by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology
Here is the link to all OMNI newsletters: For a knowledge-based peace, justice, and
ecology movement and an informed citizenry as the foundation for change.
See newsletters on Indigenous People of the Americas Day, Julia
Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day for Peace, Military-Corporate Complex, Nonviolence,
Patriotism, Recruiting, US Wars, and many more.
Contents: Grassroots Militarism, USA, Fayetteville, AR,
Northwest Arkansas, Arkansas Newsletter #2
US War Budget 2017
Billion Defense Policy Bill Signed.” NADG
(Dec. 24, 2016).
Culture of War the Capillaries of Militarism and Empire
War Alive, Institutions, Activities Supporting the Wars
Re-enactments in Arkansas
Post Offices: Navy Seal
Stories Archived
Arkansas Military Veterans’ Hall of
Armed Forces Honor Day
Veterans Alive,
Administration Hospital in Fayetteville, AR
at Ft. Smith
for Col. Darby
Ark Military History Alive
Corporate/Business: Wal-Mart
Gifts to Vets
of Vets
and Dick on “Service”
Television: Militarism in Homes
GO ARMY Advert Campaign
in Arkansas, Pentagon Propaganda Machine in Our Living Rooms
Pro-Vets, Pro-War, Pro-Empire
Lidia Celebrates Vets “Defending”
Two Silver Star Medal Winners “Defend”
Context: US War Budget
Billion Defense Policy Bill Signed.” NADG
(Dec. 24, 2016).
headline requires several clarifications.
President Obama signed the bill but “harshly”
criticized the continuation of Guantanamo, and was “highly critical of several
other provisions.” Still, this is his
The bill encompasses only moneys assigned strictly
to the Pentagon. For two examples: The $1
trillion budgeted for the coming decade for nuclear weapons upgrading and
innovation is under the Energy Dept., and the Pentagon and the Department of
Veterans Affairs are not even
part of the same cabinet department. The VA includes $78.7 billion in discretionary resources and $103.6
billion in mandatory funding. Clearly, the military budget for 2017 is way
more than $611 billio.
important of all: the Pentagon serves
not for defense but for offense, as displayed around the world with over 800
military bases, ten carrier battle forces, and the planet carved into nine US military
Thus, the Pentagon war budget (falsely labeled “defense”) is always
underreported to the public. You
understand why I never refer to the “Defense” Department, but only to the
Pentagon or the original War Department.
Please join me in this clarifying practice.
Uncritical attention to all of the above by the public is the result of
military influence throughout US society, like the capillaries in a body. These militarized capillaries, however, can
be distinguished and exposed, as many of OMNI’s newsletters reveal. For example, here is a partial sample from the
dozen on militarism in the December 2010 newsletters: Dec.
29,; Dec. 27,;
Dec. 23:;
Dec. 19:
US Culture of War, Keeping War Alive
Cannon Firing, Battle Re-enactments in Arkansas, a
Google Search, Dec. 17, 2016,
Page One
nationally as one of America's most intact Civil War battlefields, Prairie
Grove Battlefield State Park protects the battle site and
interprets the Battle of ...
› Events
firing demonstrations are scheduled every hour from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. See the ...Arkansas Parks & Tourism .... Prairie
Grove Battlefield State Park
Missing: enactments
› Events
Arkansas Parks
& Tourism. Mobile .... Cannon
Firing Demonstrations. ADD TO Trip Planner ... Prairie
Grove Battlefield State Park Park Grounds.
Missing: enactments
› ... › Events, Living Histories, and Reenactments
Dec 3, 2012
- 5 posts - 3 authors
smoke fills air at Civil War re-enactment in Arkansas Civil
... re-enactment soldiers charged up and down the battlefield and fired guns
at ... Although smoke from the cannonsand
muskets filled the sky today, there ...
Aug 29, 2010
- JACKSONVILLE Civil War re-enactment set
for restored battlefield ... exchange gunfire and cannon
fire in a full-scale Civil War battle re-enactment ...
at 2 p.m. each day at the Reed's Bridge Battlefield on Arkansas 161
Sep 27, 2015
- NWA Democrat-Gazette/ANDY SHUPE A cannon is fired Saturday
... of the battlefield Saturday during a re-enactment of
the Civil War Battle of ...
