The Omni Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology will call for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq at 1 p.m. Saturday, November 1
at the corner of Mall Ave. & Joyce Blvd. in Fayetteville. Signs will be provided.
This will be the first in a series of demonstrations on the first Saturday of every month at 1 pm at Mall Ave. and Joyce Blvd.
For details, call Chris at 586-2053 or visit www.makejobsnotwars.com.
Make Jobs Not War
Dick Bennett's Anthologies focused on Stopping US Wars & Nuclear Holocaust and Stopping Warming & Climate Calamity, including examinations of their causes, consequences, and cures

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
National Immigrants' Day
From: Omnicenter Communications (omninews@listserv.uark.edu) on behalf of Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
Sent: Mon 10/27/08 1:15 PM
Reply-to: Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
2008, FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, Compiled by Dick Bennett, October 27, 2008.
Proclamation 5732 -- National Immigrants Day, 1987
Our national celebration of Immigrants Day is a moving reminder to us that America is unique among the nations. We are the sons and daughters of every land ...
National Immigrants Day
The community is cordially invited to celebrate National Immigrant's Day on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 at 2669 East Gage Avenue, Huntington Park, ...
Proclamation 5732 -- National Immigrants Day, 1987
October 16, 1987
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Our national celebration of Immigrants Day is a moving reminder to us that America is unique among the nations. We are the sons and daughters of every land across the face of the Earth, yet we are an indivisible Nation. We are one people, and we are one in that which drew our forebears here -- the love of ``freedom's holy Light.''
This year we most appropriately observe Immigrants Day on October 28, the 101st anniversary of the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, the beloved statue Emma Lazarus called ``Mother of Exiles,'' from whose ``beacon-hand/Glows world-wide welcome.'' That welcome is America's welcome, which has ever beckoned millions upon millions of courageous souls to this land of freedom, justice, and opportunity.
Immigrants have always brought great gifts to their new home on these shores -- the gifts of hardiness and heart, of intellect and hope. Two hundred years ago, immigrants were among the framers of a Constitution for these United States. They knew what they were about, for they began that charter of liberty and limited government with the words, ``We the People'' and created what a future President named Lincoln would call ``government of the people, by the people, for the people.''
One immigrant, J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, had described that people very well in 1782 when he wrote, ``Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of man whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.'' This prophecy came true, and immigrants helped, and are still helping, to make it so -- immigrants to a country and a people one in mutual loyalty and one in steady devotion to ``freedom's holy Light.''
The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 86, has designated October 28, 1987, as ``National Immigrants Day'' and authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this event.
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 28, 1987, as National Immigrants Day, and I call upon the people of the United States to observe that day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twelfth.
Ronald Reagan
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 4:48 p.m., October 16, 1987]
Books: (see Hoeller's biblio)
--Hoeller, Suzie. IMPASSE: Border Walls or Welcome the Stranger is a book for all who wish to repair our broken immigration system. Unlike many others writing on immigration issues, the author rejects the extremist and divisive rhetoric which has helped to sustain the policy impasse in Congress
Dunn, Timothy. The Militarization of the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1978-1992: Low-Intensity Conflict Doctrine Comes Home. CMAS Books, U Texas, 1996.
---Omer, Peter, ed. Underground America : Narratives of Undocummented Lives. McSweeney, 2008. Rev. FFW (8-7-08). 24 stories (out of 60 interviewed) of economic and political refugees who risked much to make it to the Land of the Free.
--Bacon, David. Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants. Beacon, 2008. Documents how undocumented workers have become the world's most exploited workforce. "Illegals" of all nationalities are central in the global struggle for economic justice.
With "Made in L.A.," Almudena Carracedo and Robert Bahar... show that
despite the political or economic vices twisting down upon the planet, the
elementary human spirit remains the most powerful force at work."
- Governor Bill Richardson
Dear friends,
It is an intense and inspiring time for Made in L.A. Slowly, with much hard work and passion, the film is reaching more and more people, and moving them to action. Children of immigrants are seeing their parents' struggle reflected on screen for the first time, and one student told us, "the film makes me feel proud of what our parents went through". Community organizations are using the film to draw attention to local struggles, and universities are holding events that bring together students, academics, and local organizers to dialogue about issues in their communities. There is much, much more work to do, but we are firmly on the road, and we wanted to share our news with all of you.
During the month of April, Made in L.A. is having no less than 5 international premieres and is screening in 7 different locations around the world: in Paris, Tel Aviv, Seoul, Mexico City, Rome, Gdansk (Poland) and several cities in Germany. In addition, there are dozens of US screenings including Chicago, Tucson, Santa Cruz, New York, Minneapolis, San Pedro and San Diego! To look for upcoming screenings in your area, visit our screenings page.
Upon our return from Northern California, Almudena received the National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) Estela Award, which honors "talented Latino/a filmmakers whose achievements reveal leadership, creativity, and tenacity, as well as vision and passion for their craft." It was deeply moving to receive this award... And, just a few days ago, we learned that Made in L.A. received the prestigious SIGNIS Prize at the Voces contra el Silencio Festival in Mexico City!
Educators and students– we need your help!
We are asking students and educators across the country to help us place Made in L.A. in schools, colleges, universities and libraries so that it can be used by educators for years to come. Please help us spread the word – we can't do this without you! Made in L.A. is now available for classroom and library use from California Newsreel, the oldest non-profit social issue educational distributor in the country.
Almudena and Robert
Producers, Made in L.A.
SENATOR LINCOLN (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371.
Fayetteville office: 251-1380; www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
SENATOR Mark Pryor: Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908. www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
CONGRESSMAN Boozman: Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office Bldng., Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-4301.
OMNI SEEKS A WORLD FREE OF WAR AND THE THREAT OF WAR, A SOCIETY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERY PERSON'S POTENTIAL MAY BE FULFILLED, AN EARTH RESTORED. GRASSROOTS NONVIOLENCE, WORLD PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS, SOCIAL and ECONOMIC JUSTICE, ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROTECTING SPECIES AND THE EARTH. These are OMNI's ideals. Read our brochure and our newsletters, attend our Steering Committee, become an active member of one or more of our committees, participate in our dozens of activities to see how these broad goals are realized in action. There is nothing vague about Building a Culture of Peace,
From: Omnicenter Communications (omninews@listserv.uark.edu) on behalf of Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
Sent: Mon 10/27/08 1:15 PM
Reply-to: Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
2008, FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, Compiled by Dick Bennett, October 27, 2008.
Proclamation 5732 -- National Immigrants Day, 1987
Our national celebration of Immigrants Day is a moving reminder to us that America is unique among the nations. We are the sons and daughters of every land ...
National Immigrants Day
The community is cordially invited to celebrate National Immigrant's Day on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 at 2669 East Gage Avenue, Huntington Park, ...
Proclamation 5732 -- National Immigrants Day, 1987
October 16, 1987
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Our national celebration of Immigrants Day is a moving reminder to us that America is unique among the nations. We are the sons and daughters of every land across the face of the Earth, yet we are an indivisible Nation. We are one people, and we are one in that which drew our forebears here -- the love of ``freedom's holy Light.''
This year we most appropriately observe Immigrants Day on October 28, the 101st anniversary of the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, the beloved statue Emma Lazarus called ``Mother of Exiles,'' from whose ``beacon-hand/Glows world-wide welcome.'' That welcome is America's welcome, which has ever beckoned millions upon millions of courageous souls to this land of freedom, justice, and opportunity.
Immigrants have always brought great gifts to their new home on these shores -- the gifts of hardiness and heart, of intellect and hope. Two hundred years ago, immigrants were among the framers of a Constitution for these United States. They knew what they were about, for they began that charter of liberty and limited government with the words, ``We the People'' and created what a future President named Lincoln would call ``government of the people, by the people, for the people.''
One immigrant, J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, had described that people very well in 1782 when he wrote, ``Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of man whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.'' This prophecy came true, and immigrants helped, and are still helping, to make it so -- immigrants to a country and a people one in mutual loyalty and one in steady devotion to ``freedom's holy Light.''
The Congress, by Senate Joint Resolution 86, has designated October 28, 1987, as ``National Immigrants Day'' and authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation in observance of this event.
Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 28, 1987, as National Immigrants Day, and I call upon the people of the United States to observe that day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twelfth.
Ronald Reagan
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 4:48 p.m., October 16, 1987]
Books: (see Hoeller's biblio)
--Hoeller, Suzie. IMPASSE: Border Walls or Welcome the Stranger is a book for all who wish to repair our broken immigration system. Unlike many others writing on immigration issues, the author rejects the extremist and divisive rhetoric which has helped to sustain the policy impasse in Congress
Dunn, Timothy. The Militarization of the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1978-1992: Low-Intensity Conflict Doctrine Comes Home. CMAS Books, U Texas, 1996.
---Omer, Peter, ed. Underground America : Narratives of Undocummented Lives. McSweeney, 2008. Rev. FFW (8-7-08). 24 stories (out of 60 interviewed) of economic and political refugees who risked much to make it to the Land of the Free.
--Bacon, David. Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants. Beacon, 2008. Documents how undocumented workers have become the world's most exploited workforce. "Illegals" of all nationalities are central in the global struggle for economic justice.
With "Made in L.A.," Almudena Carracedo and Robert Bahar... show that
despite the political or economic vices twisting down upon the planet, the
elementary human spirit remains the most powerful force at work."
- Governor Bill Richardson
Dear friends,
It is an intense and inspiring time for Made in L.A. Slowly, with much hard work and passion, the film is reaching more and more people, and moving them to action. Children of immigrants are seeing their parents' struggle reflected on screen for the first time, and one student told us, "the film makes me feel proud of what our parents went through". Community organizations are using the film to draw attention to local struggles, and universities are holding events that bring together students, academics, and local organizers to dialogue about issues in their communities. There is much, much more work to do, but we are firmly on the road, and we wanted to share our news with all of you.
During the month of April, Made in L.A. is having no less than 5 international premieres and is screening in 7 different locations around the world: in Paris, Tel Aviv, Seoul, Mexico City, Rome, Gdansk (Poland) and several cities in Germany. In addition, there are dozens of US screenings including Chicago, Tucson, Santa Cruz, New York, Minneapolis, San Pedro and San Diego! To look for upcoming screenings in your area, visit our screenings page.
Upon our return from Northern California, Almudena received the National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) Estela Award, which honors "talented Latino/a filmmakers whose achievements reveal leadership, creativity, and tenacity, as well as vision and passion for their craft." It was deeply moving to receive this award... And, just a few days ago, we learned that Made in L.A. received the prestigious SIGNIS Prize at the Voces contra el Silencio Festival in Mexico City!
Educators and students– we need your help!
We are asking students and educators across the country to help us place Made in L.A. in schools, colleges, universities and libraries so that it can be used by educators for years to come. Please help us spread the word – we can't do this without you! Made in L.A. is now available for classroom and library use from California Newsreel, the oldest non-profit social issue educational distributor in the country.
Almudena and Robert
Producers, Made in L.A.
SENATOR LINCOLN (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371.
Fayetteville office: 251-1380; www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
SENATOR Mark Pryor: Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908. www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
CONGRESSMAN Boozman: Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office Bldng., Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-4301.
OMNI SEEKS A WORLD FREE OF WAR AND THE THREAT OF WAR, A SOCIETY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERY PERSON'S POTENTIAL MAY BE FULFILLED, AN EARTH RESTORED. GRASSROOTS NONVIOLENCE, WORLD PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS, SOCIAL and ECONOMIC JUSTICE, ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROTECTING SPECIES AND THE EARTH. These are OMNI's ideals. Read our brochure and our newsletters, attend our Steering Committee, become an active member of one or more of our committees, participate in our dozens of activities to see how these broad goals are realized in action. There is nothing vague about Building a Culture of Peace,
Friday, October 24, 2008
Global Warming Commission approves revision of report
The Morning News
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Global Warming Commission approves final revisions to report
By John Lyon
LITTLE ROCK -- The Arkansas Governor's Commission on Global Warming on Thursday approved final revisions to its report containing 54 recommendations for reducing the state's contributions to climate change.
The 21-member commission was created by an act of the Legislature last year and is required to present its final report to Gov. Mike Beebe and legislators no later than Nov. 1.
The commission's report recommends that Arkansas adopt goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions below 2000 levels by 20 percent by 2020, 35 percent by 2025 and 50 percent by 2035.
The commission includes representatives of several fields, including conservation, industry, government and academia. The panel approved some recommendations unanimously, but it was divided on some votes, including an 11-10 decision to recommend a moratorium on new coal-fired power plants in the state until technology to capture and store carbon emissions becomes available.
The committee approved a final set of revisions to the report during a meeting Thursday held by conference call. Committee Chairman Rep. Kathy Webb, D-Little Rock, thanked the members for their work.
"I know people have very strong opinions about all of these issues," Webb said. "We did a really fine job. Thank you all for all the time that you've given in the last year on this."
In a period allowed for public comments, Ken Smith, executive director of Arkansas Audubon, told the commission, "Congratulations, all of you, for a great job."
Among the revisions the commission approved Thursday was a slight change to an assertion in the report that peer-reviewed literature is "unanimous" in concluding that human activity is causing climate change. The commission changed "unanimous" to "virtually unanimous."
Steve Cousins, vice president of refining for Lion Oil, said although no vote was taken on whether global warming has a human cause, he knew of "at least three commissioners that are agnostic" on the issue.
The report states that Arkansas' greenhouse gas emissions are rising faster than those of the nation as a whole, according to research conducted for the commission by the nonprofit Center for Climate Strategies. From 1990 to 2005, gross emissions in the state increased by 30 percent while national gross emissions rose by 16 percent.
On a per-capita basis, the state's emissions increased by about 10 percent between 1990 and 2005, while national per-capita emissions decreased by 2 percent.
The report notes that Arkansas has large forests which negate some of its greenhouse gas emissions. In 2005, the state's gross emissions accounted for 1.2 percent of national gross emissions, while its net emissions accounted for 1 percent of national net emissions.
Electricity consumption and transportation were the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Arkansas in 2005, accounting for 32 percent and 26 percent, respectively, of the state's gross emissions.
The direct use of fuels such as natural gas, oil products, coal and wood in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors accounted for 18 percent of emissions. The agricultural and forest wildfire sectors together accounted for 14 percent of emissions.
Other sources of emissions included industrial processes, landfills and wastewater management facilities.
The commission analyzed the costs to implement 29 of its recommendations and estimated a net cost of $3.7 billion between 2009 and 2025.
Among other things, the commission recommends new nuclear power plants; a carbon tax program; a consortium to develop renewable energy production facilities and market renewable energy to consumers; and numerous measures to improve energy efficiency.
Web Watch
Governor's Commission On Global Warming
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Global Warming Commission approves final revisions to report
By John Lyon
LITTLE ROCK -- The Arkansas Governor's Commission on Global Warming on Thursday approved final revisions to its report containing 54 recommendations for reducing the state's contributions to climate change.
The 21-member commission was created by an act of the Legislature last year and is required to present its final report to Gov. Mike Beebe and legislators no later than Nov. 1.
The commission's report recommends that Arkansas adopt goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions below 2000 levels by 20 percent by 2020, 35 percent by 2025 and 50 percent by 2035.
The commission includes representatives of several fields, including conservation, industry, government and academia. The panel approved some recommendations unanimously, but it was divided on some votes, including an 11-10 decision to recommend a moratorium on new coal-fired power plants in the state until technology to capture and store carbon emissions becomes available.
The committee approved a final set of revisions to the report during a meeting Thursday held by conference call. Committee Chairman Rep. Kathy Webb, D-Little Rock, thanked the members for their work.
"I know people have very strong opinions about all of these issues," Webb said. "We did a really fine job. Thank you all for all the time that you've given in the last year on this."
In a period allowed for public comments, Ken Smith, executive director of Arkansas Audubon, told the commission, "Congratulations, all of you, for a great job."
Among the revisions the commission approved Thursday was a slight change to an assertion in the report that peer-reviewed literature is "unanimous" in concluding that human activity is causing climate change. The commission changed "unanimous" to "virtually unanimous."
Steve Cousins, vice president of refining for Lion Oil, said although no vote was taken on whether global warming has a human cause, he knew of "at least three commissioners that are agnostic" on the issue.
The report states that Arkansas' greenhouse gas emissions are rising faster than those of the nation as a whole, according to research conducted for the commission by the nonprofit Center for Climate Strategies. From 1990 to 2005, gross emissions in the state increased by 30 percent while national gross emissions rose by 16 percent.
On a per-capita basis, the state's emissions increased by about 10 percent between 1990 and 2005, while national per-capita emissions decreased by 2 percent.
The report notes that Arkansas has large forests which negate some of its greenhouse gas emissions. In 2005, the state's gross emissions accounted for 1.2 percent of national gross emissions, while its net emissions accounted for 1 percent of national net emissions.
Electricity consumption and transportation were the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Arkansas in 2005, accounting for 32 percent and 26 percent, respectively, of the state's gross emissions.
The direct use of fuels such as natural gas, oil products, coal and wood in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors accounted for 18 percent of emissions. The agricultural and forest wildfire sectors together accounted for 14 percent of emissions.
Other sources of emissions included industrial processes, landfills and wastewater management facilities.
The commission analyzed the costs to implement 29 of its recommendations and estimated a net cost of $3.7 billion between 2009 and 2025.
Among other things, the commission recommends new nuclear power plants; a carbon tax program; a consortium to develop renewable energy production facilities and market renewable energy to consumers; and numerous measures to improve energy efficiency.
Web Watch
Governor's Commission On Global Warming
Thursday, October 23, 2008
United Nations Day is Friday, October 24
From: Omnicenter Communications (omninews@listserv.uark.edu) on behalf of Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
Sent: Thu 10/23/08 8:27 AM
Reply-to: Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
attb8a94.jpg (4.6 KB), attb8ab4.jpg (22.0 KB), attb8ac5.gif (0.9 KB), attb8ad6.jpg (13.9 KB)
OMNI NEWSLETTER ON UNITED NATIONS DAY , OCTOBER 24, 2008, for a Culture of Peace, COMPILED BY Dick Bennett
SENATOR LINCOLN (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371.
Fayetteville office: 251-1380; www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
SENATOR Mark Pryor: Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908. www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
CONGRESSMAN Boozman: Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office Bldng., Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-4301.
