NEWSLETTER #6, June 20, 2017.
Compiled by Dick
(Newsletter #1 June , 2008; #2 Dec. 4,
2011; #3 June 20, 2012; #4, June 20, 2014; #5, June 20, 2015).
at stake:
World Refugee Day is held every year on June 20, a special day when the world takes time
to recognize the desperate needs and the resilience of forcibly displaced
people, and to plan ways to help them..
UNHCR: High Commissioner for Refugees Newsletter.
Contents: UN World Refugee DAY Newsletter #6, 2017
and Displaced from Wars and Violence 2017
Refugees and Displaced Persons 2017
for Northwest Arkansas
Play and a Diary About WWII Jewish Refugees
UN High Commissioner for Refugees 2017
Newsletter 2016
Kenya, Nigeria, Myanmar, Guatemala, Syria,
Europe: children
UNA-USA 2016 Giving Tuesday
Gives Money
Athens a Hotel
and Displaced from Wars and Violence 2017
20 Jun2016
65 million people displaced by war and persecution in 2015 – UN

The number of people displaced
from their homes due to conflict and persecution last year exceeded 60 million
for the first time in the United Nations’ history, a tally greater than the
combined populations of the United Kingdom, or of Canada, Australia and New
Zealand, says a new report released on World Refugee Day today.
The Global
Trends 2015 compiled by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) notes that 65.3 million people were displaced at the end of
2015, an increase of more than 5 million from 59.5 million a year earlier.
The tally comprises 21.3 million
refugees, 3.2 million asylum seekers, and 40.8 million people internally
displaced within their own countries.
Measured against the world’s
population of 7.4 billion people, one in every 113 people globally is now
either a refugee, an asylum-seeker or internally displaced – putting them at a
level of risk for which UNHCR knows no precedent.
On average, 24 people were forced
to flee each minute in 2015, four times more than a decade earlier, when six people
fled every 60 seconds.
Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia
produce half the world’s refugees, at 4.9 million, 2.7 million and 1.1 million,
Colombia had the largest numbers
of internally displaced people (IDPs), at 6.9 million, followed by Syria’s 6.6
million and Iraq’s 4.4 million.
While the spotlight last year was
on Europe’s challenge to manage more than one million refugees and migrants who
arrived via the Mediterranean, the report shows that the vast majority of the
world’s refugees were in developing countries in the global south.
In all, 86 per cent of the
refugees under UNHCR’s mandate in 2015 were in low- and middle-income countries
close to situations of conflict. MORE:
and Displaced from Wars and Violence 2017, Google Search, 6-11-17
Jun 20, 2016 - In Yemen, internally displaced children stand
outside their family tent after the ... 'Unprecedented' 65 million people displaced by war and persecution in
2015 – UN ... In terms of the refugee-to-population ratio, Lebanon has the highest ... the millions
of people whose lives have been destroyed by violence.
... and displaced people. Commentary
and archival information about refugees and displaced people from The New York Times. ... June 8, 2017 ... The Six-Day War at 50. How the ... Listen to the voices of those who fled the violence. By ZACK ...
Updated June 6, 2017 World Vision Staff
... 5 million Syrians are refugees, and 6.3 million are displaced within Syria; half of those affected are
children. ... Violence: Since the Syrian civil war began in 2011, as many as 386,000 people have ...
Nov 24, 2016 - The UNHCR, the UN's refugee agency, has been
collecting data on displaced people since 1951, and in recent years it has seen
numbers ...
It's a crisis beyond
anything we've seen since World War II — and Trump just turned ... Updated by Zack
Beauchamp@zackbeauchampzack@vox.com Jan 30, 2017, 2:30pm EST ... It found
that the number of displaced persons — people forced from their ... That's because the
countries wracked by civil war and violence are ...
Over 370,000 people have
died due to direct war violence, and at least 800,000 more ... 10.1 million — the number
of war
refugees and displaced persons; The US federal ... Budget Puts Lives at Risk,”
U.S. News & World Report, May 23, 2017.
Jun 20, 2016 - UN High Commissioner
for Refugees Filippo Grandi ...
“More people are being displaced by war and persecution and that's ... while thousands more people
have fled raging gang and otherviolence in ... UNHCR 2001-2017.
Jun 20, 2016 - as a result of
persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or human rights violations. ... 3 The
number of newly displaced refugees does not include applications for asylum whose ... est
since the aftermath of World War II.
› World › Development › Migration and development
Jun 18, 2015 - UNHCR annual global trends
survey finds a record 59.5m people were refugees, internally displaced or seeking asylum by
the end of 2014.
