, 2019.
St. Martin's Press
An urgent plan to confront climate change, transform the
American economy, and create a green post-fossil fuel culture.
A new vision for America’s future is quickly gaining
momentum. Facing a global emergency, a younger generation is spearheading a
national conversation around a Green New Deal and setting the agenda for a bold
political movement with the potential to revolutionize society. Millennials,
the largest voting bloc in the country, are now leading on the issue of climate
While the Green New Deal has become a lightning rod in the
political sphere, there is a parallel movement emerging within the business
community that will shake the very foundation of the global economy in coming
years. Key sectors of the economy are fast-decoupling from fossil fuels in
favor of ever cheaper solar and wind energies and the new business
opportunities and employment that accompany them. New studies are sounding the
alarm that trillions of dollars in stranded fossil fuel assets could create a
carbon bubble likely to burst by 2028, causing the collapse of the fossil fuel
civilization. The marketplace is speaking, and governments will need to adapt
if they are to survive and prosper.
In The Green New Deal, New York Times bestselling
author and renowned economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin delivers the political
narrative and economic plan for the Green New Deal that we need at this
critical moment in history. The concurrence of a stranded fossil fuel assets
bubble and a green political vision opens up the possibility of a massive shift
to a post-carbon ecological era, in time to prevent a temperature rise that
will tip us over the edge into runaway climate change. With twenty-five years
of experience implementing Green New Deal–style transitions for both the
European Union and the People’s Republic of China, Rifkin offers his vision for
how to transform the global economy and save life on Earth.
We are facing a global emergency. Our scientists tell us that human-induced climate change brought on by the burning of fossil fuels has taken the human race and our fellow species into the sixth mass extinction...
We are facing a global emergency. Our scientists tell us that human-induced climate change brought on by the burning of fossil fuels has taken the human race and our fellow species into the sixth mass extinction...
"[Jeremy Rifkin] is a principal architect of the
European Union’s long-term economic vision, Smart Europe, and a key advisor to
China's Third Industrial Revolution vision...The European Commission is calling
for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050. His new book, The Green New Deal,
is essentially an attempt to rouse the United States from its slumber within a
collapsing 20th century fossil fuel era." —Forbes
“The futurist and prolific author is the kind of thinker
popular among chief executives and the TED Talk crowd. So it’s not surprising
that ‘The Green New Deal’ takes a stance quite different from that of typical
Green New Deal supporters... he’s interested in building factories, farms, and
vehicles in a fossil-free world, asserting that ‘the Green New Deal is all
about infrastructure.’ He’s best at articulating the huge financial risk the
oil, coal, and natural gas industries face from stranded assets - all the
pipelines, ocean drilling platforms, ports, mining equipment and power plants
that will soon be obsolete... there is an unmistakable sense that with disaster
comes opportunity. Will we seize this moment to become a more just, more
equitable, more resilient world.” —The New York Times Book Review
"[In The Green New Deal], economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin, whose work has inspired climate legislation in China and in various countries in the European Union (E.U.), is well positioned to advocate for this new political vision. In The Green New … More…
"[In The Green New Deal], economic theorist Jeremy Rifkin, whose work has inspired climate legislation in China and in various countries in the European Union (E.U.), is well positioned to advocate for this new political vision. In The Green New … More…
JEREMY RIFKIN, one of the most popular social thinkers of
our time, is the bestselling author of 20 books including The Zero
Marginal Cost Society, The Third Industrial Revolution, The
Empathic Civilization, The European Dream, The Age of
Access, The Hydrogen Economy, and The End of Work.
His books have been translated into more than 35 languages. Rifkin is an
advisor to the European Union, the People’s Republic of China, and heads of
state around the world. He has taught at the Wharton School's Executive
Education Program at the University of Pennsylvania since 1995 and is the
president of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington, DC.

What the New Deal can teach us about winning a Green New Deal: Part I. (8-6-19).

The New Deal has recently become a
touchstone for many progressive efforts, illustrated by Bernie Sanders’ recent
embrace of its aims and accomplishments and the popularity of calls for a Green
New Deal.
What the New Deal can teach us about winning a Green New Deal: Part
II—Movement building. (8-16-19)

The multifaceted crisis we face
today is significantly different from the crisis activists faced in the first
years of the Great Depression. But there is no question that, much like then,
we will need to build a powerful, mass-movement for change if we hope to
harness state power to advance a Green New Deal.
What the New Deal can teach us about winning a Green New Deal: Part
III—the First New Deal. (August 29-19).