UNA/USA Arkansas
Martti Ahtisaari
Recent Books
This is an important organization for peacemaking for its support of the UN. Their magazine, The InterDependent is outstanding, a cornucopia of ideas and activities for peace. The Fall 2008 no. contains several articles on the eight Millenium Development Goals adopted in 2000, an article on Navanethem Pillay, the new Human Rights Commissioner, Eleanor Roosevelt and the UDHR, a comparison of Obama and McCain on 10 issues, a rev. of Feith’s defense of the Iraq war, Bush vs. the UN Population Fund, and more and more. [Dick]
Arkansas’ chapter began in 2004 in Central Ark. Prof. Mark Mullenbach was its founder and first president. That year and in 2005, OMNI invited Mark to speak in Fayetteville on UN DAY, both times at a luncheon at Uncle Gaylord’s Café. [Dick]
Lori Delk, a teacher at Mills High School in Little Rock, was elected as chapter president for a two-year term beginning in January 2008. She took over from Mark Mullenbach, who served as chapter president for the previous four years.
The chapter is sponsoring, along with the UALR Middle Eastern Studies Program, a "United Nations Day" speech "Islam and Feminism" by Ms. Mohja Kahf at UA-Little Rock on Friday, October 24th, Noon to 1:30pm, Donaghey Student Center.
The chapter is sponsoring the local high school essay contest for the UNA-USA. The topic of the 2009 UNA-USA essay contest is "What can the U.S. do to help ensure environmental sustainability?" For more information, please go to the following link: http://unausanationalhighschoolessaycontest.com/
(thanks to Mark Mullenbach)
OMNI commenced celebrating the UN as soon as OMNI was created; that is, on October 24, 2001, in a ceremony at the United Campus Ministry attended by 18 people: Rhett Baird, Dick Bennett, Dana Copp, Mary Anne Copp, John Day, Melanie Dietzel, Louise Kraemer, De De Long, Ladeana Mullinix, Anne Prichard, Rachel Skoney, Karen Takemoto, Lyell Thompson, Markie Thompson. Hoyt Purvis spoke. Two journalists attended: Will Shane, Robbie Hammer. The DAY has been accentuated on October 24 since 2001.
Dear Dick,
This Friday, people around the world will celebrate UN Day, marking the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, which was created with the far-sighted vision and leadership of the United States.
That founding vision remains as relevant today as it did in 1945, as illustrated by the multitude of current transnational challenges that demand collaborative global solutions.
The enlightened and determined American leadership in support of international cooperation that gave birth to the United Nations is still needed today.
While the UN is playing a critical role in resolving the greatest threats facing the international community, its valuable contributions too often go unnoticed by the American public and media. This, in turn, leads to inconsistent support from US political leaders.
In observance of UN Day, please send a letter to your local newspaper to help raise awareness within the United States, the UN’s birthplace and home, about the organization’s valuable work and the importance of promoting international cooperation by working through the United Nations.
To ACT NOW, click here.
If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please click here.
1. United Nations Day, 24 October
"We will be judged in the future on the actions we take today -- on results. On this United Nations Day, let us rededicate ourselves to achieving them." ...
www.un.org/events/unday/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
2. United Nations Day | UNAUSA.org
Two years later the U.N. General Assembly adopted a U.S.-sponsored resolution declaring October 24th United Nations Day, to be commemorated annually by all ...
www.unausa.org/site/pp.asp?c=fvKRI8MPJpF&b=379157 - 63k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
3. United Nations Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Nations Day, proclaimed in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly, is held annually on 24 October, the anniversary of the coming into force of ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Day - 34k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
4. UNA-USA 2008 UN Day
UN Day 2008MDG7Environmental Sustainability in Action!Chapter Events · Sample Proclamation LetterResources MDGsJoin UNA-USA!
unausaunday2008.com/ - 2k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
October 10, 2008
October 10, 2008. Ambassador William H. Luers, president of the United Nations Association of the USA, has issued the following statement regarding the Nobel Committee’s awarding of the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize to Martti Ahtisaari.
The United Nations Association of the USA warmly congratulates Martti Ahtisaari, the former president of Finland, for winning the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize. Ahtisaari has been a leading diplomat at the United Nations who has set the highest standard for conflict resolution and peacemaking from Asia to Africa to Europe.
“Those in the world concerned with peace and diplomatic solutions to conflicts are uplifted by the decision of the Nobel Committee to award this year’s peace prize to Martti Ahtisaari,” said Bill Luers, the president of UNA-USA. “In this time of serious conflicts on several continents, the decision of the Nobel Committee is an important and healthy reminder to us that diplomacy works. Diplomacy and Ahtisaari have been honored by this selection of one of diplomacy’s most distinguished living practitioners.”
From his groundbreaking diplomatic work in Namibia as an Under-Secretary-General and Special Representative of the Secretary-General in 1989-90, to his mediation work in Aceh, Indonesia, to his most recent efforts in Kosovo, also under the auspices of the Secretary-General, Ahtisaari has quietly, confidently and successfully completed his missions.
“We congratulate Martii for having consistently given diplomacy a good name, for authenticating the valuable role of the UN in peacemaking and for the remarkable skills, patience and intelligence he has brought to the Angels Game – the historic name for diplomacy,” Luers added.
Ahtisaari is the 10th UN official or agency to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. The others are the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (with former Vice President Al Gore) (2007), the International Atomic Energy Agency and its Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei (2005), Kofi Annan (2001), UN Peacekeeping Forces (1988), the Office of the UN High Commission for Refugees (1981 & 1954), the UN Children’s Fund (1965), Dag Hammarskjöld (1961) and Ralph Bunche (1950).
Mailing Address: UNA – USA 801 Second Avenue New York, NY 10017
Contact Name: Ben Fortney Telephone Number: (212) 907-1300
Schlesinger, Stephen. Act of Creation: The Founding of the United Nations: A Story of Superpowers, Secret Agents, Wartime Allies and Enemies, and Their Quest for a Peaceful World. Westview, 2003. Rev. NYT Book Rev. (Sept. 28, 2003).
Jan Egelund, author of A Billion Lives: An Eyewitness Report from the Front Lines of Humanity. Interviewed by Amy Goodman on “Democracy Now” 3-28-08.
OMNI SEEKS A WORLD FREE OF WAR AND THE THREAT OF WAR THROUGH THE UN AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND LAW, A SOCIETY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERY PERSON’S POTENTIAL MAY BE FULFILLED (THE MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS), AN EARTH RESTORED. GRASSROOTS NONVIOLENCE, WORLD PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS, SOCIAL and ECONOMIC JUSTICE, ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROTECTING SPECIES AND THE EARTH. These are OMNI’s ideals. Read our brochure and our newsletters, attend our Steering Committee, become an active member of one or more of our committees, participate in our dozens of activities to see how these broad goals are realized in action. There is nothing vague about Building a Culture of Peace.
Dick Bennett
From: Omnicenter Communications (omninews@listserv.uark.edu) on behalf of Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
Sent: Thu 10/23/08 8:27 AM
Reply-to: Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
attb8a94.jpg (4.6 KB), attb8ab4.jpg (22.0 KB), attb8ac5.gif (0.9 KB), attb8ad6.jpg (13.9 KB)
OMNI NEWSLETTER ON UNITED NATIONS DAY , OCTOBER 24, 2008, for a Culture of Peace, COMPILED BY Dick Bennett
SENATOR LINCOLN (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371.
Fayetteville office: 251-1380; www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
SENATOR Mark Pryor: Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908. www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
CONGRESSMAN Boozman: Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office Bldng., Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-4301.
UNA/USA Arkansas
Martti Ahtisaari
Recent Books
This is an important organization for peacemaking for its support of the UN. Their magazine, The InterDependent is outstanding, a cornucopia of ideas and activities for peace. The Fall 2008 no. contains several articles on the eight Millenium Development Goals adopted in 2000, an article on Navanethem Pillay, the new Human Rights Commissioner, Eleanor Roosevelt and the UDHR, a comparison of Obama and McCain on 10 issues, a rev. of Feith’s defense of the Iraq war, Bush vs. the UN Population Fund, and more and more. [Dick]
Arkansas’ chapter began in 2004 in Central Ark. Prof. Mark Mullenbach was its founder and first president. That year and in 2005, OMNI invited Mark to speak in Fayetteville on UN DAY, both times at a luncheon at Uncle Gaylord’s Café. [Dick]
Lori Delk, a teacher at Mills High School in Little Rock, was elected as chapter president for a two-year term beginning in January 2008. She took over from Mark Mullenbach, who served as chapter president for the previous four years.
The chapter is sponsoring, along with the UALR Middle Eastern Studies Program, a "United Nations Day" speech "Islam and Feminism" by Ms. Mohja Kahf at UA-Little Rock on Friday, October 24th, Noon to 1:30pm, Donaghey Student Center.
The chapter is sponsoring the local high school essay contest for the UNA-USA. The topic of the 2009 UNA-USA essay contest is "What can the U.S. do to help ensure environmental sustainability?" For more information, please go to the following link: http://unausanationalhighschoolessaycontest.com/
(thanks to Mark Mullenbach)
OMNI commenced celebrating the UN as soon as OMNI was created; that is, on October 24, 2001, in a ceremony at the United Campus Ministry attended by 18 people: Rhett Baird, Dick Bennett, Dana Copp, Mary Anne Copp, John Day, Melanie Dietzel, Louise Kraemer, De De Long, Ladeana Mullinix, Anne Prichard, Rachel Skoney, Karen Takemoto, Lyell Thompson, Markie Thompson. Hoyt Purvis spoke. Two journalists attended: Will Shane, Robbie Hammer. The DAY has been accentuated on October 24 since 2001.
Dear Dick,
This Friday, people around the world will celebrate UN Day, marking the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, which was created with the far-sighted vision and leadership of the United States.
That founding vision remains as relevant today as it did in 1945, as illustrated by the multitude of current transnational challenges that demand collaborative global solutions.
The enlightened and determined American leadership in support of international cooperation that gave birth to the United Nations is still needed today.
While the UN is playing a critical role in resolving the greatest threats facing the international community, its valuable contributions too often go unnoticed by the American public and media. This, in turn, leads to inconsistent support from US political leaders.
In observance of UN Day, please send a letter to your local newspaper to help raise awareness within the United States, the UN’s birthplace and home, about the organization’s valuable work and the importance of promoting international cooperation by working through the United Nations.
To ACT NOW, click here.
If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please click here.
1. United Nations Day, 24 October
"We will be judged in the future on the actions we take today -- on results. On this United Nations Day, let us rededicate ourselves to achieving them." ...
www.un.org/events/unday/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
2. United Nations Day | UNAUSA.org
Two years later the U.N. General Assembly adopted a U.S.-sponsored resolution declaring October 24th United Nations Day, to be commemorated annually by all ...
www.unausa.org/site/pp.asp?c=fvKRI8MPJpF&b=379157 - 63k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
3. United Nations Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United Nations Day, proclaimed in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly, is held annually on 24 October, the anniversary of the coming into force of ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Day - 34k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
4. UNA-USA 2008 UN Day
UN Day 2008MDG7Environmental Sustainability in Action!Chapter Events · Sample Proclamation LetterResources MDGsJoin UNA-USA!
unausaunday2008.com/ - 2k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
October 10, 2008
October 10, 2008. Ambassador William H. Luers, president of the United Nations Association of the USA, has issued the following statement regarding the Nobel Committee’s awarding of the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize to Martti Ahtisaari.
The United Nations Association of the USA warmly congratulates Martti Ahtisaari, the former president of Finland, for winning the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize. Ahtisaari has been a leading diplomat at the United Nations who has set the highest standard for conflict resolution and peacemaking from Asia to Africa to Europe.
“Those in the world concerned with peace and diplomatic solutions to conflicts are uplifted by the decision of the Nobel Committee to award this year’s peace prize to Martti Ahtisaari,” said Bill Luers, the president of UNA-USA. “In this time of serious conflicts on several continents, the decision of the Nobel Committee is an important and healthy reminder to us that diplomacy works. Diplomacy and Ahtisaari have been honored by this selection of one of diplomacy’s most distinguished living practitioners.”
From his groundbreaking diplomatic work in Namibia as an Under-Secretary-General and Special Representative of the Secretary-General in 1989-90, to his mediation work in Aceh, Indonesia, to his most recent efforts in Kosovo, also under the auspices of the Secretary-General, Ahtisaari has quietly, confidently and successfully completed his missions.
“We congratulate Martii for having consistently given diplomacy a good name, for authenticating the valuable role of the UN in peacemaking and for the remarkable skills, patience and intelligence he has brought to the Angels Game – the historic name for diplomacy,” Luers added.
Ahtisaari is the 10th UN official or agency to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. The others are the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (with former Vice President Al Gore) (2007), the International Atomic Energy Agency and its Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei (2005), Kofi Annan (2001), UN Peacekeeping Forces (1988), the Office of the UN High Commission for Refugees (1981 & 1954), the UN Children’s Fund (1965), Dag Hammarskjöld (1961) and Ralph Bunche (1950).
Mailing Address: UNA – USA 801 Second Avenue New York, NY 10017
Contact Name: Ben Fortney Telephone Number: (212) 907-1300
Schlesinger, Stephen. Act of Creation: The Founding of the United Nations: A Story of Superpowers, Secret Agents, Wartime Allies and Enemies, and Their Quest for a Peaceful World. Westview, 2003. Rev. NYT Book Rev. (Sept. 28, 2003).
Jan Egelund, author of A Billion Lives: An Eyewitness Report from the Front Lines of Humanity. Interviewed by Amy Goodman on “Democracy Now” 3-28-08.
OMNI SEEKS A WORLD FREE OF WAR AND THE THREAT OF WAR THROUGH THE UN AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND LAW, A SOCIETY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERY PERSON’S POTENTIAL MAY BE FULFILLED (THE MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS), AN EARTH RESTORED. GRASSROOTS NONVIOLENCE, WORLD PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS, SOCIAL and ECONOMIC JUSTICE, ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROTECTING SPECIES AND THE EARTH. These are OMNI’s ideals. Read our brochure and our newsletters, attend our Steering Committee, become an active member of one or more of our committees, participate in our dozens of activities to see how these broad goals are realized in action. There is nothing vague about Building a Culture of Peace.
Dick Bennett
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
World Food Day on October 16, 2008
OMNI NEWSLETTER ON UN WORLD FOOD DAY OCTOBER 16, 2008, Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace
OMNI CELEBRATES OCTOBER 16, 2008 World Food Day and looks forward to October 24, UNITED NATIONS DAY.
University of Arkansas to Host 2008 World Food Day: Choices for a Hungry Planet
The University of Arkansas will host the 2008 World Food Day Teleconference from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, in the First Security Auditorium at Willard J. Walker Hall. The theme of this year’s conference is “Choices for a Warm and Hungry Planet.” Participants will explore the impacts of climate change on food supplies and the impending food crises that could threaten global peace and security. Lunch is free for all participants. [If you attend, send Melanie a report for our Newsletter.]
--Patel, Raj. Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. Interviewed Democracy Now (July 31, 2008). Worldwide destruction of small farmers by WTO, NAFTA, and other international organizations in which nations support their most powerful food companies. For example, subsidized US rice reduced Ghana’s rice production from 60% to 20%. (from OMNI’s Bibliography #31)
SENATOR LINCOLN (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371.
Fayetteville office: 251-1380; www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
SENATOR Mark Pryor: Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908. www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
CONGRESSMAN Boozman: Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office Bldng., Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-4301.
Sponsored Links
1. Become an Action Hero
Help Mercy Corps Action Center
End world hunger
2. Donate and Fight Hunger
World Hunger Relief 2008
Join a movement to end world hunger
3. Global Food Crisis
"We are heading for a cascade of
hunger the world over." Learn more.
4. End World Hunger
Help The World Food Program
Feed Hungry Children Worldwide
Sponsored Link
1. World Food Day - Oct.16th
www.globalcitizencorps.org Join young leaders around the globe taking action against hunger!
Search Results
1. Image results for world food day
2. World Food Day 2007: WFD Home
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations celebrates World Food Day each year on 16 October, the day on which the Organization was founded ...
www.fao.org/wfd/ - 19k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
3. Get Involved: World Food Day
World Food Day provides an occasion to once again highlight the plight of 923 million undernourished people in the world. Most of them live in rural areas ...
www.fao.org/getinvolved/worldfoodday/en/ - 23k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from www.fao.org »
4. World Food Day - 16 October
World Food Day was proclaimed in 1979 by the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It marks the date of the founding of FAO in 1945 . ...
www.un.org/Depts/dhl/food/index.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
5. UN Conferences and Events
International Day of Rural Women. (15 October). World Food Day. (16 October). International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. (17 October) ...
www.un.org/events/ - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from www.un.org »
6. World Food Day USA
World Food Day, October 16th, is a worldwide event designed to increase awareness, understanding and informed, year-around action to alleviate hunger. ...
www.worldfooddayusa.org/ - 10k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
7. 2008 Teleconference - World Food Day USA
Single reproducible copies of the Teleconference Study/Action Packet, prepared by the U.S. National Committee for World Food Day, will be available in early ...
www.worldfooddayusa.org/CMS/2955.aspx - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from www.worldfooddayusa.org »
8. More Than Burnt Toast: World Food Day Event Announcement
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has celebrated World Food Day each year on October 16 since 1945. ...
morethanburnttoast.blogspot.com/2008/09/world-food-day-event-announcement.html - 186k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
9. Augustinians Support World Food Day 2008
Augustinians of the Midwest encourage observance of United Nations World Food Day October 16.
www.midwestaugustinians.org/justpaxworldfood.html - 20k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
10. UMCOR - Archives 2008 - World Food Day 2008
World Food Day 2008. UMCOR’s Sustainable Agriculture & Development Program is addressing the root cause of hunger and poverty by investing in farmers. ...
new.gbgm-umc.org/umcor/getconnected/resources/cbi/archive08/?i=22921 - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
11. allAfrica.com: Africa: High Food Prices Put World Food Day 2008 in ...
Rarely has World Food Day assumed greater meaning than at the present time, ... In connection with World Food Day, from 14 to 17 October 2008, FAO will host ...
allafrica.com/stories/200807080713.html - Similar pages - Note this
12. Blog posts about world food day
S Sekoati to address World Food Day event, 10 Oct - New Government Speeches - Oct 6, 2008
World Food Day - Home for Dinner - Oct 8, 2008
An invitation for World Food Day: fair food distribution in a ... - food ethics council - an independent champion ... - Oct 1, 2008
Hungry, hungrier
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 00:39:00 07/24/2008
Grim. That, in a word, sums up the tidings of the second-quarter Social Weather Survey by the poll group Social Weather Stations (SWS). Our chief concern is not with the increase in households in the country that experienced “involuntary hunger” at least once in the three months covered by the survey, although that is worrisome enough. It is with the explosion in the number of families suffering from what SWS classifies as “severe hunger.”