Apr 28, 2015
- LITTLE ROCK—Re-enactments of
battles at Chalk Bluff and Marks' Mills, ... of the Civil War in
northeast Arkansas and a cannon-firing demonstration,
... of Civil War artifacts, will be held at Prairie Grove Battlefield State
Park on ...
Aug 21, 2015
- The Summer 2015 issue of the Arkansas
Battlefield Update ..... people and featured a cannon and rifle display,
re-enactment of the battle by ...
D'Ane Battlefield, Prescott, Nevada County. Continued on ... a
re-enactment at Jenkins' Ferry in. September
..... Cannon firing demonstrations: Aug. 27.
Mar 31, 2011
- Battlefield through funding and development of ....
“Fire in the Hole: Quilt Signals and Cannon. Blasts
.... Bluff Civil War battle re-enactment until.
Remembering the Vets
One Cemetery Not Filled Up
Resting place for veterans mostly
empty in northeast Arkansas
4-year-old cemetery in Birdeye modern,
manicured, but a long drive for many
By Hunter Field
This article was
originally published June 19, 2016 at 5:27 a.m. Updated June 20, 2016 at 5:45
supervisor David Ramsey inspects the grass around headstones at the Arkansas
State Veterans Cemetery at Birdeye earlier this month. For Ramsey, a former
mortar platoon commander who has registered for a grave there, the cemetery’s
upkeep is a duty and a privilege.
Late SEAL’s name goes on Arkansas
post office By Frank Fellone.
NADG October 25, 2016 at 5:45
Brown (right) and U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman unveil a plaque Monday in honor of
Brown’s late husband, Adam Brown, that will be placed at a post office in
downtown Hot Springs. The post office will be renamed in honor of the Navy
SEAL, who died in combat in 2010.
Gathering Soldiers’ Stories
Workshop keys on vets’ stories
State entries in library goal By Nikki Wentling 
This article was published July 28, 2015 at 4:23 a.m.
Arkansas Military Veterans’ Hall of
Homage to the Slain: Arkansas Veterans Honored for Service. NADG (11-3-16). James
Bronson ‘J.B.’ Jones, Fay Jones, and Paul Noland receive special coverage, and
twelve more, briefer recognition. All
were inducted into the Arkansas Military Veterans’ Hall of Fame.
National Days
National Cemetery Honors Fallen Heroes In Memorial Day Ceremony. POSTED 2:04 PM, MAY 30, 2016,
The event was localized for those have also been interred at The
Fayetteville National Cemetery since last year’s event.
“I think it’s just nice to come visit all of the veterans that
fight for our country,” said Derrick Collins. “It’s good to appreciate them,
because they’re here in spirit.”
The event also featured British Mountains Brass Band and a
variety of patriotic music. Commander Bobbi Doorenbos of the 188th
Wing of the Arkansas National Guard also gave an address.
Wreaths from various organizations and non-profits were also on
display. The cemetery said a team of 100-300 volunteers prepared for the event.
Armed Forces Honor Day
(ADG also 3-27-16)
Historic Washington State Park as we honor those who serve and have served
in our military. Members of the military, past and present, receive discounts
on tours and surrey rides. Celebrate and honor these great folks with us.
One decade, $700K of
fundraising leads to unique monument. Bella Vista, AR. January
27, 2014.

The original idea, hatched in 2001 at Post 341 in Bella Vista,
Ark., was simple enough: a granite wall of honor commemorating veterans from
all branches of service, from all American wars since 1776, in the style of a
similar monument in Mountain Home, Ark.
It would take $700,000 and more than a decade, but this idea
would be realized several-fold.
Leonard Eisert’s brother had helped the project in Mountain Home
and told Eisert about the veterans’ council they had formed. A team of seven
septuagenarians representing the local American Legion and VFW came together to
construct a non-profit that would work solely on this project, the Veterans
Council of Northwest Arkansas. That team included Eisert, Bert Schindler, Art
Leu, Richard LaBrie, Les Glader, Robert Johnson and Vernon Watten. Just
assembling the 501(c)3 took two years.
Thankfully, Eisert said, one of the founding members was retired
architect Watten.