Tens of thousands of
migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees from Africa and the ... and asylum seekers to violent abuse at the hands
of government officials, militias, and ... six others in a camp for
internally displaced people from Tawergha, in Tripoli. ... The ICC has the
mandate to investigate war crimes and crimes against ...
related to Refugees and Displaced from Wars and Violence 2017
Refugees and Displaced Persons 2017, Google Search 6-11-17
"Yes, there is a
protection gap involving climate change refugees, but we don't call them
climate refugees for the reason that they are not covered by the 1951 [Refugee]
Convention," said Marine Franck, a climate change officer at the UN's
refugee agency, UNHCR. That treaty extends only to people who have a
well-founded fear of being persecuted because of race, religion, nationality,
or membership of a social group or political opinion, and are unable, or
unwilling to seek protection from their home countries.
This means that the
estimated 200,000 Bangladeshis who become homeless each
year due to river erosion cannot easily appeal for resettlement in another
country. It also means that the residents of the small islands of
Kiribati, Nauru and Tuvalu, where one in 10 has migrated within the past
decade, can't be classified as refugees, even though those who remain are "trapped" in worsening environmental conditions.
Displaced every second MORE
The IRC aids refugees & people whose lives are
shattered by conflict & disaster.
92% to
programs · 100% Secure · Every gift
counts · Charity Watch A+ Rated
Options: Monthly Donation,
One-Time Donation…
… tide: Why
a climate change displacement treaty is not
… - McAdam - Cited by
Introduction - Burke - Cited by 129
… , despair
and transformation: Climate change and the … - Fritze - Cited by 210
Although the majority
of people
displaced by
disasters and climate change will ... borders as a result of climate change may not meet
the refugee definition.
www.g20-insights.org ›
Policy Briefs
Mar 24, 2017 - Global governance of
displaced and trapped populations, forced migration and ... the false
assumption that displaced people and refugees can return to their place ... [1] “Climate refugee” is controversial,
because it does not capture the ..... Following the G20 Summit in 2017, the United Nations
International ...
The 2017 Global Report on
Internal Displacement (GRID 2017) presents the ... the issue and the plight of internally displaced people high on the global
› World › Refugees
Dec 31, 2016 - War, weather, climate change and terrorism
have made millions homeless. ... Displaced: faces of some of the world's 63 million people fleeing disaster ...
2016 18.00 EST Last modified on Friday 7 April 2017 18.46 EDT ... Most
are displaced within their
country's borders and 21.3 million fled as refugees.
› Environment › Climate change
Jan 9, 2017 - Letters: Climate change is driving
long-term environmental damage and ... Monday 9 January 2017 14.57 EST Last
modified on Thursday 9 March ... one in 30 people could be displaced, many as a result
of climate change.
Apr 29, 2017 - Climate refugees' woes will be complex
problem ... Some estimates say climate refugeesand internally displaced people will number 50 ...
Apr 19, 2017 - Climate displacement is becoming one of
the world's most powerful ... By JESSICA BENKO APRIL 19, 2017 ... nearly 64
million “persons of concern,” whose
numbers have tripled ... There is no internationally recognized legal
definition for “environmental migrants” or “climate refugees,” so there is no
formal ...
Dec 16, 2016 - As part of our “Displaced and Disposable”
series, social researcher Bruna Kadletz meets a Malawian family displaced by the impact
of climate ...
'Environmentally displaced people' are those who are
impelled or induced to migrate ... Roger Zetter, (2017), Siirtolaisuus-Migration
Quarterly, 1/2017, 5 - 12. Why they are
not refugees – Climate change,
environmental degradation and ...
Dec 22, 2015 - New York, US - No one can
be sure just how many people will be displaced by climatechange by the middle of this century. In fact, the ...
4 of 49,864

No Bans on Stolen Lands
NWA Works to Bring 100 Refugees to NWA
Posted: Oct 03, 2016 05:40
Updated: Oct 04, 2016 11:04
NORTHWEST ARKANSAS - A local group is working to bring refugees
from all over the world to Northwest Arkansas.
One hundred refugees from Iraq, Syria and Central Africa are
expected to arrive in NWA sometime this fall. Canopy NWA is
the group working to bring these people to NWA.
Director Emily Linn says this is a new community led initiative
started by a group of Arkansans. The group receives federal funding to help
Linn said the U.S. State Department decides on the refugees who
will come into the country. The State Department then works with nine
resettlement agencies to find housing and assistance for those refugees.
Canopy NWA is a part of the second largest agency; The
Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Service.
"We have a case manager who kind of works them through this
process of getting them on their feet over the course of three months. So that
involves getting them signed up for any benefits like welfare they might be
eligible for to kind of help them starting out," Linn said.
Linn said the group will help the refugees find apartments, get
social security cards and enroll them in cultural orientation courses. She said
the federal government regulates the process all the way down to how many forks
and spoons are in each apartment.
For more information on Canopy NWA, click here.