From 570,000 families in March, the total number of households reporting severe hunger rose by almost 200,000 to 760,000 in June—a sure sign, an unmistakable symptom, of a slowing economy. In the SWS terminology, severe hunger refers to “those who experienced it ‘Often’ or ‘Always’ in the last three months.”
The increase in the number of families that went hungry at least once in the three-month period “due to lack of anything to eat,” from 15.7 percent in March to 16.3 percent of the total population in June, is not unexpected; the unstoppable rise in fuel and especially food prices in the last several months is a daily economic reality. To be sure, the proportion is still lower than the high of 21.5 percent recorded in September 2007, but the current total of 2.9 million families should give all of us, and especially President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her economic managers, serious pause.
The high-profile feeding or food subsidy programs launched or redoubled by the government in the last few months do not seem to have had any appreciable effect. It is possible that the spike in involuntary hunger rates would have been sharper, if not for the government programs. But other results from the same SWS survey show that the programs, and in general the way the Arroyo administration has handled the oil and rice emergencies, have failed to lift the President’s popularity or performance ratings.
The hunger results for Metro Manila, especially, should send chills down Malacañang’s spine. According to the survey conducted June 27-30, hunger in Metro Manila is now back at a record high, rising by almost half to 22 percent of the population. A full 6 percent of Metro Manila’s population is now classified as having suffered from severe hunger….
A WORLD FREE OF HUNGER, WAR AND THE THREAT OF WAR, A SOCIETY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERY PERSON’S POTENTIAL MAY BE FULFILLED, AN EARTH RESTORED. GRASSROOTS NONVIOLENCE, WORLD PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS (RIGHT TO FOOD), SOCIAL and ECONOMIC JUSTICE (SUFFICIENT FOOD FOR ALL), ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROTECTING SPECIES AND THE EARTH (RECOGNIZING THE CONNECTIONS OF FOOD, WAR, AND CLIMATE). These are OMNI’s ideals. Read our brochure and our newsletters, attend our Steering Committee, become an active member of one or more of our committees, participate in our dozens of activities to see how these broad goals are realized in action. There is nothing vague about Building a Culture of Peace, and the more you participate the more meaningful and enjoyable it is.
Dick Bennett
OMNI CELEBRATES OCTOBER 16, 2008 World Food Day and looks forward to October 24, UNITED NATIONS DAY.
University of Arkansas to Host 2008 World Food Day: Choices for a Hungry Planet
The University of Arkansas will host the 2008 World Food Day Teleconference from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, in the First Security Auditorium at Willard J. Walker Hall. The theme of this year’s conference is “Choices for a Warm and Hungry Planet.” Participants will explore the impacts of climate change on food supplies and the impending food crises that could threaten global peace and security. Lunch is free for all participants. [If you attend, send Melanie a report for our Newsletter.]
--Patel, Raj. Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. Interviewed Democracy Now (July 31, 2008). Worldwide destruction of small farmers by WTO, NAFTA, and other international organizations in which nations support their most powerful food companies. For example, subsidized US rice reduced Ghana’s rice production from 60% to 20%. (from OMNI’s Bibliography #31)
SENATOR LINCOLN (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371.
Fayetteville office: 251-1380; www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
SENATOR Mark Pryor: Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908. www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
CONGRESSMAN Boozman: Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office Bldng., Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-4301.
Sponsored Links
1. Become an Action Hero
Help Mercy Corps Action Center
End world hunger
2. Donate and Fight Hunger
World Hunger Relief 2008
Join a movement to end world hunger
3. Global Food Crisis
"We are heading for a cascade of
hunger the world over." Learn more.
4. End World Hunger
Help The World Food Program
Feed Hungry Children Worldwide
Sponsored Link
1. World Food Day - Oct.16th
www.globalcitizencorps.org Join young leaders around the globe taking action against hunger!
Search Results
1. Image results for world food day
2. World Food Day 2007: WFD Home
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations celebrates World Food Day each year on 16 October, the day on which the Organization was founded ...
www.fao.org/wfd/ - 19k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
3. Get Involved: World Food Day
World Food Day provides an occasion to once again highlight the plight of 923 million undernourished people in the world. Most of them live in rural areas ...
www.fao.org/getinvolved/worldfoodday/en/ - 23k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from www.fao.org »
4. World Food Day - 16 October
World Food Day was proclaimed in 1979 by the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It marks the date of the founding of FAO in 1945 . ...
www.un.org/Depts/dhl/food/index.html - 10k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
5. UN Conferences and Events
International Day of Rural Women. (15 October). World Food Day. (16 October). International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. (17 October) ...
www.un.org/events/ - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from www.un.org »
6. World Food Day USA
World Food Day, October 16th, is a worldwide event designed to increase awareness, understanding and informed, year-around action to alleviate hunger. ...
www.worldfooddayusa.org/ - 10k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
7. 2008 Teleconference - World Food Day USA
Single reproducible copies of the Teleconference Study/Action Packet, prepared by the U.S. National Committee for World Food Day, will be available in early ...
www.worldfooddayusa.org/CMS/2955.aspx - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from www.worldfooddayusa.org »
8. More Than Burnt Toast: World Food Day Event Announcement
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has celebrated World Food Day each year on October 16 since 1945. ...
morethanburnttoast.blogspot.com/2008/09/world-food-day-event-announcement.html - 186k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
9. Augustinians Support World Food Day 2008
Augustinians of the Midwest encourage observance of United Nations World Food Day October 16.
www.midwestaugustinians.org/justpaxworldfood.html - 20k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
10. UMCOR - Archives 2008 - World Food Day 2008
World Food Day 2008. UMCOR’s Sustainable Agriculture & Development Program is addressing the root cause of hunger and poverty by investing in farmers. ...
new.gbgm-umc.org/umcor/getconnected/resources/cbi/archive08/?i=22921 - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
11. allAfrica.com: Africa: High Food Prices Put World Food Day 2008 in ...
Rarely has World Food Day assumed greater meaning than at the present time, ... In connection with World Food Day, from 14 to 17 October 2008, FAO will host ...
allafrica.com/stories/200807080713.html - Similar pages - Note this
12. Blog posts about world food day
S Sekoati to address World Food Day event, 10 Oct - New Government Speeches - Oct 6, 2008
World Food Day - Home for Dinner - Oct 8, 2008
An invitation for World Food Day: fair food distribution in a ... - food ethics council - an independent champion ... - Oct 1, 2008
Hungry, hungrier
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 00:39:00 07/24/2008
Grim. That, in a word, sums up the tidings of the second-quarter Social Weather Survey by the poll group Social Weather Stations (SWS). Our chief concern is not with the increase in households in the country that experienced “involuntary hunger” at least once in the three months covered by the survey, although that is worrisome enough. It is with the explosion in the number of families suffering from what SWS classifies as “severe hunger.”
From 570,000 families in March, the total number of households reporting severe hunger rose by almost 200,000 to 760,000 in June—a sure sign, an unmistakable symptom, of a slowing economy. In the SWS terminology, severe hunger refers to “those who experienced it ‘Often’ or ‘Always’ in the last three months.”
The increase in the number of families that went hungry at least once in the three-month period “due to lack of anything to eat,” from 15.7 percent in March to 16.3 percent of the total population in June, is not unexpected; the unstoppable rise in fuel and especially food prices in the last several months is a daily economic reality. To be sure, the proportion is still lower than the high of 21.5 percent recorded in September 2007, but the current total of 2.9 million families should give all of us, and especially President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her economic managers, serious pause.
The high-profile feeding or food subsidy programs launched or redoubled by the government in the last few months do not seem to have had any appreciable effect. It is possible that the spike in involuntary hunger rates would have been sharper, if not for the government programs. But other results from the same SWS survey show that the programs, and in general the way the Arroyo administration has handled the oil and rice emergencies, have failed to lift the President’s popularity or performance ratings.
The hunger results for Metro Manila, especially, should send chills down Malacañang’s spine. According to the survey conducted June 27-30, hunger in Metro Manila is now back at a record high, rising by almost half to 22 percent of the population. A full 6 percent of Metro Manila’s population is now classified as having suffered from severe hunger….
A WORLD FREE OF HUNGER, WAR AND THE THREAT OF WAR, A SOCIETY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERY PERSON’S POTENTIAL MAY BE FULFILLED, AN EARTH RESTORED. GRASSROOTS NONVIOLENCE, WORLD PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS (RIGHT TO FOOD), SOCIAL and ECONOMIC JUSTICE (SUFFICIENT FOOD FOR ALL), ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROTECTING SPECIES AND THE EARTH (RECOGNIZING THE CONNECTIONS OF FOOD, WAR, AND CLIMATE). These are OMNI’s ideals. Read our brochure and our newsletters, attend our Steering Committee, become an active member of one or more of our committees, participate in our dozens of activities to see how these broad goals are realized in action. There is nothing vague about Building a Culture of Peace, and the more you participate the more meaningful and enjoyable it is.
Dick Bennett
Monday, October 13, 2008
Today is indigenous Peoples Day
University of Arkansas Celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day; Show Time Corrected on Film
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Indigenous Peoples Day is designed to celebrate and honor the traditions and history of indigenous groups of the world. The University of Arkansas indigenous peoples committee has chosen Columbus Day, Oct. 12 through 13, to celebrate indigenous people.
The OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology will present the film When the Mountains Tremble (1983) at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 12, at the United Campus Ministries at 902 West Maple at Storer Avenue in Fayetteville. Screentime is 83 minutes. Admission is free.
This documentary is about the war between Guatemalan military and the Mayan population. It contains a firsthand account from Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu. Political anthropologist Nick Copeland spent two years examining the relationship between rural indigenous organization and the Guatemalan state, focusing on how state violence and developmental programs shape contemporary politics in Mayan communities and indigenous experiences of democracy. He will be present to speak about this research and answer questions raised by the film, or to discuss more recent developments.
On Monday, Oct. 13, both Mullins Library and the University of Arkansas Bookstore will display books about Columbus and the introduction of European influence in the Americas.
At 11 a.m. in the Multicultural Center, there will be a book forum on the consequences of the Western conquest and occupation of Native Americans. Panelists for the event include Freddie Bowles, assistant professor of foreign language education in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas; Carl Barnwell, a University of Arkansas graduate and a city councilman of a township near Tahlequah, Okla.; and Dick Bennett, a retired professor of English and the founder of the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology.
At noon, a film will be shown in the Arkansas Union Connections Lounge. Guns, Germs, and Steel (2005) is a three-part television series produced for PBS. The third episode, “Into the Tropics,” will be shown. In this series Jared Diamond presents his 30-year research into global inequality. He looks into why Europeans were the ones to conquer so much of the planet, why the tropics are the center for global poverty, and many other issues. Episode three deals specifically with European failure in Africa and the role that guns, germs, steel and geography had to play in it. Following the film, the Honors Film Association students will lead readings from books about Columbus’ influence on indigenous people in the Americas. Any other interested parties are encouraged to participate as well.
After these readings, at 2 p.m. participants will make the annual walk from the Arkansas Union to the Trail of Tears Memorial on Sixth Street. This memorial commemorates the spot where a group of a thousand Cherokees camped in Fayetteville during their forced journey into Indian Territory in 1839.
Frank Scheide, associate professor, communications
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
479-575-3046, fscheide@uark.edu
Scott Flanagin, director of communications and outreach
Division of Student Affairs
479-575-6785, sflanagi@uark.edu
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Indigenous Peoples Day is designed to celebrate and honor the traditions and history of indigenous groups of the world. The University of Arkansas indigenous peoples committee has chosen Columbus Day, Oct. 12 through 13, to celebrate indigenous people.
The OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology will present the film When the Mountains Tremble (1983) at 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 12, at the United Campus Ministries at 902 West Maple at Storer Avenue in Fayetteville. Screentime is 83 minutes. Admission is free.
This documentary is about the war between Guatemalan military and the Mayan population. It contains a firsthand account from Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu. Political anthropologist Nick Copeland spent two years examining the relationship between rural indigenous organization and the Guatemalan state, focusing on how state violence and developmental programs shape contemporary politics in Mayan communities and indigenous experiences of democracy. He will be present to speak about this research and answer questions raised by the film, or to discuss more recent developments.
On Monday, Oct. 13, both Mullins Library and the University of Arkansas Bookstore will display books about Columbus and the introduction of European influence in the Americas.
At 11 a.m. in the Multicultural Center, there will be a book forum on the consequences of the Western conquest and occupation of Native Americans. Panelists for the event include Freddie Bowles, assistant professor of foreign language education in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas; Carl Barnwell, a University of Arkansas graduate and a city councilman of a township near Tahlequah, Okla.; and Dick Bennett, a retired professor of English and the founder of the OMNI Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology.
At noon, a film will be shown in the Arkansas Union Connections Lounge. Guns, Germs, and Steel (2005) is a three-part television series produced for PBS. The third episode, “Into the Tropics,” will be shown. In this series Jared Diamond presents his 30-year research into global inequality. He looks into why Europeans were the ones to conquer so much of the planet, why the tropics are the center for global poverty, and many other issues. Episode three deals specifically with European failure in Africa and the role that guns, germs, steel and geography had to play in it. Following the film, the Honors Film Association students will lead readings from books about Columbus’ influence on indigenous people in the Americas. Any other interested parties are encouraged to participate as well.
After these readings, at 2 p.m. participants will make the annual walk from the Arkansas Union to the Trail of Tears Memorial on Sixth Street. This memorial commemorates the spot where a group of a thousand Cherokees camped in Fayetteville during their forced journey into Indian Territory in 1839.
Frank Scheide, associate professor, communications
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
479-575-3046, fscheide@uark.edu
Scott Flanagin, director of communications and outreach
Division of Student Affairs
479-575-6785, sflanagi@uark.edu
Saturday, October 11, 2008
October 11 has been Coming Out Day since 1988. Chillifest tonight at Walker Park Pavilion
OMNI NEWSLETTER on National Coming Out DAY
OCTOBER 11, 2008. Compiled by Dick Bennett
2008 Chilifest
You will not want to miss this great evening of food and fellowship! The Community Center's 2008 Chilifest will be Saturday, October 11th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The location will be at Walker Park Pavilion, 10 West 15th
Street in Fayetteville and announced in the October Newsletter.
According to the National Coming Out DAY web site, October 11th has been recognized as national coming out day since 1988 which marked the one year anniversary of the first Gay March in Washington D.C. in 1987. National Coming Out Day was founded by Robert Eichberg and Jean
O'Leary. National Coming Out Day promotes government awareness of GLBT rights and to celebrate diversity. [I do not have contact info. Dick]
1. National Coming Out Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Coming Out Day is an internationally-observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Coming_Out_Day - 36k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
2. HRC | Coming Out
After all, coming out is one of the most important things you can do to help in the ... Do you have an event planned for National Coming Out Day 2008? ...
www.hrc.org/issues/coming_out.asp - 24k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
3. HRC | National Coming Out Day: October 11, 2008
While people celebrate National Coming Out Day in thousands of different ways, displayed below are some of the events taking place across the country that ...
www.hrc.org/issues/10772.htm - 19k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from www.hrc.org »
4. Come Out on National Coming Out Day
What is National Coming Out Day and what does it mean to come out? Celebrate your coming out experience on October 11, National Coming Out day.
gaylife.about.com/od/comingout/a/nationalcoming.htm - 22k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
5. National Coming Out Day (United States)
National Coming Out Day is an international event which gives gay, lesbian and bisexual people the opportunity to "come out" to others about their sexuality ...
www3.kumc.edu/diversity/other/comeout.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
6. NOW Activists Celebrate National Coming Out Day
Coming Out Day is rooted in the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights ... Since the first National Coming Out Day, progress has been made, ...
www.now.org/nnt/10-97/cod.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
7. YouTube - Coming Out Day 2008
Sep 29, 2008 ... Watch this video and then take part in HRC's "Come Out and Vote" video contest: http://www.hrc.org/issues/11223.htmFind out how people are ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKTS_gKT8-M - 112k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
8. Journey: A Coming Out Workshop Series | Coming Out Project ...
Resources and event information for the Dallas/Ft. Worth Texas area.
www.comeout.org/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
9. BlueOregon: Connecticut....and Coming Out Day
Oct 10, 2008 ... Today in Connecticut, the state Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision that had ruled that civil unions were essentially the same ...
www.blueoregon.com/2008/10/connecticutand.html - 19 hours ago - Similar pages - Note this
Dick Bennett
OCTOBER 11, 2008. Compiled by Dick Bennett
2008 Chilifest
You will not want to miss this great evening of food and fellowship! The Community Center's 2008 Chilifest will be Saturday, October 11th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The location will be at Walker Park Pavilion, 10 West 15th
Street in Fayetteville and announced in the October Newsletter.
According to the National Coming Out DAY web site, October 11th has been recognized as national coming out day since 1988 which marked the one year anniversary of the first Gay March in Washington D.C. in 1987. National Coming Out Day was founded by Robert Eichberg and Jean
O'Leary. National Coming Out Day promotes government awareness of GLBT rights and to celebrate diversity. [I do not have contact info. Dick]
1. National Coming Out Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Coming Out Day is an internationally-observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Coming_Out_Day - 36k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
2. HRC | Coming Out
After all, coming out is one of the most important things you can do to help in the ... Do you have an event planned for National Coming Out Day 2008? ...
www.hrc.org/issues/coming_out.asp - 24k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
3. HRC | National Coming Out Day: October 11, 2008
While people celebrate National Coming Out Day in thousands of different ways, displayed below are some of the events taking place across the country that ...
www.hrc.org/issues/10772.htm - 19k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from www.hrc.org »
4. Come Out on National Coming Out Day
What is National Coming Out Day and what does it mean to come out? Celebrate your coming out experience on October 11, National Coming Out day.
gaylife.about.com/od/comingout/a/nationalcoming.htm - 22k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
5. National Coming Out Day (United States)
National Coming Out Day is an international event which gives gay, lesbian and bisexual people the opportunity to "come out" to others about their sexuality ...
www3.kumc.edu/diversity/other/comeout.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
6. NOW Activists Celebrate National Coming Out Day
Coming Out Day is rooted in the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights ... Since the first National Coming Out Day, progress has been made, ...
www.now.org/nnt/10-97/cod.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
7. YouTube - Coming Out Day 2008
Sep 29, 2008 ... Watch this video and then take part in HRC's "Come Out and Vote" video contest: http://www.hrc.org/issues/11223.htmFind out how people are ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKTS_gKT8-M - 112k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
8. Journey: A Coming Out Workshop Series | Coming Out Project ...
Resources and event information for the Dallas/Ft. Worth Texas area.
www.comeout.org/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
9. BlueOregon: Connecticut....and Coming Out Day
Oct 10, 2008 ... Today in Connecticut, the state Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision that had ruled that civil unions were essentially the same ...
www.blueoregon.com/2008/10/connecticutand.html - 19 hours ago - Similar pages - Note this
Dick Bennett
Good idea only if using waste material from agriculture and timber production and without decreasing wildlife habitat. Clearing land pollutes air
Summit promotes growing high-energy plants
Posted on Saturday, October 11, 2008
URL: http://www.nwanews.com/nwat/News/69979/
Northwest Arkansas Times Fayetteville’s first ever Sustainability Summit brought more than 300 people to the city’s center to talk about ways organizations can become more environmentally friendly. One way discussed was a switch from conventional diesel fuel to the use of bioenergybased fuel. Jim Wimberly with BioEnergy System LLC in Fayetteville talked about the energy-efficient idea at a small breakout session during the summit. “ Agriculture and energy are so intertwined, ” Wimberly said.