“I never realized that Vern would design it so special,” he
said. The monument that inspired the Veterans Wall of Honor is a tidy-looking
granite wall on the edge of a local park. Watten designed several walls in
concentric circles, with benches, more than 4,500 granite tablets honoring
veterans, a 36-foot timeline of American military history with 67 brass
plaques, 27 plaques honoring the U.S. presidents who served in the military, a
central fountain, a grand entryway, the Preamble, military seals, benches and
18 flags. The circular design stemmed from two military themes: protection from
the enemy as well as togetherness.
Watten built two plexiglass models of the design, and the
Veterans Council got to work. They set up shop in front of Walmarts and grocery
stores, at church groups and in banks, at schools and even at a funeral home.
Each time, they’d bring one of the models, pass out brochures and accept
donations for memorial granite tablets to go in the walls.
“It was fun doing that, too,” Eisert said. It created interest
in the memorial itself, of course, but also in the local American Legion and
VFW. Eisert said Post 341’s membership saw a boost and has one of the highest
memberships in the state.
Touring was also essential to raising the funds. About half of
the $700,000 needed was raised by selling granite tablets and other
memorabilia. The other half came from individual donors and local businesses.
Eisert encouraged other Legion posts to consider constructing
such a monument. Though it’s a massive undertaking, it creates lots of
patriotism and grows membership. The Legion was able to get more involved in
its community, too. He said the Auxiliaries, the VFW, the donors, Walmart and
even the local garden club all partnered to power Watten’s vision.
Eisert’s main advice for those interested in such a project:
“Start early.”
After more than a decade of planning, fundraising and
construction, the Wall of Honor was dedicated in 2012. Watten, now deceased,
lived to see it open. His funeral services were held at the memorial.
Eisert said it’s one of the area’s two biggest attractions.
Schools, church groups and visitors come to enjoy it and celebrate veterans. He
gives tours of the memorial, including tours to school groups. “I guess I don’t
want to retire.”
“Just by having a memorial there, it increased the awareness of
the patriotism of the whole area,” Eisert said. “The biggest aspect is giving
the tours. I enjoy the tours and people coming. I think the world should see
what we have. I think it’s really honoring all our people who served in the
armed forces. It’s a place to honor our people.”
At least 12 events are held there annually, Eisert said, with
the largest being the Veterans Day ceremony, which is put on by Legion Post 341
and assisted by VFW Post 9063.
The memorial is a quiet place set on about an acre and a half of
land overlooking a lake near the VFW, which deeded the nonprofit the land for
“Some people come there just to reflect. They have somebody on
the wall. It’s not a church, but it’s a church without ceiling.”
For more information, visit the website:
Date: April 24, 2016
Publication: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock, AR)
Section: Editorial
Impressed at school
Publication: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock, AR)
Section: Editorial
Impressed at school
I was given the opportunity of witnessing a remarkable event on
the 15th of April in Fort Smith. I was invited to assist in presenting
an award to a cadet from the JROTC of Northside High School in Fort Smith. Being a 33-year career person in the
military I was still not prepared for the display of patriotism and committed
purpose of the high school students celebrating their annual Military Ball.
There was not a single longhaired, dreadlocked….”
Date: April 25, 2016
Publication: Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
Publication: Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
Honor Flight: Keeping the Past Alive
WASHINGTON – Servicemen from Arkansas and Oklahoma traveled
Wednesday to Washington to remember their fallen comrades and see their nation’s
battle monuments.
About 75 veterans, accompanied by scores of volunteers, flew
from Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport in…
Date: May 4, 2016
Publication: Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
Veteran honored by flight
Publication: Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
Veteran honored by flight
to Washington
On April 20, I was privileged as a World War II veteran to be
included on the Oklahoma and Arkansas Honor Flight to
Washington, D.C. The purpose of these flights is to visit the various war
memorials in and around the city.
I was with 13 other World War II vets and 60 vets from Korea and
Vietnam. Also on board were escorts for each veteran (my daughter was mine),
medics (fortunately, no situations arose), local TV…
Statue latest tribute to founder of Army Rangers
Date: April 28, 2016
Date: April 28, 2016
Publication: Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
Section: Style
Page: 57
The cover of Newsweek on Jan. 4, 1943, shows a dashing soldier astride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle chatting with French Gen. Henri Giraud. Even though he was born in Fort Smith, his hand-tinted image probably wouldn’t be easily recognized by many in the region.