If we hope to win a Green New Deal
we will have to build a movement that is not only powerful enough to push the
federal government to take on new responsibilities with new capacities, but
also has the political maturity required to appreciate the contested nature of
state policy and the vision necessary to […]
The Green New Deal aims to get us there—and remake the country in the
process. It promises to give every American a job in that new ...
Jeremy Brecher. “Climate Jobs for All: Building Block for the Green New Deal.” Z
Magazine (February 2019). 36-40.
During the terrible
cold during February 2019, someone in NYC paid for hotel rooms for the
homeless. It was an indelible gesture of
sympathy for the vulnerable down and out, and given our present economic
system, I urge all to imitate that generous humanitarian.
But let’s
remember an alternative society in which charity—typically chancy, dependent
upon time and place—is a default ethic.
In imagining that alternative world, we become aware of the failure of
our own society—both governmental and religious--, which has chosen an
inevitably unequal economic system producing billionaires and homeless
Instead, we
could have chosen, we can choose today, a society of full employment, as the
Green New Deal (GND) movement proposes.
The federal jobs guarantee, also known as “jobs for all,” resembles the
New Deal’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) of the 1930s and 40s. The GND would provide funds for local
governments, non-profits, and other agencies serving the public to employ
anyone who wants a job.
The importance
of the idea is doubly beneficial because it could serve not only social justice
in a society of a few rich and many poor, but also a national opposition to
climate change, as Jeremy Brecher, for example, advocates in “Climate Jobs for
All: Building Block for the Green New Deal,” Z Magazine (Feb. 2019). One
of the organizations Brecher describes is Sunrise, whose “Climate Jobs
Guarantee Policy Primer” includes jobs “for a just and rapid transition to a
zero-carbon, climate-resilient economy.”
Dick 2-3-19
Brecher’s essay
in Z Magazine
Recalling the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) a federal jobs guarantee campaign is developing under the youth climate movement Sunrise (“It’s Time for the Climate Movement to Embrace a Federal Jobs Guarantee.”) and other organizations. As part of that is the Climate Jobs Guarantee program (CJG) being developed by Bernie Sanders and other Democrats.
The Jobs Guarantee
Why a Climate Jobs Guarantee?
Meshing the Jobs Guarantee with Climate Jobs
See Brecher’s book, Climate Solidarity: Workers vs. Warming, available free download.
Recalling the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) a federal jobs guarantee campaign is developing under the youth climate movement Sunrise (“It’s Time for the Climate Movement to Embrace a Federal Jobs Guarantee.”) and other organizations. As part of that is the Climate Jobs Guarantee program (CJG) being developed by Bernie Sanders and other Democrats.
The Jobs Guarantee
Why a Climate Jobs Guarantee?
Meshing the Jobs Guarantee with Climate Jobs
See Brecher’s book, Climate Solidarity: Workers vs. Warming, available free download.
a historic first for
the climate

Feb 8, 2019, 1:50 PM (1 day ago)
![]() ![]() |
First, we must
know the full scope of a problem if we are to imagine its solution. “Climate change, if not addressed, will make vast
portions of the globe practically uninhabitable, cost
hundreds of millions of lives, and drive global economic
welcome this call to action. So we have
15 years for 3 great achievements.
comprehensive fossil free climate plan in 15 years?I
With a massive effort we could do it. It
helps to remember past problems and solutions.
The atomic bomb in 3 years. WWII
6 years. Apollo Moon shot 12 years. The Marshall Plan 20 years.
Full employment? It wasn’t full employment, but the Civilian
Conservation Corps or CCC employed about 300,000 in the forests 1933 to
1941. Its constructions are one of the
joys of Arkansas’ parks. A hopeful
sign for us is Ozark Electric’s article in Arkansas
Living Feb. 2019 praising the program.
A fair transition? That’s the big one. Full
employment will help. But we must imagine more if we are to bridge the
rich/poor gap.
GOOGLE SEARCH for Further Study
Business Insider
Washington Post
Green New Deal Report — Data For Progress
Will the Green New Deal Work? Here's What the Research Says ...
The Green New Deal | Green Party of the United States
OMNI’s Climate Book
Forum examines the diversity and controversies over solutions to the climate
catastrophe. The Green New Dealers value
solar, wind and other renewables. We
have previously discussed two books favorable to nuclear power, presented by
Gary Kahanak.: The Bright Future and Climate Gamble.