He said the idea is to start promoting the growth of high-energy yielding plants that can be processed and manufactured into a full spectrum of energy projects, including fuel for automobiles.
“ In essence, plants are batteries, ” he said. “ They store energy through photosynthesis. ”
Arkansas provides a large amount of natural resources to make bioenergy manufacturing a reality, Wimberly said, and if the state takes an active interest in the concept, it could cut in half its yearly 1 billion gallons of petroleum used each year.
“ It would take just under a million acres of herbaceous energy crops (crops high in energy ) to displace half of that diesel used, ” he said.
Wimberly said a lot of research is being done on soybeans to create biodiesel, and that it’s a good fuel. However, he said fuel users need to broaden their horizons.
“ We need to quit being worried about planting a future around traditional approaches to biofuel, ” he said.
The state has the forest and farmland to support biofuel operations, which makes it already an attractive location to bioenergy companies, Wimberly said, but Arkansas and its cities need to work towards sealing the deal with the green fuel producers.
“ We are in competition with neighboring states, ” Wimberly said.
Financial incentives as well as getting state landowners and far mers on board with the idea could be the key, Wimberly said.
“ It’s not going to happen unless (farmers ) can make at least as much money as they do growing traditional crops, ” he said.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: webmaster@nwanews.com
Posted on Saturday, October 11, 2008
URL: http://www.nwanews.com/nwat/News/69979/
Northwest Arkansas Times Fayetteville’s first ever Sustainability Summit brought more than 300 people to the city’s center to talk about ways organizations can become more environmentally friendly. One way discussed was a switch from conventional diesel fuel to the use of bioenergybased fuel. Jim Wimberly with BioEnergy System LLC in Fayetteville talked about the energy-efficient idea at a small breakout session during the summit. “ Agriculture and energy are so intertwined, ” Wimberly said.
He said the idea is to start promoting the growth of high-energy yielding plants that can be processed and manufactured into a full spectrum of energy projects, including fuel for automobiles.
“ In essence, plants are batteries, ” he said. “ They store energy through photosynthesis. ”
Arkansas provides a large amount of natural resources to make bioenergy manufacturing a reality, Wimberly said, and if the state takes an active interest in the concept, it could cut in half its yearly 1 billion gallons of petroleum used each year.
“ It would take just under a million acres of herbaceous energy crops (crops high in energy ) to displace half of that diesel used, ” he said.
Wimberly said a lot of research is being done on soybeans to create biodiesel, and that it’s a good fuel. However, he said fuel users need to broaden their horizons.
“ We need to quit being worried about planting a future around traditional approaches to biofuel, ” he said.
The state has the forest and farmland to support biofuel operations, which makes it already an attractive location to bioenergy companies, Wimberly said, but Arkansas and its cities need to work towards sealing the deal with the green fuel producers.
“ We are in competition with neighboring states, ” Wimberly said.
Financial incentives as well as getting state landowners and far mers on board with the idea could be the key, Wimberly said.
“ It’s not going to happen unless (farmers ) can make at least as much money as they do growing traditional crops, ” he said.
Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: webmaster@nwanews.com
Thursday, October 9, 2008
From: Omnicenter Communications (omninews@listserv.uark.edu) on behalf of Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
Sent: Wed 10/08/08 4:37 PM
Reply-to: Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
NEWSLETTER #1 ON MILITARISM IN ARKANSAS, October 8, 2008, for a CULTURE OF PEACE, Compiled by Dick Bennett
Arkansas is comparatively small as a military-industrial state, yet militarism's economic reach can be found all around. ADG (10-1-08) has a report on the expansion of Little Rock Air Force Base ("the largest C-130 training base in the world") to two C-130 commands. Without the C-130 there could be no US empire, which requires these huge long-distance planes to transport troops and material worldwide quickly. Economically the Pentagon sustains and expands its power by placing bases in all states to make uncritical citizens dependent upon militarized employment. Sen. Mark Pryor is proud of LRAFB and its C-130s.
Btw, in addition to the employment ploy, as reported in the same article, the Pentagon also declares the C-130 to be beneficial to the world as humanitarian transport. Of course, the State Dept. and other civilian agencies should be doing that work. Or the Department of Peace we ought to have. For humanitarianism can be a cover for military intervention. Essential to military intervention is the airlift (and sea) infra-structure. The now more than 900 military bases function in a wide transport network in order to move troops and material into combat zones. The C-130 is the workhorse of empire.
ADG 9-12-08, “Senate Passes Big Defense Bill”. This short article on p. 2 deserves PAGE ONE coverage, but it is p. 2, short, and between articles on DC gun restrictions and David Pryor and the CPB Board. On p. 3 appears an article on soldiers in Iraq killed in a helicopter crash. Within this diluting and distracting mix, the enormous, militarizing war budget is sugar-coated as “defense” and taken for granted by ADG as routine news. Consequently, the editors see no connection between the war budget p. 2 and the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq p. 3. They died because the US government sent them to an illegal war for oil, funded uncritically by our Dem/Repub Congress, and passively accepted by our “watchdog” (toothless and blind) mainstream press and the gulled and/or militarized public. Yet two days later, so confused are our mainstream media, ADG published Edward Wasserman’s “When Will the Media Show Spine?” about the bloated military spending and the radical concentration of executive power.
TMN (10-3-08): Fayetteville National Cemetery has spent $200,000 and needs $1.4 million more for 23 pieces of property and 15 more “if we have the money.” Why? For our perpetual illegal wars--at least 43 illegal interventions since WWII according to William Blum. “National cemeteries across the country have entered a panic mode as they run out of space,” reports the newspaper. The cemetery began with the Civil War and its major expansion began in 1989.
Half the nation supports McCain in September 2008, and McCain supports Pres. Bush’s militarism. In NAT (8-13-08), Bill Underwood, prominent Fayetteville businessman, expressed his strong support for militarism: “…if we had a nation consisting of millions of highly trained young men that could be called upon to go to war to defend our country, that demand to actually go to war would probably never occur. The deterrent would be so great that no foreign nation would ever dare test it.” Defend our country? But what nation has threatened us? Rather, it is the US that has threatened and invaded other nations. Our administrations are the danger to the world, as the people of the world recognize. We used nuclear bombs on civilian cities; no other nation has. We invaded… etc. (Read Rogue State and Killing Hope.) Mr Underwood concludes by assuring us he “would never want to see [his seven grandsons] go to war and be in harm’s way.” Except, except when our leaders call to invade yet another country.
In Lowell. John Henley Jr. “Lowell Puts ‘Eye in Sky’: City Council Approves Request for Security Camera on Tower.” TMN (7-16-07). Police and city officials will “be able to look down on residents with a camera mounted atop an antenna….for security purposes.” The city attorney Tom Kieklak cautioned the Council to go slowly “’to ensure we are protecting the Fourth Amendment privacy rights of our citizens.’” The article reveals how pervasive down to the grassroots level has become officials’ desire to watch the citizens and smooth it over with cant. The FBI, CIA, NSA, President do it, so why not the mayor of Lowell? [Those of you familiar with Orwell’s 1984 may wish to remind the media.]
Ark. 2nd District Rep. Vic Snyder will chair the reconstituted House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee. The Republicans abolished it 12 years ago. Snyder described as “abysmal” congressional monitoring of the military over the past 12 years. Consequently weak to nonexistent oversight of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and of the Pentagon contributed to the catastrophes of recent US foreign policy. TMN 7-2-07, 8A. Now, is Snyder our military watchdog? Or is he, like the mainstream media, spineless?
The mainstream media are full of reports about war heroes. Let us learn about peace heroes: Dorothy Day, Jeannette Rankin, A. J. Muste, Sojourner Truth, Thomas Merton, Colman McCarthy, Martin Luther King Jr. Tell your children about them. Ask your children’s or grandchildren’s teachers if they tell about them. Read Walter Wink’s Peace Is the Way, Great Peacemakers by Beller and Chase, Miles’ Peace: 50 Years of Protest, Cultures of Peace by Elise Boulding. Ask librarians to include these books and the many similar books about peacemakers, who know a war budget when they see one.
OMNI SEEKS A WORLD FREE OF WAR AND THE THREAT OF WAR, A SOCIETY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERY PERSON’S POTENTIAL MAY BE FULFILLED, AN EARTH RESTORED. GRASSROOTS NONVIOLENCE, WORLD PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS, SOCIAL and ECONOMIC JUSTICE, ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROTECTING SPECIES AND THE EARTH. These are OMNI’s ideals. Read our brochure and our newsletters, attend our Steering Committee, become an active member of one or more of our committees, participate in our dozens of activities to see how these broad goals are realized in action. There is nothing vague about Building a Culture of Peace, It just takes people.
SENATOR LINCOLN (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371.
Fayetteville office: 251-1380; www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
SENATOR Mark Pryor: Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908. www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
CONGRESSMAN Boozman: Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office Bldng., Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-4301.
Dick Bennett
(479) 442-4600
2582 Jimmie Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72703
© 2008 MicrosoftPrivacyLegal
Help CentralAccountFeedback
From: Omnicenter Communications (omninews@listserv.uark.edu) on behalf of Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
Sent: Wed 10/08/08 4:37 PM
Reply-to: Dick Bennett (jbennet@uark.edu)
NEWSLETTER #1 ON MILITARISM IN ARKANSAS, October 8, 2008, for a CULTURE OF PEACE, Compiled by Dick Bennett
Arkansas is comparatively small as a military-industrial state, yet militarism's economic reach can be found all around. ADG (10-1-08) has a report on the expansion of Little Rock Air Force Base ("the largest C-130 training base in the world") to two C-130 commands. Without the C-130 there could be no US empire, which requires these huge long-distance planes to transport troops and material worldwide quickly. Economically the Pentagon sustains and expands its power by placing bases in all states to make uncritical citizens dependent upon militarized employment. Sen. Mark Pryor is proud of LRAFB and its C-130s.
Btw, in addition to the employment ploy, as reported in the same article, the Pentagon also declares the C-130 to be beneficial to the world as humanitarian transport. Of course, the State Dept. and other civilian agencies should be doing that work. Or the Department of Peace we ought to have. For humanitarianism can be a cover for military intervention. Essential to military intervention is the airlift (and sea) infra-structure. The now more than 900 military bases function in a wide transport network in order to move troops and material into combat zones. The C-130 is the workhorse of empire.
ADG 9-12-08, “Senate Passes Big Defense Bill”. This short article on p. 2 deserves PAGE ONE coverage, but it is p. 2, short, and between articles on DC gun restrictions and David Pryor and the CPB Board. On p. 3 appears an article on soldiers in Iraq killed in a helicopter crash. Within this diluting and distracting mix, the enormous, militarizing war budget is sugar-coated as “defense” and taken for granted by ADG as routine news. Consequently, the editors see no connection between the war budget p. 2 and the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq p. 3. They died because the US government sent them to an illegal war for oil, funded uncritically by our Dem/Repub Congress, and passively accepted by our “watchdog” (toothless and blind) mainstream press and the gulled and/or militarized public. Yet two days later, so confused are our mainstream media, ADG published Edward Wasserman’s “When Will the Media Show Spine?” about the bloated military spending and the radical concentration of executive power.
TMN (10-3-08): Fayetteville National Cemetery has spent $200,000 and needs $1.4 million more for 23 pieces of property and 15 more “if we have the money.” Why? For our perpetual illegal wars--at least 43 illegal interventions since WWII according to William Blum. “National cemeteries across the country have entered a panic mode as they run out of space,” reports the newspaper. The cemetery began with the Civil War and its major expansion began in 1989.
Half the nation supports McCain in September 2008, and McCain supports Pres. Bush’s militarism. In NAT (8-13-08), Bill Underwood, prominent Fayetteville businessman, expressed his strong support for militarism: “…if we had a nation consisting of millions of highly trained young men that could be called upon to go to war to defend our country, that demand to actually go to war would probably never occur. The deterrent would be so great that no foreign nation would ever dare test it.” Defend our country? But what nation has threatened us? Rather, it is the US that has threatened and invaded other nations. Our administrations are the danger to the world, as the people of the world recognize. We used nuclear bombs on civilian cities; no other nation has. We invaded… etc. (Read Rogue State and Killing Hope.) Mr Underwood concludes by assuring us he “would never want to see [his seven grandsons] go to war and be in harm’s way.” Except, except when our leaders call to invade yet another country.
In Lowell. John Henley Jr. “Lowell Puts ‘Eye in Sky’: City Council Approves Request for Security Camera on Tower.” TMN (7-16-07). Police and city officials will “be able to look down on residents with a camera mounted atop an antenna….for security purposes.” The city attorney Tom Kieklak cautioned the Council to go slowly “’to ensure we are protecting the Fourth Amendment privacy rights of our citizens.’” The article reveals how pervasive down to the grassroots level has become officials’ desire to watch the citizens and smooth it over with cant. The FBI, CIA, NSA, President do it, so why not the mayor of Lowell? [Those of you familiar with Orwell’s 1984 may wish to remind the media.]
Ark. 2nd District Rep. Vic Snyder will chair the reconstituted House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee. The Republicans abolished it 12 years ago. Snyder described as “abysmal” congressional monitoring of the military over the past 12 years. Consequently weak to nonexistent oversight of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and of the Pentagon contributed to the catastrophes of recent US foreign policy. TMN 7-2-07, 8A. Now, is Snyder our military watchdog? Or is he, like the mainstream media, spineless?
The mainstream media are full of reports about war heroes. Let us learn about peace heroes: Dorothy Day, Jeannette Rankin, A. J. Muste, Sojourner Truth, Thomas Merton, Colman McCarthy, Martin Luther King Jr. Tell your children about them. Ask your children’s or grandchildren’s teachers if they tell about them. Read Walter Wink’s Peace Is the Way, Great Peacemakers by Beller and Chase, Miles’ Peace: 50 Years of Protest, Cultures of Peace by Elise Boulding. Ask librarians to include these books and the many similar books about peacemakers, who know a war budget when they see one.
OMNI SEEKS A WORLD FREE OF WAR AND THE THREAT OF WAR, A SOCIETY WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERY PERSON’S POTENTIAL MAY BE FULFILLED, AN EARTH RESTORED. GRASSROOTS NONVIOLENCE, WORLD PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS, SOCIAL and ECONOMIC JUSTICE, ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROTECTING SPECIES AND THE EARTH. These are OMNI’s ideals. Read our brochure and our newsletters, attend our Steering Committee, become an active member of one or more of our committees, participate in our dozens of activities to see how these broad goals are realized in action. There is nothing vague about Building a Culture of Peace, It just takes people.
SENATOR LINCOLN (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202) 228-1371.
Fayetteville office: 251-1380; www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
SENATOR Mark Pryor: Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202) 228-0908. www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
CONGRESSMAN Boozman: Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office Bldng., Washington, DC 20515; 202-225-4301.
Dick Bennett
(479) 442-4600
2582 Jimmie Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72703
© 2008 MicrosoftPrivacyLegal
Help CentralAccountFeedback
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Vote today; meet with UA OMNI on Wednesday and help with Peace on Earth Music Festival on Saturday
Hello Omni-ites!
We are 4 (yes 4!) days away from the 4th Annual Peace on Earth Music Festival! We've got FREE FOOD and FREE MUSIC, including...
*David's Pegasus
*The New Cliche's
*The Dr. and the Deal
*The Family Dogs
PLUS, cultural speakers, face-painting, and FIRE-THROWING! You don't want to miss a minute of the fun, so stop by the Greek Theater THIS SATURDAY (October 11) from 1-7pm!
Also, we'll be having a general meeting this WEDNESDAY (tomorrow) at 5:30 in the Lounge in front of the Multicultural Center to hammer out last minute details and having sign-ups for Peace Fest Volunteers (Free T-Shirts for those who help out!).
See ya Wednesday!
olivia meeks
omni ua, president
We are 4 (yes 4!) days away from the 4th Annual Peace on Earth Music Festival! We've got FREE FOOD and FREE MUSIC, including...
*David's Pegasus
*The New Cliche's
*The Dr. and the Deal
*The Family Dogs
PLUS, cultural speakers, face-painting, and FIRE-THROWING! You don't want to miss a minute of the fun, so stop by the Greek Theater THIS SATURDAY (October 11) from 1-7pm!
Also, we'll be having a general meeting this WEDNESDAY (tomorrow) at 5:30 in the Lounge in front of the Multicultural Center to hammer out last minute details and having sign-ups for Peace Fest Volunteers (Free T-Shirts for those who help out!).