Publication: Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
Section: Style
Page: 57
The cover of Newsweek on Jan. 4, 1943, shows a dashing soldier astride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle chatting with French Gen. Henri Giraud. Even though he was born in Fort Smith, his hand-tinted image probably wouldn’t be easily recognized by many in the region.
But Army Rangers everywhere know William O. Darby’s name. And
they regularly visit the Fort Smith Museum of History to learn more about the
early life of the man who founded their elite military company during World War
Darby rides again
Date: May 8, 2016
Publication: Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
It’s a much over-used word these days, iconic, but it’s hard to avoid it when looking at a picture of William O. Darby, Colonel, U.S. Army, astride his Harley-Davidson motorcycle as he rides off to lead his men into action. They may have started their war as boys, but you can be sure they were men before it was over. And the right word is lead them, not command them. For the colonel never ordered his troops into battle. He led them, as befits any commander.
Date: May 8, 2016
Publication: Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
It’s a much over-used word these days, iconic, but it’s hard to avoid it when looking at a picture of William O. Darby, Colonel, U.S. Army, astride his Harley-Davidson motorcycle as he rides off to lead his men into action. They may have started their war as boys, but you can be sure they were men before it was over. And the right word is lead them, not command them. For the colonel never ordered his troops into battle. He led them, as befits any commander.
If the colonel needed any…
Panel starts work on stories of Arkansans’ roles in WWI
Date: May 1, 2016
Date: May 1, 2016
Publication: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock, AR)
Long overshadowed by more visible remembrances of other wars, Arkansas’ stories of World War I will be given more public attention over the next two years.
Publication: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock, AR)
Long overshadowed by more visible remembrances of other wars, Arkansas’ stories of World War I will be given more public attention over the next two years.
The newly formed Arkansas World War I Centennial Commemoration
Committee began working last week to coordinate events and memorials to mark
the war’s 100th anniversary in 2017-18, and to make sure Arkansans’
contributions are recognized and remembered.
“Our charge is to commemorate this important event,” Department
Date: May 8, 2016
Publication: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock, AR)
Respect and gratitude
May 30 is Memorial Day, a time to honor all those who fought and
died for our country. We also show respect and gratitude to those who serve us
now. We pray for their safety wherever they are stationed. We thank their
families too.
We fly the flag, we wear a lapel pin, we place flowers on loved
ones’ graves, we march in parades, we sing the National Anthem and we thank the
almighty God we live in a land that is free for us all.
It is also a day for…
Keeping Veterans Alive
Veterans Administration, Fayetteville Veterans
Apr 5, 2016
- Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks
provides health care services to veterans in northwest
Arkansas, ... Official seal of the United States Department of Veterans
Affairs ... Health Care Information · A-Z Health Topic Finder · My
HealtheVet · Prescriptions Refills · Crisis Prevention · Mental
Health ...
Health Services can be accessed in the Mental Health Clinic off
Woolsey Ave. in ... VHSO Fayetteville, AR Crisis
Line: 1-800-691-8387 then press 8.
Fayetteville Vet Center
This a counseling facility
funded by the VA but separate from the VA Hospital just across College Ave./old
71B. I talked to a representative who
explained that it is in formal and is staffed entirely by vets. A notice appeared in the NADG inviting vets to their open house to get acquainted with the
services provided.
Keeping Arkansas Military History Alive
Kay Tatum (center) and about 65 others gather at the MacArthur Museum
of Arkansas Military History on Monday for a workshop tied to the
Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project, which collects, preserves and
makes accessible the personal accounts of America’s war veterans. Of course no equivalent Museum or Project
exists for Arkansas peacemaking.
PATRIOTIC Corporate &
Business Militarism
Annual Walmart Celebration of
Veterans, Bentonville, Ark. November 11, 2013
Thank you all for being
here on this very special day.
Today, we honor and
celebrate the service of our nation’s veterans. We owe these brave men and
women our security, our liberty, and our very way of life. We are humbled by
their courage, by their sacrifice, and by their willingness to give their lives
… so that others can be free.