A Play
and a Diary
Friend, Countries, Jesus;
For many reasons having refugees on my mind
in 2016 (UN: 65 million displaced persons), I saw in a new light a reading of a
new play, “War Mother,” by Adolphe Nissenholc, and a production of a new play
based upon Anne Frank’s diaries.
Nissenholc’s play, brought to UAF by Frank Scheide (accompanied by the author), is based upon his childhood experience when he was given to a foster family by his mother just before they were to be deported to Auschwitz. Only young Adolphe and an uncle survived from his family. Now dead, both natural and foster mothers (and the father), contend over the son. Who will the now old son follow into the afterlife? The story of Anne Frank is widely familiar--finding refuge in 1942 from Nazi extermination in an attic in Amsterdam, until finally discovered and gassed in Auschwitz.
Nissenholc’s play, brought to UAF by Frank Scheide (accompanied by the author), is based upon his childhood experience when he was given to a foster family by his mother just before they were to be deported to Auschwitz. Only young Adolphe and an uncle survived from his family. Now dead, both natural and foster mothers (and the father), contend over the son. Who will the now old son follow into the afterlife? The story of Anne Frank is widely familiar--finding refuge in 1942 from Nazi extermination in an attic in Amsterdam, until finally discovered and gassed in Auschwitz.
To many viewers, like me the plays
connect immediately to the refugees of today seeking safety from wars,
occupations, and cruel consequences. So it is no surprise that an
article in The New York Times related Anne to a Syrian
girl. Specifically, Otto Frank applied for visas to the U.S. before he
took his family into hiding, and he was not granted them.
Similarly, regrettably, while Canada recently brought 25,000 Syrians to safety
in their country, the US has only very recently received 10,000, though it has
now promised to bring more. Germany has taken one million.
Rev. Lowell Grisham explains Jesus’ expanded
definition of “neighbor” in the Good Samaritan story, the meaning of the Cross
in Jesus’ embrace of all the “brokenness of the human condition,” God’s love
“extending to all humanity,” and much more, including the fundamental role of
empathy. Lowell Grisham. “Loving Our Enemies.” NADG (10-4-16).

Ensure That Communities
Have Hope For A Brighter Future. Donate Today.
Tax-deductible · Climate
Change · Protection · Public
Health · Livelihoods · Coordinating Assistance
Services: Emergency Relief,
Rights For Refugees, Protecting People, Help Recovery
WITH YOU, a Newsletter for Friends for UNHCR
Spring 2016 included
articles about refugees from Syria fleeing to Greece, Jordan, and Lebanon;
charitable funds assisting UNHCR—the Alkhayyat Foundation, the Malala Yousafzi
Fund--; the Hive, USA for UNHCR’s special projects, collaboration with
technology Techfugee. --Dick
Relief efforts in Ecuador.
2:09 PM (39 minutes ago)
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UNA-USA 2017
You can help refugee children in
1:02 PM (4 hours ago)
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than 65 million people have fled their homes and risked their lives in search
of refuge. Most are children, but less than half have access to education. The United Nations Association of the United
States of America, in tandem with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and its
fundraising arm USA for UNHCR, is working to prevent a lost generation by
giving refugee children the education they need to build a better future.
Host a
Night of a Thousand Dinners Event
year, events for Night of a Thousand Dinners are hosted by tens of thousands of
individuals across the world to raise millions in funds for worthy causes. In
honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, UNA-USA invites all chapters and members
to participate by hosting or organizing a dinner event to raise funds in
support of the Adopt-A-Future campaign. Download our toolkit to plan and host
your event!
a member of UNA-USA? JOIN NOW!
in the United Nations Association of the USA is open to any U.S. citizen or
resident who is committed to the purposes of the United Nations Association of
the USA.
The best place they've even been
1:50 PM (6 minutes ago)
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financial good news from Chobani’s
Chobani’s founder Ulukaya donates
$700 million to refugees | MyReports
good news from Athens
Patrick Strickland. “A Four-Star Response to the Refugee
Crisis.” In These Times (July 2017).
Athens’ City Plaza Hotel, six years
empty, now bustles with hundreds of refugees who fled from Syria, Iraq,
Afghanistan, and other warring nations and are on their way to permanent
settlement. The Solidarity Initiative
for Political and Economic Refugees took over the closed hotel in April 2016 as
an alternative to squatting, and since then it has housed “some 1,500 refugees
and migrants.” They are given
considerable autonomy compared to the typical NGO or government camps, the author
writes. –D/
Google Search 6-11-17
Jul 3, 2016 - Patrick Strickland · @P_Strickland_.
Athens, Greece - The roar of children's laughter erupts as they play tag and
chase one another through the ...
UN World Refugee DAY Newsletter #5, June 20, 2015
World Refugee DAY June 20, 2015
Jolie Pitt, UN Ambassador
and Climate Refugees
#6, JUNE 20, 2017