See ya Wednesday!
olivia meeks
omni ua, president
Only 8 polling places open today for school-board election
Polling Places
Zn # 1 Precincts 6, 19, 22, 28, 30, 39
Prairie Twp 1-A
Northeast Baptist Church
2578 Oakland Zion Road
Zn #2 Precincts 7, 8, 11, 12, 21, 29, 42,
Elkins, Prairie Twp 1-B,
Prairie Twp 2, Richland,
Richland-S, Wyman
First United Presbyterian Church
695 Calvin
Zn #2 Goshen City, Goshen Twp,
Brush Creek Twp
Goshen Community Center
Zn # 3 Precincts 2, 20, 27
Covenant Church
4511 W. Wedington
Zn # 3 Precincts 1,9,10,15,26,35, Center Twp
Farmington, Prairie Twp 3
Wiggins Methodist Church
205 W. 6th Street/MLK Blvd
Zn # 4 Precincts 13, 14, 23, 31, 37, 38, 40,41
Johnson City, Johnson Twp,
Prairie Twp 4 Wheeler
Trinity Methodist Church
1021 W. Sycamore
Zn # 4 Precincts 17, 18, 32
Sequoyah Methodist Church
1910 Old Wire Road
Zn # 5 Precincts 3, 4, 5, 24, 25, 33, 34, 36
Central Methodist Church
6 W. Dickson Street
Or call the County Clerk's office
Zn # 1 Precincts 6, 19, 22, 28, 30, 39
Prairie Twp 1-A
Northeast Baptist Church
2578 Oakland Zion Road
Zn #2 Precincts 7, 8, 11, 12, 21, 29, 42,
Elkins, Prairie Twp 1-B,
Prairie Twp 2, Richland,
Richland-S, Wyman
First United Presbyterian Church
695 Calvin
Zn #2 Goshen City, Goshen Twp,
Brush Creek Twp
Goshen Community Center
Zn # 3 Precincts 2, 20, 27
Covenant Church
4511 W. Wedington
Zn # 3 Precincts 1,9,10,15,26,35, Center Twp
Farmington, Prairie Twp 3
Wiggins Methodist Church
205 W. 6th Street/MLK Blvd
Zn # 4 Precincts 13, 14, 23, 31, 37, 38, 40,41
Johnson City, Johnson Twp,
Prairie Twp 4 Wheeler
Trinity Methodist Church
1021 W. Sycamore
Zn # 4 Precincts 17, 18, 32
Sequoyah Methodist Church
1910 Old Wire Road
Zn # 5 Precincts 3, 4, 5, 24, 25, 33, 34, 36
Central Methodist Church
6 W. Dickson Street
Or call the County Clerk's office
NOBODY has suggested turning the Government Channel into a community-access station. Read the policy document created by the Telecom policy committee
Policy document prepared during a series of meetings in July, August and September 2008 by the Telecom Board's policy committee
The Morning News
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Televised Forums Spark Debate
By Skip Descant
The Morning News
FAYETTEVILLE - It's still not clear if issue and candidate forums will make their way to the Fayetteville Government Channel's prime time.
But after months of study, the topic is expected to be hotly debated at tonight's Fayetteville City Council meeting. The item was briskly yanked from last week's council consent agenda session, when practically every council member pushed the issue to open debate.
Moderated public forums involving candidates and ballot issues would be recorded and broadcast by the government channel, according to the proposed new policy. The moderator must be a nonpartisan group such as the League of Women Voters, "and will be overseen by a public forum committee, responsible for considering the issue representation with regard to participants, content and format."
Nancy Allen, a council member from Ward 2 who is not seeking re-election, raised the question of having the government channel record and broadcast a Ward 2 candidate forum. The request came from a citizen group, Allen said.
The request was denied because the group did not fall under the umbrella of city government. Allen asked last week how this topic differed from some of the more innocuous programming she's seen on the channel.
In the past, Allen has requested that issue forums about the future of Fayetteville High School or the Walton Arts Center be broadcast. Those requests were denied by the city because the discussion was not directly related to the workings of the city.
"How does that differ from showing animals in need of adoption?" Allen said. "Anyone could make an argument that walking around looking at flowers, shaking hands, that's not 'government.'"
Without directly naming him, Allen was referencing news conferences and other events called by Fayetteville Mayor Dan Coody, who has received much criticism alleging he's used the government channel as his own personal publicity agency.
"I see much more reason to debate those issues - Fayetteville High School and Walton Arts Center - than to show video of the mayor walking around the square," wrote Allen in an e-mail. "That borders on propaganda in my view."
Susan Thomas, public information officer for the city, and one of the architects of the proposed policy, has maintained that the channel can only be used by government and for government-related programming.
Thomas said a Fayetteville Council of Neighborhoods mayoral debate aired because the council is comprised of city-appointed members, meets at city hall and has city staff assigned to the group, therefore, it operates under the umbrella of the city.
"Any other organization, they don't get city staff, and they're not covered on a regular basis," Thomas told the council.
Citizen groups like the one Allen mentioned would be better served by Community Access Television, say officials. Allen admitted she had not contacted CAT.
The mayor has said repeatedly that the city council has the discretion to create the government channel in nearly any image it wishes. It only needs to write the appropriate policy and carry it out.
"If you want to turn the government channel into a community access television station, then just do that," Coody told the board last week.
Policy document prepared during a series of meetings in July, August and September 2008 by the Telecom Board's policy committee
Fayetteville City Council
When: 6 p.m. today
Where: Room 219, City Hall, 113 W. Mountain St.
Also on the agenda: Urban Design Associates, the Pittsburgh design firm responsible for the conceptual plan for SouthPass, will give a presentation.
The Morning News
Local News for Northwest Arkansas
Televised Forums Spark Debate
By Skip Descant
The Morning News
FAYETTEVILLE - It's still not clear if issue and candidate forums will make their way to the Fayetteville Government Channel's prime time.
But after months of study, the topic is expected to be hotly debated at tonight's Fayetteville City Council meeting. The item was briskly yanked from last week's council consent agenda session, when practically every council member pushed the issue to open debate.
Moderated public forums involving candidates and ballot issues would be recorded and broadcast by the government channel, according to the proposed new policy. The moderator must be a nonpartisan group such as the League of Women Voters, "and will be overseen by a public forum committee, responsible for considering the issue representation with regard to participants, content and format."
Nancy Allen, a council member from Ward 2 who is not seeking re-election, raised the question of having the government channel record and broadcast a Ward 2 candidate forum. The request came from a citizen group, Allen said.
The request was denied because the group did not fall under the umbrella of city government. Allen asked last week how this topic differed from some of the more innocuous programming she's seen on the channel.
In the past, Allen has requested that issue forums about the future of Fayetteville High School or the Walton Arts Center be broadcast. Those requests were denied by the city because the discussion was not directly related to the workings of the city.
"How does that differ from showing animals in need of adoption?" Allen said. "Anyone could make an argument that walking around looking at flowers, shaking hands, that's not 'government.'"
Without directly naming him, Allen was referencing news conferences and other events called by Fayetteville Mayor Dan Coody, who has received much criticism alleging he's used the government channel as his own personal publicity agency.
"I see much more reason to debate those issues - Fayetteville High School and Walton Arts Center - than to show video of the mayor walking around the square," wrote Allen in an e-mail. "That borders on propaganda in my view."
Susan Thomas, public information officer for the city, and one of the architects of the proposed policy, has maintained that the channel can only be used by government and for government-related programming.
Thomas said a Fayetteville Council of Neighborhoods mayoral debate aired because the council is comprised of city-appointed members, meets at city hall and has city staff assigned to the group, therefore, it operates under the umbrella of the city.
"Any other organization, they don't get city staff, and they're not covered on a regular basis," Thomas told the council.
Citizen groups like the one Allen mentioned would be better served by Community Access Television, say officials. Allen admitted she had not contacted CAT.
The mayor has said repeatedly that the city council has the discretion to create the government channel in nearly any image it wishes. It only needs to write the appropriate policy and carry it out.
"If you want to turn the government channel into a community access television station, then just do that," Coody told the board last week.
Policy document prepared during a series of meetings in July, August and September 2008 by the Telecom Board's policy committee
Fayetteville City Council
When: 6 p.m. today
Where: Room 219, City Hall, 113 W. Mountain St.
Also on the agenda: Urban Design Associates, the Pittsburgh design firm responsible for the conceptual plan for SouthPass, will give a presentation.
Monday, October 6, 2008
OMNI newsletter for Oct. 5, 2008
Omni Newsletter October 5, 2008
From: Omnicenter Communications (omninews@listserv.uark.edu) on behalf of Melanie Dietzel (wildwoman1048@yahoo.com)
Sent: Mon 10/06/08 12:34 AM
Reply-to: Melanie Dietzel (wildwoman1048@yahoo.com)
Melanie Dietzel, 479-442-8600
Pease send upcoming events
to this email address: melaniedietzel@yahoo.com
Special Messages
OCTOBER 11, 1P.M.-7P.M.
Food will be served at 4:00p.m., Musical performances include: David’s
Pegasus, The fFamily Dogs, The Dr.and The Deal, The New Clicke’s
Also Flame-throwing pyrokinetic performance.
Sponsored by Omni UA.
Saturday October 18th, 1 p.m., State
Capitol Steps
We will be holding a rally to show
our opposition to the proposed coal-fired power plant in Hempstead County.
After a recent decision by the Governors Commission on Global Warming to halt
construction on this plant it is important we show Governor Beebe that he has
the public support to move forward with the recommendation of his own
commission and stop this plant.
Live music will be provided by EPIPHANY, DAMN BULLETS, and MAGIC HASSLE,
along with expert speakers on this issue, and no coal activities like video
postcards to Governor Beebe.
If you would like to help organize
this event please join us this week at one of our regional meetings to learn
how you can get more involved.
Little Rock
October 8
Club office (downtown LR) 6pm
October 8
College Burrow Hall 4pm
October 8
Center 7pm
is a recent link with information regarding the vote by the Governors
Commission on Global Warming:
check out the new YouTube video made by Audubon Arkansas:
October 18, 6:00 pm, Part 2 of ‘the trinity’ –
Deep End, United Campus Ministries
902 W. Maple
Immigrant Debate in Arkansas:
What are the
Presented by
Fernando Garcia, Workers Justice Center, Springdale
When you think of the immigrant
debate in our country, what comes to mind? Are you concerned about human
rights issues around undocumented workers? Or reform? Law
enforcement? What the critical issues are in our own state? What immigration
policies are working – and which ones are not? The issues are complex and
This session will address many of
those questions. However, to focus the dialogue on precisely the issues
relevant to Omni leaders, the presenter would like to hear from you.
What concerns you about the immigrant
issue? Please write to Rachel Townsend, Workers Justice Center Executive
Director, with input on what you – as a concerned and caring Omni member – want
to know about the immigration situation. How about cc-ing Gladys
too? I’m dying to know what we need to know. This is a justice situation
that touches Arkansans deeply.
Rachel Townsend – rtownsend@nwawjc.org
Gladys Tiffany – gladystiffany@yahoo.com
Omni office
key missing
The general OMNI office key that is
kept at UCM is missing. Many of us have stuck that key in our pocket for
safekeeping, then forgot to put it back before leaving the building, If you’ve
used the office lately to pick up, drop off items, or hold a meeting, please
check to see whether you still have the key to the office. If so, please return
it to its home, so that it is available for other folks who need to get into
the office. Thank you.
If you haven’t seen Omni Month in
Review on Community Access Television (Channel 18), you need to treat yourself
to an hour of thought-provoking discussion about current events with
intelligent, articulate panel members and moderator Claire Detels who keeps the
topics interesting, and the talk flowing. You can catch the October edition
live on Wednesday, 29, or you can watch October OMIR on Sunday, November 3
(Omni C.A.T. Connection Information has been
moved and is with media information)
--Sunday, October
9, 7:30p.m., Video Underground, United Campus Ministries Chapel, 902 W. Maple–To see the schedule for
the Video Underground film series, go to http://omni-vu-films.blogspot.com/
--Wednesday, October
8, 7:00p.m.,Regional Organizational Meeting for No New Coal Plants Rally, Deep
End, United Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple, Fayetteville
October 11, 1-7p.m., Peace on Earth Music Festival, Greek Theater, U of A
Campus, Fayetteville
--October 16,
Thursday, 5:30p.m. Potluck, 6:00p.m. - Omni Steering Committee
Meeting, Deep End of United Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple, Fayetteville, AR
October 18, 1:00p.m., NO COAL PLANTS Rally, Steps of State Capitol Building,
Little Rock
October 18, 1-3p.m., Planning Meeting for Pre-Election Peace Rally, Deep End,
United Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple, Fayetteville.
--October 19,
Sunday, 6:30P.M. HOWL: Women’s Open Mic at Nightbird Books, Old Mill Building, Corner of School and 6th Streets,Fayetteville - HOWL happens the third Sunday of each month
at Nightbird Bookstore. At HOWL, women are invited to read poems (their own or
another place to “try out” new work, share your masterpieces, or read for the
very first time. Men and women are warmly invited to attend this celebration of
women’s words. Nightbird Books is located in the old mill buildings at the corner
of School Their phone number is 443-2080. Reading starts at 6:30 but come early to sign up to read, browse the books and enjoy
the good company. For HOWL questions or to join our mailing list, email howl@herwords.org. HOWL is a collaboration
between Herwords and the Omni Center, supported Nightbird Books in Fayetteville, AR.
writer’s), share short prose or sing at an open mic forum hosted by Mendy
Knott. So come read, sing or play your work to a really receptive
It’s a great place to “try out” new
work, share your masterpieces, or read for the very first time. Men and women
are warmly invited to attend this celebration of women’s words.
Books is located in the old mill buildings at the corner of School and 6th ST. Their phone
number is 443-2080. Reading starts at 6:30 but come early to sign up to read, browse the books and enjoy
the good company. For HOWL questions or to join our mailing list, email howl@herwords.org. HOWL is a collaboration
between Herwords and the Omni Center, supported Nightbird Books in Fayetteville, AR.
it. Old Mill Building, Corner of School and 6th
Streets, Fayetteville
October 29, 7:00p.m., Omni Month in Review, live taping.
--Saturday, November
2, 10:30a.m., Omni Rapid Responders, Fayetteville Public Library- Do you read articles and editorials in area newspapers and think, “Someone
needs to answer that letter with the
facts?” Rapid Responders do just that, and they can always use more volunteers
to write logical, articulate letters to the editor.
--Saturday, October 25, 2:00p.m., Fayetteville Free Thinkers, Fayetteville Public Library
Information regarding our past meetings and future meetings can be read in our forum, here:
(New Items will have Green Heading)
vote is your voice for the future of Fayetteville schools and the education of our children. Don’t forget to vote.
free registration is still available
for the Fayetteville Sustainability Summit
October 10
At 9am, Senator Pryor will discuss
his involvement in developing a forward-thinking energy policy with 16
congressmen (8 Republicans, 8 Democrats) to drastically reduce our dependence on
foreign oil and grow
clean energy economy.
schedule is at:
Submitted by Laura Kelly
part of the planning for this event. The next planning session will be
Saturday, October 18, 1-3p.m. at the Omni Center in the Deep End of United
Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple.
by Chris Delacruz
are 3 books that look promising for the January Book Forum on Preventing Wars:
Miriam Pemberton, ed.
Lessons From Iraq : Avoiding the Next War. "We can't move on. The damage done by
this war has to be examined if it is to be repaired."
Ritter, Scott. Waging Peace: The Art of
War for the Antiwar Movement.
Kim Michaels, The Art of Non-War
to order the book directly from the publisher.
The Uprising by David Sirota. A book that challenges the
status quo, questions the media and political Establishment and asks tough
other recent books do you recommend, and will you join the panel ready to
discuss at least one of the books?
Dick Bennett
(479) 442-4600
2582 Jimmie Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72703
sj tucker/SKINNY WHITE CHICK concert
901 W. Cleveland, Fayetteville
Suggested donations $5-$15
In collaboration with the National
Issues Forums http://www.nifi.org/ , all 12
presidential libraries, under the auspices of the National Archives, will host
a series of discussions on important public policy issues between Labor Day and
Election Day. The forums, which are free and open to the public, will be rooted
in the simple notion that citizens need to come together, reason with each
other, and think about common problems. The citizens are the experts at these
forums. During the height of the presidential election campaign this fall, the
National Archives at the Clinton Library will bring citizens together to talk
about the key issues of Health Care, the Energy Crisis, and Closing the
Achievement Gap in American Schools. The date for the Energy Crisis is:
National Issues Forum on Energy Topic: The Energy Problem: Choices for an
Uncertain Future Date/Time: Monday, October 20, 2008 from 6p.m - 8p.m Location:
Clinton Presidential Library Please RSVP to Kathleen Pate at kathleen.pate@nara.gov (submitted by Alejandro Aviles)
Geshe Dorjee and Lama
Mepham will leading a two-day retreat at Wattle Hollow, near Devil's Den, Arkansas, October
24-26. The focus will be on small-group
and individual meditation instruction, as well as a Tara initiation.
For further information,
please consult the Wattle Hollow website, under their schedul listing: http://www.wattlehollow.com/schedule.htm
Fayetteville, AR: Fayetteville voters will have the choice on Election Day to vote on making adult marijuana
possession the lowest police priority. Sensible Fayetteville initiative sponsors turned in
just over 1000 additional signatures on August 29 to meet a shortfall of 301
valid signatures. City Clerk Sondra Smith contacted campaign coordinator Ryan
Denham today to say that the petition has qualified with over the required
total of 3686 signatures were required to qualify the petition.
praised the city clerk and staff for their professional conduct and courtesy
during the laborious verification process. "They worked hard. We were
impressed by city operations."
"Now we turn our attention to
providing more in-depth information to the voters leading up to Election Day.
This initiative offers residents an important opportunity to help guide Fayetteville’s future
through better allocation of our resources. It also shows that Fayetteville is willing to take a leadership
role among other cities across the nation in addressing failed public policy.
And we believe this will benefit Fayetteville’s
largest industry, the University of Arkansas, by reducing
the number of students penalized with loss of financial aid for marijuana
prosecutions. We respect the dedication of our police and prosecutor and
believe this measure spells out the public’s full support for their use of
enforcement discretion."
More Information, Contact: Ryan Denham,
Sierra Club/No Coal Petition
Glen Hooks
Sierrans and Friends:
coal fight continues! We have been very
busy battling to keep dirty, coal-fired power plants from being built here in Arkansas.
Want to help? Go to https://secure2.convio.net/sierra/site/SPageNavigator/CoalUSDAPetitionPageArkansas and sign our petition to Arkansas' energy
providers, which reads as follows:
I urge my local power provider to reallocate
any proposed investment in coal into clean, safe, renewable energy sources and
efficiency measures that will provide real consumer relief and a clean
environment for generations to come.
need to break our addiction to fossil fuels and shift to clean energy and
efficiency programs that can meet energy demand and stimulate our local
investment in coal is a large step backwards. I do not support investing in a
dirty fuel source that will drive up costs and increase my utility bill.
need sensible energy solutions now, and real investment in energy efficiency
and clean, renewable energy to take our state smartly into the future.
Please take a moment to sign the petition
today, and forward to your friends and neighbors.
Together, we can keep dirty coal-fired power
plants OUT of Arkansas!