All Americans benefit from
their service. And all American companies do too. We couldn’t be here – serving
customers and growing around the globe – without the sacrifices made by our
So let me start by saying
a heartfelt “thank you” to all who served. And I want to ask all the veterans
with us today to stand once again and be recognized.
At Walmart, we honor our
troops, our veterans, their families, and their values – and we are determined
to go far beyond words and promises.
In January, Bill Simon
announced our commitment to hire any honorably discharged veteran within his or
her first 12 months off active duty. We are working hard to make sure every
veteran who is leaving the service – and wants a job with us – will have one.
In my years at Walmart,
I’ve never seen a response to something be so quick and so positive. What’s
struck me is that no matter where I am, people come up to me and want to talk
about this commitment.
And this is not about us.
Whether I’m in our stores, or with leaders in Washington, D.C., or even in
other countries…it’s clear that people understand the sacrifice our veterans
have made. They’re excited to see them being honored and taken care of…just as
our veterans took care of us.
But I want to be very
clear about this: supporting veterans is not something we just discovered this
year. It’s a part of who we are. Our hiring commitment is just the most recent
step on our journey.
I want to share a few
photos that help tell the story.
The first is
Do you recognize Captain
Sam Walton? Before he revolutionized retail, he served in the U.S. Army
Intelligence Corps. And he brought his patriotism and his disciplined
leadership to our company – traits we still have today. I show you this picture
to remind us all where we started.
Just look at this next
picture. This is a soybean field in Bellevue, Nebraska.

Right above it, you’ll see a runway for an air force base. For more than a decade, the associates there have created a message of thanks seen by all the troops as they land. I show you this because it reflects the spirit that lives in our people. No one from Bentonville asked the associates there to do this.
Now, this next picture is of another group of our associates –
this time in Milton, Florida.
What do they have in
common? They’re all veterans. We have 43 veterans working in that one store.
And that store is special, but it is not unique. We have 55 veterans in our
distribution center in Sealy, Texas…and an incredible 184 veterans at our DC in
Hopkinsville, Kentucky!
We’re the largest private
employer of veterans in America. We estimate we have 100,000 associates who are
veterans. And another 150,000 associates are part of veteran and military
The final photo I want to
share is a woman named Elise Hackstall. Elise sums up for me why veterans and
Walmart are such a good fit.
Elise is a graduate of West Point who served on active duty until 2008.
We recruited her when she
left active duty…and she immediately felt right at home. As she said:
“Walmart’s three basic beliefs are so much like the Seven Army Values. It felt
like ‘this is exactly what I’m supposed to do.’”
We value the qualities our
veterans learned in the service: leadership, commitment, discipline, problem
solving. And we offer in return the chance to move up. As Elise said:
“Walmart is looking for someone who is always eager for that next level of
responsibility. The military does the exact same thing.”
She joined us as a
Developmental Shift Manager in the smallest store in her market. She worked her
way up to Shift Manager…and then to Store Manager of a Division 1 store. Today,
she serves as both the Store Manager at the biggest supercenter in her market…
and as the Company Commander of her Army reserve unit.
Elise is just one example
of how much the current generation of veterans has to offer. We want
their talent and their leadership. And we’re moving aggressively to bring
them to Walmart.
I’m proud to share that
our hiring commitment is off to a great start. In fact, since our
commitment launched on Memorial Day, we’ve already hired more than 20,000 more
veterans. Isn’t that fantastic?
I’m also proud to share
that – this morning – we announced donations to two important organizations
supporting military families: Operation Homefront and Fisher House. With these
gifts, we’ll help provide meals, toys, and lodging for military families with a
service member in the hospital…and we’ll help hundreds of soldiers come home
for the holidays.
This is part of our
commitment to give $20 million over five years to causes important to veterans
and military families. And these are just a few of the ways that your company
is committed to honoring those who serve.
So, we have a great program for you this morning. We’re pleased
to be joined by Gary Sinise and so many distinguished guests and partners in
serving our communities. We’re also honored to have a Gold Star family here
with us today.
This morning, you’re going to hear two themes:
This morning, you’re going to hear two themes:
First, we’ll highlight our
veteran associates, military families, and associates serving today. You’ll
hear from some of them directly.