Glen Hooks, Sr. Regional Representative
Sierra Club
by Art Hobson
Hispanic Heritage
Month, September 15-October 15
For more information about any of our Hispanic
Heritage Month events, please contact the Multicultural Center at 479-575-2064
Say NO to Bigotry - Support Real Arkansas Family Values
exerpt from a message from randi romine
So, the Family Council has enough
signatures to get another bigoted piece of discrimination on the ballot. And
while there will be a challenge to the signatures and possibly a lawsuit, we
cannot sit back and hope that someone else will get the job done for us. It's
up to all of us who care about the rights of children to have homes, the rights
of the LGBTQ community, and the rights of ALL Arkansas families, especially the many
non-traditional families to take a stand against this initiative.
addition to LGBTQ families there's a whole lot more straight families in Arkansas who don't fit
the so called "traditional" family model of a married mom and dad
raising their biological children. We cannot allow any group to define our
families based on their religious beliefs. We are of many faiths and cultures
and none of these should decide for us what our families look like. All
families should be respected, valued and supported to ensure the continued
strength of ALL of Arkansas ' families.
more information about what you can do to help ensure that true family values
are protected, visit
Submitted by Gladys Tiffany
OMNI'S BIBLIOGRAPHY #31 is now available in our
range from Activism to Civlians Killed (in war), Climate Change, Critical Thinking,
Equality for Women, Fundamentalist Religion and Power, Hope, Immigrants, Iraq,
to McCain, National Security State, Terrorism, Victims, to Whistleblowers,
Women. Go to www.omnicenter.org
Here are abundant opportunities to
turn away from the sound bite, quick, easy messages to explore and discover our
own conclusions.
Submitted by Dick Bennett
Fall Puppet Class
at the Art Experience
641 W. 6th Street, Fayetteville, AR 72702
Ongoing Saturday Mornings
to 12
8 to adult
1st session – 9/27/08-11/8/08
2nd session - 11/15/08-12/27/08
3rd session - 2/28/09-4/11/09
Puppet projects may
• sock puppets
• rod puppets
• giant puppets
• shadow puppets
• moving-mouth hand puppets
• marionettes.
Learn the basic papier
mache process, wood and glue construction and costume making.
Become a puppeteer, making
puppet shows and performing them.
Learn problem solving,
collaboration and brainstorming.
No experience necessary.
Fee $125 for each six week
Led by Jo Ann Kaminsky,
Art Therapist, Play
Therapist, Counselor, Artist In Education, artist and puppeteer.
Her masks and puppets have
been seen in First Night Fayetteville and Puppets in the Park.
For more information call
The Art Experience at 479 442-0557 kjo_ann@hotmail.com
National Coming Out Day
2008 Chilifest, October 11, 6:30-8:30P.m., walker
park pavilion
Mark the date on your calendar, because you will
not want to miss this great evening of food and fellowship! The Community
Center’s 2008 Chilifest will be Saturday, October 11th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. The location will be at Walker Park Pavilion, 10 West 15th Street in Fayetteville and announced in the October
According to the National Coming Out
Day web site, October 11th has been recognized as national coming out day since
1988 which marked the one year anniversary of the first Gay March in Washington D.C. in 1987. National Coming Out Day was founded by Robert Eichberg and Jean
O'Leary. The purpose of the march and of National Coming Out Day promotes
government awareness of GLBT rights and to celebrate diversity.
The Community Center will celebrate
National Coming Out Day with some homemade Chili! COME OUT and indulge yourself
in some great chili topped with your choice of diced onion, hot sauce, corn
chips, cheese and peppers. Hot Dogs and Chili Dogs will also be served. The
cost for the supper will be $5.00 per person, $9.00 per couple, children under
12 are free. Soft drinks are included with the meal.
Make your plans to “COME OUT” and
join us for the 2008 ChiliFest, Saturday, October 11th. RSVP Reservations are needed to give us a
good estimate of how much chili to cook!
Here to RSVP by October 5th.
(Please specify your choice of Chili with,
without beans or vegetarian.)
Chili will be served with or without
beans or you may choose vegetarian chili. Please indicate your choice in Chili
with your reservation.
Volunteers are need to help with set
up, cooking, prep work, serving and clean-up. If you are interested in helping
with this event please contact Michael at events@nwaglbtcc.org for more information
by Gladys Tiffany)
Upper Buffalo Mountain Bike Trail Proposal
If you enjoy mountain biking, you
can voice your support for a new trail proposal in the Ozark-St. Francis Forest. Full Info, including a detailed map, can be
requested by calling 1-870 446 5122.
Kuff of the Ozark Offroad Cyclists may be able to answer some of your questions
by e-mail at howkuff@yahoo.com
offers these items to consider when making comments:
* 1. Arkansas Highway16 Access: It would be very helpful to have a trailhead on Hwy 16, a paved highway running along the south side of the trail system. There are many times when the dirt road Cave Mountain Road is difficult for travel when Hwy 16 is open and the bike trails are in good shape. Also there are many people who travel in cars with their bikes who may not want to drive on the rough dirt road. The Forest Service should consider using existing trailhead/parking for the Ratford Hiking Trail on Highway 16 between Fallsville and Red Star (Sections 33 and 34 on the map). This would be an excellent place to access the Upper Buffalo Trails since it would drop you down to Big Buffalo Creek in the middle of all the trails. There is an extension from the hiking trail to RD 92269A which connects to the mountain bike trails.
* 2. Existing doubletrack trails should also be included: There is a double track trail down Big Buffalo Creek from the middle of section 35 down to Hailstone (junction of FR 1410 and 1463) which should be considered in a second phase implementation of this project. This is not included on the map but if added to the system would allow FR 1410 (Kapark RD) to be added into the mountain bike trail system as well providing another BIG riding loop.
* 3. Other existing singletrack trails should be considered as possible future additions to the system: Some of you have ridden other singletrack in the area which is not included in this EA, and the Forest Service should be encouraged to seek out other useful additional trails for a future Phase II implementation similar to the Syllamo Trail System.
Comments should be sent a.s.a.p. to comments-southern-ozark-stfrancis-buffalo@fs.fed.us
(submitted by Laura Kelly)
high schools are in session, and the recruiters will be on campuses. We need a
coordinator to organize a counter-recruitment team to educate students about
financial and career alternatives to enlistment.
"I believe the best chance we
have of keeping the current wars from eclipsing the 10-year length of Vietnam
would be if groups put much more emphasis on cutting off the
flow of human resources, i.e., through counter-recruitment work and school
demilitarization work. That's something that the media, Congress and the next
president would not be able to ignore...." Rick Jahnkow,
Coord., Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities (YANO). Read his
If you are interested or would like
more information, please contact Gladys
Tiffany 973-9049 or gladystiffany@yahoo.com
.OMNICenterNational Days of Peace
OMNI has
initiated activities and participated in others for a decade or more as of
2008. Coordinator needed.
15-18, 2008 — National Trails Symposium
American Trails brings the worldwide
trails community together for an inspirational and educational conference. The
Symposium addresses both non-motorized and motorized issues and our vision for
trails and greenways nationwide. Dozens of speakers and keynote presenters from
across America cover the top topics and state of the art technology.
Info: National Trails Symposium or contact
American Trails: P.O. Box 491797, Redding, CA 96049-1797 - phone (530) 547-2060
- symposium@americantrails.org
OMNI seeks the donation of a lot or
acreage on which to build a new home. Contact Richard Tiffany at (479)
973-9049 if you are interested.
OMNICenteris in need of a
relatively new PC or Laptop. If you have a computer that you’d like to donate,
or know where we can find a good bargain, please contact Gladys Tiffany
gladystiffany@yahoo.com or 973-9049
Across America,
Speaking Out on the Economy
Throughout the week, The New York Times will be asking
residents of several cities across America to share their thoughts on
the current economic turbulence, and how it impacts their lives.
Share your thoughts on
this interactive by clicking on the following:
the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize..
King Features
Columnist Among 'Alternative Nobel' Winners
Dave Astor
October 01, 2008 12:19 PM ET
Dave Astor
is a senior editor at E&P.
NEW YORK "Democracy Now!" host/King Features
Syndicate columnist Amy Goodman is among the winners of the Right Livelihood
Award, also known as the "alternative Nobel."
The prize recipients -- announced
today -- will share a $290,000 award split into four parts. Swedish-German
philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull founded the awards in 1980 to recognize work
he felt was being ignored by the Nobel Prizes.
Goodman was honored for "truly
independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the
alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media." She was
also in the news lately for being among the many journalists arrested while
covering protests at last month's Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn.
Other Right Livelihood winners include
Swiss-born Monika Hauser (for her work helping sexually abused women in world
crisis zones), Somali lawmaker Asha Hagi (for her efforts to promote peace in
her homeland), and Indian couple Krishnammal and Sankaralingam Jagannathan (for
their efforts to promote social justice through their nonprofit organization
Land for the Tillers' Freedom).
The awards will be presented in a
ceremony at the Swedish Parliament on Dec. 8, two days before the Nobel Prizes
are handed out.
outstanding organizations
honesty and justice in US government
Public Citizen, Joan Claybrook , president , www.citizen.org
Magazine: Public Citizen News
League of Women Voters, Mary Wilson, president, www.lwv.org
Magazine: The National Voter
Common Cause, Bob Edgar, president, google
by Dick Bennett
SOLDIERS OF CONSCIENCE will be airing on P.O.V.,
October 16th, 2008 at 9pm (check local listings)
your calendars!
OF CONSCIENCE will be airing on Point of View, the critically acclaimed PBS
documentary series, on Thursday, October 16th, 2008, at 9 PM EST. Be sure to
check local listings for start time.
more details on the POV website www.pbs.org/pov/ Please let your friends know about this
exciting broadcast.
AlGore is going to offer
training in Nashville,
October 8-10,
Al Gore will offer
training to people of faith to do his presentation which includes a faith based
element. His office needs to know asap if you are interested.
Those selected have to pay their own expenses,
but it is an excellent program.
you or you know of anyone who is interested, please contact
Robert McAfee
Governor's Commission on Global Warming, Climatologist
[479]638-0035 [479]462-8834 www.arclimatechange.us
This tour is sponsored by
Israeli Committee Againsst House Demolitions. For more information, contact www.icahduk.org (submitted
by Dick Bennett)
Israeli-Palestinian Workshop on Education for Peace
December 5-6, 2008
Tantur, Jerusalem
the workshops of January, April and August 2008 we are holding the Fourth Peace
& Democracy Education Workshop that will once again bring together peace
educators, curricula writers, encounter facilitators, peace studies
practitioners, conflict resolution practitioners, mediators, and activists from
academia, research sector, governmental and community organizations and others
from Israel, Palestine and beyond.
The Workshop will be a tremendous
opportunity for dialogue, debate and visioning with collaboration and
cooperation between the body of theory and practice. The Workshop will be meeting
grounds for dialogue and mutual learning from the field of peace education from
the viewpoint of academia and from the field of practioners. The Workshop will
raise critical issues and acquire new insights into the profound peace
education developments in Israel , Palestine and
around the world. Furthermore, the Workshop will provide an excellent
opportunity to build connections across multi-disciplinary sectors.
The following is contact information
about the workshop, cost and registration:
Gershon Baskin and Hanna Siniora - Co-CEOs, IPCRI
Center for Research and Information
P.O. Box 9321, Jerusalem 91092
+972-2-676-9460 Fax: +972-2-676-8011
gershon@ipcri.org hanna@ipcri.org
by Gladys Tiffany
The National Youth and Militarism Recruiter Abuse
Hotline: 1-877-688-6881. Started by the AFSC.
"DMZ: A Guide to Taking Your School Back from the
Military." To order: www.warresisters.org or email wrl@warresisters.org, or www.warresisters.org/dmz
WASHINGTON, D.C.- Paul G. Kirk, Jr. and Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr.,
co-chairmen of the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), today
announced the moderators for the 2008 general election presidential and vice
presidential debates. The moderators, and the schedule and locations for the
debates (as announced on November 21, 2007), are as follows:
Tuesday, October 7
BelmontUniversity, Nashville, Tenn.
Tom Brokaw
Correspondent, NBC News
presidential debate
Wednesday, October 15
HofstraUniversity, Hempstead, N.Y.
Bob Schieffer
CBS News Chief
Washington Correspondent, and Host, Face the Nation
Each debate
will begin at 9:00 p.m. EST.
Cat Lovers Against the Bomb"by Nebraskans for Peace. www.catloversagainstthebomb.org, catcal@aol.com
Hidden History of the United States Calendarby The Progressive. www.progressive.org
by Dick Bennett
Research Source for anti-war, civil liberties/rights advocates
A subscription now includes every article,
editorial, and review back to 1865. Submitted by Dick Bennett
houses and newspapers across the country are cutting back in order to stay in
business. The Morning News shrunk its
size from 6 to 5 columns last month. Publishers are keen on books that can maximize profit--sex, salvation,
publishers remain, however, to provide diverse books that inspire the
intellectual spirit and promote social change. Some of those publishers are The New Press, South End Press, Common
Courage Press, Seven Stories, Beacon. Clarity
Press just now published American Wars,
Illusions and Realities; Perseus published We
Who Dared to Say No to War. If you
buy books, look at their offerings, as well as to magazines that give access to
independent minds: we won't have them if you don't subscribe to them.
by Dick Bennett
the Heritage Trail
Partners have just released the first
of a three-volume series
by local author
Driver's Guide to The Butterfield Overland Mail Routeby
Kirby Sanders covers the Overland Mail Stagecoach route through Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma 1858-1861. It
is a Trade Paperback, full-color / 120 pages with lots of
full-color maps and illustrations as well as
specific driving directions that allow people to literally follow the old
stagecoach route on modern roads. Cost is $25.00 Copies are presently available
from the Heritage Trail Partners / Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion
offices 479-587-9944 (http://www.heritagetrailpartners.com/). You can take a look or pick one up at
the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Offices in the FayettevilleTown Center.
For more information about the book, you can read
a Northwest Arkansas Times article at
Uprisingis Moore's
effort to increase registered voters and getting "slackers" to vote. It traces his 62-city tour of swing states during the 2004 Presidential
election. Each night often to 16,000
slackers, Moore offered a clean change of underwear and no politicians
offers the film FREE: www.slackeruprising.com, www.mighaelmoore.com For those of you who are able, buy copies, to
help pay for Moore's
NEXT FILM. My copies arrived in a few
by Dick Bennett
Thanks to Ted Swedenburg for posting
photos from Omni Events on flickr.com
your Public Service Announcements 2 weeks in advance to KUAF radio's Pete
Hartman at phartma@uark.edu.
PSAs should be about 15 seconds in length.
by Chris Delacruz
Link Carries Interactive Calendar of
Events in Northwest Arkansas— http://northwestarkansasevents.blogspot.com/
· Fayetteville Society of Friends (a.k.a.
the Quaker...
· NorthwestArkansas Sustainability Center
· Northwest ArkansasBuddhists
· OmniCenterfor
Peace, Justice and Ecology
· Interfaith and Astronomical
· Combined Northwest Arkansas Event Calendar
Original and gathered articles from Dick
Bennett are at http://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/
Mike Tramill has an email network (list)
on political issues, including the latest developments on possible war or
invasion with Iran.
You may contact Mike at wheeler65@gmail.com if you want to be on the
Richard Drake continues his Fayetteville blog, street
jazz, at http://www.arktimes.com/blogs/streetjazz/
Fayetteville Freethinkers website/forums
can be found at http://fayfreethinkers.com/forums/
From Sidney Burris:
Modern & Contemporary Poetry: www.readwrite.typepad.com/poetry
Mindspace: www.readwrite.typepad.com/meditation
Tibetspace: www.readwrite.typepad.com/artibet
Institute website: www.artibet.com
From Leigh Wilkerson - LarrapinGardenblog at http://larrapin.blogspot.com
Access Television (C.A.T.) Connections www.catfayetteville.com
OMNI Month In Review:
Omni Month in Reviewwith Moderator Claire Detels can be
watched live on Wednesday, September 24; the repeats
will be thru the month on Sunday at 1:00p.m.
Repeats of August’s OMIR can be viewed on Sundays, September 14, September 21.
Democray NOW! Schedule:
Tuesdays, 10/7, 10/14 6:00p.m. Democracy NOW!
Thursdays 10/9, 10/16 6:00p.m. Democracy NOW!
Friday 10/10, 10/17 6:00p.m. Democracy NOW!
Sunday 10/12, 10/10 6:00p.m. Democracy NOW!
Free Speech TV (FSTV) sponsored by Omni-3:00a.m. – 9:00a.m. – FSTV
continues its cutting edge challenges, pushing us to think. www.freespeechtv.comOmni Center is pleased to provide FSTV to our local Community Access Television
FSTV broadcast schedule:
3:00 am Daily
Amy Goodman Online - You can
listen/watch previous Democracy Now programs by internet streaming from
Democracy Now website http://democracynow.org Previous programs (going back many years) are
archived there. You can watch the current program (after they post it about
noon) by going to http://democracynow.org/streampage.pl
Visit the Democracy Now Website to
Omni Book Samplers:
Samplers give a five minute book report or read a five minute excerpt from a
book. If you like to read and would like to share and encourage others to read
books that you find informative and interesting, please volunteer to be a Book
Sampler. Contact: Dick Bennett jbennet@uark.edu
Short Takes: Taping at
Monday night, from 5:00p.m.-6:00p.m., C.A.T. will be doing Short Takes live. This will be a great opportunity for
time sensitive material, live entertainment, or anything else that is
the folks who don’t want to go on camera live, you can still record your short
take from 6:00p.m.-6:30p.m Mondays, and on Tuesdays from 12 noon – 1:30p.m.
Both the live and recorded short takes will air the following week as
usual. If anyone has any comments or
questions, please feel free to contact C.A.T.
Times: 11:00a.m., 5:00p.m., 11:00p.m.
Omni News and Current
Events featured on Short Takes:
by Cliff Hughes, Dick Bennett
Other Shows on C.A.T.