Second, we’ll hear about
the importance of giving back. We will rededicate ourselves today to honoring
their service with our own.
Again, thank you for
joining us today to thank and honor our nation’s veterans.
Favors and Gifts to Veterans
Downstream Casino Resort, Veteran’s Day Buffet, Friday November 11,
2016. 1 Free Buffet for any active
military or veteran of the U.S. Military.
of Veterans
Ad in NDAG (Nov. 7, 2016). “Honor
Your Hero! Get 3 lines of text and an
American Flag graphic for only $10.
Additional lines of text $2 ea. A
Photo would be $25.”
for Veterans Day 2016: Walgreens. “Military & Veterans Discount Day. Nov. 11 20% Off.”
American Militarism… For the
Mar 8, 2012 – Or “weighing in on the Kony 2012 campaign…”
Here is the video: YouTube Preview Image. When I first watched it, having seen
it posted on …
According to Bennett, it
is particularly appropriate to talk about militarism in the U.S.because there is no military presence there. The idea behind Grassroots …
LASC Militarism Conference Workshop Schedule Announced
An outstanding line-up of
workshops makes this conference on US militarism one of the… Grassroots Congressional
Lobbying to Close the SOA and Resist …
Militarism and Grass-Roots Involvement in the Military-Industrial – Jstor
by NE Phillips – 1973 – Cited by 9 – Related articles
Phillips /MILITARISMAND GRASS-ROOTS INVOL VEMENT [629] ence-Conciliatoriness Scale. The four questions, in brief, deal with (1) whether theU.S. …
Phillips /MILITARISMAND GRASS-ROOTS INVOL VEMENT [629] ence-Conciliatoriness Scale. The four questions, in brief, deal with (1) whether the
Digital Journal: Ron Paul grassroot supporters release video on US ……/digital-journal-ron-paul-grassroot-supporters-rele…
Dec 18, 2011 – Paul’s rejection of American militarism is one of
his key political platforms … “This is a beautifully done grassroots video
outlining the different …
Trilateralism Resurgent Militarism
The U.S. is being plunged into another era of
confrontation, intervention, and resurgentmilitarism. The Pentagon’s
unremitting crusade for increased military …
We live or die
alone and together
. . Like Dr. King writing from Birmingham jail about praying long prayers and
thinking long thoughts while paying his price alone after being arrested with
50 others, I think about EMTs, social workers in rough neighborhoods, the
nonviolent resisters, the loggers, the cab (or Uber or Lyft) drivers, and I think about how we shower all our gratitude
on those who kill, who bomb, who kick in doors, who drone to death and who pollute more than any other sector, and I just
shake my head.
Save some gratitude for those who
preserve life or provide you with the goods of life and stop the overweening,
abject displays of mewling groveling at the altar of militarism. Historian
William McNeill called the war industries and the military in general the first
example of macroparasites on
Earth. They take and destroy. Everyone else has to produce, create, and give.
Happy Earth Day. Peace.
Dr. Tom H. Hastings is Founding Director of PeaceVoice.
Happy Earth Day. Peace.
Dr. Tom H. Hastings is Founding Director of PeaceVoice.
You recall “The War
Department”? In a linguistic coup, the
Pentagon changed its name to the “Defense” Department when the Cold War shifted
into high fear gear by the creation of the US National Security State in 1947 (unified military services, CIA,
National Security Agency, Truman Doctrine, McCarthyism). Now most citizens of the US think all of
our invasions, occupations, interventions are in “Defense”! Let us never say or write “Defense”
Department, but return to the true name: War Department. It takes no extra time, costs nothing, and we
have taken a small but important step toward demilitarizing the nation.
Dick Bennett’s newsletters on “SERVICE”:
#1 June 1, 2015 ; #2, July 30, 2015 ; #3, Dec. 4, 2015;
Because they did not originate in
Fayetteville, AR, or in Arkansas, Pentagon recruiting ads and PBS are not
strictly speaking grassroots, yet they did occur in my home—via TV. Mainstream electronic media, including PBS, deal
us a large dose of patriotism.