Wednesday, 10/8/2008
12:35 am Peace
Train 1610 AM (Jim Hale)
pm Peace Train 1610 AM (Jim
Thursday, 10/9/2008
1:00 am Peace Train 1610 AM (Jim Hale)
Friday, 10/10/2008
7:30 pm Peace Train 1610
AM (Jim Hale)
Sunday, 10/12/2008
1:00 pm OMNI
Month in Review: August 2008
pm Peace Train 1610 AM (Jim
Viewing Opportunities:
SOLDIERS OF CONSCIENCE will be airing on Point of View,
the critically acclaimed PBS documentary series, on Thursday, October 16th,
2008, at 9 PM EST. Be sure to check local listings for start
Get more details on the
POV website www.pbs.org/pov/ Please let your friends know about this
exciting broadcast.
by Dick Bennett
Bill Moyers Journal on PBS, Fridays,
More Information about the US/Iran status, you can visit http://www.buzzflash.com/search/?Query=iran or BBC at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/default.stm
in Iraq
The Human Cost
of Occupation
Edited by Margaret
Griffis:: Contact
American Military Casualties in Iraq
Date Total In Combat
American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4177 3383
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) (the list) 4038 3275
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3716 3077
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3311 2758
Since Election (1/31/05): 2731 2496
American Wounded Official Estimated
Total Wounded: 30680 Over 100000
Latest Fatality Oct. 1, 2008
Page last updated 10/3/08 11:55 am EDT
Civilians reported killed
by military intervention in Iraq
88,036 – 96,104
of Iraqi Civilian Body Count: http://www.iraqbodycount.net/
*A body count of
Iraqi civilian deaths was published in the medical journal The Lancet in 2006; its estimate at that time was 600,000 (min) to
650,000 (max). Some sources estimate the
death toll of civilian deaths today is over 1,000,000
Cost of the War in Iraq
and counting
Source of Cost of
War: http://nationalpriorities.org
· Senator Blanche Lincoln:
Web Site (they have contact links): www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
· Washington Office: 355 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-0404
Phone: (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202)
· Fayetteville office: 251-1380
· Senator Mark Pryor:
Web Site (see contact link): www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
· Washington Office: 217 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-0403
Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202)
· Main District Office: 500 Pres. Clinton Ave., Suite 401, Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: (501) 324-6336 Fax: (501)
(Lou Keller, Field Representative, The
River Market, 500 Clinton Ave., Suite 401, LR 72201. 501-324-6336; toll free: 877-259-9602; Lou_Keller@pryor.senate.gov; http://pryor.senate.gov)
· Congressman John Boozman, District
3, 12 counties from Benton to Washington
Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
Fax: 479-725-0408, 213 W. Monroe,
Suite K, 72745. Stacy McLure, Deputy Chief of Staff (STACEY.McCLURE@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV)
Web site (with contact link): http://www.boozman.house.gov/ Boozman’s
new office in Lowell is located at 213 West Monroe in Lowell between I
540 and Business 71. To reach that office take Exit 78 off I - 540 and go
east. You will be on Hwy 264 which is also West Monroe.
The office is in the Puppy Creek Plaza,
past the McDonald’s on the right. His suite is in the back of the complex
to the left.
Ft.Smith office: 479-782-7787; 30 South 6th St. Rm 240, Ft. Smith 72901.
Harrison office: 870-741-6900; 402 N. Walnut, Suite 210, Harrison 72601.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office
Bldng., Washington, DC 20515;
202-225-4301. Leslie Parker, appointments secretary: 202-225-4301.
October 6 – Fannie Lou Hamer, civil rights activist born
October 7 – United States invades North Korea (1950)
October 10 - Spiro Agnew
resigns as Vice-President (1973)
October 11 - National
Coming Out Day, 750,000 people march on Washington, D.C. to demand gay and lesbian rights (1987)
October 12 – First national
Latino and immigrant rights march on Washington, D.C. (1996)
October 13 - Indigenous
Peoples Day
October 15 - Two million
Americans demonstrate nationwide against the Vietnam War (1969)
October 16 - First birth
control clinic opens in Brooklyn, N.Y. (1916)
Million Man March on Washington, D.C. (1995)
October 18 - First labor
organization in the U.S. authorized in Massachusetts Bay Colony (1648)
October 19 - War Resisters
League founded (1923)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and 52 others
arrested in restaurant sit-down demonstration ( 1960)
From: Omnicenter Communications (omninews@listserv.uark.edu) on behalf of Melanie Dietzel (wildwoman1048@yahoo.com)
Sent: Mon 10/06/08 12:34 AM
Reply-to: Melanie Dietzel (wildwoman1048@yahoo.com)
Melanie Dietzel, 479-442-8600
Pease send upcoming events
to this email address: melaniedietzel@yahoo.com
Special Messages
OCTOBER 11, 1P.M.-7P.M.
Food will be served at 4:00p.m., Musical performances include: David’s
Pegasus, The fFamily Dogs, The Dr.and The Deal, The New Clicke’s
Also Flame-throwing pyrokinetic performance.
Sponsored by Omni UA.
Saturday October 18th, 1 p.m., State
Capitol Steps
We will be holding a rally to show
our opposition to the proposed coal-fired power plant in Hempstead County.
After a recent decision by the Governors Commission on Global Warming to halt
construction on this plant it is important we show Governor Beebe that he has
the public support to move forward with the recommendation of his own
commission and stop this plant.
Live music will be provided by EPIPHANY, DAMN BULLETS, and MAGIC HASSLE,
along with expert speakers on this issue, and no coal activities like video
postcards to Governor Beebe.
If you would like to help organize
this event please join us this week at one of our regional meetings to learn
how you can get more involved.
Little Rock
October 8
Club office (downtown LR) 6pm
October 8
College Burrow Hall 4pm
October 8
Center 7pm
is a recent link with information regarding the vote by the Governors
Commission on Global Warming:
check out the new YouTube video made by Audubon Arkansas:
October 18, 6:00 pm, Part 2 of ‘the trinity’ –
Deep End, United Campus Ministries
902 W. Maple
Immigrant Debate in Arkansas:
What are the
Presented by
Fernando Garcia, Workers Justice Center, Springdale
When you think of the immigrant
debate in our country, what comes to mind? Are you concerned about human
rights issues around undocumented workers? Or reform? Law
enforcement? What the critical issues are in our own state? What immigration
policies are working – and which ones are not? The issues are complex and
This session will address many of
those questions. However, to focus the dialogue on precisely the issues
relevant to Omni leaders, the presenter would like to hear from you.
What concerns you about the immigrant
issue? Please write to Rachel Townsend, Workers Justice Center Executive
Director, with input on what you – as a concerned and caring Omni member – want
to know about the immigration situation. How about cc-ing Gladys
too? I’m dying to know what we need to know. This is a justice situation
that touches Arkansans deeply.
Rachel Townsend – rtownsend@nwawjc.org
Gladys Tiffany – gladystiffany@yahoo.com
Omni office
key missing
The general OMNI office key that is
kept at UCM is missing. Many of us have stuck that key in our pocket for
safekeeping, then forgot to put it back before leaving the building, If you’ve
used the office lately to pick up, drop off items, or hold a meeting, please
check to see whether you still have the key to the office. If so, please return
it to its home, so that it is available for other folks who need to get into
the office. Thank you.
If you haven’t seen Omni Month in
Review on Community Access Television (Channel 18), you need to treat yourself
to an hour of thought-provoking discussion about current events with
intelligent, articulate panel members and moderator Claire Detels who keeps the
topics interesting, and the talk flowing. You can catch the October edition
live on Wednesday, 29, or you can watch October OMIR on Sunday, November 3
(Omni C.A.T. Connection Information has been
moved and is with media information)
--Sunday, October
9, 7:30p.m., Video Underground, United Campus Ministries Chapel, 902 W. Maple–To see the schedule for
the Video Underground film series, go to http://omni-vu-films.blogspot.com/
--Wednesday, October
8, 7:00p.m.,Regional Organizational Meeting for No New Coal Plants Rally, Deep
End, United Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple, Fayetteville
October 11, 1-7p.m., Peace on Earth Music Festival, Greek Theater, U of A
Campus, Fayetteville
--October 16,
Thursday, 5:30p.m. Potluck, 6:00p.m. - Omni Steering Committee
Meeting, Deep End of United Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple, Fayetteville, AR
October 18, 1:00p.m., NO COAL PLANTS Rally, Steps of State Capitol Building,
Little Rock
October 18, 1-3p.m., Planning Meeting for Pre-Election Peace Rally, Deep End,
United Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple, Fayetteville.
--October 19,
Sunday, 6:30P.M. HOWL: Women’s Open Mic at Nightbird Books, Old Mill Building, Corner of School and 6th Streets,Fayetteville - HOWL happens the third Sunday of each month
at Nightbird Bookstore. At HOWL, women are invited to read poems (their own or
another place to “try out” new work, share your masterpieces, or read for the
very first time. Men and women are warmly invited to attend this celebration of
women’s words. Nightbird Books is located in the old mill buildings at the corner
of School Their phone number is 443-2080. Reading starts at 6:30 but come early to sign up to read, browse the books and enjoy
the good company. For HOWL questions or to join our mailing list, email howl@herwords.org. HOWL is a collaboration
between Herwords and the Omni Center, supported Nightbird Books in Fayetteville, AR.
writer’s), share short prose or sing at an open mic forum hosted by Mendy
Knott. So come read, sing or play your work to a really receptive
It’s a great place to “try out” new
work, share your masterpieces, or read for the very first time. Men and women
are warmly invited to attend this celebration of women’s words.
Books is located in the old mill buildings at the corner of School and 6th ST. Their phone
number is 443-2080. Reading starts at 6:30 but come early to sign up to read, browse the books and enjoy
the good company. For HOWL questions or to join our mailing list, email howl@herwords.org. HOWL is a collaboration
between Herwords and the Omni Center, supported Nightbird Books in Fayetteville, AR.
it. Old Mill Building, Corner of School and 6th
Streets, Fayetteville
October 29, 7:00p.m., Omni Month in Review, live taping.
--Saturday, November
2, 10:30a.m., Omni Rapid Responders, Fayetteville Public Library- Do you read articles and editorials in area newspapers and think, “Someone
needs to answer that letter with the
facts?” Rapid Responders do just that, and they can always use more volunteers
to write logical, articulate letters to the editor.
--Saturday, October 25, 2:00p.m., Fayetteville Free Thinkers, Fayetteville Public Library
Information regarding our past meetings and future meetings can be read in our forum, here:
(New Items will have Green Heading)
vote is your voice for the future of Fayetteville schools and the education of our children. Don’t forget to vote.
free registration is still available
for the Fayetteville Sustainability Summit
October 10
At 9am, Senator Pryor will discuss
his involvement in developing a forward-thinking energy policy with 16
congressmen (8 Republicans, 8 Democrats) to drastically reduce our dependence on
foreign oil and grow
clean energy economy.
schedule is at:
Submitted by Laura Kelly
part of the planning for this event. The next planning session will be
Saturday, October 18, 1-3p.m. at the Omni Center in the Deep End of United
Campus Ministries, 902 W. Maple.
by Chris Delacruz
are 3 books that look promising for the January Book Forum on Preventing Wars:
Miriam Pemberton, ed.
Lessons From Iraq : Avoiding the Next War. "We can't move on. The damage done by
this war has to be examined if it is to be repaired."
Ritter, Scott. Waging Peace: The Art of
War for the Antiwar Movement.
Kim Michaels, The Art of Non-War
to order the book directly from the publisher.
The Uprising by David Sirota. A book that challenges the
status quo, questions the media and political Establishment and asks tough
other recent books do you recommend, and will you join the panel ready to
discuss at least one of the books?
Dick Bennett
(479) 442-4600
2582 Jimmie Ave.
Fayetteville, AR 72703
sj tucker/SKINNY WHITE CHICK concert
901 W. Cleveland, Fayetteville
Suggested donations $5-$15
In collaboration with the National
Issues Forums http://www.nifi.org/ , all 12
presidential libraries, under the auspices of the National Archives, will host
a series of discussions on important public policy issues between Labor Day and
Election Day. The forums, which are free and open to the public, will be rooted
in the simple notion that citizens need to come together, reason with each
other, and think about common problems. The citizens are the experts at these
forums. During the height of the presidential election campaign this fall, the
National Archives at the Clinton Library will bring citizens together to talk
about the key issues of Health Care, the Energy Crisis, and Closing the
Achievement Gap in American Schools. The date for the Energy Crisis is:
National Issues Forum on Energy Topic: The Energy Problem: Choices for an
Uncertain Future Date/Time: Monday, October 20, 2008 from 6p.m - 8p.m Location:
Clinton Presidential Library Please RSVP to Kathleen Pate at kathleen.pate@nara.gov (submitted by Alejandro Aviles)
Geshe Dorjee and Lama
Mepham will leading a two-day retreat at Wattle Hollow, near Devil's Den, Arkansas, October
24-26. The focus will be on small-group
and individual meditation instruction, as well as a Tara initiation.
For further information,
please consult the Wattle Hollow website, under their schedul listing: http://www.wattlehollow.com/schedule.htm
Fayetteville, AR: Fayetteville voters will have the choice on Election Day to vote on making adult marijuana
possession the lowest police priority. Sensible Fayetteville initiative sponsors turned in
just over 1000 additional signatures on August 29 to meet a shortfall of 301
valid signatures. City Clerk Sondra Smith contacted campaign coordinator Ryan
Denham today to say that the petition has qualified with over the required
total of 3686 signatures were required to qualify the petition.
praised the city clerk and staff for their professional conduct and courtesy
during the laborious verification process. "They worked hard. We were
impressed by city operations."
"Now we turn our attention to
providing more in-depth information to the voters leading up to Election Day.
This initiative offers residents an important opportunity to help guide Fayetteville’s future
through better allocation of our resources. It also shows that Fayetteville is willing to take a leadership
role among other cities across the nation in addressing failed public policy.
And we believe this will benefit Fayetteville’s
largest industry, the University of Arkansas, by reducing
the number of students penalized with loss of financial aid for marijuana
prosecutions. We respect the dedication of our police and prosecutor and
believe this measure spells out the public’s full support for their use of
enforcement discretion."
More Information, Contact: Ryan Denham,
Sierra Club/No Coal Petition
Glen Hooks
Sierrans and Friends:
coal fight continues! We have been very
busy battling to keep dirty, coal-fired power plants from being built here in Arkansas.
Want to help? Go to https://secure2.convio.net/sierra/site/SPageNavigator/CoalUSDAPetitionPageArkansas and sign our petition to Arkansas' energy
providers, which reads as follows:
I urge my local power provider to reallocate
any proposed investment in coal into clean, safe, renewable energy sources and
efficiency measures that will provide real consumer relief and a clean
environment for generations to come.
need to break our addiction to fossil fuels and shift to clean energy and
efficiency programs that can meet energy demand and stimulate our local
investment in coal is a large step backwards. I do not support investing in a
dirty fuel source that will drive up costs and increase my utility bill.
need sensible energy solutions now, and real investment in energy efficiency
and clean, renewable energy to take our state smartly into the future.
Please take a moment to sign the petition
today, and forward to your friends and neighbors.
Together, we can keep dirty coal-fired power
plants OUT of Arkansas!
Glen Hooks, Sr. Regional Representative
Sierra Club
by Art Hobson
Hispanic Heritage
Month, September 15-October 15
For more information about any of our Hispanic
Heritage Month events, please contact the Multicultural Center at 479-575-2064
Say NO to Bigotry - Support Real Arkansas Family Values
exerpt from a message from randi romine
So, the Family Council has enough
signatures to get another bigoted piece of discrimination on the ballot. And
while there will be a challenge to the signatures and possibly a lawsuit, we
cannot sit back and hope that someone else will get the job done for us. It's
up to all of us who care about the rights of children to have homes, the rights
of the LGBTQ community, and the rights of ALL Arkansas families, especially the many
non-traditional families to take a stand against this initiative.
addition to LGBTQ families there's a whole lot more straight families in Arkansas who don't fit
the so called "traditional" family model of a married mom and dad
raising their biological children. We cannot allow any group to define our
families based on their religious beliefs. We are of many faiths and cultures
and none of these should decide for us what our families look like. All
families should be respected, valued and supported to ensure the continued
strength of ALL of Arkansas ' families.
more information about what you can do to help ensure that true family values
are protected, visit
Submitted by Gladys Tiffany
OMNI'S BIBLIOGRAPHY #31 is now available in our
range from Activism to Civlians Killed (in war), Climate Change, Critical Thinking,
Equality for Women, Fundamentalist Religion and Power, Hope, Immigrants, Iraq,
to McCain, National Security State, Terrorism, Victims, to Whistleblowers,
Women. Go to www.omnicenter.org
Here are abundant opportunities to
turn away from the sound bite, quick, easy messages to explore and discover our
own conclusions.
Submitted by Dick Bennett
Fall Puppet Class
at the Art Experience
641 W. 6th Street, Fayetteville, AR 72702
Ongoing Saturday Mornings
to 12
8 to adult
1st session – 9/27/08-11/8/08
2nd session - 11/15/08-12/27/08
3rd session - 2/28/09-4/11/09
Puppet projects may
• sock puppets
• rod puppets
• giant puppets
• shadow puppets
• moving-mouth hand puppets
• marionettes.
Learn the basic papier
mache process, wood and glue construction and costume making.
Become a puppeteer, making
puppet shows and performing them.
Learn problem solving,
collaboration and brainstorming.
No experience necessary.
Fee $125 for each six week
Led by Jo Ann Kaminsky,
Art Therapist, Play
Therapist, Counselor, Artist In Education, artist and puppeteer.
Her masks and puppets have
been seen in First Night Fayetteville and Puppets in the Park.
For more information call
The Art Experience at 479 442-0557 kjo_ann@hotmail.com
National Coming Out Day
2008 Chilifest, October 11, 6:30-8:30P.m., walker
park pavilion
Mark the date on your calendar, because you will
not want to miss this great evening of food and fellowship! The Community
Center’s 2008 Chilifest will be Saturday, October 11th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. The location will be at Walker Park Pavilion, 10 West 15th Street in Fayetteville and announced in the October
According to the National Coming Out
Day web site, October 11th has been recognized as national coming out day since
1988 which marked the one year anniversary of the first Gay March in Washington D.C. in 1987. National Coming Out Day was founded by Robert Eichberg and Jean
O'Leary. The purpose of the march and of National Coming Out Day promotes
government awareness of GLBT rights and to celebrate diversity.
The Community Center will celebrate
National Coming Out Day with some homemade Chili! COME OUT and indulge yourself
in some great chili topped with your choice of diced onion, hot sauce, corn
chips, cheese and peppers. Hot Dogs and Chili Dogs will also be served. The
cost for the supper will be $5.00 per person, $9.00 per couple, children under
12 are free. Soft drinks are included with the meal.
Make your plans to “COME OUT” and
join us for the 2008 ChiliFest, Saturday, October 11th. RSVP Reservations are needed to give us a
good estimate of how much chili to cook!
Here to RSVP by October 5th.
(Please specify your choice of Chili with,
without beans or vegetarian.)
Chili will be served with or without
beans or you may choose vegetarian chili. Please indicate your choice in Chili
with your reservation.