(I saw the GO ARMY ads on The Weather Channel. –Dick)
Google Search December 19, 2016
highly trained, adaptable and ready for anything. We are U.S. Army Soldiers
and through every win, every day — we make a difference. #ArmyTeam ...
Oct 24, 2016
- Uploaded by U.S. Army Cyber Command
U.S. Army Cyber
national recruiting ad -- join the Army's cyber
to the official channel for GOARMY.COM
maintained by the Army Marketing and Research Group. Here you can learn more
about what it means to be ...
1144421 likes · 24213 talking about this. The Official Fan Page for
Learn more about the career opportunities...
interact and learn more about the songs, characters, and celebrities that
appear in your favorite U.S. Army TV Commercials. Watch
the commercial, share ...
This analysis
focuses on two specific advertisements from Go Army's
recruitment campaign. The first is titled, “Army Strong” (Bandit36,
2007) and the second, ...
Jun 15, 2016
- The Army is launching the second
phase of a new advertising campaign ... The AMRG mission is to
support recruiting and retention through aggressive, ...
"They believe theArmy is a last-resort place -- it's where you go if
you ...
May 21, 2013
- The Army is trying to produce commercials styled
like a television reality ... Twitter; producing Webcasts from Iraq for its Web
site,; ...
Aug 13, 2005
- When Americans met their finger-pointing Uncle Sam during World
War I,advertising became a linchpin of military
recruiting almost overnight.
Here are two programs during adjacent days
in December 2016
“Lidia Celebrates America:
Holiday for Heroes”.
Lidia Bastianich hosts an “unforgettable
holiday special celebrating veterans”; i.e., celebrating the wars they have
experienced and are preparing to experience.
Watch on AETN Friday, December 16 at 10pm and Saturday
For most, the holiday season is a time of celebration, spending time with family and friends, observing age-old traditions and enjoying favorite foods. For members of the military, the holidays can be particularly emotional, especially when they are stationed thousands of miles away from home, or are overcoming injuries from their service.
For most, the holiday season is a time of celebration, spending time with family and friends, observing age-old traditions and enjoying favorite foods. For members of the military, the holidays can be particularly emotional, especially when they are stationed thousands of miles away from home, or are overcoming injuries from their service.
the uplifting special, Lidia Celebrates America: Holiday for Heroes,
Lidia meets with veterans who reflect on their service. Each discusses their
longing to be reunited with family during holidays, the challenges and
sacrifices of their work, and the pride they take in having
defended our country. Together, they create a distinct image of the diversity of the
United States military. [Always
“defended our country.” The curse of the
1947 linguistic coup that changed the War Department (which it was and is) to
the Defense Department has burrowed deeply within the consciousness of the US
CSPAN 3, American History TV,
Two Silver Star Medal Winners, one from
Vietnam War and the other from the Korean War, speak to US Navy personnel at
the “US Navy Memorial” telling their own war stories of defending their country
and praising the audience for wanting to defend their country. The elephant in the room was never
acknowledged—that exceedingly few of the numerous wars in which the US has
engaged, most of them started by the US, were legal, constitutional, moral, or
As for the two medal winners, there’s no
shortage of veterans who want to advocate war to our youth. There are others, as with Veterans for Peace
and Iraq Veterans Against War. I would
like to see a study made comparing the number of CSPAN programs presenting the
patriotic and number presenting the critical point of view. CSPAN, Public Television, should not be
another conduit of Pentagon pro-war propaganda.
Public TV was established in 1966 to
encourage public debate and critical thinking.
Too often instead we get pervasive pro-war, pro-empire propaganda.
Contents, Grassroots Militarism Northwest Arkansas,
Newsletter #1, Chronological Order, 1989-2014
Dick: Washington
County USA 1989
Dick, Mullins Library,
University of Arkansas 2003
Dick, Normalizing Militarism,
One Newspaper 2008
Jonah Tebbetts, Ozark Military Museum 2008
Dick, Memorializing
Confederate Cemeteries 2012
Dick, Study War No More
Dick, Our Troops Died for Our
Freedom? 2012
Dick, Sacred Budget 2012
Washington Post editorial in Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette 2012
Articles in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 2011-2013
Chrystal Bridges 2014 Serving
the Complex
Dick, Honor Flight Takes WWII Veterans to WWII Memorial in
Washington 2014