Volunteers are need to help with set
up, cooking, prep work, serving and clean-up. If you are interested in helping
with this event please contact Michael at events@nwaglbtcc.org for more information
by Gladys Tiffany)
Upper Buffalo Mountain Bike Trail Proposal
If you enjoy mountain biking, you
can voice your support for a new trail proposal in the Ozark-St. Francis Forest. Full Info, including a detailed map, can be
requested by calling 1-870 446 5122.
Kuff of the Ozark Offroad Cyclists may be able to answer some of your questions
by e-mail at howkuff@yahoo.com
offers these items to consider when making comments:
* 1. Arkansas Highway16 Access: It would be very helpful to have a trailhead on Hwy 16, a paved highway running along the south side of the trail system. There are many times when the dirt road Cave Mountain Road is difficult for travel when Hwy 16 is open and the bike trails are in good shape. Also there are many people who travel in cars with their bikes who may not want to drive on the rough dirt road. The Forest Service should consider using existing trailhead/parking for the Ratford Hiking Trail on Highway 16 between Fallsville and Red Star (Sections 33 and 34 on the map). This would be an excellent place to access the Upper Buffalo Trails since it would drop you down to Big Buffalo Creek in the middle of all the trails. There is an extension from the hiking trail to RD 92269A which connects to the mountain bike trails.
* 2. Existing doubletrack trails should also be included: There is a double track trail down Big Buffalo Creek from the middle of section 35 down to Hailstone (junction of FR 1410 and 1463) which should be considered in a second phase implementation of this project. This is not included on the map but if added to the system would allow FR 1410 (Kapark RD) to be added into the mountain bike trail system as well providing another BIG riding loop.
* 3. Other existing singletrack trails should be considered as possible future additions to the system: Some of you have ridden other singletrack in the area which is not included in this EA, and the Forest Service should be encouraged to seek out other useful additional trails for a future Phase II implementation similar to the Syllamo Trail System.
Comments should be sent a.s.a.p. to comments-southern-ozark-stfrancis-buffalo@fs.fed.us
(submitted by Laura Kelly)
high schools are in session, and the recruiters will be on campuses. We need a
coordinator to organize a counter-recruitment team to educate students about
financial and career alternatives to enlistment.
"I believe the best chance we
have of keeping the current wars from eclipsing the 10-year length of Vietnam
would be if groups put much more emphasis on cutting off the
flow of human resources, i.e., through counter-recruitment work and school
demilitarization work. That's something that the media, Congress and the next
president would not be able to ignore...." Rick Jahnkow,
Coord., Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities (YANO). Read his
If you are interested or would like
more information, please contact Gladys
Tiffany 973-9049 or gladystiffany@yahoo.com
.OMNICenterNational Days of Peace
OMNI has
initiated activities and participated in others for a decade or more as of
2008. Coordinator needed.
15-18, 2008 — National Trails Symposium
American Trails brings the worldwide
trails community together for an inspirational and educational conference. The
Symposium addresses both non-motorized and motorized issues and our vision for
trails and greenways nationwide. Dozens of speakers and keynote presenters from
across America cover the top topics and state of the art technology.
Info: National Trails Symposium or contact
American Trails: P.O. Box 491797, Redding, CA 96049-1797 - phone (530) 547-2060
- symposium@americantrails.org
OMNI seeks the donation of a lot or
acreage on which to build a new home. Contact Richard Tiffany at (479)
973-9049 if you are interested.
OMNICenteris in need of a
relatively new PC or Laptop. If you have a computer that you’d like to donate,
or know where we can find a good bargain, please contact Gladys Tiffany
gladystiffany@yahoo.com or 973-9049
Across America,
Speaking Out on the Economy
Throughout the week, The New York Times will be asking
residents of several cities across America to share their thoughts on
the current economic turbulence, and how it impacts their lives.
Share your thoughts on
this interactive by clicking on the following:
the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize..
King Features
Columnist Among 'Alternative Nobel' Winners
Dave Astor
October 01, 2008 12:19 PM ET
Dave Astor
is a senior editor at E&P.
NEW YORK "Democracy Now!" host/King Features
Syndicate columnist Amy Goodman is among the winners of the Right Livelihood
Award, also known as the "alternative Nobel."
The prize recipients -- announced
today -- will share a $290,000 award split into four parts. Swedish-German
philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull founded the awards in 1980 to recognize work
he felt was being ignored by the Nobel Prizes.
Goodman was honored for "truly
independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the
alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media." She was
also in the news lately for being among the many journalists arrested while
covering protests at last month's Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn.
Other Right Livelihood winners include
Swiss-born Monika Hauser (for her work helping sexually abused women in world
crisis zones), Somali lawmaker Asha Hagi (for her efforts to promote peace in
her homeland), and Indian couple Krishnammal and Sankaralingam Jagannathan (for
their efforts to promote social justice through their nonprofit organization
Land for the Tillers' Freedom).
The awards will be presented in a
ceremony at the Swedish Parliament on Dec. 8, two days before the Nobel Prizes
are handed out.
outstanding organizations
honesty and justice in US government
Public Citizen, Joan Claybrook , president , www.citizen.org
Magazine: Public Citizen News
League of Women Voters, Mary Wilson, president, www.lwv.org
Magazine: The National Voter
Common Cause, Bob Edgar, president, google
by Dick Bennett
SOLDIERS OF CONSCIENCE will be airing on P.O.V.,
October 16th, 2008 at 9pm (check local listings)
your calendars!
OF CONSCIENCE will be airing on Point of View, the critically acclaimed PBS
documentary series, on Thursday, October 16th, 2008, at 9 PM EST. Be sure to
check local listings for start time.
more details on the POV website www.pbs.org/pov/ Please let your friends know about this
exciting broadcast.
AlGore is going to offer
training in Nashville,
October 8-10,
Al Gore will offer
training to people of faith to do his presentation which includes a faith based
element. His office needs to know asap if you are interested.
Those selected have to pay their own expenses,
but it is an excellent program.
you or you know of anyone who is interested, please contact
Robert McAfee
Governor's Commission on Global Warming, Climatologist
[479]638-0035 [479]462-8834 www.arclimatechange.us
This tour is sponsored by
Israeli Committee Againsst House Demolitions. For more information, contact www.icahduk.org (submitted
by Dick Bennett)
Israeli-Palestinian Workshop on Education for Peace
December 5-6, 2008
Tantur, Jerusalem
the workshops of January, April and August 2008 we are holding the Fourth Peace
& Democracy Education Workshop that will once again bring together peace
educators, curricula writers, encounter facilitators, peace studies
practitioners, conflict resolution practitioners, mediators, and activists from
academia, research sector, governmental and community organizations and others
from Israel, Palestine and beyond.
The Workshop will be a tremendous
opportunity for dialogue, debate and visioning with collaboration and
cooperation between the body of theory and practice. The Workshop will be meeting
grounds for dialogue and mutual learning from the field of peace education from
the viewpoint of academia and from the field of practioners. The Workshop will
raise critical issues and acquire new insights into the profound peace
education developments in Israel , Palestine and
around the world. Furthermore, the Workshop will provide an excellent
opportunity to build connections across multi-disciplinary sectors.
The following is contact information
about the workshop, cost and registration:
Gershon Baskin and Hanna Siniora - Co-CEOs, IPCRI
Center for Research and Information
P.O. Box 9321, Jerusalem 91092
+972-2-676-9460 Fax: +972-2-676-8011
gershon@ipcri.org hanna@ipcri.org
by Gladys Tiffany
The National Youth and Militarism Recruiter Abuse
Hotline: 1-877-688-6881. Started by the AFSC.
"DMZ: A Guide to Taking Your School Back from the
Military." To order: www.warresisters.org or email wrl@warresisters.org, or www.warresisters.org/dmz
WASHINGTON, D.C.- Paul G. Kirk, Jr. and Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr.,
co-chairmen of the non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), today
announced the moderators for the 2008 general election presidential and vice
presidential debates. The moderators, and the schedule and locations for the
debates (as announced on November 21, 2007), are as follows:
Tuesday, October 7
BelmontUniversity, Nashville, Tenn.
Tom Brokaw
Correspondent, NBC News
presidential debate
Wednesday, October 15
HofstraUniversity, Hempstead, N.Y.
Bob Schieffer
CBS News Chief
Washington Correspondent, and Host, Face the Nation
Each debate
will begin at 9:00 p.m. EST.
Cat Lovers Against the Bomb"by Nebraskans for Peace. www.catloversagainstthebomb.org, catcal@aol.com
Hidden History of the United States Calendarby The Progressive. www.progressive.org
by Dick Bennett
Research Source for anti-war, civil liberties/rights advocates
A subscription now includes every article,
editorial, and review back to 1865. Submitted by Dick Bennett
houses and newspapers across the country are cutting back in order to stay in
business. The Morning News shrunk its
size from 6 to 5 columns last month. Publishers are keen on books that can maximize profit--sex, salvation,
publishers remain, however, to provide diverse books that inspire the
intellectual spirit and promote social change. Some of those publishers are The New Press, South End Press, Common
Courage Press, Seven Stories, Beacon. Clarity
Press just now published American Wars,
Illusions and Realities; Perseus published We
Who Dared to Say No to War. If you
buy books, look at their offerings, as well as to magazines that give access to
independent minds: we won't have them if you don't subscribe to them.
by Dick Bennett
the Heritage Trail
Partners have just released the first
of a three-volume series
by local author
Driver's Guide to The Butterfield Overland Mail Routeby
Kirby Sanders covers the Overland Mail Stagecoach route through Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma 1858-1861. It
is a Trade Paperback, full-color / 120 pages with lots of
full-color maps and illustrations as well as
specific driving directions that allow people to literally follow the old
stagecoach route on modern roads. Cost is $25.00 Copies are presently available
from the Heritage Trail Partners / Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion
offices 479-587-9944 (http://www.heritagetrailpartners.com/). You can take a look or pick one up at
the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Offices in the FayettevilleTown Center.
For more information about the book, you can read
a Northwest Arkansas Times article at
Uprisingis Moore's
effort to increase registered voters and getting "slackers" to vote. It traces his 62-city tour of swing states during the 2004 Presidential
election. Each night often to 16,000
slackers, Moore offered a clean change of underwear and no politicians
offers the film FREE: www.slackeruprising.com, www.mighaelmoore.com For those of you who are able, buy copies, to
help pay for Moore's
NEXT FILM. My copies arrived in a few
by Dick Bennett
Thanks to Ted Swedenburg for posting
photos from Omni Events on flickr.com
your Public Service Announcements 2 weeks in advance to KUAF radio's Pete
Hartman at phartma@uark.edu.
PSAs should be about 15 seconds in length.
by Chris Delacruz
Link Carries Interactive Calendar of
Events in Northwest Arkansas— http://northwestarkansasevents.blogspot.com/
· Fayetteville Society of Friends (a.k.a.
the Quaker...
· NorthwestArkansas Sustainability Center
· Northwest ArkansasBuddhists
· OmniCenterfor
Peace, Justice and Ecology
· Interfaith and Astronomical
· Combined Northwest Arkansas Event Calendar
Original and gathered articles from Dick
Bennett are at http://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/
Mike Tramill has an email network (list)
on political issues, including the latest developments on possible war or
invasion with Iran.
You may contact Mike at wheeler65@gmail.com if you want to be on the
Richard Drake continues his Fayetteville blog, street
jazz, at http://www.arktimes.com/blogs/streetjazz/
Fayetteville Freethinkers website/forums
can be found at http://fayfreethinkers.com/forums/
From Sidney Burris:
Modern & Contemporary Poetry: www.readwrite.typepad.com/poetry
Mindspace: www.readwrite.typepad.com/meditation
Tibetspace: www.readwrite.typepad.com/artibet
Institute website: www.artibet.com
From Leigh Wilkerson - LarrapinGardenblog at http://larrapin.blogspot.com
Access Television (C.A.T.) Connections www.catfayetteville.com
OMNI Month In Review:
Omni Month in Reviewwith Moderator Claire Detels can be
watched live on Wednesday, September 24; the repeats
will be thru the month on Sunday at 1:00p.m.
Repeats of August’s OMIR can be viewed on Sundays, September 14, September 21.
Democray NOW! Schedule:
Tuesdays, 10/7, 10/14 6:00p.m. Democracy NOW!
Thursdays 10/9, 10/16 6:00p.m. Democracy NOW!
Friday 10/10, 10/17 6:00p.m. Democracy NOW!
Sunday 10/12, 10/10 6:00p.m. Democracy NOW!
Free Speech TV (FSTV) sponsored by Omni-3:00a.m. – 9:00a.m. – FSTV
continues its cutting edge challenges, pushing us to think. www.freespeechtv.comOmni Center is pleased to provide FSTV to our local Community Access Television
FSTV broadcast schedule:
3:00 am Daily
Amy Goodman Online - You can
listen/watch previous Democracy Now programs by internet streaming from
Democracy Now website http://democracynow.org Previous programs (going back many years) are
archived there. You can watch the current program (after they post it about
noon) by going to http://democracynow.org/streampage.pl
Visit the Democracy Now Website to
Omni Book Samplers:
Samplers give a five minute book report or read a five minute excerpt from a
book. If you like to read and would like to share and encourage others to read
books that you find informative and interesting, please volunteer to be a Book
Sampler. Contact: Dick Bennett jbennet@uark.edu
Short Takes: Taping at
Monday night, from 5:00p.m.-6:00p.m., C.A.T. will be doing Short Takes live. This will be a great opportunity for
time sensitive material, live entertainment, or anything else that is
the folks who don’t want to go on camera live, you can still record your short
take from 6:00p.m.-6:30p.m Mondays, and on Tuesdays from 12 noon – 1:30p.m.
Both the live and recorded short takes will air the following week as
usual. If anyone has any comments or
questions, please feel free to contact C.A.T.
Times: 11:00a.m., 5:00p.m., 11:00p.m.
Omni News and Current
Events featured on Short Takes:
by Cliff Hughes, Dick Bennett
Other Shows on C.A.T.
Wednesday, 10/8/2008
12:35 am Peace
Train 1610 AM (Jim Hale)
pm Peace Train 1610 AM (Jim
Thursday, 10/9/2008
1:00 am Peace Train 1610 AM (Jim Hale)
Friday, 10/10/2008
7:30 pm Peace Train 1610
AM (Jim Hale)
Sunday, 10/12/2008
1:00 pm OMNI
Month in Review: August 2008
pm Peace Train 1610 AM (Jim
Viewing Opportunities:
SOLDIERS OF CONSCIENCE will be airing on Point of View,
the critically acclaimed PBS documentary series, on Thursday, October 16th,
2008, at 9 PM EST. Be sure to check local listings for start
Get more details on the
POV website www.pbs.org/pov/ Please let your friends know about this
exciting broadcast.
by Dick Bennett
Bill Moyers Journal on PBS, Fridays,
More Information about the US/Iran status, you can visit http://www.buzzflash.com/search/?Query=iran or BBC at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/default.stm
in Iraq
The Human Cost
of Occupation
Edited by Margaret
Griffis:: Contact
American Military Casualties in Iraq
Date Total In Combat
American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 4177 3383
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) (the list) 4038 3275
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3716 3077
Since Handover (6/29/04): 3311 2758
Since Election (1/31/05): 2731 2496
American Wounded Official Estimated
Total Wounded: 30680 Over 100000
Latest Fatality Oct. 1, 2008
Page last updated 10/3/08 11:55 am EDT
Civilians reported killed
by military intervention in Iraq
88,036 – 96,104
of Iraqi Civilian Body Count: http://www.iraqbodycount.net/
*A body count of
Iraqi civilian deaths was published in the medical journal The Lancet in 2006; its estimate at that time was 600,000 (min) to
650,000 (max). Some sources estimate the
death toll of civilian deaths today is over 1,000,000
Cost of the War in Iraq
and counting
Source of Cost of
War: http://nationalpriorities.org
· Senator Blanche Lincoln:
Web Site (they have contact links): www.lincoln.senate.gov; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/index.cfm; http://www.lincoln.senate.gov/webform.html
· Washington Office: 355 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-0404
Phone: (202) 224-4843 Fax: (202)
· Fayetteville office: 251-1380
· Senator Mark Pryor:
Web Site (see contact link): www.pryor.senate.gov ; http://pryor.senate.gov/contact/
· Washington Office: 217 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-0403
Phone: (202) 224-2353 Fax: (202)
· Main District Office: 500 Pres. Clinton Ave., Suite 401, Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: (501) 324-6336 Fax: (501)
(Lou Keller, Field Representative, The
River Market, 500 Clinton Ave., Suite 401, LR 72201. 501-324-6336; toll free: 877-259-9602; Lou_Keller@pryor.senate.gov; http://pryor.senate.gov)
· Congressman John Boozman, District
3, 12 counties from Benton to Washington
Lowell office: 479-725-0400.
Fax: 479-725-0408, 213 W. Monroe,
Suite K, 72745. Stacy McLure, Deputy Chief of Staff (STACEY.McCLURE@MAIL.HOUSE.GOV)
Web site (with contact link): http://www.boozman.house.gov/ Boozman’s
new office in Lowell is located at 213 West Monroe in Lowell between I
540 and Business 71. To reach that office take Exit 78 off I - 540 and go
east. You will be on Hwy 264 which is also West Monroe.
The office is in the Puppy Creek Plaza,
past the McDonald’s on the right. His suite is in the back of the complex
to the left.
Ft.Smith office: 479-782-7787; 30 South 6th St. Rm 240, Ft. Smith 72901.
Harrison office: 870-741-6900; 402 N. Walnut, Suite 210, Harrison 72601.
DC address: 1708 Longworth House Office
Bldng., Washington, DC 20515;
202-225-4301. Leslie Parker, appointments secretary: 202-225-4301.
October 6 – Fannie Lou Hamer, civil rights activist born
October 7 – United States invades North Korea (1950)
October 10 - Spiro Agnew
resigns as Vice-President (1973)
October 11 - National
Coming Out Day, 750,000 people march on Washington, D.C. to demand gay and lesbian rights (1987)
October 12 – First national
Latino and immigrant rights march on Washington, D.C. (1996)
October 13 - Indigenous
Peoples Day
October 15 - Two million
Americans demonstrate nationwide against the Vietnam War (1969)
October 16 - First birth
control clinic opens in Brooklyn, N.Y. (1916)
Million Man March on Washington, D.C. (1995)
October 18 - First labor
organization in the U.S. authorized in Massachusetts Bay Colony (1648)
October 19 - War Resisters
League founded (1923)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and 52 others
arrested in restaurant sit-down demonstration ( 1960)
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